满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was late, about 10:15 p.m., when Jani...

    It was late, about 10:15 p.m., when Janice Esposito arrived at the Bellport train station; she jumped into her Honda Odyssey and began the 20-minute drive home to her husband and seven-year-old son. She’d just returned from visiting her mother and had traveled the route many times before. She practically _______ on autopilot: a left onto Station Road, then a left on Montauk Highway, and then—wham! Out of nowhere a car T-boned Esposito’s minivan, _______ her to move backward some 100 feet onto the railroad tracks. She _______ in the minivan, bruised (撞伤) but mostly just knocked out by the _________ and the airbags.

As it happened, Pete DiPinto was getting ready for _______. He’d just closed his book  and was getting under the covers when he heard the sound of metal on metal and breaking glass coming from not far outside his bedroom window. A volunteer_______and retired teacher, DiPinto, 64, never _______to think. He grabbed a flashlight and, still dressed in his pajamas  (睡衣), ran out the door. “Any firefighter would have done what I did,” he told Newsday. “We’re always on_______.”

The first car he came upon, 2,000 feet from his front yard, was the one that had _______Esposito. Once DiPinto concluded the driver was OK, he looked around and __________Esposito’s minivan positioned on the railroad tracks. And then he heard a terrible sound: the bells signaling an oncoming __________.

“The gates were starting to come down,” he told Newsday. “I see the headlight of the train.” DiPinto ran quickly to Esposito’s minivan and knocked on the driver’s side window. She __________ looked at him, her eyes unfocused. “I don’t know where I am,” she said. She   seemed unhurt. “Honey, you’re on the railroad __________,” DiPinto shouted. “We have to get  you off right now!” He pulled hard on the __________, but the door was crashed in and __________. The  heavy diesel train, traveling at 65 miles per hour, was moving fast toward them. DiPinto ran to the passenger side and threw open the __________. “Please, don’t let her be __________,” he thought.   He pushed aside the deflating (瘪了的) airbags, grabbed Esposito’s arms, and__________her toward him across the passenger seat until he could help her out and quickly get her to ____________ behind a signal box a few feet away. Within six seconds, he estimated, the train crashed into the minivan. “It was like a Hollywood movie,” DiPinto told reporters the next day.

But this one had a twist. “Last night,” South Country Ambulance chief Greg Miglino told CBS New York, “the__________ arrived in pajamas, not in a fire truck.”

1.A.drove B.walked C.rode D.hiked

2.A.allowing B.forcing C.ordering D.reminding

3.A.sat B.stood C.hid D.waited

4.A.action B.noise C.impact D.bomb

5.A.class B.work C.dinner D.bed

6.A.doctor B.driver C.firefighter D.engineer

7.A.stopped B.troubled C.intended D.wanted

8.A.duty B.time C.target D.schedule

9.A.warned B.caught C.hit D.followed

10.A.observed B.spotted C.realized D.predicted

11.A.train B.truck C.car D.ambulance

12.A.yet B.just C.still D.even

13.A.yards B.stations C.bridges D.tracks

14.A.belt B.key C.bell D.handle

15.A.unlocked B.jammed C.open D.gone

16.A.bag B.door C.book D.box

17.A.scared B.ignored C.trapped D.defeated

18.A.carried B.rushed C.guided D.pulled

19.A.return B.work C.safety D.life

20.A.police B.actor C.reporter D.hero


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.D 15.B 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了一个夜晚发生了事故,埃斯波西托的小货车被撞了,落在铁轨上,皮特•迪平托听到声音立刻出来现场进行救助,火车就要来临前的几秒钟,这个英雄顺利挽救了司机的生命的感人故事。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她几乎是自动驾驶的:左转到车站路,然后左转到蒙托克高速公路,然后是嘭的一声!A. drove开车;B. walked走路;C. rode骑着;D. hiked远足,徒步旅行。根据上文she jumped into her Honda Odyssey可知她是开车的。故选A。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一辆不知道从哪儿冒出来的汽车撞毁了埃斯波西托的小货车,迫使她后退了大约100英尺,落在铁轨上。A. allowing允许;B. forcing强迫;C. ordering命令,指示;D. reminding提醒。根据to move backward some 100 feet可知她是被迫后退的。故选B。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她坐在一辆小型货车里,身上有瘀伤,但基本上是被冲击的影响和安全气囊搞得晕了过去。A. sat坐;B. stood站立;C. hid躲藏;D. waited等待。根据knocked out可知她当时是坐着车里的。故选A。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她坐在一辆小型货车里,身上有瘀伤,但基本上是被冲击的影响和安全气囊搞得晕了过去。A. action行动;B. noise噪音,响声;C. impact影响,效果;D. bomb炸弹。根据the airbags可知这是被撞击造成的影响。故选C。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:事情发生时,皮特·迪平托正准备睡觉。A. class班级;B. work工作;C. dinner晚餐;D. bed床。根据下文He’d just closed his book and was getting under the covers可知此处他准备上床睡觉。故选D。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:64岁的迪平托是一名志愿消防员和退休教师。A. doctor医生;B. driver司机;C. firefighter消防队员;D. engineer工程师。根据下文“Any firefighter would have done what I did,” he told Newsday.可知他是一名志愿消防员。故选C。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:64岁的迪平托是一名志愿消防员和退休教师,他没有停下来去思考发生了什么。A. stopped停下;B. troubled麻烦;C. intended打算;D. wanted想要。根据下文He grabbed a flashlight and, still dressed in his pajamas (睡衣), ran out the door.这一系列动作可知他听到声音后没有停下来思考就出去了。故选A。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“任何消防员都会做我做的事,”他告诉《新闻日报》。“我们总是在坚守岗位。”A. duty责任;B. time时间;C. target 目标;D. schedule计划表。on duty值班,上班。符合消防员的工作性质。故选A。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他在离前院2000英尺的地方发现的第一辆车就是撞到埃斯波西托的那辆。A. warned警告;B. caught捕捉;C. hit撞击,打击,袭击;D. followed跟着,听从。根据上文Out of nowhere a car T-boned Esposito’s minivan可知这是撞击了埃斯波西托的那辆车。故选C。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当迪平托断定司机安然无恙时,他环顾四周,发现埃斯波西托的小货车停在了铁轨上。A. observed观察;B. spotted发现;C. realized实现,意识到;D. predicted预测,预报。根据他的动作concluded和looked around可知此处表示他发现了埃斯波西托的小货车停在了铁轨上。故选B。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后他听到一声可怕的声音:火车驶来的钟声。A. train火车;B. truck卡车;C. car小汽车;D. ambulance救护车。根据下文“I see the headlight of the train.”可知此处表示听到火车驶来的钟声。故选A。 12.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她只是看着他,眼神不集中。A. yet还,但是,已经;B. just仅仅,只是;C. still仍然;D. even甚至,即使。根据her eyes unfocused可知她当时不清醒,所以只能看着迪平托而没有其他反应。故选B。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“亲爱的,你在铁轨上,”迪平托喊道。A. yards院子;B. stations 车站;C. bridges桥;D. tracks轨道。根据上文Esposito’s minivan positioned on the railroad tracks可知此处表示在铁轨上。railroad tracks铁轨。故选D。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他使劲拉着门把手,但门被撞进去了,卡住了。A. belt腰带,地带;B. key钥匙;C. bell铃,钟声;D. handle把手,柄。根据but the door 可知他抓的是门把手。故选D。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他使劲拉着门把手,但门被撞进去了,卡住了。A. unlocked打开的;B. jammed卡住的,拥堵的;C. open公开的,敞开的,打开的;D. gone消失的。根据but the door was crashed in可知此处表示门被卡住了。故选B。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:迪平托跑副驾驶的位置,把门打开。A. bag书包,背包;B. door门;C. book书本;D. box箱,盒子。根据DiPinto ran to the passenger side可知他跑到另一边去开门。故选B。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“求求你,别让她被困住了,”他想。A. scared害怕;B. ignored忽略,不理睬;C. trapped困住;D. defeated打败。根据上文but the door was crashed in and jammed可知此处表示困住之意。故选C。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他推开泄气的安全气囊,抓住埃斯波西托的胳膊,把她从副驾驶座位上拉到自己身边,直到他能把她救出来,并迅速把她带到几英尺外一个信号箱后面的安全地带。A. carried携带;B. rushed匆促,急忙;C. guided导向;D. pulled拉,牵引。根据grabbed Esposito’s arms可知他把埃斯波西托拉拽出来。故选D。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他推开泄气的安全气囊,抓住埃斯波西托的胳膊,把她从乘客座位上拉到自己身边,直到他能把她救出来,并迅速把她带到几英尺外一个信号箱后面的安全地带。A. return返回,恢复;B. work产品,工厂,文学,工作;C. safety安全;D. life生命,生活。根据常识和behind a signal box a few feet away可知此处表示安全地带。故选C。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“昨天晚上,”南部地区救护车负责人Greg Miglino告诉纽约哥伦比亚广播公司,“英雄是穿着睡衣来的,不是坐消防车来的。”A. police警察;B. actor演员;C. reporter记者;D. hero英雄。根据arrived in pajamas可知此处指的是迪平托,他在危急时刻救了埃斯波西托,是一个英雄。故选D。


Last year, China started testing 5G mobile networks in several cities. The Hongkou District of Shanghai was the first to operate a 5G network. To test the network, Wu Qing, vice mayor of Shanghai, made a phone call 1. (use) a Huawei MateX, Huawei’s first 5G smartphone. According to The Telegraph, “5G is the innovation that 2. (shape) all our lives for years to come.” It is 3. (fast) and more stable than 4G, the previous generation of cellular ( 蜂窝状的) network technology.




For thousands of years, people have been trying to predict the weather. In China during the Shang Dynasty, people 1. (record) weather forecasts on animal bones  and tortoise shells. Centuries later, 2. Greece, the philosopher, Aristotle wrote his theories about how weather conditions formed. Weather forecasting advanced over time, with more and more instruments used to measure temperature, humidity and air pressure. Today, satellite data and computer technology help scientists predict the weather more 3. (precise).




The International Day of Families, which was started by the United Nations in 1993, 1. (hold) on May 15 every year. The day celebrates the 2. (important) of families. It aims to deepen people’s understanding of issue 3.are related to families. With a different theme each year, the day is observed with a wide range of events that are organized at local, national and international 4. (level).




1. 简单介绍疫情形势;

2. 列举主要应对措施;

3. 是否有信心战胜病毒;


参考词汇:新冠病毒肺炎 COVID-19

新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus

学期 semester

停课 school suspension





Bethany Hamilton has become a source of inspiration for millions through her story of faith, determination and hope. And now her story has become a major movie which is entitled Soul Surfer.

On October 31, 2003, at the age of 13, Bethany was attacked by a 15-foot tiger shark while surfing just off the shore of Hawaii. Bethany said, “It came out of the blue. I had no warning at all; not even the slightest sign of danger on the horizon. The waves were small and inconsistent, and I was just kind of rolling along with them, relaxing on my board with my left arm dangling (悬摆) in the cool water. I remember thinking, ‘I hope the surf picks up soon...’”

“That’s all it took: a split second. I felt a lot of pressure and a couple of lightning fast tugs (猛拽). Then I watched in shock as the water around me turned bright red. Somehow, I stayed calm. My left arm was gone along with a huge piece of my surfboard...”

Her friends had to get her to the beach, which took 20 minutes of paddling. After losing more than 40 percent of her blood and making it through several surgeries, Bethany was well on her way to recovery due to an unbelievably positive attitude. In January 2004, Bethany made her return to surf competition and with no intention of stopping, Bethany continued to enter and shine in competitions. Initially, she adopted a custom-made board that was longer and slightly thicker than standard and had a handle for her right arm, making it easier to paddle, and she learned to kick more to make up for the loss of her left arm.

Just over a year after the attack, she took first place—winning her first National Title. Now she competes with the world’s best and travels the globe.

1.What kind of story does the author want to tell us? (no more than 10 words)

2.What is the meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 2? (no more than 10 words)

3.According to the passage, how did Bethany make a recovery? (no more than 10 words)

4.Why did Bethany learn to kick more when she started surfing again? (no more than 10 words)

5.How does Bethany’s story inspire you to overcome difficulties in life? Put it in your own words. (no more than 25 words)



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