满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What was the woman expecting last night?...

What was the woman expecting last night?

A.A phone call. B.A text message. C.A party invitation.


A 【解析】 【原文】 W: Why didn’t you call me last night? I was waiting for you to call me and tell me the address of the party. M: What? I sent you three or four messages.  

Where does Mary usually spend her weekend?

A.In a theater. B.In a bookstore. C.In a shopping mall.



What relation is John to Tammy?

A.Her teacher. B.Her father. C.Her schoolmate.



Why is Mike going to Charleroi?

A.To meet friends. B.To take photos. C.To visit a museum.



翻译句子(划线部分必须用Unit 3Unit 4中的词汇表达!)









1.The two a _________ of the accident do not agree. (a written or spoken description of something)

2.We eventually ran out of p_________ with his childish behavior. (the ability to stay calm and accept a delay or something annoying without complaining)

3.When labels are a__________ to luggage, they can be easily recognized. (to join one thing to another)

4.Information Technology equips our home with labor-saving d_________ such as dish washers and sweeping robots. (an object or a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job)

5.All the goods were supposed to be d_________ yesterday, but there was a delay due to the bad weather. (to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to)

6.Can you do me a f_________ and pick up Sam from school today? (a thing that you do to help sb.)

7.I opened the e_________, pulled out the document and read it. (a flat paper container used for sending letters in)

8.The store c_________ its customers through false advertising. (to take something from someone by lying or breaking a rule)

9.The school wants to e_________ with new teaching methods. (to try or test new ideas, methods, etc. to find out what effect they have)

10.We will continue to f_________ our efforts on cutting costs. (to give special attention to one particular person or thing, or to make people do this)



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