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For underwater photographer Brian Skerry...

    For underwater photographer Brian Skerry, there are good days. The sun shines, the water's clear. But most days aren't like that. The whales don't show up, or there are particles (颗粒)in the water, or wind brings the waves, or the sun dips behind a cloud at the worst moment.

A National Geographic photography fellow and the 2017, Rolex National Geographic Explorer of the Year, Skerry free dives — which means no scuba tanks, no equipment except his fins, mask, and camera. Over the past two years he's spent nine weeks off the eastern Caribbean island of Dominica in a 30-Foot boat running after sperm whales around their warm-water habitat.

Sperm whales are intelligent, and mad, escaping to ocean depths when pursued. Still, their ranks have been thinned by whaling, overfishing, and other contact with humans, to the point that the world's conservationists assess them as either vulnerable or endangered. Skerry wants his photos to inform the scientific research and education efforts that will bring whales more attention and potentially some relief. “I feel a sense of responsibility and urgency to make people care about the marine giants,” he says. “I want to give them, for lack of a better word, some humanity.”

Scientists know sperm whales as the ocean's largest toothed animals that kills other animals. They have the biggest brains of any known animal, can weigh up to 45 tons, and have been observed displaying humanlike qualities, such as curiosity and playfulness. But despite their size and their expressiveness, sperm whales remain one of the ocean's biggest mysteries. Do they share complex ideas?

1.What is "free dives"?

A.Diving without charge. B.Diving without sponsors.

C.Diving with little equipment. D.Diving with few regulations.

2.What does the underlined word "vulnerable" probably mean?

A.Easily attacked. B.Strongly built.

C.Desperately driven. D.Distantly removed.

3.What can we learn about the sperm whales from the text?

A.Sperm whales are the largest fish in the sea.

B.Sperm whales are as clever as the human being.

C.Sperm whales enjoy being photographed by photographers.

D.Sperm whales' population has declined due to illegal fishing.

4.Where is the text probably taken from?

A.Technology magazine. B.Tourism advertisement.

C.National geography. D.Entertainment report.


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 本文是说明文。通过Skerry自由潜水追逐抹香鲸拍照的故事引出抹香鲸不断减少的现状,介绍了Skerry这样做的目的,呼吁人们不要过度捕鲸,保护濒危动物。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段 free dives — which means no scuba tanks, no equipment except his fins, mask, and camera.可知free dives指的是潜水时除了鱼鳍、面罩和照相机外,没有水肺和其他设备,即潜水设备很少,故选C。 2.词句猜测题。根据上句their ranks have been thinned by whaling, overfishing, and other contact with humans,可知抹香鲸的现状,由于捕鲸、过度捕捞和其他与人类的接触,它们的数量减少了。画线词语和or后的endangered意思相近,应该是容易被攻击导致濒临危险,结合四个选项,与easily attacked同义,故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段Still, their ranks have been thinned by whaling, overfishing, and other contact with humans, to the point that the world's conservationists assess them as either vulnerable or endangered.可知由于捕鲸、过度捕捞和其他与人类的接触,抹香鲸的数量减少了,甚至处于危险。故选D。 4.推理判断题。文章前两段介绍了Skerry保护抹香鲸的举动,后两段介绍了抹香鲸不断减少的现状和保护的意义。此类文章不会出自技术杂志、旅游广告或娱乐报道,应该出自国家地理杂志,故选C。

    Camp Odayin provides fun, safe and supportive camp experiences and community building opportunities for young people and their families this year.

Winter Camp February 15 - February 17

It is hosted in Amery, a two-hour drive from the Twin Cities and free round trip transportation is provided from Minneapolis and Madison. This camp is for children who have attended Residential Camp or Day Camp before. Campers can experience snowshoeing, skiing and snowboarding. Registrations are processed during December & January.

Moms Retreat May 16 - May 17

Scheduled in downtown Stillwater, Moms Retreat will seek to improve the quality of caregivers' life. It will include meals, boarding and yoga activities.

Registration will open in April for moms that receive the email invitation from Camp Odayin. If the limit is reached, we will start a wait list.

Residential Camp July 13 - July 18

Campers will have a chance to communicate with other young people sharing the same grade. Hosted in Lutherdale, it will include swimming, horseback riding and talent show. The approval by the Camp Odayin Director is necessary.

Registration will open in early March and is due May 1st.

Family Camp October 26 - November 1

Hosted in Camp Lake, the camp is a two-night commitment for families with children suffering from heart diseases, who will benefit from connecting with other families who have similar health, emotional and social concerns. Activities will include drawing, fancy dress balls and movies.

Families who have a child in 12th grade or younger (no minimum age) can attend. Camper registration is available online in late August.

1.Which camp is intended for previous campers only?

A.Moms Retreat. B.Winter Camp.

C.Residential Camp. D.Family Camp.

2.Where can you go if you choose to register on August 28?

A.To Amery. B.To Stillwater.

C.To Camp Lake. D.To Lutherdale.

3.What is special about Residential Camp?

A.It offers a variety of activities.

B.It provides access to shopping.

C.It allows sick children to participate.

D.It requires the camp leader's approval.




1. 所需证件(护照);

2. 购票方式(售票窗口、网上);

3. 车站取票。

注意: 1.词数100左右;






Last year, Jack and his classmates made a trip to London. On his arrival at the airport, it was raining heavy. So they took a bus to the hotel, where was not far from the airport. The next day, they can’t wait to see the wonderful place of interest in London. They first went to the Elizabeth Tower, symbol of the United Kingdom. The guide told them the tower had been appeared in many films. Then they visited the British Museum. To their great surprise, they found much Chinese artworks displayed there. Felt very proud, they took a lot of photos but they really had great fun.




The story I have read is about what Sam felt about his first boarding school life.1. a child, he never left his parents, so he didn’t get used to 2. (deal) with everything in school independently. Once I had a similar experience. I finished my junior middle school in a boarding school. At the age of 13, I never dealt with the daily 3. (thing), such as washing clothes, taking care of money etc. I 4. (especial) felt lonely because I hardly knew any people. At first, I could not get on well with my classmates and I always looked forward to being on holiday 5. (meet) my parents. I could not concentrate on my subjects. As time 6. (go) by, I gradually adapted 7. (me) to the school life. I made several friends with my classmates and often took part in the activities, in 8. I improved my communicating skills. As I had a lot of 9. (mean) things to do, I finally enjoyed my school life. Now, whenever I think of my first boarding school life, I think 10. instructive and unforgettable.





A terrible fever made Anne Sullivan nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood, and the doctors said she was a hopelessly mad girl. She had been_______in the basement of a mental hospital (精神病医院) in Boston. Sometimes, little Annie ______hit anyone who came near to her. She ignored everyone who appeared in front of her most of the time.

However, an old nurse ________that little Annie had hope. She went to_______little Annie every day. The child ignored her in most cases, but the old nurse ________stopped seeing her every day in the basement. The_________lady left cookies for little Annie and spoke words full of encouragement to her. She believed that as long as she showed__________, little Annie could get better. Finally, the doctors noticed the_______in little Annie. They moved her upstairs and her condition continued_______.Then her last day there came, and the child who seemed to be “_________” went out of the locked door of the mental hospital.

After she grew up, Anne Sullivan hoped to__________others, just as the kind old nurse helped her. She became the________of Helen Keller. She_______her, trained her strictly and worked with her________she lit the candle that brought________to the whole world. Anne Sullivan________a miracle (奇迹) in the life of Helen Keller. But first it was a kind nurse who had full________in little Annie that turned a(n) _________ child into a great teacher.

If there had been no Anne Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would not be________But if there hadn’t been a________who kept showing love, Anne Sullivan wouldn’t be known to the world, either.

1.A.hidden B.received C.locked D.found

2.A.angrily B.proudly C.warmly D.secretly

3.A.praised B.doubted C.believed D.remembered

4.A.treat B.see C.promise D.miss

5.A.still B.already C.ever D.never

6.A.hard-working B.good-looking C.open-minded D.kind-hearted

7.A.cheer B.love C.luck D.happiness

8.A.worries B.problems C.changes D.needs

9.A.worsening B.spreading C.increasing D.improving

10.A.active B.healthy C.hopeless D.useless

11.A.greet B.help C.surprise D.please

12.A.classmate B.teacher C.neighbor D.boss

13.A.laughed at B.waited for C.looked at D.cared for

14.A.if B.unless C.until D.because

15.A.time B.dream C.light D.power

16.A.created B.shared C.stopped D.expected

17.A.control B.shame C.pity D.confidence

18.A.stupid B.lazy C.funny D.unfriendly

19.A.called B.known C.left D.protected

20.A.doctor B.patient C.nurse D.worker



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