满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Everyone is calling this lovely long-hai...

    Everyone is calling this lovely long-haired cat a hero. And when you hear what Masha did on that day, you'll know how this furry friend ____ a babys life!

After finding an abandoned baby boy on the street, Masha ____  into the box the boy had been deserted in as if to keep him _____ . Then, the caring mother cat got ____ by crying non-stop to draw _____to the poor 3-month-old baby boy.

A retired woman, Irina, who _____ nearby, walked out to empty her household waste. Suddenly she heard Masha crying out loudly and _____ .She spotted Masha. It was a lost cat that she and her neighbors had begun ____. and she knew Masha was normally very calm and ____.

"When I heard her crymg, I thought that perhaps she had ____ herself because she would come to greet me or give me a sign for help,” Irina said. Concerned for the cat, Irina  went to _____  , and then  she spied the cat ____ her from the abandoned box in the middle of the cans.

She walked closer ,and was completely _____ ,She could not believe her eyes when she looked inside the box and saw the baby there with Masha ______next to him! Clearly her mothering nature had taken over her and she  wanted to ______the child from the cold,

Quickly,  Irina  called a(n) _______ , and the baby was directly taken to hospital where he was given a ____ Unexpectedly, doctors said the baby was ____  . A hospital spokesman said, "The baby had only been outside for a few _______ and thanks to Masha and the child's clothing, he was not damaged, a hero. Now the _______like Irina on the street are treating Masha as a hero.

1.A.ended B.threatened C.saved D.replaced

2.A.climbed B.dropped C.broke D.looked

3.A.still B.warm C.peaceful D.cheerful

4.A.surprise B.sympathy C.power D.help

5.A.attention B.love C.trust D.comfort

6.A.worked B.inspected C.performed D.lived

7.A.softly B.secretly C.urgently D.calmly

8.A.putting up with B.taking care of C.thinking little of D.catching up with

9.A.friendly B.punctual C.ridiculous D.dusty

10.A.hidden B.injured C.enjoyed D.amused

11.A.flee B.examine C.wipe D.explore

12.A.discouraging B.depending on C.prohibiting D.staring at

13.A.puzzled B.terrified C.astonished D.sensitive

14.A.arising B.suffering C.lying D.surviving

15.A.protect B.raise C.violate D.ignore

16.A.parent B.driver C.owner D.ambulance

17.A.rest B.check-up C.shelter D.cover-up

18.A.unharmed B.inspected C.unconscious D.innocent

19.A.months B.weeks C.hours D.days

20.A.wanderers B.boys C.workers D.residents


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一只名叫玛莎的猫通过不停地呼叫,引起人们的注意,成功拯救了一个被遗弃的婴儿。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你听到玛莎那天做了什么,你就会知道这个毛茸茸的朋友是如何救了一个婴儿的生命!A.ended 结束;B.threatened威胁;C.saved拯救;D.replaced取代。分析下文可知,是玛莎不停地呼叫,引起了Irina的注意,从而救了那个被遗弃的婴儿。故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在街上发现一个被遗弃的男孩,玛莎爬进了那个被遗弃的婴儿箱,好像是为了给他取暖。A.climbed爬;B.dropped掉落;C.broke破坏;D.looked看。根据下文“She could not believe her eyes when she looked inside the box and saw the baby there with Masha ___14___next to him!”可知,玛莎爬进了箱子里。故选A。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:玛莎爬进了那个被遗弃的婴儿箱,好像是为了给他取暖。A.still静止的;B.warm暖和的;C.peaceful和平的;D.cheerful高兴的。分析下文“she wanted to ___15___the child from the cold”以及选项可知,玛莎爬进箱子好像是为了给被遗弃的婴儿取暖。故选B。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后,这只充满爱心的猫妈妈通过不停地喊叫想要得到帮助,以引起人们对这个可怜的3个月大的男婴的注意。A.surprise惊讶;B.sympathy同情;C.power力量;D.help帮助。分析上下文可知,玛莎不停地喊叫的目的是想要得到人们的帮助。故选D。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,这只充满爱心的猫妈妈不停地喊叫,以引起人们对这个可怜的3个月大的男婴的注意。A.attention注意;B.love爱;C.trust信任;D.comfort安慰。分析上下文可知,玛莎的叫声是想引起人们的注意,从而来帮助那个婴儿。故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:住在附近的退休妇女Irina走出去倒她的生活垃圾。A.worked工作;B.inspected视察;C.performed表演;D.lived住。根据下文“It was a lost cat that she and her neighbors had begun ___8___.”可知,Irina是住在附近的。故选D。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,她听见玛莎大声而急迫地大叫了起来。A.softly柔软地;B.secretly秘密地;C.urgently急迫地;D.calmly冷静地。根据上文“Suddenly she heard Masha crying out loudly”可知,当有人出现的时候,玛莎大声急迫地大叫起来以引起人们的注意。故选C。 8.考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:这是一只走失的猫,她和邻居们已经开始照料它了。A.putting up with忍受;B.taking care of照顾;C.thinking little of轻视;D.catching up with赶上。根据下文“and she knew Masha was normally very calm ”可知,Irina对玛莎很了解,故她和邻居们应该照顾着这只走失的猫。故选B。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她知道玛莎平时是非常冷静和友好的。A.friendly友好的;B.punctual准时的;C.ridiculous可笑的;D.dusty脏的。根据上文的“calm”可知,玛莎平时是非常冷静和友好的。故选A。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Irina说:“当我听到她叫的时候,我想她可能是自己受伤了。A.hidden藏;B.injured受伤;C.enjoyed享受;D.amused高兴的。根据下文“Concerned for the cat, Irina went to ___11___ ”可知,Irina原先担心是猫自己受伤了。故选B。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Irina很担心那只猫,她去检查,然后她发现那只猫从罐子中间的废弃盒子里盯着她看。A.flee逃跑;B.examine检查,查看;C.wipe擦拭;D.explore探索。分析上下文可知,由于担心猫,Irina上去查看。故选B。 12.考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:Irina很担心那只猫,她去检查,然后她发现那只猫从罐子中间的废弃盒子里盯着她看。A.discouraging沮丧;B.depending on依靠,依赖;C.prohibiting禁止;D.staring at盯着看。分析上下文可知,当Irina靠近的时候,猫一只盯着她看。故选D。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她走得更近了,她完全惊呆了。A.puzzled困惑的;B.terrified害怕的;C.astonished惊讶的;D.sensitive敏感的。根据下文“She could not believe her eyes ”可知,Irina没有想到盒子里有个婴儿,故她应该很惊讶。故选C。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不敢相信自己的眼睛,当她往盒子里一看,发现婴儿就在那里,玛莎躺在他旁边。A.arising 引起;B.suffering遭受;C.lying躺;D.surviving幸存。根据上文猫爬进箱子里,好像是为了给婴儿取暖可知,猫应该是躺在婴儿旁边的。故选C。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的母亲天性支配着她,她想保护孩子不受寒冷的侵袭。A.protect保护;B.raise举起;C.violate违反;D.ignore忽视。根据上文“Clearly her mothering nature had taken over her and she wanted to”可知,母亲的天性支配着Irina,故她想保护孩子不受寒冷的侵袭。故选A。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快,Irina叫了救护车, 婴儿被直接送往医院,在那里给他做了检查。A.parent父母;B. driver司机;C.owner主人;D.ambulance救护车。根据下文婴儿被送进医院可知,Irina叫了救护车。故选D。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快,Irina叫了救护车, 婴儿被直接送往医院,在那里给他做了检查。A.rest休息;B.check-up检查;C.shelter躲避;D.cover-up掩饰,隐蔽。根据下文医生说孩子安然无恙可知,医生给婴儿做了检查。故选B。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:出乎意料地是,医生说孩子安然无恙。A.unharmed无恙的,没有受伤的;B.inspected视察;C.unconscious无意识的;D.innocent无辜的。根据下文“thanks to Masha and the child's clothing, he was not damaged,”可知,医生检查婴儿后,孩子并无大碍。故选A。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一名医院发言人说:“孩子只在外面待了几个小时。A.months月年;B.weeks星期;C.hours小时;D.days天。根据上下文可知,婴儿安然无恙,因此婴儿只在外面待了几个小时。故选C。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,街上像Irina这样的居民把玛莎视为英雄。A.wanderers流浪者;B.boys男孩;C.workers工人;D.residents居民。分析文章可知,这个故事发生在Irina生活的社区里。故应是像Irina这样的居民把玛莎当英雄。故选D。

    Teaches should assess every student's ability authentically. 1.Its more important for students to develop the learning skills and habits of mind that are important in the class- room and the rest of their lives. Here are tips to help you use authentic assessments in yourschool.

Give cards a try. Cards are a great way to know where your students are in their learn- ing. Ask students to answer one or two questions on a card on the way into class as a warm- activity, on the way out of class, or as homework. 2.The cards can reveal a lot of help. ful information to guide your instruction.

Use a variety of tracking tools. There are a variety of low-and high-tech tools that can

help you track your students' progress. Technology lovers use applications lik Easy Grade Pro to track Particular skills. Others prefer a more traditional approach. 3. Find whatworks for you and look at trackmg as part of the whole assessment process '

Do your own assessments. 4. Let them explain their process and approach to a  certain skill as well as their opinions on the current unit ,text or concept .How they are thinking about the concept is as important as their ability to give a “right” answer.

5. Children are interested in so many things, which help them take ownership of and deepen their own learning. For example, students who enjoy art and creative writing create graphic novels. Kids who love video games study projectile motion in the online game World of Warcraft. So pay attention to their interests, you'll make an authentic assessment of them,

A.Take advantage of students'  interests.

B.You can then quickly review the cards.

C.Try to learn many things as quickly as possible.

D.You don*t have to base assessments on your teaching standards.

E.This assessment goes beyond getting the “right" answers on tests.

F.They use pen and paper to track students' progress at any given time.

G.Set aside time for kids to reflect and write about their own progress.



    Experts say farmers will need to produce about 70 percent more food by the middle of the century. They predict that 9 billion people will need to be fed worldwide by 2050. The prediction means experts will need to develop more effective farming methods that cause less harm to the environment to produce more food. Experts say living things called bacteria could help achieve that goal. A bacterium is an organism.It is so small that it can be seen only with a microscope.

Researchers are finding extremely small organisms in the ground. One gram of soil contains between 100 million and one billion bacteria. Bacteria are taking part in a healthy ex- change with the plants that share the soil. Around plant roots, bacteria change chemicals in the air and soil into food for the plants. The bacteria include the material known as fungi(真菌). Some bacteria act as bodyguards. They produce anti-bodies and other chemicals to fight harmful bacteria.

Plants make sugar through a process called photosynthesis (光合作用).This happens when a plant receiving light changes water and carbon dioxide into food. Much of the sugar is pumped down through the roots. There, it is turned into sugar-based food and released into the soil. That is done to get bacteria to help the plants grow better. Some of the organisms turn chemicals in the air and soil into food that the plants can eat.

The biosciences company Novozymes already sells one kind of fungi. It has found a way to produce it in very large quantities and offer it to farmers as.a bio-pesticide (生物农药).A bio-pesticide protects crops from animals and bacteria. If so, farmers can harvest more crops.

1.What do the experts’ statistics in paragraph 1 show?

A.Bacteria have a good effect on farming.

B.There will be more harmful bacteria in 2050.

C.There's no need to worry about the problem of future food.

D.More food will be needed to feed more people in the future.

2.What's the connection between plants and bacteria according to paragraph 3?

A.Bacteria can't live without plants. B.Plants get benefit from bacteria .

C.They make sugar cooperatively. D.They compete for more sunshine.

3.What does Novozymes do?

A.It sells crops and animals.

B.It beautifies the environment.

C.It provides farmers with materials free of charge.

D.It produces fungi as a bio-pesticide.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Crops of High Quality Need Developing

B.Bacteria May Help Meet Food Needs of the Future

C.A Large Quantity of Farmland Should Be Improved

D.Diseases and Pests Can Be Controlled in the Future



    Fruit growers in the United States depend heavily on immigrants to grow and harvest their crops. Most immigrants working on American farms are Hispanic and come from Mexico or Central America. Many of them entered the United States, and have settled in rural communities across the country. They often raise families by working in the fields. Just like US citizens, they should perform some duties and tax is also often paid on their goods and services.

Recently, in the eastern state of Pennsylvania, fruit farmers are concerned about the government's immigration policies. The fear is that they will not have enough workers to stay in business. Spring is pruning season for apple trees in Adams County, Pennsylvania. Hispanic immigrant workers care for the trees in many of the area's apple orchards (果园).

The work takes many hours and is tiring and repetitive. An apple grower says very few Americans are willing to do this kind of work anymore. She helps monitor her family's farm and orchard in Adams County. And, she worries that immigration officers will take her work- ers away.

Some of the immigrants who secretly came to America and now work on the farms live in the town of York Springs. Almost half of the people in the town speak Spanish. But, these days, they would rather stay at home than go out on the streets in the community. They are fearful now because of recent arrests by immigration officers.

An estimated 800,000 workers harvest crops in the United States. About 40 percent of them arc thought to be immigrants who entered the country secretly.

The Rice Fruit Company is the largest apple-packing house in the eastern United States. It prepares apples from Adams County farms for shipping to buyers across the country. But, if inmigrant workers start to leave the area, Rice says his company will be forced to reduce operations.

Rice says the company is exploring ways to reduce labor costs now, including using more machinery and robots. He says his company may also need to work with only the most profitable, efficient orchards.

1.What can We learn about immigrants in America from the text?

A.They have to pay taxes.

B.Most of them are from Africa.

C.None of them entered America secretly.

D.They often monitor their farm owners* families.

2.What are American farmers most worried about recently?

A.They will lose their workers.

B.Their work is tiring and repetitive.

C.They will face immigration officers' questioning

D.Their orchards are short of harvesting machinery.

3.Why do many immigrants in York Springs choose to stay inside now?

A.To fight for higher pay.

B.To protest for proper working conditions.

C.To avoid being driven out of America

D.To stay away from working in the fields.

4.What is the Rice Fruit Company doing now?

A.Stopping its operations.

B.Encouraging immigrants to stay.

C.Asking for help from the local government.

D.Considering using more technological equipment.



    Tired of seeing so much garbage along the bank of River Schie in Rotterdam Dutch artist Tommy Kleyn decided to step up and do something about it. He alone organized a cleanup of the entire bank without leaving any garbage, proving that anyone can indeed make a difference if they want to.

Kleyn would cycle past a part of the Rotterdam riverway and see so much garbage along the bank. The situation troubled him, so he decided to spend 30 minutes every day cleaning the place up, filling one garbage bag a time. And when he posted pictures of his work on Facebook, a few of his friends volunteered to join as well. In five weeks, they had a 100 meter riverbank clean and completely rubbish-free.

Kleyn's action has received great support online, and he has managed to turn it into a small movement. He has set up a Facebook page through which he challenges people to spend 30 minutes a year to fill a garbage bag with rubbish. “It feels great and you'll make a big difference," he wrote. “People are free to share their 'before' and 'after' pictures on the page. The challenge has attracted people in countries The people came from as far as China to respond with their own photos and stories!"

“I want to show how easy it is to remove rubbish," he added. “Hopefully there will come a time when makers are thoughtful and their goods are no longer wrapped in layers of plastic."

Local officials praised Kleyn's work on the riverbank and helped him raise money for future projects as well. “People can sign up to help me one day a year. For this, they received a coupon, like going to a local restaurant at the lowest price. You can imagine what I've man- aged to do in 22 days, and what 22 men could do in a day. he said.

1.What happened after Kleyn posted pictures of his work on Facebook?

A.Some of his friends were forced to join him.

B.The whole riverbank was completely rubbish-free.

C.His Pictures received little attention from foreigners.

D.His work on the bank of River Schie started to pay off.

2.What do we know about Kleyn's action?

A.It has influenced many people.

B.It is opposed by local officials.

C.It is difficult for Chinese to accept.

D.It has made people stop using layers of plastic.

3.What does the underlined word "coupon” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.A job lasting 22 days.

B.A kind of plastic garbage.

C.A piece of printed discount paper.

D.A fund for supporting future projects.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.River pollution in Dutch has been solved by Tommy Kleyn.

B.A Dutch eco-hero proves that one man can make a difference

C.Environmental protection needs support from the government

D.Facebook plays an important role in environmental protection.



    Scientific Books

Amazon offers a wide range of books for readers to choose from. Here are some splendid books for lovely kids.

How to be a Scientist

Steve Mould

Price: $8.81

This book is for the child who is forever asking questions. It encourages young readers to hug those questions, seek out answers, and try out some fun experiments that will entertain the whole family. We can't wait to get our hands on this one!

LEGO Women of NASA: Space Heroes


Price: $11.72

Not only is this splendid book filled with many LEGO characters, but it's also filled with educational facts! Your little one will love learning about ladies like Mae Jemison, Sally Ride, Margaret Hamilton, and Nancy Grace Roman through this fun-to-read book.

Hidden Figures

Margot Lee Shetterly

Price: $12.75

You've likely seen the Academy Award-winning film Hidden Figures, but now you can introduce these amazing women to your kids as role models. This picture book explores the story of these amazing mathematicians and the barriers they overcame to have extraordinary careers with NASA.

If I Built a Car

Chris Van Dusen

Price: $ 6. 39

It' s a fact—kids love things that move. They are cars, planes, trains, and all you name it! This fun story describes little Jack's dream about designing a perfect car, including a pool, a fireplace, and much more. The young engineer in your family will be begging you to read If I Built a Car each night before bedtime.

1.For whom is the book How to be a Scientist most suitable?

A.Parents admiring famous scientists.

B.Parents loving entertainment.

C.Kids with curiosity about science.

D.Kids with a preference for Chinese characters.

2.Which of the following books was made into a film?

A.How to be a Scientist

B.If I Built a Car.

C.LEGO Women of NASA : Space Heroes.

D.Hidden Figures.

3.Who wrote the book about a young designer?

A.Chris Van Dusen. B.DK.

C.Steve Mould. D.Margot Lee Shetterly.



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