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University Shotokan Karate Club Learn Ka...

University Shotokan Karate Club

Learn Karate—self-defense and fitness

The university karate club was founded in 1962. All grades from beginners to advanced are welcome. The classes are suitable for both men and women and several women have obtained their black belt.


6.00—8.00 p.m.



Hardly any of us have experienced real violence, but, over the last few years, attacks on innocent people have increased. Each of us has some ability to defend ourselves, and by learning a form of self-defence, we are not only increasing that ability, but also doing something to build our own sense of respect. Karate will show you a lot of simple and effective techniques to protect yourself, giving you increase self-confidence.

Far too many people think martial arts (武术) are about violence. Martial arts training is based on a lot of respect, self-discipline, self-control and non-violence. We learn basic etiquette, courtesy and tolerance. Good manners and consideration for others are expected at all times.

Karate is the practice of blocking and striking techniques for the purpose of self-defence, health and self-development. Karate exercises the entire body. Techniques are practised on both sides of the body, therefore muscle imbalances do not occur and the strength, coordination, flexibility and agility of both sides of the body are improved. Regular training in Karate improves the body’s physical endurance and flexibility. It also helps concentration and produces the mental calm and assurance that come from knowing we can defend ourselves.

Karate has many benefits but they do not come easily or overnight. Training requires ongoing commitment and hard work. Some of you will give up, but a few of you will get your black belt.

1.The passage is mainly intended to_________.

A.tell readers the benefits of Karate

B.attract readers to join the club

C.encourage people to get their black belt

D.correct people’s misunderstand of Karate

2.What can be learned about University Shotokan Karate Club?

A.More men than women have been its members.

B.It tests members to see what level they are at.

C.Members don’t need to pay for the lessons.

D.It offers 4 hours of lessons every week.

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements about Karate is true?

A.It cultivates people’s respect for themselves as well as for others.

B.It involves people’s arm muscles more than body muscles

C.It makes people healthy physically instead of mentally.

D.It focuses as much on self-defence as on attack.


1.B 2.D 3.A 【解析】 这是一则广告。学校的跆拳道俱乐部准备招收学员,给读者们介绍了跆拳道的知识,它不仅可以强身健体,还能培养人的自尊,自律和为他人着想的思维。 1.推理判断题。根据文章第一段的All grades from beginners to advanced are welcome. The classes are suitable for both men and women and several women have obtained their black belt.(从初学到高段的所有层次都可以。课程男女都适合,已经又几个女学员获得了黑带)和FIRST LESSON FREE(第一节免费)可知,这篇文章的主要目的是吸引读者参加跆拳道俱乐部学习。B. attract readers to join the club(吸引读者加入俱乐部)符合题意。故选B项。 2.细节理解题。根据文章中的TUESDAY AND THURSDAY6.00—8.00 p.m.(周二和周四,下午6点到8点)可知,俱乐部周二和周四上课,每节课持续2两小时,所以每周总共上4小时。故选D项。 3.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段的We learn basic etiquette, courtesy and tolerance. Good manners and consideration for others are expected at all times.(我们学习基本的礼节,礼仪和容忍,在任何时候都要有礼貌和为他人着想)可知,跆拳道能够培养人的自尊,礼仪,和为他人着想的思维。A. It cultivates people’s respect for themselves as well as for others.(它培养人们对自己和他人的尊重)符合以上说法。故选A项。

    It was early in 1981 when I first met George. I was in my early 30s, seeking a creative outlet unrelated to the humdrum of housework and raising little ones. My children, then aged three and five, were just entering kindergarten and school life. At 65, George had recently retired and was seeking a rewarding hobby for his golden years. For both of us, painting was art and we met at a local TAFE painting class. Thus began a friendship that was to last for 25 years—until the day he died.

In the late 1950s, George arrived in Western Australia from Britain with his wife and two children. He wasn’t a tall man but was as neat as a pin, with a mouthful of large teeth and glasses that gave his blue eyes a Bambi-like appearance. George was a man who lived life to the full; he worked hard, played hard, and had an opinion about everything. He loved his wife, his family, his friends, and was loyal and outspoken to the equal degree. A slim and vigorous man, George took pride in his fitness and health and walked three kilometres every day. “”I’d no more go without my walk than without brushing my teeth,” he’d say.

And as the only male in a painting class full of women, George was in his element. He loved his singular role and looked after his brood with the same attention he gave to everything.

He took to painting with passion and commitment, even turning the spare bedroom of his home into a studio. His painting equipment was comprehensive—an easel, quality paints, linseed oil, turpentine, brushes, palette, canvases, charcoal pencils, fixative, palette knives—even a rolling pin for removing air bubbles when gluing. Ever practical, George housed many of these items in a tool box-a red metal tool box-built to take hard knocks and purchased from a local hardware store.

For about six years George and I studied together through various units until the completion of the course and other commitments drew us apart, though we always maintained personal contact as we lived within a couple of kilometres of each other. Td sometimes see him on his daily walk or at the local shops and occasionally we'd touch base with a ‘proper’ afternoon tea, sharing a cuppa and a chinwag.

1.Why did the author start to learn painting?

A.To find a lasting and rewarding friendship.

B.To take a break from her boring family life.

C.To develop a hobby for her future golden years.

D.To realize her long-held dream of becoming a painter.

2.The phrase “his brood”in paragraph 3) most probably refers to __________.

A.George’s interest B.George’s tools

C.George’s family D.George’s classmates

3.In the author’s eye, George was a person who__________

A.desired a luxurious life B.was enthusiastic about sports

C.cared little about his appearance D.seldom told others about his opinion

4.What is the author most likely to deal with in the paragraphs that follow the passage?

A.What happened on the day George died.

B.Why she became a painter while George didn’t.

C.How she and George turned away from each other.

D.Where George used to live before coming to Australia.



    Have you ever shouted, “The rent is too damn high?” Shaking wall and hidden disgusting bugs? You’re not ________. The ancient Romans experienced the same annoyance with their apartments. From ________ landlords to sanitation problems, pests to smells, Roman urban living was no walk in the park.

Even in the very early days of Rome, people were crowded together in uncomfortable ________. This collection of animals of every kind mixed together, made life miserable for common citizens. And the close contact spread diseases.

Roman rented residence were called insulae, or islands, because they occupied whole blocks, with the roads flowing around them like water around an island. The insulae, often consisting of six to eight apartment blocks built around a staircase and central courtyard, ________ poor workers who couldn’t afford a traditional domus, or private house.

By the fourth century A.D., there were around 45,000 insulae in Rome, as ________ to fewer than 2,000 private homes. Many people were ________ into their quarters. Apartments on the lower floor would be the easiest for entry and exit – and therefore belong to the wealthy renters - while unfortunate individuals were ________ on higher floors in tiny rooms.

Though made of concrete brick, insulae were usually weakly built, ________ poor craftsmanship and little fund. They usually collapsed and killed passers-by. As a result, emperors restricted how high ________ could construct insulae. The maximum building height was 60 feet.

According to law then, builders were supposed to make walls at least an inch and a half thick, so as to ________ the safety of the building. However, it didn’t work so well, especially since building ________ were ignored by the landlords in order to save on the construction cost, and most renters were too poor to ________ landlords. Therefore, the life-threatening accidents usually happened. Even if insulae didn’t fall down, they could be so ________ as to be washed away in a flood. That’s about the only time their inhabitants would have access to clean natural water, since there was rarely in-home plumbing(水管)in an apartment.

What’s more, the insulae caught fire frequently leaving Rome with a vicious(恶意的)________ of houses burning down and collapsing, sales, then immediate reconstruction and fire once more time. Indeed, rather than being at the nature’s hands, some collapses were ________ since the greedy landlords keep on tearing down the existing insulae and replacing them with higher and larger monsters in pursuit of more rents.

1.A.lonely B.alone C.unique D.special

2.A.unfair B.gracious C.mean D.terrified

3.A.basements B.mansions C.seasons D.quarters

4.A.housed B.lived C.reserved D.organized

5.A.exposed B.opposed C.switched D.related

6.A.mixed B.filled C.invited D.squeezed

7.A.arranged B.assigned C.thrown D.banned

8.A.instead of B.thanks to C.regardless of D.except for

9.A.builders B.architects C.landlords D.renters

10.A.insure B.make sure C.assure D.ensure

11.A.codes B.limitations C.reservations D.emphasis

12.A.defeat B.alert C.charge D.object

13.A.cheap B.vacant C.insignificant D.shaky

14.A.cycle B.punishment C.treatment D.fate

15.A.unexpected B.intentional C.restless D.thorough



    A study of English learning problems was carried out among a total of 106 foreign students. It shows that nearly all these students considered 1. (understand) spoken English, especially in the first few weeks, to be their biggest problem on arrival. This was followed by speaking or communicating. Writing then increased as a big problem 2. students discovered difficulties in writing papers that they 3. (expect) to hand in. And at the same time, reading remained as a significant problem.

The information 4. (gain) helped us in determining where special attention should be paid in our course. Although many students have chosen to join the course with a reasonable motivation, we considered it important to note 5. seemed to encourage interest. Nearly all the students have experienced some kind of grammar-based English teaching or 6. (use) the same method, especially if it has failed in the past or it is too complicated to follow or imitate, 7. it might reduce motivation and interest. Therefore a different method may help because it is different.

8. variety of activities was also regarded as a way of maintaining or increasing motivation and interest. Several years ago we had the first timetable 9. operated throughout the course of English learning, but we soon found that both the students and the teachers lost interest by about half-way through the ten weeks. This led us to a major re-think, and we had to explore a much 10. (effective) way of English learning, so finally we brought it into line with the expressed language needs of the students.



— What are you doing this Saturday?

— I’m not sure, but I    go to the Rolling Stones concert

A.must B.would

C.should D.might



George _________ too far. His coffee is still warm.

A.must have gone B.might have gone

C.can’t have gone D.needn’t have gone



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