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Rainbow comes after a storm. For instanc...

    Rainbow comes after a storm. For instance, here are things you've probably celebrated: an excellent grade, a team win, an _______ goal. Did you know that a past failure can _______ be a good thing too? The problem is that, according to a research, big embarrassing times can be _______ hard for girls. ''Many girls see _______ as something that can't be changed and something that will forever _______ them, '' says Rachel Simmons, a cofounder of the nonprofit Girls Leadership. Simmons _______ that by middle school, and continuing through _______ school and college, girls' confidence levels _______ while boys' stay the same or go _______. That confidence gap makes ________ an error much harder.

How can you change all this? You can ________ one fact: ''Failing is a huge part of ________, '' says Michael A. Freeman, M.D., a clinical ________ of psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine who has held workshops on failure. ''________ you're making mistakes, you're learning and getting ________. The people who know how to learn from failure are most ________ to succeed in the future. '' Plenty of research shows that failing actually helps you to grow as a person, ________ your boundaries, and build flexibility. (Some big companies even look for ________ employees who have experienced failures without allowing the failures to discourage them!) So it's time to get loud and ________ about your mistakes. They happen. Read on for all the tips, advice, and information you need to go forth and ________!

1.A.applied B.appealed C.accomplished D.abolished

2.A.aggressively B.abundantly C.accordingly D.actually

3.A.extra B.equally C.eagerly D.enough

4.A.struggle B.failure C.destiny D.experience

5.A.distract B.defend C.define D.direct

6.A.requires B.recommends C.asks D.adds

7.A.high B.primary C.nursery D.kindergarten

8.A.increase B.decline C.remain D.boom

9.A.along B.on C.up D.down

10.A.reconstructing B.reshaping C.weighing D.weathering

11.A.accept B.adjust C.block D.boycott

12.A.silence B.succeeding C.mother D.father

13.A.passenger B.patient C.professor D.player

14.A.Why B.Which C.How D.When

15.A.better B.worse C.excited D.depressed

16.A.about B.likely C.unlikely D.possible

17.A.stress B.shut C.stretch D.set

18.A.passive B.peaceful C.political D.potential

19.A.proud B.punished C.stuck D.trapped

20.A.object B.fail C.recall D.suspect


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章主要告诉读者不要惧怕失败,因为失败是成功的很大一部分。从错误中学习,为成功打下基础。 1.考查形容词义辨析。句意:例如,有些事情你可能已经庆祝过:一个漂亮的分数,一个队获胜,一个已经实现的目标。A. applied申请的;B. appealed被吸引的;C. accomplished完成的,实现的;D. abolished废除的。由前面的an excellent grade, a team win可以知道这里应该是an accomplished goal“一个实现了的目标”,故选C项。 2.考查副词词义辨析。句意:你知道吗,过去的一个失败事实上可能是一件好事。A. aggressively有进取心地;B. abundantly大量地;C. accordingly因此;D. actually事实上。上文中past fail和下文的a good thing相对比,故这里用actually符合语境,故选D项。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:根据研究,问题是令人尴尬的时刻对于女孩来说是特别艰难的时光。A. extra特别地;B. equally平等地;C. eagerly渴望地;D. enough足够地。根据上文的上文中的big embarrassing times可知此处用“特别艰难”符合语境,故选A项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Rachel Simmons,一个女孩非盈利机构的合伙人,说:“很多女孩把失败当成不可改变的东西,这些事情会永远定义她们。”A. struggle奋斗;B. failure失败;C. destiny命运;D. experience经历。根据上文的big embarrassing times可知此处用“失败”符合语境,故选B项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. distract使分心;B. defend保卫;C. define定义;D. direct指导。这里用define和上文中的something that can’t be changed对应,故选C项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Simmons补充说,到初级中学,继续到高中和大学,女孩的自信程度在降低,而男孩的保持不变或者会增加。A. requires要求;B. recommends推荐;C. asks要求;D. adds补充。这里用补充说来对应上文的says a cofounder of the nonprofit Girls Leadership,故选D项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. high高中;B. primary小学;C. nursery托儿所;D. kindergarten幼儿园。根据下文的college可知这里应该为高中,故选A项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. increase增加;B. decline下降;C. remain 保持;D. boom激增。根据本段末尾的much harder可知这里应该为下降之意,故选B项。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. along沿着;B. on 开着;C. up上;D. down下。这里把男孩和女孩做对比,根据前文可知女孩的自信下降,那么男孩的应该上升,故选C项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那种自信的差别,让错误随着岁月而风化变得更加困难。A. reconstructing 重建;B. reshaping重塑;C. weighing称;D. weathering使风化。结合句意可知此处用weathering an error表示让错误随着岁月而风化、消失,故选D项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Michael A说:“你要接受一个事实:失败是成功的很大一部分。”A. accept接受;B. adjust调整;C. block阻挡;D. boycott抵制。上文中的How can you change all this? 提示我们这里应该是接受一个事实,故选A项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. silence沉默;B. succeeding成功;C. mother母亲;D. father父亲。此处用succeeding和failing进行对照,故选B项。 13.考查名词 词义辨析。句意:Freeman, M.D.,是加利福尼亚大学旧金山医院精神病学的教授,他举办过关于失败的讲座。A. passenger乘客;B. patient病人;C. professor教授;D. player选手。根据下文的who has held workshops on failure.可知Freeman, M.D的身份是教授,故选C项。 14.考查连词词义辨析。句意:当犯错的时候,你正在学习然后变得更好。A. Why为什么;B. Which哪一个;C. How 怎么;D. When当。结合句意可知,此处是时间状语从句,故选D项。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. better更好;B. worse更糟;C. excited兴奋的;D. depressed沮丧的。根据下文的learn from failure are most ___16___ to succeed in the future可知此处用“变得更好”符合语境,故选A项。 16.考查固定短语。句意:知道从失败中学习的人最有可能在将来取得成功。A. about关于;B. likely可能的;C. unlikely不可能的;D. possible可能的。结合句意可知,此处考查固定短语be likely to do sth.“有可能做某事”,故选B项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:很多的研究表明失败实际上帮助你成长,延伸你的界限,建立你的灵活性。A. stress施压;B. shut关闭;C. stretch延伸;D. set设置。根据上文的grow as a person以及下文的build flexibility可知,此处用stretch和它们保持一致,stretch one's boundaries“拓宽眼界”。故选C项。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有些大公司甚至寻找潜在的雇员,这些人经历了失败但没有让失败把他们打垮。A. passive被动的;B. peaceful和平的;C. political政治的;D. potential潜在的。结合句意可知,此处用“寻找潜在雇员”符合语境,故选D项。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,现在就大声的说你对错误感到自豪。A. proud自豪的;B. punished被惩罚的;C. stuck被陷住的;D. trapped被困住的。和上文的get loud一致,这里用褒义词proud,且和loud构成押尾韵,故选A项。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:阅读上面所有你需要前进和失败的建议。A. object反对;B. fail失败;C. recall回忆;D. suspect怀疑。本题用fail,鼓励人们大胆实践,不惧怕失败,为成功打好基础,故选B项。

The company can choose the right product to produce, _______ expected to be most popular with consumers.

A.one that B.which C.it D.the one



Britain’s Prince Harry and his wife Meghan announced that they had broken away from the royal family, _______ hit the headlines around the world immediately.

A.it B.that C.which D.where



WHO declared that the coronavirus outbreak was a global health emergency, _______ that the disease was a risk beyond China.

A.to acknowledge B.acknowledging C.acknowledged D.having acknowledged



The trend of China’s economy to _______ sound development in the long term remains unchanged.

A.maintain B.accumulate C.evolve D.transform



Now that you have done so much work, you’re _______ to win the speech contest.

A.keen B.bound C.content D.due



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