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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Wha...


What is art? It is very difficult to come 1. with a thorough answer. Tons of people have their own opinions and think they know what art 2. (true) is. Most people’s answers are too general to distinguish what art is. Art is a creative form of work,3. (design) to have a purpose and show emotion.

There is a purpose to every piece of artwork. Therefore 4. artist had to start with a unique idea, or reason for 5. they’re creating. Historically, art has many different purposes for being made. Artists have made art for logical 6. (purpose) like entertainment, communication, and sometimes just to express 7. (they). The first time I made art, it was in kindergarten. I remember a mini house glued on paper for my family. Art has to have a connection between the artist and the actual art project itself. As is the case with the Statue of Liberty, and freedom.

Art’s final goal is 8. (stir) up some type of emotion. Plenty of artists express their feelings in a piece of art. Then the artist’s feelings 9. (absorb) by the audience, causing them to have 10. (emotion) reactions to the visual.


1.up 2.truly 3.designed 4.an 5.what 6.purposes 7.themselves 8.to stir 9.are absorbed 10.emotional 【解析】 本文是说明文,介绍了什么是艺术,每一件艺术作品都有自身的目的以及艺术的最终目的是什么。 1.考查固定短语。句意:很难想出一个彻底的答案。短语come up with意思为“想出”。故填up。 2.考查副词。句意: 很多人有自己的观点,认为他们知道什么是真正的艺术。 修饰句子,应用副词作状语。故填truly。 3.考查过去分词。句意:艺术是一种创造性的工作形式,目的是为了表达情感。 短语be designed to do ….“目的是…...”;design与句子主语art是逻辑上的被动关系,应用过去分词作状语。故填designed。 4.考查冠词。句意: 因此,因此,一个艺术家必须从一个独特的想法开始,或者从他们创作的理由开始。此处用不定冠词表示泛指“一个艺术家”,artist的发音是以元音音素开头,故填an。 5.考查宾语从句。 句意: 因此,一个艺术家必须从一个独特的想法开始,或者从他们创作的理由开始。分析句子结构, 设空处后是宾语从句,应用what引导宾语从句,作从句中 creating的宾语,意思为“…...东西”。故填what。 6.考查名词单复数。句意:艺术家创造艺术是为了逻辑目的,如娱乐、交流,有时只是为了表达自我。purpose为可数名词,根据上一句many different purposes 和like后面列举的内容,purpose应用复数形式。故填purposes。 7.考查代词。句意:艺术家创造艺术是为了逻辑目的,如娱乐、交流,有时只是为了表达自我。短语express oneself意思为“表达自我”;主语是artists,相应的反身代词是themselves。故填themselves。 8.考查动词不定式。句意:艺术的最终目标是激发某种类型的情感。分析句子结构,此处用动词不定式做表语。故填to stir。 9.考查语态。句意:然后,艺术家的情感被观众吸收,使他们从视觉上产生情感反应。句子主语the artist’s feelings 和absorb之间是逻辑上的被动关系,应用被动语态;全文叙述的是一般情况,应用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are absorbed。 10.考查形容词。句意:然后,艺术家的情感被观众吸收,使他们从视觉上产生情感反应。修饰后面的名词reactions,使用形容词作定语。故填emotional。

    I have a friend who says that every day she tries to do a good deed and not get “found out”. The friend tells a(n) _______ story about how this started. She was assigned to take a bouquet() of flowers into a nursing home and walk out before the receiver can express _______.

She did it and made a _______ escape, saying the receiver looked pleasantly puzzled. Feeling excited, she _______ took out her phone, eager to tell her friend the _______. Luckily, she prevented herself before she made the _______ and put the cell phone away.

This is where the exercise took on an unexpected dimension. She _______ that when we tell others about the “good deeds” we do, we are getting the _______ right there. But, by keeping it _______ and not telling anyone, we are training a feeling inside ourselves that she ________ “a ray of sunshine inside our hearts”.

I tell my students this story every year and ________ them to do a good deed and not get ________. During our class discussion, a truly ________ student commented that my friend should have ________ and asked to talk to the receiver of the flowers, letting him know ________ the flowers were left for him. The student said that if someone really wanted to help ________ people, they should visit them once a week and get to know them.

________ with the idea, the students asked if we could try this as a class. We actually found an organization that helps ________ students with seniors who need companionship. ________, we are moving forward to try this ________, thanks to the student taking this story in a new and powerful direction.

1.A.plain B.amusing C.inspiring D.ridiculous

2.A.regret B.anxiety C.concern D.appreciation

3.A.clean B.brave C.interesting D.cautious

4.A.thankfully B.immediately C.patiently D.widely

5.A.arrangement B.adventure C.news D.experience

6.A.decision B.call C.choice D.comment

7.A.realized B.doubted C.admitted D.reminded

8.A.suggestion B.plan C.reward D.chance

9.A.simple B.open C.secret D.valuable

10.A.knew about B.described as C.judged from D.translated into

11.A.force B.threaten C.persuade D.encourage

12.A.discovered B.discouraged C.changed D.paid

13.A.thoughtful B.merciful C.modest D.diligent

14.A.imagined B.donated C.responded D.returned

15.A.how B.when C.why D.where

16.A.disabled B.injured C.healthy D.lonely

17.A.Impressed B.Confused C.Satisfied D.Annoyed

18.A.combine B.compare C.unite D.match

19.A.Suddenly B.Occasionally C.Currently D.Strangely

20.A.offer B.opinion C.arrangement D.task



    Our memory naturally declines as we age. We depend on our memory to perform our daily tasks well and do our jobs properly.1.. Nothing is more embarrassing than forgetting crucial information at a gathering. But there are some ways we can do to make it as sharp as ever.

Sleep Well

This is very important if you want to keep your good memory until you grow old. You must give your brain enough rest and sleep so that it can regenerate more cells where it can store more information.2..

Eat Healthily

There are several food products that you can eat to enhance your memory.3.. Have more of beans which contain folate(叶酸), this is a vitamin B that figures well in brain development. Adding nuts and beans to your daily diet can also contribute to a healthier memory.


Don’t think that you are too old to learn new skills. Try learning a new language or even playing an instrument. Start attending baking or painting classes. It’s not really in the skill that you choose but it’s in the fact that you focus on it for regular periods of time and find it interesting.


5.. When you exercise, you increase blood flow to the brain, increase the production of newer and younger cells and protect the brain cells from any kind of damage. Exercise can do a lot of wonders to our body so better start exercising now before it’s too late.

A.Never stop learning

B.Listen to the teachers carefully

C.In school, we greatly rely on it during exams

D.Take responsibility for the mistake you’ve make

E.Eating avocado and broccoli stimulates blood flow to the brain

F.We can never stress the importance of exercise in keeping our memories sharp

G.Try sleeping early and you will find that it is easier for you to focus on the task at hand



    It’s a rainy spring morning in May, but a steady flow of people from various age groups and cultural backgrounds could already be seen going in and out of the Ioe Fortes Branch of the Vancouver Public Library on Denman Street. One such regular of this branch is Richard Bisson, who lives just across the street. Convenience is a key for the retired court interpreter, as well as access to a wide variety of books in English, French and German.

Still, other community engagement plans involve programs aimed at getting youth to read more and use the library. At the Renfrew Branch, which is close to residential areas and surrounded by a beautiful park, the library partnered with the Renfrew Community Centre to design a camp for teens last year. This year, they’re focusing on elementary kids, with similar programs such as the summer reading club.

Susan Everall, Neighbourhood Services Manager for the Vancouver Public Library, believes that libraries are social, educational and recreational places, where everybody has access.

“A lot of people come in with their laptops, and they spend hours in the library and it’s not necessarily because they don’t have Internet access at home. Sometimes it’s just due to the social feeling,” Everall says.

When it comes to smaller community branches, Everall suggests that some people prefer the smaller space, where they don't feel overwhelmed.

And just like going to your neighbourhood grocery store, Everall believes that community libraries also provide a sense of familiarity, where friends and neighbours can bump into each other.

For a regular like Bisson, the library is a place that keeps us informed because reading shapes our ideas, our culture and our way of thinking. Although he doesn’t participate in library events, he thinks that the Joe Fortes Branch serves the community well, and he’s happy if it provides events for the community.

1.From Paragraph 2 we can know the programs this year is       .

A.founded by Richard Bisson

B.surrounded by residential buildings

C.designing summer activities for primary children

D.planning summer camps with the Renfrew Community Centre

2.According to Everall, many people take their laptops to libraries probably because       .

A.they want to be around people

B.they want to save some money

C.they don’t want to lose their laptops

D.none of them have Internet access at home

3.The Joe Fortes Branch is different from common public libraries in that       .

A.it was set up for youth living nearby

B.it often organizes reading activities

C.it makes people feel overwhelmed

D.it creates a family atmosphere

4.What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

A.To introduce community libraries and their advantages.

B.To make the Joe Fortes Branch known to more people.

C.To encourage people to visit libraries in their free time.

D.To show differences between public and communitv libraries.



    In today’s difficult economic time, it’s natural to rethink your goal of studying abroad. Does the benefit outweigh the cost? The answer, in fact, is yes, when you look at the road ahead.

When the economy becomes more challenged, competition for the workforce increases, and employers look for employees with the best credentials(资力). Having an overseas degree — from a university where strong English skills are required — can make all the difference. The added expertise of a foreign degree, along with more cultural experience, can make you more qualified for many jobs.

A 50-year study of 3,400 students shows that studying abroad is usually a defining moment in a young person’s life and continues to impact the participant’s life for years after the experience.

82% said that they acquired skills that influenced their career path. 70% stated that it ignited(点燃)an interest in a career direction that they pursued after the experience.

And the effect on one’s career can be equally strong. A study by the Queensland, Australia government showed:

61% of employers stated overseas studying experience was positive on a graduate resume. 72% of employers felt that a second language made a graduate a more attractive employee.

Still, there’s the question of how to pay for studying overseas. But the cost doesn’t have to be as high as you think. Scholarships may be available to cover some or all of these costs. And, there are plenty of ways to further offset(抵消)the cost — through financial tips, advice and grants(补助金).

1.The second study shows that studying abroad       .

A.helps one to get a job B.affects one’s whole life

C.affects one’s career direction D.helps one to make more money

2.The author tries to prove his idea by       .

A.giving examples B.answering questions

C.listing facts and numbers D.offering advice and solutions

3.What does the author think about the university fees?

A.Financial tips must increase the university fees.

B.Scholarships can cover some of the costs.

C.Money is a serious problem for studying abroad.

D.There are few ways for the students to earn money.

4.What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?

A.Studying abroad is easy. B.Studying abroad is rewarding.

C.The effects of studying abroad. D.The problems with studying abroad.



    Just days before Jessica Joy Rees lost her heartbreaking battle with brain tumors(瘤), her parents wrote on their blog about how they were excited for a great 2012.

They were confident that the 12-year-old girl would reach her goal of making 50,000 of her “Joy Jars” which were filled with candy and toys for sick children. They were exploring other medical treatments in Europe. They continued to pray and encouraged others to do the same. Unfortunately, their prayers were answered differently than they hoped.

“We have prayed and prayed and prayed for sweet Jessie to be treated here on earth but God’s plan was to use heaven for her treatment,” they wrote on Facebook when Jessie died on Thursday, after a 10-month battle with brain cancer.

Jessica began her blog and Facebook page after being found with a brain tumor in March, six months before a second one was found. Jessica wrote on Facebook that her task was “to encourage kids fighting cancer to NEVER EVER GIVE UP by spreading hope, joy and love. A cheerful heart is great medicine”.

“I love spreading joy to kids with our Joy Jars. I love reading all of the posts on Facebook. I love having so many people praying for me. I love that people are supporting NEVER EVER GIVE UP and allowing us to help kids. I love my family and all of my new friends,” the 12-year-old wrote.

“Thank you all for honoring Jessie by helping her reach her 50,000 goal today. We will NEVER EVER GIVE UP spreading hope, joy and love to kids fighting cancer. Jessie’s dream is now our goal!” her parents wrote on her Facebook page shortly after she died.

1.What caused Jessica to lose her young life?

A.Her heartbreaking battle. B.The terrible brain cancer.

C.Too much hard work. D.The wrong medical treatment.

2.Why did Jessica want to make 50,000 of her “Joy Jars”?

A.She wished to beat her brain tumors with her “Joy Jars”.

B.She wanted to spread joy to kids with her “Joy Jars”.

C.She wanted to explore other medical treatments.

D.She wished many people to pray for her with her “Joy Jars”.

3.The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to       .

A.Jessica and her parents B.sick children

C.Jessica’s parents D.sick children’s parents

4.From the passage we can learn       .

A.Jessica’s second brain tumor was found in September

B.Jessica disliked so many people praying for her

C.Jessica felt very happy to reach her 50,000 goal

D.Jessica’s parents found nice medicine for kids



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