满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A Colorado pair brings new meaning to th...

    A Colorado pair brings new meaning to the word “determination”. When one couldn’t walk and the other couldn’t see, they___ up to share their love of the great outdoors.

Melanie Knecht has to use a wheelchair to get around due to born spina bifida (脊柱裂). Trevor Hahn only recently became blind after he____ an eye disease five years ago. Both living in Fort Collins,  Colorado, the two met  at an adaptive  boxing  class  — and they  soon_____ each  other again at  an adaptive rock-climbing class.

They immediately____ over Knecht’s lifelong hobby of camping and Hahn’s passion for outdoor  sports. When she told him about her recent trip to Easter Island,  where she got the __________  to be carried  on another person’s back, an unusual idea___ to her.

______his  lost sight, he’d been able to scale a Himalayan peak, using poles and _______  directions from his companions.

They started small, but next month—with her vision and his____—they will trek to the top of a 14,000-foot mountain.

“It just seemed like common sense. He’s the legs, I’m the eyes!____, we’re the dream team.” said Knecht.

At the start of  each hike, a friend lifts Knecht ________  a carrier on  Hahn’s back. From that point on, she gives him oral directions to___ the way.

Hahn said, “It made me so happy to help someone experience what I’ve been able to experience my whole life. The___ part is being able to make her smile—that gives me_____.”

In addition to this sense of purpose, the two share an understanding of how___ it can be asking able-bodied or sighted people for assistance in everyday life. They get immeasurable______ from being able to do this on their own.

While the two accept that others___ what they’ve been able to do, they’re not looking for___ —they just want others to encourage inclusive and adaptive___ for their friends with disabilities. Don’t___ them because you think they won’t be able to do something.

1.A.rose B.made C.teamed D.ended

2.A.contracted B.cured C.spread D.diagnosed

3.A.learned from B.ran into C.corresponded with D.separated from

4.A.handed B.argued C.got D.bonded

5.A.opportunity B.competence C.permission D.honour

6.A.happened B.stuck C.took D.occurred

7.A.On account of B.In spite of C.On top of D.In view of

8.A.spoken B.opposite C.confusing D.gesturing

9.A.optimism B.strength C.guidance D.wisdom

10.A.Hopefully B.Instead C.Together D.Similarly

11.A.over B.up C.off D.into

12.A.get B.make C.lead D.smooth

13.A.best B.mere C.initial D.last

14.A.relief B.courage C.reward D.purpose

15.A.convenient B.difficult C.ridiculous D.essential

16.A.suffering B.wealth C.satisfaction D.improvement

17.A.appreciate B.oppose C.dismiss D.advocate

18.A.criticism B.attention C.praise D.curiosity

19.A.adventures B.assessments C.behaviors D.solutions

20.A.convince B.exclude C.desert D.approach


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是不能走路的Melanie Knecht和双目失明的Trevor Hahn两个残疾人互相借助各自的优势“合作”爬喜马拉雅山共同享受大自然的故事。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当一个人不能走路,另一个人不能看东西时,他们合作分享他们对大自然的热爱。A. rose上升;B. made制造;C. teamed使合作;D. ended结束。根据When one couldn’t walk and the other couldn’t see和to share their love of the great outdoors.可知,他们要“合作”才能享受大自然。固定词组:team up“合作,协作”。故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:特雷弗·哈恩(Trevor Hahn)五年前感染了眼疾,直到最近失明。A. contracted感染,收缩,定契约;B. cured治愈;C. spread传播;D. diagnosed诊断。根据第2空后的an eye disease five years ago可知,他感染了疾病。D项应使用be diagnosed with。故选A。 3.考查动词词组。句意:这两个人都住在科罗拉多州的柯林斯堡,他们在适应性拳击课上认识,不久又在适应性攀岩课上相遇。A. learned from向……学习;B. ran into偶然遇见;C. corresponded with符合,一致;D. separated from分离。根据the two met at an adaptive boxing class — and they soon和each other again可知,又“偶然遇到”。故选B。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们很快就因为Knecht毕生的露营爱好和Hahn对户外运动的热爱而走到了一起。A. handed交,递;B. argued辩论;C. got得到;D. bonded结合。根据第4空后的over Knecht’s lifelong hobby of camping and Hahn’s passion for outdoor sports可知,他们很快因为相同的爱好“结合”在一起符合语境。故选D。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当她告诉他她最近去复活节岛的旅行,在那里她有机会被另一个人背在背上,她突然想到的一个不寻常的想法。A. opportunity机会;B. competence能力,胜任;C. permission许可;D. honour荣誉。根据第5空后的to be carried on another person’s back可知,此处指被另一个人背在背上的“机会”。故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她告诉他她最近去复活节岛的旅行,在那里她有机会被另一个人背在背上,她突然想到的一个不寻常的想法。A. happened发生;B. stuck卡住;C. took拿走;D. occurred发生,想起。根据第6空前的an unusual idea和occur to sb.可知,她突然“想起”的一个不寻常的想法。故选D。 7.考查词组辨析。句意:尽管他双目失明,但他还是能够借助杆子和同伴的口头指示爬上喜马拉雅山。A. On account of 由于,因为;B. In spite of尽管;C. On top of除……之外,在……之上;D. In view of鉴于,考虑到。根据第7空后的he’d been able to scale a Himalayan peak可知,此处指他“尽管”失明。故选B。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管他双目失明,但他还是能够借助杆子和同伴的口头指示爬上喜马拉雅山。A. spoken口头的;B. opposite相反的;C. confusing令人困惑的;D. gesturing打手势。根据上文his lost sight可知,他失去了视力,因此要借助同伴“口头的”指示才能向前爬。故选A。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们开始时规模很小,但下个月——凭借她的远见和他的力量——他们将跋涉到一座14000英尺高的山顶。A. optimism乐观主义;B. strength力气,力量;C. guidance指导;D. wisdom智慧。根据9空后的they will trek to the top of a 14,000-foot mountain.和上文内容可知,因为她坐轮椅,而他失明,所以他们在爬山时要借助她的眼睛和他的“力量”。故选B。 10.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他是腿,我是眼睛!在一起,我们是梦之队。A. Hopefully充满希望地;B. Instead相反;C. Together一起;D. Similarly类似地。根据空后的we’re the dream team.可知,他们“在一起”就是梦之队。故选C。 11.考查介词词义辨析。句意:每次徒步旅行开始时,我的一个朋友都会把Knecht抬起来放进哈恩的背上的搬运器里。A. over在……上面;B. up向……较高处;C. off离开;D. into进入。此处指把Knecht放进哈恩背上的搬运器里。故选D。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那一刻起,她给他口头指示带路。A. get 得到;B. make制造;C. lead引领,领导;D. smooth使光滑。他在她的指挥下向前走。故选C。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最棒的是能让她微笑——这给了我重要意义。A. best最好的;B. mere仅仅;C. initial最初的;D. last最后的。根据13空后的being able to make her smile可知,哈恩认为这是“最好的”。故选A。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最棒的是能让她微笑——这给了我重要意义。A. relief减轻;B. courage勇气;C. reward报酬;D. purpose目的;重要意义。根据下文In addition to this sense of purpose可知,此处指让她笑就是他的“重要意义”。故选D。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:除了这种意义之外,两人还都明白,在日常生活中向健全或有视力的人寻求帮助是多么困难。A. convenient方便的;B. difficult困难的;C. ridiculous可笑的;D. essential基本的,必要的。根据下文的from being able to do this on their own可知,他们从自己做事中得到满足,可推断残疾人向正常人求助是“困难的”。故选B。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们从自己能做这件事中得到了无限的满足。A. suffering痛苦;B. wealth 财富;C. satisfaction满意;D. improvement改进,改善。根据第16空后的from being able to do this on their own可知,两个残疾人互相帮助独立做事是“满足的”。故选C。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然两个人都承认别人欣赏他们所做的事情,但他们并不是在寻求表扬——他们只是希望别人鼓励他们为残疾朋友提供包容和适应性的解决困难的方法。A. appreciate欣赏,感激;B. oppose反对;C. dismiss解散;D. advocate提倡。根据第17空后的what they’ve been able to do可知,作为残疾人能够爬上喜马拉雅山,人们是欣赏的。他们互相“欣赏”对方。故选A。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然两个人都承认别人欣赏他们所做的事情,但他们并不是在寻求表扬——他们只是希望其他人为他们的残疾朋友提供一些解决办法。A. criticism批评;B. attention关注;C. praise表扬;D. curiosity好奇心。根据下文they just want others to encourage solutions for their friends with disabilities.可知,他们并不是在寻求“表扬”。故选C。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然两个人都承认别人欣赏他们所做的事情,但他们并不是在寻求表扬——他们只是希望其他人为他们的残疾朋友提供一些解决办法。A. adventures冒险;B. assessments评估;C. behaviors行为;D. solutions解决方案。根据第19空前后的内容they just want others to encourage inclusive and adaptive和for their friends with disabilities可知,他们只是希望他们能为残疾人提供“解决(苦难的)方案”。故选D。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不要因为你认为他们不能做某事而排斥他们。A. convince使确信;B. exclude排斥,排除;C. desert遗弃;D. approach靠近。根据上文they just want others to encourage solutions for their friends with disabilities. 可知,他们只是希望其他人为他们的残疾朋友提供一些解决办法。不要“排斥”残疾人。故选B。

—Linda, would you like to come and taste the dishes I have cooked?

—Don’t ______. You even don’t know how to fry an egg.

A.rain cats and dogs B.pull my leg C.be all ears D.be all thumbs



—Your little brother is watering the flowers! Why?

—Well, I’m not feeling very well today—otherwise I ______ it myself.

A.did B.would be doing C.had done D.would have done



—Why didn’t you attend the meeting yesterday?

—Well I ______ anything about that.

A.didn't tell B.haven't told C.hadn't been told D.haven't been told



Daniel has undertaken to keep the secret, so he won’t tell anyone even though ______.

A.asked to keep B.to be asked C.to ask D.asked to



There have  been widely differing ______ in the newspapers about the explosion of the chemical works.

A.revisions B.versions C.dimensions D.editions



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