满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What does the man ph...


1.What does the man phone for?

A.Greeting his mother. B.Borrowing money.

C.Asking for his mother’s advice.

2.What advice does the woman give the man?

A.He should go home tonight.

B.He shouldn’t buy another computer.

C.He should use his money properly.

3.What will happen this evening?

A.The man will get another computer. B.The man will call for a chat.              C.The man will get home.

4.Who is probably Lily?

A.The man’s girlfriend. B.The man’s sister. C.The man’s niece.


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 【解析】 【原文】 W: Hello? M: Mom, it’s Richard. How are you? W: Oh, Richard. Is everything all right with you? M: Yes, yes, fine. Mom, I was wondering... do you think you could lend me some money till the end of the month? W: Oh, Richard. Don’t tell me you’re buying another expensive computer. You really must learn to plan your money properly. M: Look, mom, if you can just help me out this time, I promise I’ll be more careful in future. W: Well, we’ll see about that. Listen, I’ll do it this time. This is really the last time. M: OK, thanks, mom. W: Now, could you tell me what you’ll do with the money, dear? M: Well, of course. We can talk about it when I get home this evening. I’m afraid I have to hang off now. Bye, mom. W: Bye... and next time, could you phone just for a chat? Your dad and I always look forward to your call. By the way, you can come here with Lily. She is a nice girl.


1.What is the woman?

A.A TV reporter. B.A newspaper reporter. C.A magazine reporter.

2.What kind of clothes is the man wearing now?

A.A suit. B.Casuals. C.Sportswear.

3.What is the man’s attitude towards his image?

A.He cares little about it. B.He doesn’t mind it. C.He cares much about it.




1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Salesperson and customer. B.Manager and clerk. C.Husband and wife.

2.How will the woman go back?

A.By coach. B.By air. C.By train.

3.Where will the woman be staying?

A.In a hotel near Hyde Park.

B.In a hotel in the east side of London.

C.In a hotel with an indoor swimming pool.




1.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A budget problem. B.A study problem. C.Part-time jobs.

2.What will the woman do?

A.Work more. B.Spend less money. C.Ask the man for help.



Who is ill?

A.Jack’s daughter. B.Jack’s mother. C.Jack’s wife.



When will the man probably get back?

A.On Thursday. B.On Friday. C.On Sunday.



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