满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.We all should take an ________ (乐观) attitude to people’s willingness to help others.

2.Three mountains, Meili, Baimang and Haba, t________ over the land, are covered with snow.

3.Surely, it doesn’t matter where they get their money from: what c________ is what they do with it.

4.We also had different students in some classes, so it was a s________ for me to remember all the faces and names.

5.Since teenagers have difficulty ________ (平衡) these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in society.

6.When the professor called me to answer the question, my mind went ________ (空白的).

7.We’ll live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do, i________ cow’s blood.

8.The best times to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn when the temperature is at its m________.

9.Activities all take place under the ________ (指导) of an experienced teacher.

10.She is good at physics ________ (尽管) the fact that it is boring.


1.optimistic 2.towering 3.counts 4.struggle 5.balancing 6.blank 7.including 8.mildest 9.guidance 10.despite 【解析】 1.考查形容词。句意:我们都应该以乐观的态度对待人们帮助他人的意愿。用形容词optimistic作定语,修饰名词attitude。故填optimistic。 2.考查现在分词。句意:三座山, Meili,Baimang和Haba,高耸在陆地上,覆盖着雪。动词tower意思是“高耸,超越;”此处用现在分词towering作定语,与所修饰的名词mountains是主动关系,故填towering。 3.考查动词。句意:当然,他们从哪里得到钱并不重要:重要的是他们如何处理它。在主语从句what counts,中,用动司count(是重要的)作谓语动词,注意用第三人称单数形式,故选counts。 4.考查名词。句意:我们在一些班级里也有不同的学生,所以我很难记住所有人的脸和名字。可数名词struggle意思是“难事;”,a struggle (一件难事)。故填struggle。 5.考查动名词。句意:由于青少年很难平衡这些需求,他们经常质疑他们是谁,以及他们如何适应社会。固定句型:have difficulty in doing sh.(做……有困难),故填balancing。 6.考查形容词。句意:当教授叫给我回答这个问题时,我的大脑一片空白。此处go blank(变得空白的)是系表结构,形容词blank作表语,故填blank。 7.考查现在分词。句意:我们将和他们村庄里的当地人住在一起,吃喝他们有的,包括牛血。此处现在分词including(包括)作定语,相当于定语从句which includes cow’s blood.,即吃喝的东西中包括牛血,是主动关系,故填including。 8.考查形容词。句意:去香格里拉的最佳时间是春天和秋天,那时气温正是很最温和的。根据句意要用形容词mild(温和的)的最高级,此处the mildest是指最温和的气温,省略了名词temperature,作介词at的宾语,故填mildest。 9.考查名词。句意:所有的活动都是在有经验的教师的指导下进行。固定短语under the guidance of(在……的指导下),故填guidance。 10.考查介词。句意:她擅长物理,尽管事实上它很无聊。介词despite(尽管)后接名词the fact作宾语,故填despite。


I don’t think I need 1. (tell) you that reading is beneficial to you. The more you read, the 2. (great) progress you will make. Unfortunately, most people don’t read. Sometimes, people do want to read — they’ve got a book at home sitting on the shelf, 3. they are fond of — but can never seem to find the time.

4. (obvious), to get yourself motivated to read, read something that you find 5.(interest), so there is a high 6. (possible) that you will pick it up and read it later.

Make reading a habit by setting triggers (启动器). For example, breakfast is my trigger. Whenever I break the fast, I make 7. a rule to read. You can do this for anything — when you go to the washroom, when you’re riding the subway, or when you eat dinner. Your triggers will act as a friendly reminder that you should read. It may take some time to get 8. (use) to reading, but it’s worth it!

If you’re 9. (will), use every possible moment when you have free time to get yourself 10. (bury) in the art of the written world. You won’t regret it, I promise!



    The importance of self-improvement often goes unnoticed. Truth is — you can’t run away from yourself. The idea should be to focus on continuous self-development at every stage of life.1.

Increase self-awareness

The first step of self-improvement asks you to become more self-aware. Self-awareness is an ongoing journey. As life goes on, you meet with different experiences and challenges. 2.. To be on the path of self-improvement, it’s important to never lose touch with yourself.

Improve strengths (优点)

Self-improvement lets you identify your personal strengths. 3.. It gives you a better understanding of what you are seeking and where you are likely to thrive (繁荣兴旺). It helps you set life goals and make them happen.

Step out of the comfort zone

Choosing to work on improving yourself requires you to step out of your comfort zone. It lets you face your fears, try new things, and challenge yourself. There will be times when you’ll discover a new side of your personality. 4.. Don’t let failures get you frustrated. And never get too comfortable in familiar spaces because life begins outside your comfort zone.


People who’re invested in their continuous self-improvement come with an extremely positive attitude towards learning. Instead of being ignorant and escaping from their problems, they make it a point to learn from their mistakes to grow and succeed. This is a wonderful quality to have as having a learning attitude is instrumental in achieving success.

A.Improve mental health

B.Develop a learning attitude

C.And knowing your strengths is important

D.However, there will also be times when you’ll fail

E.They make you more aware of your personality, thoughts and feelings

F.After all, you can only achieve what you want when you know what you want

G.Here are some reasons why self-improvement is important regardless of your age



    Pitt Crawley was astonished to receive such a pleasant letter from his brother Rawdon Crawley. Jane was delighted, and expected that her husband Pitt would immediately divide his aunt’s inheritance (遗产) into two equal parts and send one to his brother.

The brothers did not meet for some time, however. Since the death of Miss Crawley, Pitt and his wife had been living down at Queen’s Crawley with his father Sir Pitt Crawley.

In fact, when the black-aged invitation to the funeral (葬礼) arrived in Curzon Street, the reactions (反应) were very far from sad.

“We don’t have to go, do we, Becky?” Rawdon said. “Pitt bores me to death, and a carriage there and back will cost too much.”

“Of course we’re going, you silly man!” cried Becky, jumping up in delight. “Your brother is now Sir Pitt, and a Member of Parliament. I want Lady Jane to present me at court next year, and I want Sir Pitt to get you a position of some importance — the Governor of the West Indies, or something like that. We must order our black clothes for the funeral at once.”

“Litter Rawdy comes too, of course,” said her husband.

“Of course not! Why pay for a third seat in the carriage?”

It was a great moment when the two Crawley brothers met again at last. The new Sir Pitt shook his brother warmly by the hand, while Lady Jane took both Becky’s hands, and kissed her.

This mark of kindness brought tears to Becky’s eyes, which was a rare event. When Lady Jane took Becky to her room, Becky at once began work on earning her sister-in-law’s approval.

“What I should like to do first,” Becky said, in a soft little voice, “is to see your dear little children.”

This request pleased Lady Jane very much. She led Becky away to meet her daughter and son, aged four and two, and in no time at all, she and Becky were close friends.

“You must be so sad,” Lady Jane said sympathetically, “to have left your little boy in London.”

“Dear, dear Rawdy!” sighed Becky. “I miss him so much.”

It was fortunate that her husband did not hear this remark. He was very fond of his son. He saw Rawdy every day at home, brought him presents and toys and played with him whenever he could. His mother took no notice of the boy at all. When he cried at night, it was a servant who came and took him to her room to comfort him.

Rawdon and Becky spent several days at Queen’s Crawley, and it was time well spent. Lady Jane thought Becky was delightful, and Sir Pitt also approved of her. She had shown interest in his ambitions (抱负) for government, and made admiring comments on his political ideas, which he had found very agreeable.

Becky was glad to escape from playing the part of a dutiful sister-in-law — listening with interest to dull conversations, inspecting the fruit garden, visiting sick villagers with soup and encouragement.

Lord Steyne was one of Becky’s admirers in London. High-society women still ignored her, but the men crowded to Mrs Crawley’s little house, Many of them lost money at the card-tables to Colonel Crawley. Not Lord Steyne, however, who was no fool. Becky amused Lord Steyne. He admired her charm and her intelligence and her cunning, which he saw was equal to his own, and her artful lies gave him much entertainment. He laughed a great deal at Becky’s account of her time at Queen’s Crawley.

“I should like to see you visiting the sick,” he said, “and being polite to those dull relations of your husband’s.”

Lord Steyne laughed again. “You were bored to tears by them all. Come now, admit it, Mrs Crawley!”

Becky gave a wicked little smile.

1.Why did Becky do lots of things against her will at Queen’s Crawley?

A.To show concern for her relatives. B.To bring out her talents.

C.To win Jane’s and Pitt’s favor. D.To kill the boring time.

2.From the underlined sentence, we can conclude that ________.

A.Becky told a lie, which would surprise Rawdon

B.Becky worried this remark would annoy Rawdon

C.Rawdon, like Becky, missed their son Rawdy

D.Rawdon took no notice of the remark

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.Becky was a devoted mother B.Lady Jane was kind and generous

C.Lord Steyne was worth relying on D.Rawdon was as intelligent as Becky

4.Lord Steyne admired Becky for ________.

a. her intelligence b. her charm c. kindness d. wicked smile

A.ac B.ab C.bc D.bd



    How long could we live in the future?

Late last year, US researchers at the Buck Institute of Age Research gave a very exciting answer: 500 years.

Think about it. If that had been the case many years ago, a person could have lived from the Ming Dynasty until now.

But that idea was challenged by scientists at a recent medical conference in the UK, The Times reported.

Speaking at the conference, British neurobiologist (神经生物学家) Sir Colin Blakemore, 70, claimed there is a limit on how long humans can live, and how much the body can age. Instead of 500 years, 120 years “might be a real absolute limit to human lifespan (寿命)”, he said.

His estimate was based on current statistics (数据) and a look at medical effects.

The number of people living past 100 in the world has increased by 71 percent in the past decade, the Daily Mail reported. Blakemore agreed that this figure would continue to rise. But people living for longer than 120 years is “so rarely exceeded (超过)” that, even with medical and technological progress, it is unlikely that we can expect more than that, he said.

His claims contradict (与……矛盾) those made previously by researchers at the Buck Institute of Age Research in California.

In 2013, they changed two genetic (基因的) pathways in a tiny worm, and the creature lived life five times as long as a normal one.

If that technology could one day be used on human beings, it could extend (延长) human lives to 500 years, the Daily Mail reported.

But no matter which number is the ceiling (上限) for our lifespans, 120 or 500 years, it would take years for scientists to make that true for most people.

On Oct 21, the Gerontological Society of China published a report on centenarians (百岁老人) in China. There are 58,789 people above the age of 100 now in our country, with the oldest being 128 years old.

And by looking at these people’s lifestyles, the society worked out a recipe (秘诀) for a long life: outdoor activities, more communication with others, and a healthy diet containing lots of fruit, vegetables, and low-fat food.

So how long do you think you could live? If you play your part, your answer could be a satisfying one.

1.Which of the following statements does Sir Colin Blakemore agree with?

A.It’s impossible for humans to live past 120 years

B.It’s possible to expand humans’ lives to 500 years

C.More people are expected to live past 100 years

D.Chinese people live the healthiest way of life

2.The following sentence “We don’t have to completely rely on scientific breakthroughs to live a longer life, however.” can be placed in ________.

A. B.

C. D.

3.According to the passage, people may not live longer if they ________.

A.take part in outdoor activities B.take in high-fat food

C.develop a healthy lifestyle D.talk with others more

4.What might be the best title of this passage?

A.Future lives “shortened” B.500 years, not a dream

C.120 years, the limit ceiling D.Future lives “extended”



    A quarter of women and two-thirds of the men in a study chose to experience an electric shock (电击) rather than do nothing and spend time alone with their thoughts, which shows we hate being alone.

Solitude (独处) has had a bad reputation (名声) because it is sometimes used as a form of punishment, said Robert Coplan, a professor of psychology at Carleton University.

The problem is that we forget solitude can also be a choice and it does not have to be full time, because there is so much research showing that humans are social creatures who benefit from communicating with others. “People will try to dismiss that it’s also important to spend time alone,” said Coplan. “It’s hard for them to imagine that you can have both.”

People often feel inhabited (拘谨的) from enjoying activities alone, especially when they worry others are watching and judging them. It can stop us from doing things that will bring us joy.

Indeed, loneliness hurts — it can even negatively impact your health. But the mere act of being alone with oneself does not have to be bad.

An online survey called “The Red Test” showed that activities considered to be most relaxing are things that are done alone. Spending time alone is actually something our bodies long for and we need to make ourselves feel better.

The freedom of not having to follow the lead of others, with no pressure to do anything, to talk to anyone, or to make plans with people, is a great way to relax, even for highly social individuals. It also helps us discover new interests and ideas without having to worry about the opinions of others.

Developing this sense of being alone and making the choice to be alone can help develop your sense of self. Knowing oneself makes it easier to find other people who share your passions and develop true friendships.

Don’t confuse loneliness with time by yourself. The latter can improve your creativity and confidence, and help you control your emotions so that you can better deal with different situations. Getting started is easy — all you need is yourself.

1.The underlined word “It” in paragraph 4 refers to ________.

A.anxiety about what others think of you

B.social worries about spending time alone

C.imagination of the effects of feeling lonely

D.the choice of feeling lonely or being alone

2.The benefits of being alone do not include ________.

A.exploring our interests B.widening our circle

C.reducing our pressure D.improving our confidence

3.What’s the author’s attitude towards being alone?

A.Disapproving. B.Doubtful.

C.Uninterested. D.Supportive.

4.Which is the structure of the passage?

A. B.

C. D.



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