满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

An old, disconnected black telephone sta...

    An old, disconnected black telephone stands in the town of Otsuchi, Japan. The phone has been ________ by at least 25, 000 people since the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. People have come to convey their feelings to ________ loved ones.

Calling it “the phone of the wind”, Itaru Sasaki set up the phone in his garden, on a small ________ with a commanding (居高临下的) view of the calm sea. The garden is ________ to all, and there is a ________ placed by the phone, the fourth such one to be used. Many people have left ________ for their loved ones on the books.

Located on the Sanriku Coast, Otsuchi was ________ by the tsunami (海啸) of March 2011. In the town, 1,285 people ________ or went missing, about 10 per cent of the town’s population.

“Come home ________. From your father, mother and grandparents.”

Sasaki found this message in the autumn of 2013, and eventually ________ the family who had written it. They were ________ their son, who went missing in the ________. The mother expressed her ________ to Sasaki, saying: “I have no idea what I have been doing since that moment. Time has stood still for me.”

Sasaki said messages have ________ as time has passed. People have started to ________ the deaths of their loved ones, ________ things such as “Please watch over us from heaven.”

________ people lost in the earthquake and tsunami, families who lost a loved one in an accident are ________ coming to honor their memories of that person. “The telephone is not ________, but people feel like their departed loved ones are there listening on the ________ end of the line,” Sasaki said.

1.A.visited B.answered C.powered D.borrowed

2.A.lost B.tired C.worried D.frightened

3.A.street B.stream C.hill D.farm

4.A.attractive B.common C.familiar D.open

5.A.key B.photo C.letter D.notebook

6.A.names B.messages C.invitations D.suggestions

7.A.controlled B.polluted C.destroyed D.surrounded

8.A.gathered B.died C.returned D.escaped

9.A.soon B.again C.too D.then

10.A.fed B.joined C.left D.met

11.A.cheering for B.looking after C.searching for D.running after

12.A.accident B.disaster C.campaign D.adventure

13.A.feelings B.concerns C.decisions D.interests

14.A.arrived B.spread C.changed D.disappeared

15.A.avoid B.accept C.studying D.challenge

16.A.teaching B.reading C.studying D.writing

17.A.In addition to B.According to C.In spite of D.Instead of

18.A.even B.also C.still D.already

19.A.used B.affected C.permitted D.connected

20.A.front B.wrong C.other D.near


1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了在日本大槌町有一部“风之电话”,人们通过它传递对逝去亲人的思念。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:自2011年日本东部大地震以来,至少有2.5万人访问过该电话亭。A.visited参观;B.answered回答;C.powered驱动,推动(机器或车辆);D.borrowed借。根据下文people have come to convey their feelings…可知,自从2011年日本大地震以来,已经有2.5万人来“拜访”过这部电话。故选A。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人们来这里是为了向失去的亲人表达他们的感情。A.lost失去;B.tired(使) 疲劳,疲倦,困倦;C.worried 担心;D.frightened使害怕。根据上文的…since the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake可知人们来此处的目的是为了表达他们对“失去的”亲人的感情。故选A。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:佐佐木把它叫做“风的电话”,他把电话安装在他的花园里,在一座小山上可以俯瞰平静的大海。A.treet街道;B.stream 小河,溪,流;C.hill小山;D.farm农场。根据下文的中的with a commanding (居高临下的) view of the calm sea可知电话亭是建在一座“小山”上。故选C。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:花园对所有人开放,电话旁边放着一个笔记本,这是要用的第四个笔记本。A.attractive有吸引力的; B.common普通的;C.familiar熟悉的;D.open开放的。根据下文的Many people have left ____6____ for their loved ones on the books.可知,该句要表达的意思是这个电话亭对所有人“开放”。故选D。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:电话旁边放着一本笔记本,这是第四本。A.key钥匙;B.photo照片;C.letter信件;D.notebook笔记本。根据下文的Many people have left... for their loved ones on the books.可知,电话旁边放着一本“笔记本”。故选D。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:许多人在书上给他们的亲人留言。A.names名字;B.messages信息,留言;C.invitations邀请;D.suggestions建议。根据下文中的Sasaki found this message in the autumn of 2013可知,人们会在这个笔记本上给亲人“留言”。故选B。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:大冢位于三陆町海岸,大土町在2011年3月的海啸中被毁。A.controlled控制;B.polluted污染;C.destroyed破坏;D.surrounded包围。根据上文中的the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake和下文中的by the tsunami (海啸) of March2011知,Otsuchi被地震和海啸“摧毁”了。故选C。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:镇上有1285人死亡或失踪。A.gathered聚集;B.died死亡;C.returned返回;D.escaped逃跑。根据上文中的tsunami和下文中的went missing可知,有人在海啸中“逝去”。故选B。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:快回家吧。从你的父亲、母亲和祖父母那里。A.soon不久;B.again又,再;C.too也;D.then然后,于是。根据下文中的From your father, mother and grandparents可知,家人希望孩子能“尽快”回家。故选A。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:佐佐木在2013年秋天发现了这个信息,最后遇到了写这封信的家人。A.fed喂养;B.joined加入;C.left离开;D.met遇见。根据The mother expressed her… to Sasaki可知,Sasaki“见到”了这家人。故选D。 11.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:他们在寻找他们在灾难中丢失的儿子。A.cheering for为……喝彩叫好,为……鼓劲加油;B.looking after照顾;C.searching for寻找;D.running after追逐。根据下文中的… their son, who went missing…可知,他们正在“寻找”他们的儿子。故选C。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们在寻找他们在灾难中丢失的儿子。A.accident意外事故;B.disaster灾难;C.campaign战役,运动;D.adventure冒险,奇遇。根据上文中的…the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake和… the tsunami (海啸) of March 2011可知,他们的孩子在那场“灾难”中失踪了。故选B。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:母亲向佐佐木表达了她的感受。A.feelings感受;B.concerns担心,忧虑;C.decisions决定;D.interests兴趣。根据这位母亲所说的I have no idea what i have been doing since that moment. Time has stood still for me.可知,她向 Sasaki表达了她对儿子的思念之“情”。故选A。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:佐佐木说,信息随着时间的推移而改变。A.arrived到达;B.spread传播;C.changed改变;D.disappeared消失。根据上文中的留言Come home和下文中的Please watch over us from heaven.可知,随着时间的推移,人们的留言也发生了“改变”。故选C。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:人们开始接受亲人的死亡。A.avoid避免;B.accept接受;C.record记录;D.challenge挑战。根据下文中的留言Please watch over us from heaven可知,人们开始“接受”亲人去世的事实。故选B。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:写下“请从天堂守护我们”之类的话。A.teaching教;B.reading阅读; C.studying学习;D.writing写作。根据上文中的books,messages可知,Please watch over us from heaven是写在留言本上的。故选D。 17.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:除了在地震和海啸中失去亲人的人,在一次事故中失去亲人的家庭也来将纪念他们对那个人的记忆。A.In addition to另外,加之,除……之外(还);B.According to根据;C.In spite of尽管;D.Instead of代替。根据people lost in the earthquake and tsunami与families who lost a loved one in an accident之间是递进补充的关系,所以此处表示“除了”在地震和海啸中失去亲人的家庭,在其他事故中失去亲人的家庭也来此地纪念他们的亲人。故选A。 18.考查副词词义辨析。句意:除了在地震和海啸中失去亲人的人,在一次事故中失去亲人的家庭也来将纪念他们对那个人的记忆。A.even甚至;B.also也;C.still仍然;D.already已经。根据句中的coming to honor their memories of that person可知此处表示在其他事故中失去亲人的家庭“也”来此地纪念他们的亲人。故选B。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:佐佐木说:“电话没有接通,但人们感觉就像他们逝去的亲人在电话另一端倾听。”A.used使用;B.affected影响;C.permitted允许;D.connected连接。根据第一段中的An old, disconnected black telephone stands in the town of Otsuchi, Japan.可知,这部电话是没有电话线“连接”的。故选D。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:佐佐木说:“电话没有接通,但人们感觉就像他们逝去的亲人在电话另一端倾听。”A.front前面的;B.wrong错误的;C.other另一个的,其他的;D.near附近的。on the other end of the line表达的是在电话线的“另一端”听他们讲话一样。故选C。

How to Give Directions

Whether you’re telling someone how to get your house or guiding a stranger to a local museum, you should know how to give good directions.

1. Explain the route based on where the person is coming from. Before you start giving directions, you need to ask the person where exactly they’re coming from. 1.

2. Give the simplest route. While it may seem attractive to give directions to your favorite shortcut, this could wind up doing more harm than good. Instead, give the simplest directions that are least likely to confuse the person.2.

3. Share the safest route. If there are several routes and some of them are especially dangerous, give the safest route. 3. Whether it’s narrow road or a high crime neighborhood, take threats to the person’s safety into consideration.

4. 4. Otherwise, you may give incorrect directions that could get the person lost. Give directions for routes that you’ve taken many times, rather than trying to describe a shortcut or another route you don’t know as well.

5. Warn the person about confusing parts of the route. If there is a confusing part of the route you’re providing, tell the person about it very carefully. 5. Some points of confusion could include roads with little notice and turns that are very slight.

A.Create a map of the route and share it.

B.Don’t suggest routes you haven’t taken.

C.Besides, tell them when to expert the confusing part.

D.As your directions will depend on which way they are headed.

E.Don’t use words, phrases or names which only the locals know.

F.This way, you’ll decrease: the chance of the person’s getting last.

G.As the person you’re advising won’t know the dangers they’ll be driving through.



    It’s late at night, the weather is bad and you’re hungry. Your favorite restaurant is less than a mile away, but you don’t want to leave the house, and you don’t want to pay a $5 delivery fee. So, what do you do? Back in the old days, you would have braved the weather. But those days are coming to an end, at least in Washington, D.C.

A group of about 20 knee-high robots recently has appeared on the sidewalks of the nation’s capital. Their tasks are to bring take-out food from restaurants to hungry customers at home—while keeping the delivery cost to around a dollar.

The robots are European, created in Estonia by a company called Starship Technologies. Each of them is a middle-sized cooler on six wheels, drives at an average speed of about 4 miles per hour, about the speed of a walker. It has lights and a tall, bright orange flag so that it can be noticed by people on the sidewalk.

Here in Washington, Starship has teamed up with Postmates, the online delivery service, and the robots already are completing deliveries around the city.

They move almost silently. They are electric so there isn’t much sound aside from their wheels. Their cameras recognize a lot—including traffic lights and stop signs.

The robots have only been in Washington for about a month, and they’re still causing quite a stir, often getting stopped for photos. A young mother Maria is on the sidewalk, pointing out the robot to her daughter. “It’s super cool,” she says. “But the only thing that concerns me—is it going to put people out of jobs?”

The company does not see robots as a replacement, says Russell Cook, the director of Postmates. “We have people that drive cars, walk and bike, and we see robots as another type of vehicle that helps us offer deliveries,” he says.

1.What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the text?

A.To introduce the topic. B.To express the main idea.

C.To tell an interesting story. D.To offer some suggestions.

2.What do we know about the robots?

A.They can communicate with walkers.

B.They create little noise while walking.

C.They are able to travel at a high speed.

D.They were developed by a US company.

3.Why is the mother worried about the robots?

A.They may be not as safe as expected.

B.They may cause a stir on the sidewalk.

C.They may be destroyed by some people.

D.They may take the place of deliverymen.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.A Leading Online Delivery Company

B.Delivery Robots in Washington, D.

C.C. The Latest Development of Postmates

D.The Growing Concern about Delivery Robots



    Downshall Primary School based in the London Borough of Redbridge is trying a new project called “Bringing Together, Learning Together, Growing Together” that brings elderly people living alone or having certain mental illnesses into the classrooms.

This is the first time a school has hosted a day centre for the elderly who came three days a week with their carers and support workers. Across three classrooms, they spent 20-minute periods with the school’s four-and five-year-olds, doing activities that fit within the national curriculum.

Pam Abner, 71, used to be a primary school teacher. “It can be a little bit boring sitting in the house on your own. It’s nice to come out and meet people and children,” she said.

The projects was brought up by Dr David Hinchcliffe. The early signs are good. “It’s fantastic. Just the looks on everybody’s face,” said Hinchcliffe. “One lady said she could not remember being so happy. She wakes up in the morning and can’t wait to go to school!”

The children taking part in the project at Downshall also benefit. The headteacher, Ian Bennett, said, “We thought it would be a great idea to try this. We’ve had some amazing moments.”

One little boy, who had not spoken since joining the school, spoke for the first time while taking part in the project. “For these children, to have the experience of building a relationship with these elderly members of our community, as well as the opportunity to speak with them and develop their language skills is important,” said Maria Zgouralis, head of early years.

Stephen Burke, a director of United for All Ages, which promotes the development of shared places to bring generations together, said “It’s a win-win for the children and the older people, sharing activities and experiences, and thereby improving health, learning and understanding for all,” and he hoped there would be more such chances for more people.

1.How does the project bring two generations together?

A.By bringing kids to care homes.

B.By building shared places for them.

C.By inviting elderly people to classrooms.

D.By organizing activities for both generations.

2.Who first came up with the idea for the project?

A.Pam Abner. B.Ian Bennett.

C.Maria Zgouralis. D.David Hinchcliffe.

3.What does the underline word “their” in Paragraph 6 refer to?

A.The teachers’. B.The children’s

C.The elderly people’s D.The community members’.

4.What does Stephen Burke think of the project?

A.It’s especially helpful for shy kids.

B.It helps kids better plan for the future.

C.It should be more widely introduced.

D.It’s more beneficial to the elderly than to kids.



    A young kangaroo is lucky to be alive today thanks to a pair of New South Wales teenagers.

Nick Heath and Jack Donnelly, both 19, were riding their motorbikes in the bush outside Sydney on Sunday when they came across a kangaroo stuck in the mud.

The boys saw the head of the animal sticking out of the mud at Agnes Banks near the Nepean River in southwest Sydney. The animal was clearly in pain but the boys couldn’t reach it, so they raced home to get some rope. When they returned, Mr. Donnelly tied the rope around his waist and walked into the thick mud to get hold of the kangaroo while his friend then pulled them about 30 meters to safety.

Appearing on Today this morning, the young men retold their experience to save the animal.

“The kanguarwo’s life was important to us so we pulled out all the stops to rescue it,” Mr. Heath said. “We lake pride in what we did. If we see something like that again, we’ll do it all over again,” Mr Heath added.

The animal, while not in great health after being save, was handed to wildlife rescue organization WIRES. It’s believed that the kangaroo was likely searching for water in the dry conditions when it got stuck in the mud.

As for the heroes of the story, they re glad to have been in the right place at the right time to help the animal—and don’t mind the attention it’s brought.

“Yeah we liked it, something different,” Mr. Donnelly told news.com.au.

1.What did the teenagers do on seeing the kangaroo?

A.They walked into the mud to save it.

B.They rode in the bush to look for help.

C.They went back home for some rope.

D.They tried to keep its head out of the mud.

2.What did Mr. Heath mean by saying the underlined words in Paragraph 5?

A.They stopped to think before acting.

B.They tried their best to save the animal.

C.They walked out of the mud without difficulty.

D.They were not sure if they should save the animal.

3.What do we know about the kangaroo?

A.It’s in good care.

B.It’s still in great danger.

C.It nearly died from thirst.

D.It ran too fast to notice the mud.

4.How did the teenagers feel after rescuing the kangaroo?

A.They were delighted and proud.

B.They were worn-out but excited.

C.They were worried about the kangaroo.

D.They were uncomfortable with the attention.



Music Festivals in 2019


Type: Electronic

Where: Les Orres, France

When: January 26-February 2, 2019

Camping: No

Snowaltack is a mid-winter event celebrating electronic music and ski culture. The festival takes place yearly at the Les Ores ski area in France with over 100 kilometers of slope (斜坡) and 19 lifts, giving great pleasure to tourists and music lovers.

Treefort Music Festival

Type: Hip-hop

Where: Boise, ID

When: March 20—March 24, 2019

Camping: No

It may sound strange lo choose Boise in Idaho as the city for such a large festival, but the Treefort festival continues to give us surprise year after year. Treefort takes place the week after another big music festival, South by Southwest, to attract artists on the way back to the northwest. The festival has grown in size to include things beyond music, like film, yoga and beer.

Black Deer Festival

Type: Country

Where: Eridge Park, Kent

When: June 21—June 23, 2019

Camping: Yes

Black Deer is going to bring a great deal of real Americanna and country music to the UK. The new festival promises to bring a wonderful mixture of excitement, experience and love with tasty food and drink, artisan wares (工艺品) and fantastic music.

Noise Pop Festival

Type: Pop

Where: San Francisco, CA

When: February 15-February 25, 2019

Camping: No

The Noise Pop Festival takes place every February across San Francisco. The show also includes activities about art and film along with some of the best musical artists. If you’re planning a winter-time trip, this is a special way to experience the fashion of the city.

1.Which festival should you go to if you are a hip-hop lover?

A.Snowattack. B.Noise Pop Festival.

C.Black Deer Festival. D.Treefort Music Festival.

2.What makes Black Deer Festival different from the other three?

A.It will allow for camping. B.It will last for a whole week.

C.It will bring different musical styles. D.It will include many kinds of activities.

3.What can you do during the Noise Pop Festival?

A.Try an exercise like yoga. B.Go skating to exciting music.

C.Play with country music lovers. D.Enjoy the fashion of San Francisco.



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