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Ronald Reagan ever said, “It’s true hard...

    Ronald Reagan ever said, “It’s true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?” To some extent, extra effort seems to be self-defeating. Studies suggest that, after 50 hours a week, employee productivity falls sharply.

But that doesn’t stop some managers from demanding that workers stay chained to their desk for long periods. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, recently praised the “996” model, where employees work from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., 6 days a week, as a “huge blessing”. Apparently, presenteeism (出勤主义) is the curse of the modern office worker.

There will be days when you do not have much to do: perhaps because you are waiting for someone else in a different department, or a different company, to respond to a request. As the clock ticks past 5 pm, there may be no purpose in staying at your desk. But you can see your boss hard at work and, more importantly, they can see you. So you make an effort to look busy.

Some of this may be a self-continuing cycle. If bosses do not like to go home before their employees, and employees fear leaving before their bosses, everyone is trapped. Staff may feel that they will not get a pay rise, or a promotion, if they are not seen to be putting in maximum effort. This is easily confused with long hours. Managers, who are often no good at judging employees’ performance, use time in the office as a measure. The consequence is often wasted effort. We pretend to work and managers pretend to believe us. Rather than work hard, you try to make bosses think that you are. Leaving a jacket on your office chair, walking around purposefully with a notebook and sending out emails at odd hours are three of the best-known tricks. After a while this can result in collective self-delusion that this pretence is actual work.

But presenteeism has more serious consequences. It is perhaps most common in Japan, where people attend the office even when they are in discomfort. In doing so, they are doing neither themselves nor their employers any favours. As well as reducing productivity, this can increase medical expenses for the employer. According to a study in the Journal of Occupation and Environmental Medicine, these costs can be six times higher for employers than the costs of absenteeism among workers. Those workers were more likely to experience greater pain and to suffer from depression.

In the evolution of humanity, presenteeism is a recent phenomenon. In the industrial era, workers were paid not for their output but for their time, and were required to clock in and out. But modern machinery like smartphones and laptops is portable. Turning an office into a prison, with prisoners allowed home for the evenings, does nothing for the creativity that is increasingly demanded of office workers as routine tasks are automated. To be productive you need presence of mind, not being present in the flesh.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3?

A. Employees often have to work extra hours.

B. Extra effort improves employees’ productivity.

C. “996” model is well received around the world.

D. Both bosses and employees are devoted to their jobs.

2.What does the underlined “This” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Hoping to get a pay rise. B. Going home after the boss.

C. Putting in maximum effort. D. Judging employees’ performance.

3.Which of the following is one the results of long-time presenteeism?

A. Reducing medical costs of employees.

B. Making employees more hard-working.

C. Increasing the competition among employees.

D. Worsening employees’ physical and mental condition.

4.What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?

A. Employees should be treated as prisoners.

B. Productivity can’t be measured by presenteeism now.

C. Office tasks usually can’t be carried out automatically.

D. Office workers should be allowed to be absent-minded.


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。作者主要针对员工加班问题提出看法:长时间的加班不仅工作效率低下,还造成身体不适,想要提高效率,必须是身心俱在的状态,不能只是形式上的出勤主义。 1.推理判断题。根据文章2、3段,第二段讲的是马云赞成996工作制,第三段讲的是你努力让自己看上去很忙。“As the clock ticks past 5 pm, there may be no purpose in staying at your desk. But you can see your boss hard at work and, more importantly, they can see you. So you make an effort to look busy.” 这说明员工往往要加班。因此答案选择A。 2.词义猜测题。对this所在段落进行三句读。“Staff may feel that they will not get a pay rise, or a promotion, if they are not seen to be putting inmaximum effort. This is easily confused with long hours. Managers, who are often no good at judging employees’ performance, use time in the office as a measure.”(员工可能会觉得,如果他们没有尽最大努力工作,就不会得到加薪或升职。这很容易与长时间工作混淆。经理们通常不善于判断员工的表现,他们把在办公室的时间作为衡量标准。)因此this指的是“putting in maximum effort”。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段我们可知后果是:人们即使在不舒服的时候也会去上班,会降低生产率,还会增加雇主的医疗费用。这些工人更容易遭受更大的痛苦和抑郁。所以答案选择D。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段原文可知In the evolution of humanity, presenteeism is a recent phenomenon.而这种现象是低效的。To be productive you need presence of mind being present in the flesh.如果希望高效,那就需要身心俱在,而不是单纯的presenteeism。故选B。

    By the time you read these words, winter should have gone within the Northern Hemisphere (半球). But at its worst, this winter was unusually cold. Here in New York City on January 31, the low temperature dropped to -17. In Chicago, it was also -17—but that was the high. The low jumped to -29. And the wind chill within the Windy City was -44 or -46, relying on which climate station was crying out in pain. As comic Lewis Black said, “That is not weather. That’s an emergency condition.”

When the forecast warned us a few days earlier that Arctic air was looming (阴森地逼近), President Trump issued a sincere and helpful tweet, which ended with: “What the hell is going on with Global Waming [sic]? Please come back fast, we need you!” And being the most powerful man on Earth, he was successful in his polite request. On February 4 the Chicago temperature reached 11. And the following day the Big Apple was in a sunny 19.

The Arctic is warming at twice the speed as the global average. This heat might help disrupt (打破) the polar vortex, a gradual wind pattern that usually stays focused on circling the North Pole. A shaky jet stream (高速气流) then runs right into a brick wall of that Arctic air, which continues to be fairly cold by human standards, and both wind up lots of miles farther south than they usually belong. And for a few days we in the Deep South—by which I mean Chicago or New York compared with the Arctic—freeze our butts off. But less than a week later, thanks to some warm air coming up from the real South, I was walking outside without a coat on a date when the temperature in Chicago reached 11 on February 4.

Like so much else we are currently living through, this experience is not normal. Or it didn’t used to be, anyway.

After all, scientists have been waming—sorry, warning—that warming can have these very results. Climate change deniers may sneer (冷笑), “So when it’s warmer than usual, that’s because of global warming. And when it’s colder, that’s also because of global warming?” Well, yes. And anybody who just can’t accept these kinds of seemingly paradoxical conditions needs to reflect on the expression “freezer burn.”

1.By mentioning Lewis Black’s words in Paragraph 1, the author intends to  .

A. indicate how unusual the winter’s weather was

B. suggest the north isn’t a suitable place to live

C. remind people never to forget the past winter

D. urge people to take action against the emergency

2.What led to the sudden increase in the Chicago temperature on February 4?

A. The cold Arctic air. B. Trump’s sincere tweet.

C. Warm air from the real South. D. Disruption of polar vortex.

3.Why does the author use the expression “freezer burn”?

A. To show readers his concerns about the extreme weather.

B. To prove global warming to be the cause of the extreme weather.

C. To cast doubt about scientists’ study on the paradoxical conditions.

D. To express his disapproval of the result of the paradoxical conditions.




When you fly into Canada you don’t have many choices. A car is often the only way to reach the spectacular destinations which Canada is famous for. Most major car rental companies have offices at airports, towns and cities across the country.

What do you need in order to rent a car in Canada?

● Valid Driver’s license and International Driver’s Permit if your license is not in English or French.

● When picking up your car, you may have to show your passport and a return airline ticket.

● Credit Card for the deposit—Renting a car in Canada without a credit card is impossible.

Fly-Drive Packages from Home

You may get the best deal on car rental if you book a fly-drive package from home or if you book a long time in advance. Rental coast varies to a great extent, depending on the time of year, type of vehicle and length of rental.

Minimum Age

The driver has to be at least 21 years old and have a minimum of 12 months of driving experience in order to rent a car in Canada. A “Young Renter Fee” will be applied to your car rental, if you are between the ages of 21 and 24 and will be charged on top of the rental rate.


Most car rental companies in Canada offer a collision damage waiver (CDW) for an additional charge. Some credit card companies include CDW insurance on car rentals when you use their cards to pay for the rental. Check your credit card’s terms and conditions.

Fuel and Service Stations

Most rental cars use unleaded gas. Remember, driving distances in Canada are long and a large amount of your vacation budget will go towards gasoline. Filling up in larger cities is usually cheaper than in small towns. If you are heading up to the Northwest Territories, gas prices will be much higher than in the south.

Cross-Border Travel

Some rental companies don’t allow their cars to drive across borders, like from Canada to the US or across provinces. If this is the case, watch out; GPS may be used to track your route.

1.You’ll have to pay extra fees for your car rental in Canada if you________.

A. book a fly-drive package from home

B. are 22 with one-year driving experience

C. use a credit card offering CDW insurance

D. have no passport or return airline ticket

2.What are you encouraged to do when you rent a car in Canada?

A. Use GPS to find your way. B. Provide a license in English.

C. Fill up the car in large cities. D. Drive across borders to America.



    One day, I watched a video of a man who was throwing empty wine bottles in a rage (泄愤屋) room. I felt a(n) _______ to go and smash (砸碎) some glass myself. Everyone was keen to show how _______ their lives were.

I handed over the cash and _______ protective overalls (防护服) and a mask before entering the rage room with a friend. We started _______ but were soon giving it everything. I started with glass bottles, but I soon, _______ to heavier goods. It was partly the _______ of work that led me to the rage room. I am an entertainer in film and television, but I still need to _______ the rent. Standup comedy and small acting roles help me _______.

Before discovering the rage room, I _______ all kinds of ways to deal with stress: karaoke and the gym. Going to the gym is about getting ______________ looking good, but when I’m smashing things, the intention is ______________. When I behave like a caveman (野人), I leave any ______________ behind.

The rage room is a place of honest ______________. During one session, a year and a half after we ______________, the words of my ex (前女友) came into my head: “I just don’t think you put enough effort into our relationship.” I thought this ______________ was unfair. In a flash of broken glass, I realized I had been ______________ that thought for too long.

I still haven’t fully realized my dream. But ______________ the rage room has taught me anything, it is that I am not a(n) ______________ person any more. I don’t experience rage before, during or after a session.

The whole ______________ feels like a calm and controlled release. It is extremely ______________. I think everyone could pay a visit.

1.A.duty B.urge C.ability D.chance

2.A.colorful B.casual C.tough D.cozy

3.A.put on B.took off C.wore out D.threw away

4.A.excitedly B.tentatively C.fortunately D.arbitrarily

5.A.progressed B.withdrew C.referred D.submitted

6.A.rewards B.stresses C.joy D.lack

7.A.receive B.keep C.reduce D.pay

8.A.catch on B.get by C.spring up D.dive in

9.A.invented B.identified C.tried D.dropped

10.A.thrilled B.healthy C.wealthy D.connected

11.A.similar B.superior C.consistent D.different

12.A.negativity B.friendship C.motivation D.priority

13.A.competition B.purchase C.reflection D.cooperation

14.A.dropped out B.made up C.worked out D.broke up

15.A.suggestion B.criticism C.inspiration D.confidence

16.A.holding on to B.living up to C.looking forward to D.giving rise to

17.A.unless B.once C.if D.while

18.A.calm B.honest C.innocent D.angry

19.A.truth B.life C.process D.trip

20.A.liberating B.frustrating C.demanding D.struggling



She was in a ________ condition after the heart transplant operation when her body rejected the foreign organ.

A. skeptical B. critical C. theoretical D. practical



If an entire country gets richer at the same time, individuals wouldn't ________ feel wealthier, since their relative positions in society haven't changed.

A.necessarily B.initially C.typically   D.sustainably



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