满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面的短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Practice...


Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had to football. But being half the size of the other boys, he got absolutely nowhere. At all the games, this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played.

This teenager lived alone with his father and the two of them had a very special relationship. Even though the son was always on the bench, his father was always in the stands cheering. He never missed a game. This young man was still the smallest of the class when he entered high school. But his father continued to encourage him but also made it very clear that he did not have to play football if he didn't want to.

But the young man loved football and decided to continue. He was determined to try his best at every practice, and perhaps he'd get to play when he became a senior. All through high school he never missed a practice nor a game but remained a bench-warmer all four years. His faithful father was always in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him. When the young man went to college, he decided to try out for the football team as a “walk-on”(跑龙套).Everyone was sure he could never make the cut(比赛资格), but he did.

The news that he had survived the cut made him so excited that he rushed to the nearest phone and called his father. His father shared his excitement and was sent season tickets for all the college games. This persistent young athlete never missed practice during his four years at college, but he never got to play in a game.

It was the end of his senior football season, and as he ran onto the practice field shortly before the final game, the coach met him with a telegram. The young man read the telegram and he became deathly silent. Swallowing hard, he mumbled to the coach, “My father died this morning. Is it all right if I miss practice today?”The coach put his arm gently around his shoulder and said, “Take the rest of the week off, son, and don't even plan to come back to the game on Saturday.”







Saturday arrived, and the game was not going well.



Finally, after the team left, the coach noticed the young man sitting quietly in the corner alone. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Saturday arrived, and the game was not going well. In the third quarter ,when the team was ten points behind, the coach and his players were astonished to see their faithful teammate come back. The teenager persisted to play, and the coach had to gave in. Before long, everyone in the stands could not believe their eyes. He ran, passed, blocked, and tackled like a star. In the closing seconds of the game, he blocked a pass and ran all the way for the winning points. His teammates hugged and raised him onto their shoulders, cheering wildly. Finally, after the team left, the coach noticed the young man sitting quietly in the corner alone .The coach came to him and said, “You were fantastic! Tell me what got into you? How did you do it?”He looked at the coach, with tears in his eyes, and said, “Well, you knew my dad died, but did you know that my dad was blind?”He sobbed, hiding his face in his hands, “Today was the first time he could see me play, and I wanted to show him I could do it.” 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写作文。 通过阅读所给文章可知,文章主要记叙了在 比赛进展不顺利的时候,有一位充满信心的队友凭借自己的高超球技在结束前几秒钟赶超了对手,在比赛后教练发现这位球员独自坐在角落,跟他聊天得知这位球员的精彩表现是因为盲人爸爸去世后能够在天堂看到孩子的比赛。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:周六到来了,比赛进展的不顺利。后文应当描写一位球员如何通过精彩球技让他们队在比赛中转败为胜。第二段开头是:最后,队友们离开后,教练注意到那个年轻人安静地独自坐在角落。后文应当描写在教练和那个年轻人的聊天下,得知男孩有优秀表现的原因的过程。

假定你是李华,你所在的班级将举行派对,请你给外教Mr. Smith 写一封邀请信,内容包括:

1 时间:周日下午6

2 地点:学校餐厅

3 活动安排:享用晚餐、观看演出、玩游戏等。







According to Maoyan, the 1.(big) movie ticketing app in China, “My people ,My country ”came out on top ,with 278 million yuan .The movie is made up of seven separate 2.(story). Each of the leading actors is caught up in 3.key moment of China’s history ,such as the nation’s founding 4.Oct. 1,1949, the handover of Hong Kong on July 1,1997 5. the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The movie highlighted(突出) both its patriotic content(爱国情怀) and its star power, 6.(include) the famous director Chen Kaige and the well-known star Huang Bo . “I 7.(go)to see the movie yesterday. Tears welled in my eyes ,and I felt 8.(touch) and proud at the same time ,” one Weibo user wrote .The movie was made by seven directors, most of 9.lived through these important moments. The movie’s theme song “Me and My Mother Country”10.(record)by Hong Kong’s singer Faye Wang has been heard in shops, restaurants and workplaces all across the mainland .



    In December 1996, when my son Zac was six months old, I noticed something wasn’t right. He would play with toys on his ____ side and it was as if his right side wasn’t there. When I took him to see the baby nurse a few weeks later, she ____ I see a paediatrician(儿科专家)as soon as possible.

For the next six months, Zac and I paid countless ____ to the paediatrician. Zac screamed and I tried ____ to calm him down. Then at 12 months, Zac had a CT scan(扫描) to see ____ was going on. The scan ____ showed that my beautiful boy had cerebral palsy(脑瘫). I was shocked. This wasn’t what I had ____ for my baby. I’d planned football in the park and fun holidays. All this seemed so far away from what we were now _____ with.

But ____, Zac began to set his own pace. When he was 11months old, he began to crawl by pushing himself along with his right leg ____ behind. He walked at 20 months. Although his body was unbalanced, it never ____ him from doing anything. ____ was made and we became more and more confident. Through all of it, Zac continued to smile, laugh and ____ complain.

During the process, I controlled my ____ of him getting hurt playing sport and let him ___ his passions(激情). He especially excelled in long jump and he has even ____ his state six times in the national competition. Then in 2011, he became the Australian long jump ____ holder in the under-13 group. If I had been too afraid to let him play sport, he would never have had the ____ to travel, compete and meet amazing people from all over the world.

Earlier this year, he began to study a Bachelor’s degree at Flinders University. He ____ our family and I enjoy the unique journey we shared together. I am so ____ he chose me to be his mum. He is my most incredible gift.

1.A.left B.up C.down D.forward

2.A.said B.suggested C.told D.mentioned

3.A.attention B.visits C.money D.efforts

4.A.hardly B.helplessly C.hard D.fiercely

5.A.how B.where C.why D.what

6.A.process B.methods C.results D.ways

7.A.planned B.hoped C.imagined D.chosen

8.A.dealt B.solved C.focused D.faced

9.A.gradually B.suddenly C.totally D.immediately

10.A.pushing B.dragging C.hanging D.swinging

11.A.supported B.preserved C.stopped D.protected

12.A.Progress B.Celebration C.Program D.Challenge

13.A.always B.sometimes C.occasionally D.seldom

14.A.thought B.fear C.devotion D.permission

15.A.spread B.observe C.follow D.deliver

16.A.represented B.showed C.belonged D.earned

17.A.competition B.record C.game D.athlete

18.A.change B.present C.thought D.chance

19.A.teaches B.contributes C.inspires D.reminds

20.A.peaceful B.skillful C.meaningful D.grateful



    While the internet is a great place for learning, socialising and having fun, it can also come with some danger. It’s understandable that you may want to stop your children from ever going online in order to protect them. 1.. Here are five tips to help you talk to your kids about online safety.

1. Be honest about the dangers

As soon as your kids are old enough to get online, have an age-appropriate chat with them about what they could meet with. Be honest about the issue of scammers(骗子)and advise them to come to you if they come across such incidents. Let them know that the anonymity(匿名)of the internet allows people to pretend to be someone they’re not so.2..

2. Encourage them to speak up

Flag certain behaviours or incidents that they should immediately alert you to. These include someone they don’t know trying to communicate with them online, coming across inappropriate sites, and someone threatening them online.

3.Let them know that they won’t be punished

Your kids may be scared to tell you if they’ve encountered trouble online for fear that you may stop the usage of their phone or computer .3.. Your role is to help them and keep them safe.


Make it absolutely clear that there are a few things that are completely out of bounds(界限). These include meeting up with anyone they got to know online whom they don’t know in real life, giving away any personal information such as their address or phone number, or your credit card details, and posting personal photos or videos that they wouldn’t be comfortable sharing with the world.

5. Spend time with your kids online

Sit with them when they’re using the computer or phone.5..If you encounter a site or post that is inappropriate, explain clearly why you think so.

A.Find out what sites they’re using or games they’re playing.

B.Set rules for what they shouldn’t do.

C.However, it’s far better to equip them with the right skills so they will be able to deal with dangerous situations.

D.Make it clear that you won’t punish them for being honest.

E.Completely stopping them using Internet is the best way.

F.Just as they wouldn’t trust strangers in real life, they need to be extra careful online.

G.Internet is a place filled with danger



    Traveling with kids is 90 percent reminding yourself to live in the moment and 10 percent making up your mind to never again leave your house.

I have an uncanny ability to forget this as soon as we return home from a trip and I've finished washing piles of dirty clothes in our luggage and cleaning all the messy caused by the kids. Extremely tired and annoyed, I would actually begin to miss the place we just left!

Family travel is like childbirth, I suppose. Painful, loud, messy, sort of awful, actually, but also wonderful. And you remember only the wonderful—until you’re back on a plane and your kids are fighting over who gets the aisle seat. Then you remember the bad stuff.

Last weekend, my kids and I flew to Texas for a trip we would have nothing to complain(抱怨) about—big hotel, wonderful view.

And yet—we found things to complain about. The pool was bigger in that other hotel! Why do you get to shower first? They call this coffee?! Luckily, I’ve learned to put my metaphorical coat of armor (盔甲) on as soon as we land somewhere, and it forces complaints to bounce off me and land in a pile at my feet.

For three days, genuine fun was had and annoying complaints were heard and ignored. Until it was time to catch a plane and fly home.

Unfortunately, our flight was canceled. We spent hours finding a hotel room. We hit the hotel pool before bed and swam well into the night, my kids making up songs and laughing so hard at their silly lyrics (歌词) and their crazy good fortune to be swimming at 10: 30 on a school night.

And that was when it hit me that family travel is all those things I said before but it’s also a lot more. It’s taking your kids to parts of the world that will open their eyes and finding that actually, yours need opening too. It’s remembering that joy and memories are where you make them, not where you find them.

1.The underlined word “uncanny” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to      .

A.unknown. B.uncertain.

C.unexpected. D.unusual.

2.According to the passage, family travel is like childbirth in that      .

A.they both cause financial trouble and pain.

B.they are both hard as well as rewarding.

C.childhood memories come flooding back when they travel.

D.both of them need many preparations.

3.By saying “I’ve learned to put my metaphorical coat of armor on” in Paragraph 5, the author means that_     .

A.she tries to deal with the complaints more wisely and properly.

B.she turns those annoying complaints into a means to educate kids.

C.she has improved her language skills when handling the complaints.

D.she has succeeded in escaping kids’ fighting thanks to the armor.

4.From the author’s experience in the passage, we can NOT learn that      .

A.family vacation benefits her kids as well as her.

B.joy and memories should be created rather than discovered.

C.the most unforgettable memory for her is about the complaints.

D.she has to spend some time on housework after the family vacation.



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