满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I remember I was just eighteen when Gran...

    I remember I was just eighteen when Grandma Julie died. Until the lawyer read her __________ , I would never fully __________  the depth of Grandma’s love. It was a moment I will never forget - a day that made me the _________ kid in town.

After __________ the distribution of Grandma’s legacies(遗产), the lawyer said, “There are three more things.” He __________  his briefcase and brought out a small __________  box, which contained my Grandma’s wedding ring. “These letters and notes are also for you,” he _________.

Grandma’s letter began, “Dear Jeffrey, I’m ____________  you one of my most precious treasures - my memories. These memories are the letters your __________ wrote me. They are both __________ and valuable - a(n) __________  that will teach you how to love and understand people, and how to respect and maintain your integrity(正直). When you read them you will _________ the love and passion of a good man for a good woman, and you’ll learn how love can become the ___________ of your life.

“I have been ____________, since I loved a wonderful man who also loved me. Love is like a beautiful ______  you store in an album. You can enjoy its beauty each time you stare at it __________  . I’ve just shown you how priceless his love notes are. Please learn from them. Then find the right girl to love and love her ______. This love will _________ both your lives and make you both happier.”

“As for being valuable, save the envelopes. It’s said the old __________  are worth far more than the rest of my wealth. And, the personal hand-written note from General Pershing is even more valuable than the stamps. Have a _________ , meaningful life. God bless you.”

1.A.wish B.words C.decisions D.will

2.A.appreciate B.measures C.admire D.find

3.A.happiest B.luckiest C.richest D.loneliest

4.A.delivering B.sharing C.announcing D.writing

5.A.got into B.reached into C.searched into D.looked into

6.A.tool B.paper C.letter D.jewelry

7.A.added B.remarked C.whispered D.joked

8.A.buying B.leaving C.passing D.providing

9.A.Dad B.Mom C.Grandpa D.parents

10.A.priceless B.beneficial C.lovely D.serious

11.A.direction B.guidebook C.introduction D.approach

12.A.notice B.miss C.share D.feel

13.A.center B.edge C.process D.trouble

14.A.honest B.strong C.fortunate D.ambitious

15.A.photograph B.article C.memory D.record

16.A.at ease B.in wonder C.on purpose D.by chance

17.A.carefully B.immediately C.respectfully D.passionately

18.A.save B.strengthen C.enrich D.design

19.A.stamps B.notes C.letters D.envelops

20.A.satisfactory B.loving C.unforgettable D.successful


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的祖母在去世时留下的遗嘱,表达了祖母对作者深深的爱以及后辈们能够相亲相爱,快乐的过一生的愿望。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:直到律师宣读了她的遗嘱,我才充分体会到奶奶的爱有多深。A. wish愿望;B. words话语;C. decisions决定;D. will遗嘱。根据上文可以推断,奶奶去世之后,律师会宣读她的”遗嘱”。故选D。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:直到律师宣读了她的遗嘱,我才充分体会到奶奶的爱有多深。A. appreciate欣赏,领会;B. measures测量;C. admire钦慕;D. find发现。根据上下文可以得知,直到奶奶去世,作者才明白奶奶对他的爱是如此之深(以至于把最值钱的财产都留给了他)。故选A。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那是使我成为镇上最富有的孩子的一天。A. happiest最快乐的;B. luckiest最幸运的;C. richest最富有的;D. loneliest最孤独的。根据文章最后一段的信息可以了解到,奶奶给作者留下了很多值钱的遗产,所以,”我”成为了全城最”富有的”孩子。故选C。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在宣布奶奶的遗产的分布后。A. delivering递送;B. sharing分享;C. announcing宣布;D. writing写。根据常识,律师会”宣读”逝者遗嘱中的财产分配方案。故选C。 5.考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:他把手伸进公文包,拿出一个小珠宝盒,里面装着我奶奶的结婚戒指。A. got into陷入;B. reached into伸进去;C. searched into调查;D. looked into调查。根据下文信息,律师从手提箱拿出来一个盒子,所以这里应该是”伸手进入(手提箱)”。故选B。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他把手伸进公文包,拿出一个小珠宝盒,里面装着我奶奶的结婚戒指。A. tool工具;B. paper纸;C. letter信;D. jewelry珠宝。根据下文信息,盒子里面是结婚戒指,所以应该是一个”首饰盒”。故选D。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“这些信件和便条也是给你的,”他补充道。A. added补充;B. remarked评论;C. whispered耳语;D. joked开玩笑。根据上下文信息,律师所说的内容是对上文的”补充”。故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:亲爱的杰弗里,我要给你留下我最珍贵的东西之一——我的记忆。A. buying买;B. leaving留下;C. passing经过;D. providing提供。在遗嘱中,逝者会给生者”留下(遗产)”。故选B。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些回忆是你爷爷写给我的信。A. Dad爸爸;B. Mom妈妈;C. Grandpa爷爷;D. parents父母。根据上下文可以推断,奶奶所表述的是“爷爷”与她的情感。故选C。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它们是无价的和宝贵的。A. priceless无价的;B. beneficial有益的;C. lovely可爱的;D. serious严肃的。根据下文信息可以得知,这些信件既”值钱”,又宝贵。priceless强调worth a lot of money。故选A。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它是一本指南,教你如何去爱和理解的人,以及如何尊重和保持你的正直。A. direction方向;B. guidebook指南;C. introduction介绍;D. approach方法。根据下文内容”that will teach you how to love and understand people, and how to respect and maintain your integrity(正直).”可以得知,只有guidebook才会这样的作用。故选B。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你读它们的时候,你会感受到一个好男人对一个好女人的爱和激情,你会学到爱是如何成为你生活的中心的。A. notice注意到;B. miss思念;C. share分享;D. feel感受。根据上下文和常识可以推荐,读信的时候,我们可以”感觉”到作者的情感。故选D。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当你读它们的时候,你会感受到一个好男人对一个好女人的爱和激情,你会学到爱是如何成为你生活的中心的。A. center中心;B. edge边缘;C. process过程;D. trouble麻烦。根据上下文可知,爷爷对奶奶的爱已成为奶奶的中心。故选A。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很幸运,因为我爱上了一个同样爱我的人。A. honest诚实的;B. strong强壮的;C. fortunate幸运的;D. ambitious有野心的。能够找到自己的爱人,这是很”幸运的”。故选C。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:爱就像相册里美丽的照片。A. photograph相片;B. article文章;C. memory记忆;D. record记录。根据下文的”album”可知,这里指的是相片。故选A。 16.考查介词词组词义辨析。句意:每当你惊叹地凝视它时,你都能欣赏到它的美丽。A. at ease舒适地;B. in wonder惊奇地;C. on purpose故意地;D. by chance偶然的。in wonder表示”惊奇地”。每次你惊奇地看着它,你都会享受到、感知到它的美。故选B。 17.考查副词词词义辨析。句意:然后找到合适的女孩去爱,并且充满激情地爱她。A. carefully小心地;B. immediately立刻,马上;C. respectfully尊敬地;D. passionately热情地。根据上文”When you read them you will ___the love and passion of a good man for a good woman, and you’ll learn how love can become the __of your life.”可以得出答案。爷爷对奶奶有着热烈的爱,奶奶希望孙子今后对妻子或女友也是如此。故选D。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这份爱将会丰富你们的生活,让你们更幸福。A. save拯救;B. strengthen加强;C. enrich丰富;D. design设计。根据常识,热烈真诚的爱会让人的一生更”充实、丰富”。故选C。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:据说这些旧邮票比我其余的财产值钱多了。A. stamps邮票;B. notes笔记;C. letters信; D. envelops信封。根据下文”And, the personal hand-written note from General Pershing is even more valuable than the stamps.”可知,此处指的是邮票。故选A。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:拥有一个充满爱的,有意义的生活。A. satisfactory令人满意的;B. loving有爱的;C. unforgettable难忘的;D. successful成功的。根据全文内容可以得知,奶奶希望孙子能够过上”有爱”和有意义的生活。故选B。

    Writing a film analysis essay is an assignment that is less likely to terrorize those who fear the idea of writing an essay, because it allows them to write about something most people enjoy.

1. .Then watch it again. Take notes during the first viewing and, if you are analyzing a movie that is available on DVD, be ready with your remote control to pause and rewind.

Critically engage the movie so that you can effectively produce a strong essay. 2. . Ideas for essays taking this route could include an analysis of how the film is photographed, how the movie relates a historical event in a dramatic way without compromising the facts or how a single sequence within the film relates to larger cinematic concepts, like overlapping dialogue or the use of dramatic irony.

3. . Include the name of another technician on the film if your analysis will be focusing on that aspect. Write your film analysis with the movie at hand if this possible.

Provide a brief overview of the story, but avoid the temptation to pad your word count by writing what amounts to a synopsis(outline) of the story rather than analysis. 4. .

Familiarize  yourself  with  technical  languages  related  to  the  art  of  filmmaking.  Write  about subjective camera work if the analysis is dealing with a part of the movie shot from the point of view of one of the characters. 5..

A.Reveal plots if they relate directly to your analysis.

B.Rely on your memory to write your film analysis.

C.Watch the movie carefully.

D.Write about the emotional tone of the film.

E.Introduce the film and its major participants.

F.Properly using filmmaking terms will strengthen your essay.

G.Focus on a single thematic concept related to the film.



    After spending a year in Brazil on a student exchange program, her mother recalled, Marie Colvin returned home to find that her classmates had narrowed down their college choices. “Everyone else was already admitted to college,” her mother, Rosemarie Colvin, said from the family home. “So she took our car and drove up to Yale and said , ‘You have to let me in .’ “

“Impressed--she was a National Merit ( 英才) finalist who had picked up Portuguese in Brazil—Yale did, admitting her to the class of 1978, where she started writing for the Yale Daily News and decided to be a journalist,” her mother said.

On Wednesday, Marie Colvin, 56, an experienced journalist for The Sunday Times of London, was killed as Syrian forces shelled( 炮击) the city of Homs. She was working in a temporary media center that was destroyed in the attack.

“She was supposed to leave Syria on Wednesday”, Mrs. Colvin said. “Her editor told me he called her yesterday and said it was getting too dangerous and they wanted to take her out. She said she was doing a story and she wanted to finish it.”

Mrs. Colvin said it was pointless to try to prevent her daughter from going to conflict zones. “If you knew my daughter,” she said, “it would have been such a waste of words. She was determined, she was enthusiastic about what she did, it was her life. There was no saying ‘Don’t do this.’ This is who she was , absolutely who she was and what she believed in :cover the story, not just have pictures of it, but bring it to life in the deepest way you could.” “So it was not a surprise when she took an interest in journalism,” her mother said.

1.From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1, we can infer that    .

A.Yale was her last choice

B.Marie Colvin was confident of herself

C.Yale must keep its promise to Marie Colvin

D.Marie Colvin was good at persuading

2.Which of the following is the correct order to describe Marie Colvin’s life ?

a. She was doing a story in Syria and got killed. b. She was admitted to Yale University.

c. She studied in Brazil as an excellent student.

d. She was hired by The Sunday Times of London. e. She began to take an interest in journalism.

A.d→e→c→a→b B.b→c→d→e→a

C.e→d→c→b→a D.c→b→e→d→a

3.From the last paragraph, we can know that Mrs. Colvin    .

A.dislikes the choice of her daughter.

B.cares little about her daughter.

C.knows her daughter very well.

D.doesn’t fully appreciate her daughter.

4.What can be the best title of the text ?

A.Covering Stories in a Dangerous Conflict Area.

B.Applying for Top Universities, a Successful Case

C.Choosing Lifelong Careers Based on Your Own Interest.

D.Recalling Her Daughter, a Journalist Killed in Syria.



    You try to keep your eyes wide open while watching a basketball match or a marvelous firework show in case you might miss something exciting in just the blink of an eye. But in fact, humans blink about 15 times per minute on average. Have you ever missed anything because you blinked? Probably not. Why is that?

According to a new study published in journal Current Biology in September, our brain has the ability to “skip” the temporary darkness that we see when we blink. It can keep visual information for a short period of time and then put it together to form a conclusive image without interruption.

In order to understand how this works, a group of scientists at the German Primate Center and the University Medical Center Gottingen in Germany conducted an experiment.

In the study, the participants were asked to look at patterns on a screen whose orientation(方向)could be shown in different ways, such as horizontally( 水平的) or vertically( 垂直的).When one pattern was about to disappear and the next one was about to come, the participants had to indicate the direction that the next pattern would be oriented in.

The researchers found that when the orientations of two patterns didn’t match, the medial prefrontal cortex(内侧前额叶皮层)--- the area in our brain which is responsible for visual memory---was activated. This same area showed less activity when two patterns were in the same direction.

“The medial prefrontal cortex adjust current visual information with previously obtained information, and thus enables us to see the world with more stability, even when we briefly close our eyes to blink,” Caspar Schwiedrzik explained in Science Daily. He is the first author of the study and also a scientist at the German Primate Center.

1.What ‘s the author’s intention to write the first paragraph?

A.To bring out the topic.

B.To show the importance of blink.

C.To show some interesting event in his life.

D.To give suggestions on when we should blink.

2.Why can’t we miss anything when blinking?

A.Because the time of the blink of an eye is too short.

B.Because our brain has the ability to “skip” the darkness.

C.Because our eyes can keep information and put it together.

D.Because the medial prefrontal cortex has a special function.

3.The underlined word “activated” probably means   .

A.be injured B.be useless

C.start working D.start being noticed



    World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated annually by consumer organizations worldwide.It honours the historic declaration on March 15,1962 by John F.Kennedy,the former US President,of the basic rights of consumers,which include:”the right to safety”“the right to be informed”“the right to choose”,and “the right to be heard”.

This declaration has led to international recognition by governments and the United Nations that all citizens,regardless of their incomes or social standing,have certain basic rights as consumers.Officially, World Consumer Rights Day was first observed on March 15 ,1983 and has since become an important occasion for mobilizing( 动员) citizen action ,with recognition of consumer rights taking off around the world.On April 9,1985,the United Nations General Assembly(联合国大会) adopted the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection that provide a framework for strengthening national consumer protection policies around the world.

The  guidelines  include  Kennedy’s  four  basic  consumer  rights  plus  another  four : the  right  to satisfaction of basic needs,the right to redress(赔偿),the right to education ,and the right to a healthy environment.Currently,the fundamental consumer rights are recognized globally.

World Consumer Rights Day normally has a theme associated with an activity or development that is relevant to consumers. Whatever its objectives , it shares the same underlying aim of bringing about important and needed benefits to consumers.

In  recent years , progress has been made for recognition and protection of  consumer rights in developing countries. At least, March 15 is a day when consumers are filled with pride and satisfaction. However , there are many reports on violation of consumer rights by unethical( ) marketing practices.

1.When was World Consumer Rights Day first celebrated?

A.On March 15,1962. B.On March 15,1983. C.On March 15,1985. D.On March 15,1986.

2.How many basic consumer rights are there in the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection?

A.Four. B.Six. C.Eight. D.Ten.

3.The underlined phrase “taking off” in the second paragraph probably means    .

A.becoming popular B.removing quickly C.flying away D.leaving soon

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Consumers in different countries have different basic rights.

B.Consumers still have some difficulty in protecting their basic rights.

C.On March 15,consumers don’t need to worry about their basic rights.

D.It was John F.Kennedy who declared that March 15 was the World Consumer Rights Day.



    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation[BMGF] said this week it will provide up to $100 million to support action against the 2019 novel coronavirus. It says the money will help strengthen efforts to test people for the virus, separate healthy individuals from the sick and find treatment for them.

Controlling the epidemic:      The donation will help speed development of the “tools to bring this epidemic under control,”the chief executive officer of the Gates Foundation; Mark Suzman said.

Worldwide  emergency:The Gates Foundation is giving money and working with other donors to help the World Health Organization (WHO), Chinese medical workers and others worldwide.It noted the need for an organized international effort to fight the virus.

Increased efforts to find and treat the coronavirus:The  foundation promised $20 million right away to hurry the process of identifying those who are sick, keeping them separate, and helping them get better. The goal is to stop the disease from spreading to more people and places.    Money is also going to public health officials in China and other countries with coronavirus patients to help them pay the start-up cost of medical workers and supplies.

Protecting at-risk groups in Africa and South Asia:Recent epidemics, such as the H1N1 influenza pandemic of 2009, have had a big effect on people living in extreme poverty. Most of those people live in African countries south of the Sahara Desert or parts of South Asia. Another $20 million is going to public health officials in these areas to improve their emergency operations and to treat confirmed cases. One partner is the African Field Epidemiology Network, a non-profit service that currently operates in more than 30 African countries.

Developing  Vaccines:Of  the total donation, $60 million will go to speed the process of making vaccines  to  protect  against  the  novel  coronavirus.  One  organization  working  on  developing  the anti-coronavirus vaccines is the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations with Chinese public- and private-sector researchers; trying to find ways to stop the spread of the virus.

1.The money donated by the BMGF will be used in the following aspects except

A.to test people for the virus B.to separate the healthy from the sick

C.to build a new hospital in China D.to find treatment for the virus -infected

2.How many main targets will the large sum of donated money serve for?

A.One B.Five C.Two D.Countless

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The money is specially donated to China’s public health department.

B.Another $20 million will be used to help African people suffering from starvation.

C.The African Field Epidemiology Network is a non- profit medical service organization only in western Africa.

D.Most of the donated money will be put into the developing and innovating vaccines.

4.The passage is most probably digested from .

A.a news report B.a magazine C.a text book D.a poster



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