满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 介绍活动的相关信息(时间、集合地点、交通工具等);

2. 携带物品(午餐、相机、雨伞等)。

注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Chris,



Li Hua


Dear Chris, It is with the greatest of pleasure that I write to invite you to join our class to climb the Great Wall this Saturday. We will depart at 8 am at the school gate and the return is arranged at 5 pm, so we will have plenty of time to enjoy the outing. We will take a bus directly to our destination. I recommend taking your camera with you to capture the beautiful scenes of nature. What’s more, an umbrella or rainproof jacket would most likely be needed since a short shower has been forecast, but I believe it shouldn’t spoil our journey. Please bring lunch and snacks with you — we plan to hold a party on the top of the hill. We’re looking forward to seeing you and hope you will enjoy the trip. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达是应用文,要求写一封书信。 第1步:根据提示可知,本文要求写一封邀请信:假如你是李华,你们班同学打算本周六去爬长城,请你给外教Chris写一封信,邀请他参加此次活动。请包括以下内容:1. 介绍活动的相关信息(时间、集合地点、交通工具等);2. 携带物品(午餐、相机、雨伞等),人称使用第一人称,时态使用一般将来时。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:the Great Wall (长城),depart (出发),return (返回),arrange (安排),directly (直接地),destination (目的地),scenes of nature (自然风景),capture (拍摄)及recommend (推荐、建议)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意该要的词数要求、主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持卷面的整洁美观。







Dear Janice,

It’s been a month since I came to this new school and I really want share with you some problems. As I tell you last time, I made three new friend here. We’ve been spending a lot of time sing in karaoke bars. It’s been three Saturdays now and it really costs me many money. And I started to see this as a time-wasting activity! In fact, I don’t like to go anymore, so I’m afraid I’ll lose their friendship. How do you think I should do? If you are me, would you talk to him?

Please help with me and give me some advice.






Last week I had a holiday from work, but 1. (unfortunate) none of my friends had the same week off. I decided that I still wanted to do something, so I booked a train ride To Toronto and reserved a bed in a hostel for one week.

One week by myself! Would I be bored? Quite 2. opposite! I was able to do whatever I wanted. I spent hours in museums, 3. would have seemed dull to my friends. Instead of depending 4. someone else to remember directions, I discovered my 5. (independent) and developed map-reading skills that I didn't know I had. I could get up and go to sleep when I wanted and I didn't have to wait for anyone else 6. (get) ready every morning.

However, I found there were also some disadvantages of traveling alone. I missed 7. (have) someone to talk to. Experiences are often more 8. (enjoy) if they are shared. In addition, eating in a restaurant or cooking in the hostel 9. (be) less fun on my own.

I am very proud of 10.(I) for travelling alone and I had a good time in Toronto. However, in the future, I will prefer to travel with another person or in a small group.



I spent last summer volunteering at a hospitalOne morningI was called to a room in  which an _______ woman was staying_______ she wanted to go to a nearby gift shopI got a(n) _______ and helped her into itheading for the shop

When we got therethe shop wasnt _______ yetIt was merely a 30-minute wait so we went over to the _______ area and I read her bits and pieces of the newspaper aloudAfter 30 minuteswe went into the gift shopPushing her aroundI could see the _______ on her face as she looked at everythingShe happily chose some window decorations and then _______ chocolatesShe asked me to push her _______ that directionI helped her _______ all the different chocolate arrangementsShe __________ decided on three different boxes

As she was checking outshe asked the cashier for a __________ and asked me to write the numbers l,2,and 3 on the boxesShe __________ that the nurses were taking such good care of her, so she __________ chocolates for each of the three shifts(三班倒) of nursesThe moment I wheeled her back up to her roomshe gave the __________shift of nurses their box of chocolatewho __________offered some to me before taking some themselvesThere were __________ all around

__________ her generosity and getting the opportunity to spend time with someone who got so  much pleasure from life was a __________ in itselfGratitude(感恩) has an amazing way of bringing  people __________especially in a place where health is so highly __________

1.A. elderly    B. honest    C. impatient    D. independent

2.A. While    B. As long as    C. In case    D. As

3.A. wheelchair    B. bus    C. taxi    D. ambulance

4.A. crowded    B. completed    C. open    D. closed

5.A. checking    B. dieting    C. parking    D. waiting

6.A. surprise    B. joy    C. pride    D. anxiety

7.A. smelt    B. tasted    C. sported    D. purchased

8.A. up    B. to    C. in    D. at

9.A. put away    B. give out    C. hand in    D. look though

10.A. eventually    B. gradually    C. properly    D. hurriedly

11.A. change    B. pen    C. card    D. box

12.A. admitted    B. promised    C. suggested    D. explained

13.A. bought    B. ordered    C. made    D. borrowed

14.A. next    B. present    C. previous    D. night

15.A. on purpose    B. by chance    C. in turn    D. in advance

16.A. noises    B. smiles    C. greetings    D. jokes

17.A. Witnessing    B. Taking advantage of    C. Repaying    D. Searching for

18.A. prize    B. risk    C. gift    D. story

19.A. together    B. upwards    C. back    D. down

20.A. respected    B. praised    C. admired    D. valued



Tips to stay safe and make smart choices

Even if you’re a genius (天才) at school, you still might be lost when it comes to getting from point A to point B. Don’t get caught in a strange place without these basic safety tips.

Know where you’re going.

Before you set out in an unfamiliar area, go to Google Maps to plan your journey and print it out. 1. Make sure that the location services are turned on on your phone, just in case you get lost.

Know where your stuff is.

Never leave your backpack or shopping bags out of your sight. Carry your wallet in your front pocket or keep it close to your body. 2. A fun day out can turn into the worst headache ever if you realize you’ve left something behind.


If you have the choice between a busy street and a deserted one, always pick the busy one. You are more likely to be attacked on dark, empty sidewalks than on ones with a crowd.

Travel in packs.

Don’t go anywhere — especially an unfamiliar place — without a friend or two. 4.

Don’t let your music drown you out.

There’s nothing wrong with listening to your iPod as you walk around town, but keep it at a low enough volume (音量) so you can still hear passing cars. Losing concentration puts you at risk from accidents, attacks and getting lost. 5. Don’t do it. Keep your head up and pay attention to the people and things going on around you.

A.Pick your streets smart.

B.Always choose your own ways.

C.Be sure you’ve got everything at all times.

D.Take out your phone and call the police.

E.This also goes for texting while walking.

F.You can also use your phone’s GPS to map the route.

G.If you must go out alone, be sure to tell someone where you’re going.



    Do you always struggle to understand others’ feelings? Perhaps you should listen to your heart.

According to a team of scientists at Anglia Ruskin University in the UK, people who are more aware of their own heartbeat are better at understanding others’ emotions.

Researchers have long suspected (怀疑) that this ability is important for understanding others’ thoughts and feelings.

To test this theory, the British team asked 72 volunteers to count their own heartbeats without feeling a pulse (脉搏). This aimed to see how aware they were of the feelings inside their own bodies.

Then, the volunteers were shown video clips of social interactions (互动), which tested their ability to read the minds of the characters.

During the clips, they were asked questions that required an understanding of the emotions of a certain character — for example, “What is Sandra feeling?” In addition, they were asked questions that did not involve any emotions, such as “What is Michael thinking?” They were also asked non-social questions, like “What was the weather like that evening?”

The results showed that those who had counted their heartbeats most accurately were better at answering questions relating to the characters’ emotions. However, there was no link between the ability to feel what’s going on inside your body and questions that did not involve any emotions.

Punit Shah, lead author of the study, used an example to explain this: If your colleague Michael is rude toward Sandra in public, your body processes (处理) this by increasing your heart rate. This may make you feel anxious and allow you to understand that Sandra is embarrassed.

“If you do not feel your heart rate increase, it may reduce your ability to understand that situation and respond (反应) appropriately,” Shah told The Telegraph.

Researchers believed their findings mean it could be possible to make people more empathetic by training them to listen to their hearts.

This also lends support to the argument that feelings are, at the very least, deeply rooted in physical sensations (感觉).

1.What does the new study find?

A.People are better at understanding others’ emotions than thoughts.

B.People with quicker heartbeats are more sensitive to others’ feelings.

C.The ability to feel your heartbeat is important for understanding others’ thoughts.

D.Your ability to feel others’ emotions is related to your ability to feel your own heartbeat.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the new study according to the article?

A.The volunteers were asked to count their heartbeats while watching video clips.

B.Researchers designed emotional, non-emotional and non-social questions.

C.The volunteers were required to describe each other’s thoughts and feelings.

D.Researchers trained the volunteers to listen to their hearts and observed them.

3.The underlined word “empathetic” in the second-to-last paragraph probably means ______.

A.willing to accept ideas that are different from your own

B.not influenced in any way by other people or things

C.being able to understand others’ feelings

D.willing to help those in trouble

4.What can be concluded from the last four paragraphs?

A.We react to a situation more slowly when our heart rates increase.

B.Physical sensations in our bodies are believed to cause emotional changes.

C.Our ability to feel emotions is part of us and can’t be changed.

D.How we feel has nothing to do with the state of our bodies.



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