满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Her eyes fell to the box, and I removed ...

    Her eyes fell to the box, and I removed the covers so we could view the contents. Her hands lifted a handful of buttons before slowly_______them back into the container. Her tiny fist closed around a delicate pearl button now yellow_______age.She smiled as she told me about the special_______christening outfit worn by six babies_______time wore it thin.

I pulled out a large, dark brass_______button that appeared to be from World War . “From my first husband's uniform, one of the few things I had to_______me of him when he didn't return home_______”She told me.“I married his best friend two years after his_______, and we had a good marriage.That's_______it was in those days.Someone always__________the widows and children.”

As we__________the box, we found hairpins__________black to brown to shades of gray and even white. Each color__________the passing of time and its__________on her hair.

Pulling a small key from the box I heard the__________intake of her breath. Her eyes__________with tears.She thought it had been lost never to be found. From my hand to__________ I passed the key to her memories.

More items like a Sunday school pin snaps and ruby buttons took her__________down memory lane. I knew I would be visiting at her nursing home shortly after our conversation__________I knew that when I reached my house my heart would__________me to the sewing room where I would rediscover my own lifetime of memories in my button box.

1.A.falling B.dropping C.sinking D.reaching

2.A.of B.as C.for D.with

3.A.pearl-buttoned B.single-buttoned C.flower-buttoned D.mouse-buttoned

4.A.after B.while C.before D.when

5.A.commercial B.fantastic C.delicate D.military

6.A.warn B.remind C.inform D.rid

7.A.sound B.punctual C.alive D.safe

8.A.death B.retirement C.return D.arrival

9.A.the problem B.the matter C.the way D.the things

10.A.made up for B.took charge of C.took control of D.looked out for

11.A.went for B.went through C.went ahead D.went out

12.A.ranging from B.dating from C.differing from D.separating from

13.A.observed B.tested C.bore D.stood

14.A.judgment B.impression C.effect D.comment

15.A.sharp B.large C.high D.good

16.A.rolled B.shone C.lit D.lowered

17.A.his B.its C.theirs D.hers

18.A.back B.further C.on D.away

19.A.just as B.as if C.even though D.so that

20.A.carry B.allow C.forbid D.pull


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。本文讲的是一个纽扣盒中所包含的一位老妇人一生的各种经历。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的手拿起一把纽扣,然后慢慢地把它们放回盒子里。A. falling落下;B. dropping使落下;C. sinking下沉;D. reaching到达。根据lift以及后面的back into可知,纽扣先被拿起来,后来又落回(dropped)盒子。故选B。 2.考查介词词义辨析。句意:她的小拳头握紧了一颗精致的年代已久的珍珠纽扣。A. of……的;B. as作为;C. for为了;D. with带有。根据句意可知,一枚由于时间长而变黄了的珍珠纽扣,with age是固定搭配,意为“因年久/年老”,此处指纽扣的年代已久;而for age意为“很长时间”与题意不符,故选D。 3.___2___age.可知是珍珠纽扣而非其他纽扣,故选A。 4.考查连词词义辨析。句意:她笑着告诉我,在时间把它磨薄之前有六个孩子在受洗时穿的是这套特别的珍珠纽扣的礼服。A. after在……之后;B. while当……时;C. before在……之前;D. when当……时。根据句意可知,在这件衣服因为年久而单薄之前,有6个孩子穿过它,其余连词中文代入都并不合适。故选C。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我拿出了一个似乎是来自于第二次世界大战的大大的暗铜色的军人用的纽扣。A. commercial 商业化的;B. fantastic奇异的;C. delicate复杂的;D. military军事的。根据下文的内容可知,由其来自二战时期,以及是第一任丈夫的制服上取下来的可知应该是一枚军队的纽扣。故选D。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她告诉我:“它(纽扣)是我第一任丈夫的制服上的,我不得不提醒自己的几件事之一——那时他没能活着回来。” A. warn警告;B. remind提醒;C. inform通知;D. rid逃避。根据句意可知,remind sb of sth是固定搭配,意为“使某人想起某事”,故选B。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她告诉我:“它(纽扣)是我第一任丈夫的制服上的,我不得不提醒自己的几件事之一——那时他没能活着回来。” A. sound合理的;B. punctual准时的;C. alive活着的;D. safe安全的。根据句意可知,safe更偏向于没有收到伤害,英文解释是not harmed,是比活着alive更高的要求,特大战争时期没能活着回来更符合语境。故选C。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他去世两年后,我和他最好的朋友结了婚,我们的婚姻很幸福。A. death死亡;B. retirement退休;C. return返回;D. arrival到达。根据上文我回忆他以及他没能活着回家,不可能是退休或返回。故选A。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那时候就是这样。总有人照顾寡妇和孩子。A. the problem问题;B. the matter事件;C. the way方法;D. the things东西。根据句意可知,此处表示在那个年代就是那样。指会有人去照顾遗孀和她的孩子。that’s the way意为“就是那样”。故选C。 10.考查词组辨析。句意:那时候就是这样。总有人照顾寡妇和孩子。A. made up for弥补;B. took charge of负责;C. took control of控制;D. looked out for留心。根据前文内容可知,她失去了自己的第一任丈夫,但因为丈夫战死成为了寡妇,文章指那时会有人照顾(look out for)寡妇和孩子。故选D。 11.考查词组辨析。句意:当我们仔细检查盒子时,我们发现发夹的颜色从黑色到棕色,从灰色到白色。A. went for主张;B. went through仔细检查;C. went ahead前进;D. went out出去。根据文意可知,作者他们仔细地搜看纽扣盒子,go through意为“仔细地搜看,发现……”。故选B。 12.考查词组辨析。句意:当我们仔细检查盒子时,我们发现发夹的颜色从黑色到棕色,从灰色到白色。A. ranging from从……到……范围;B. dating from起源于;C. differing from区别于;D. separating from把……和……分开。根据句意可知,作者他们发现黑色、棕色的发卡都褪成了灰色甚至白色。range from意为“从……到……范围”,故选A。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每个颜色都见证了时间的流逝,以及时间对她的头发的影响(她的头发变白)。A. observed看见;B. tested测试;C. bore钻孔;D. stood站立。根据句意可知,每个颜色都见证了时间的流逝,以及时间对她的头发的影响(她的头发变白)。observed此处表示“看见、见证”,英文解释为see and notice something,与题意相符,故选C。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每个颜色都见证了时间的流逝,以及时间对她的头发的影响(她的头发变白)。A. judgment 判断;B. impression印象;C. effect影响;D. comment评论。根据句意可知,注意its指代的是time不是color,此处表示时间对老妇人头发的压痕(即头发变白)。故选C。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我从盒子里拿出一把小钥匙时,听见她深吸了一口气。A. sharp锋利的;B. large大的;C. high高的;D. good好的。根据句意可知,sharp intake of breath意为“深吸了一口气”,故选A。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:眼睛里闪着泪光。A. rolled滚动;B. shone发光;C. lit点亮;D. lowered变昏暗。根据句意可知,shone with tears意为“她的眼中闪烁着泪花”,其余动词不和with tears搭配。故选B。 17.考查代词词义辨析。句意:她以为它丢了,再也找不到了。从我的手到她的手,我记忆的钥匙交给了她。A. his他的;B. its它的;C. theirs他们的;D. hers她的。根据后半句her memories可知是“她”。此处hers相当于her hand,故选D。 18.考查副词词义辨析。句意:更多的东西,比如主日学校的别针、快照和红宝石纽扣,让她更深入地回忆起往事。A. back向后地;B. further更远地;C. on在上面;D. away离去。根据句意可知,take down memory lane可译为“她沿着回忆的胡同”,表示让她陷入了回忆,down表示沿着的意思,无须away,back和on。而further呼应上文,她进一步继续回忆往事。故选B。 19.考查词组辨析。句意:我知道,在我们的谈话结束后不久,我就会去养老院,就像我知道,当我到家时,我的心会把我拉到缝纫室,在那里,我将在我的纽扣盒里重新发现我一生的记忆。A. just as正像;B. as if好像;C. even though尽管;D. so that以便于。根据句意可知,此处为我知道我们聊完不久我就要将在养老院拜访她,就像(just as)我知道当我到家时,我的心会拽我去纺织房。其余选项代入意思均不符合句意。故选A。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我知道,在我们的谈话结束后不久,我就会去养老院,就像我知道,当我到家时,我的心会把我拉到缝纫室,在那里,我将在我的纽扣盒里重新发现我一生的记忆。A. carry携带;B. allow允许;C. forbid禁止;D. pull拉。根据句意可知,作者表述的是“我的心将我拽到纺织房,表示我情不自禁很想去纺织房,去我的纽扣盒里再次探索我人生的回忆。”pull sb. to sp.是固定搭配,意为“把某人拉到某地”,故选D。

Mary you water the plants n the garden and I will cook the dine.


A.my pleasure B.no way

C.I'm glad to hear that D.that's settled



______ I failed in English a third time I had no doubt about my gift for foreign languages.

A.Until B.When C.If D.Since



I still can’t believe my eyes when I remember the scene ______ the best player should miss the pass.

A.that B.when C.where D.how



His statement was so ______ that it was difficult to make out    that he was trying  to express.

A.vague what was it B.ambiguous what it was

C.explicit what it was D.clear what was it



When changing lanes a driver should use his turning ______ to let other drivers know ______ lane he is entering.

A.sign what B.mark what

C.symbol which D.signal which



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