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Most Americans love Chinese food. Howeve...

    Most Americans love Chinese food. However, the Chinese food served in most American restaurants is very different from the authentic cuisine enjoyed daily by people living in China. 1.Then many Chinese immigrants had trouble landing a job in America. To make a living, some of them opened restaurants. Over these years, Chinese cuisine has been adapted to reflect Western influences.

2.The Chinese food found in Western restaurants is mainly cooked through frying. Many dishes are cooked using various frying methods. However, traditional Chinese food is rarely cooked through frying. Instead, methods such as baking, steaming, boiling and fermenting (发酵) are more commonly used.

Another big difference between authentic and westernized Chinese food is the ingredients used. 3. Some ingredients — like carrots, onions and tomatoes — are not often used in authentic Chinese cooking. In addition, while you can find some Western cuisines that use strange meats — like pig ears — most Western cultures are pretty conservative about the meats they consume. Authentic Chinese food, in contrast, uses a wider variety of protein sources, including tofu, snake, chicken feet, duck blood and many more that Westerners generally wouldn’t choose to eat.

4.Sweet and Sour Chicken, for example, has no equivalent(同等物)in traditional Chinese cuisine. Similarly, the fortune cookie is a completely American invention.

Indeed, there are numerous differences between authentic and westernized Chinese cuisine, but Western palates (味觉) adapt to new flavors easily. 5.

A.The history of westernized Chinese food started in the mid-1800s.

B.Westernized Chinese food features vegetables that are common in Western cuisines.

C.There are so many regions of China, and they all prepare their dishes a little bit differently.

D.So it may only be a matter of time before authentic Chinese food becomes popular in America.

E.Many of the most popular Chinese dishes in the West are not served in Chinese restaurants at all.

F.Deep frying food is quick, which is why you can usually get your Chinese food in just a few minutes.

G.One of the main differences between authentic and westernized Chinese food lies in cooking methods.


1.A 2.G 3.B 4.E 5.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。中国菜到了西方以后受到了西方的影响,文章介绍了西化的中国菜和传统中国菜的不同之处。 1.根据空后的Then many Chinese immigrants had trouble landing a job in America. To make a living, some of them opened restaurants. Over these years, Chinese cuisine has been adapted to reflect Western influences.(当时,许多中国移民在美国找不到工作。为了谋生,他们中的一些人开了餐馆。这些年来,中国菜已经适应了西方的影响)可知,A选项(西化的中国食物的历史始于19世纪中期)和下文内容相呼应,in the mid-1800s和下文的then相呼应,westernized Chinese food和Western influences相呼应,故选A。 2.根据下文的The Chinese food found in Western restaurants is mainly cooked through frying.(西餐厅的中餐主要是油炸的)和traditional Chinese food… Instead, methods such as baking, steaming, boiling and fermenting (发酵) are more commonly used.(中国传统食物以烘烤、蒸、煮和发酵等方法更常用。)可知,G选项主要说明了正宗中国菜和西化中国菜的区别之一是烹饪方法。G选项可以承接下文,且根据下文的Another big difference和选项中One of the main differences相呼应,故选G。 3.根据下文的Some ingredients — like carrots, onions and tomatoes — are not often used in authentic Chinese cooking.(一些配料,如胡萝卜、洋葱和西红柿,在正宗的中国菜中并不常用)可知,B选项中的vegetables和like carrots, onions and tomatoes相呼应,且语义(西化的中国菜以西餐中常见的蔬菜为特色)承接上下文,故选B。 4.根据下文的Sweet and Sour Chicken, for example, has no equivalent(同等物)in traditional Chinese cuisine.(糖醋鸡在中国传统烹饪中就没有类似的食物)可知,E选项的语义(许多在西方最受欢迎的中国菜在中国餐馆里根本不存在)可以承接下文,且Sweet and Sour Chicken和the most popular Chinese dishes in the West相呼应,are not served和has no equivalent相呼应,故选E。 5.根据前文的Indeed, there are numerous differences between authentic and westernized Chinese cuisine, but Western palates (味觉) adapt to new flavors easily. (的确,正宗的中国菜和西化的中国菜有很多不同之处,但是西方人的口味很容易适应新的口味)可知,D选项在语义(所以,正宗的中国菜在美国流行也许只是时间问题)上与前文是因果关系,故选D。

    While many of us may have been away somewhere nice last summer, few would say that we’ve “summered.” “Summer” is clearly a noun, more precisely, a verbed noun.

Way back in our childhood, we all learned the difference between a noun and a verb. With such a tidy definition, it was easy to spot the difference. Not so in adulthood, where we are expected to “foot” bills, “chair” committees, and “dialogue” with political opponents. Chances are you didn’t feel uncomfortable about the sight of those verbed nouns.

“The verbing of nouns is as old as the English language,” says Patricia O’Conner, a former editor at The New York Times Book Review. Experts estimate that 20 percent of all English verbs were originally nouns. And the phenomenon seems to be snowballing. Since 1900, about 40 percent of all new verbs have come from nouns.

Even though conversion (转化) is quite universal, plenty of grammarians object to the practice. William Strunk Jr. and E.B.White, in The Elements of Style — the Bible for the use of American English — have this to say: “Many nouns lately have been pressed into service as verbs. Not all are bad, but all are suspect.” The Chicago Manual of Style takes a similar standpoint, advising writers to use verbs with great care.

“Sometimes people object to a new verb because they resist what is unfamiliar to them,” says O’Conner. That’s why we’re comfortable “hosting” a party, but we might feel upset by the thought of “medaling” in sports. So are there any rules for verbing? Benjamin Dreyer, copy chief at Random House, doesn’t offer a rule, but suggests that people think twice about “verbifying” a noun if it’s easily replaceable by an already existing popular verb. Make sure it’s descriptive but not silly-sounding, he says.

In the end, however, style is subjective. Easy conversion of nouns to verbs has been part of English grammar for centuries; it is one of the processes that make English “English.” Not every coinage (新创的词语) passes into general use, but as for trying to end verbing altogether, forget it.

1.What can we learn about the verbing of nouns?

A.It hasn’t recently been opposed by many grammarians.

B.It is more commonly accepted by children than adults.

C.It hasn’t been a rare phenomenon in the past century.

D.It is easily replaced by existing verbs in practice

2.What is most leading experts’ attitude towards the practice of the verbing of nouns?

A.Cautious. B.Satisfied.

C.Disappointed. D.Unconcerned.

3.What does the author think of ending the verbing of nouns?

A.Predictable. B.Practicable.

C.Approaching. D.Impossible.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Are 40 Percent of all new verbs from nouns

B.Are Summering and Medaling Annoying?

C.Are You Comfortable about a New Verb?

D.Are There Any Rules for Verbing?



    Your circle of friends may help you get a better reading on your overall health and wellness rather than just using wearable devices such as a Fitbit, according to researchers.

The study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, analyzed what the structure of social networks says about the state of health, happiness and stress.

"We were interested in the topololgy (拓扑学) of the social network — what does my position within my social network predict about my health and well-being said Nitesh V. Chawla, a professor at the University of Notre Dame in the US.

“What we found was the social network structure provides a significant improvement in predictability of wellness states of an individual over just using the data obtained from wearables, like the number of steps or heart rate,” Chawla said.

For the study, participants wore a Fitbit to capture health behavior data about walking, sleeping, heart rate and overall activity level. They also completed surveys and self-assessments of their stress, happiness and positivity.

Cbawla and his team then analyzed the data with a machine learning model, alongside the connections and characteristics of an individual's social network.

The study showed a strong correlation (相关性) between social network structures, heart rate, number of steps and level of activity.

Social network structure provided significant improvement in predicting one's health and well-being compared to just looking at health behavior data from the Fitbit alone.

For example, when social network structure is combined with the data from wearables, the machine learning model achieved a 65 percent improvement in predicting happiness.

The model also achieved a 54 percent improvement in predicting one's self-assessed health prediction, a 55 percent improvement in predicting positive attitude and a 38 percent improvement in predicting success.

This study asserts (断言) that without social network information, we only have an incomplete view of an individual's wellness state, and to be fully predictive or to be able to obtain interventions (干扰). It is critical to be aware of the social network, Chawla said.

1.What did the study find?

A.How people choose their friend circles.

B.What factors decide your friend circles.

C.How your circle of friends influences you

D.What your circle of friends says about your health.

2.How did the researchers draw their conclusions?

A.By comparing data. B.By giving examples.

C.By analyzing cause and effect D.By describing personal experiences.

3.What does the underlined word “critical” mean in the last paragraph?

A.Easy. B.Common.

C.Important. D.Challenging.

4.What do Chawla's words in the last paragraph tell us?

A.How fitness devices can connect your circle of friends

B.That a person's social network is part of his health picture.

C.The best ways to make friends and keep a healthy social circle

D.That wearable devices are not useful for understanding someone's health.



    As a kid, Joanna Buckley wasn’t interested in science — until she had a chance to try it. That happened when she got a chemistry set for Christmas.

“Over the course of a few weeks, I’d completed every experiment. But in the process, I polluted my parent’s dining room carpet and burnt the kitchen worktop with the spirit burner,” she says.

Now science is Buckley’s job. She works in the chemistry department at the University of Sheffield in England. “I realize, first-hand, how important it is to have something or someone to show you why science is so great,” she says. Now the good news is that citizen science appears.

Citizen science takes the fun of experimenting a step further than Buckley’s at-home chemistry kit. That’s because these experiments are real, looking for novel answers.

“Compared with a one-off experiment, what’s cool about citizen science is that students get that this has a purpose,” Prunuske says. “Students want to do a good job, because they know scientists are going to use the new data in their own research.”

Long agrees. “Kids like that it’s real. And they like that it’s important, that it matters.” Citizen-science projects have made big discoveries. One found a previously unknown galaxy cluster (星系团). Another project helped assess how much damage a big earthquake had caused in Japan. And one of the first citizen-science projects helped scientists learn where butterflies go every winter.

Some adults worry about teens losing interest in science. That’s one reason they hope that fun, exciting citizen-science projects can help them keep in touch, Long says. And she has some evidence that it’s working, “Last year, we did have a couple of students say, ‘I really think I want to be a scientist now. ’”

1.What is the purpose of paragraph 2?

A.To support trials can make teens interested in science.

B.To prove failure is the mother of success in science.

C.To state Buckley has a talent for science.

D.To praise Buckley for her strong will.

2.Why is citizen science more fun?

A.It carries out experiments frequently.

B.It must carry out experiments in groups.

C.It needs to seek for new solutions.

D.It demands to handle complex problems.

3.What can we know from what Prunuske said?

A.She participated in the experiment.

B.She took pride in what students took up.

C.Citizen science is popular with students.

D.Scientists are willing to employ students.

4.What is Long’s attitude towards citizen science?

A.Concerned. B.Supportive.

C.Doubtful. D.Unclear.



How It Feels to Float

by Helaia Fox

If you're looking for a moving story that explores themes of mental illness, grief (悲痛), and love, pick up a copy of How It Feels to Float and follow Biz as she comes of age. This moving novel will stay with you long   after you finish reading it.

Two Can Keep a Secret

by Karen M. MeManus

Put on your crime-solving cap and get swept away in this thriller about a girl, a boy, and a string of unsolved murders. As threats and clues pile up, you’ll be burning the midnight oil trying to finish the book before dawn.

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns

by Julie C. Dao

The first book in the Rise of the Empress series takes the bones of a traditional fairy tale — a poor girl fated for power, an evil queen determined to stop her, love for someone who doesn't love back and magic — and gives them a richly imagined East Asian setting.


by Frank Herbert

If the Star Wars movies have made you fall in love with the space opera, eventually you're going to read Frank Herbert's most famous creation. The story of centuries-old political plotting — about warring factions (派系) battling over control of the extremely valuable planet Arrakis — is a classic and remains a wonderful introduction to the larger, more complex world of science fiction just beyond the Star Wars trilogies.

1.What is How It Feels to Float mainly about?

A.The murder of a teenage girl.

B.A girl's space adventures.

C.Challenges of growing up.

D.A poor girl with special powers.

2.What kind of book is Two Can Keep a Secret?

A.A fairy tale. B.A science-fiction story.

C.A love story. D.A detective story.

3.Which book is about battling for control of another planet?

A.How It Feels to Float B.Two Can Keep a Secret

C.Forest of a thousand Lanterns D.Dune



假定你是武汉市某高中学校学生会主席李华,为有效配合新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控,湖北省教育厅宣布延期开学, 请你写一封英文延期开学通知发布在校园网上。要点如下:

1.  严禁学生假期到校。

2.  进行远程教育、在线心理辅导。

3.  如有调整,另行通知。


1.  词数 100 左右;

2.  可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:

心理的 psychological

疫情 epidemic

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