满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I grew up in a small village in Ohio, wh...

    I grew up in a small village in Ohio, where everyone knew a man called Tom. Uneducated, he couldn’t talk_______. And because he was_______and not very smart, everyone teased him. I guessed he was an easy mark.

One day, he came walking by. I was about 12 and thought it would make me feel grown-up to_______him like the adults did.

He asked how I was doing. I told him my father was______, and that we lacked money. I could hear my friends_______in the background so I went on with the lie. I had him_______so completely that every time he inquired about the______, I would make it seem increasingly worrying.

I knew he made a_______by doing odd jobs(打零工), so it seemed_______when he asked me if we needed anything. I told him that we didn’t know if we would_______ He responded, “You poor thing, I will_______for you. ”

That night I heard the_______rattle(作响)softly. Thinking it was the wind beating against it, I_______it. Later when I opened the door to go outside, I found a box of_______ I knew who had given the food. I_______the small box of canned food with tears in my eyes. I felt______, and wanted to return the groceries.

My father would not let me take the box______. He said it would hurt Tom. Each day when we were to have dinner, my father would ask, “What side dish are we having from the_______box today? ”

It was_______for me to eat the food. I knew Tom had given sacrificially. He gave the best he had, but I did not_______the gift.

1.A.fluently B.carefully C.slowly D.frequently

2.A.ill-treated B.bad-tempered C.warm-hearted D.good-natured

3.A.remind B.annoy C.tease D.abuse

4.A.delayed B.deserted C.prohibited D.unemployed

5.A.laughing B.whispering C.cheering D.clapping

6.A.absorbed B.amused C.fooled D.struck

7.A.atmosphere B.situation C.address D.reason

8.A.difference B.profit C.fortune D.living

9.A.funny B.impossible C.practical D.moving

10.A.panic B.starve C.remain D.succeed

11.A.pray B.manage C.operate D.purchase

12.A.window B.door C.fence D.box

13.A.investigated B.explored C.fastened D.ignored

14.A.vegetables B.groceries C.snacks D.fruits

15.A.held up B.took over C.looked through D.packed up

16.A.frustrated B.thrilled C.touched D.ashamed

17.A.out B.away C.back D.apart

18.A.ice B.gift C.money D.check

19.A.hard B.amazing C.pleasant D.precious

20.A.get B.refuse C.deserve D.appreciate


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲了Tom虽然脾气好,但不是非常聪明,因此每个人都戏弄他。我在12岁时,也尝试像成年人那样去戏弄他。我告诉他我的父亲失去了工作,我们没有足够的食物吃。当天晚上, Tom为我们送来了食物。Tom自己生活都很艰难,但是他还给我们送食物吃,所以我很感动,眼里满含泪水,尽管食物并不美味,但是我知道Tom已经给出了他所拥有的最好的食物。 1.考查副词词义辨析。句意:由于没有受过教育,他不能流利地说话。A. fluently流畅地;B. carefully认真地;C. slowly慢慢地;D. frequently频繁地。根据句意和下文可知,说话不流畅,脾气好,不太聪明等等,这些都是别人嘲笑他的原因,故选A。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为他脾气好,不太聪明,大家都取笑他。我猜他很容易上当。A. ill-treated受虐待的;B. bad-tempered坏脾气的;C. warm-hearted热心的;D. good-natured脾气好的。根据下文everyone teased him可知因为他脾气好又不聪明,所以每个人都取笑他。故选D。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我当时大约12岁,我想如果我像成年人那样取笑他,我就会觉得自己长大了。A. remind提醒;B. annoy惹恼;C. tease取笑;D. abuse虐待。作者认为像大人们那样戏弄他,就会觉得自己长大了,与上文everyone teased him呼应故选C。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我告诉他我父亲失业了,我们缺钱。A. delayed延时的;B. deserted被遗弃的;C. prohibited被禁止的;D. unemployed失业的。根据下文that we lacked money可知作者撒谎自己的父亲失业了,缺钱。故选D。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我能听到我的朋友们在背后笑,所以我继续撒谎。A. laughing笑;B. whispering低语;C. cheering欢呼;D. clapping鼓掌。根据句意可知,我能听到我的朋友们在背后笑,所以我继续撒谎。故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我把他完全愚弄了,以至于每次他问起情况时,我都会让他显得越来越担心。A. absorbed吸收;B. amused逗乐;C. fooled患弄;D. struck罢工。下文Tom的举动说明他相信了作者的话,被愚弄了。故选C。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把他完全愚弄了,以至于每次他问起情况时,我都会让他似乎越来越担心。A. Atmosphere氛围;B. situation情况;C. Address;D. reason理由。Tom被作者欺骗了,因此每次都会询问作者家里的情况。故选B。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道他靠打零工谋生,所以当他问我是否需要帮忙时,我觉得很好笑。A. difference不同;B. profit利润;C. fortune财富;D. living生活。短语make a living"谋生",为固定短语,根据句意,故选D。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他问我是否需要帮忙时,我就觉得很好笑。A. funny好笑的;B. impossible不可能的;C. practical实际的;D. moving移动的。Tom自己都要打工谋生,所以每当他问起作者是否有需要的东西时,显得很好笑滑稽。故选A。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我告诉他,我们不知道是否会饿死。A. panic恐慌;B. starve饿死;C. remain保持;D. succeed成功。作者为了愚弄Tom撒谎说自己家快要饿死了。故选B。 11.考查动词词义辨析。他回答说,小可怜,我会为你祈祷的。A. pray祈祷;B. manage管理;C. operate操作;D. purchase购买。Tom把作者的话当真了,为作者的困境祈祷。故选A。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那天晚上我听见门轻轻地格格响。A. window 窗;B. door门;C. fence篱笆;D. box盒子。根据下文when I opened the door可知那天晚上作者听到了门轻轻作响,故选B。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我以为是风在吹,我就没有在意它。A. investigated调查;B. explored探索;C. fastened固定;D. ignored忽视。根据上文Thinking it was the wind beating against it可知作者以为门的响声是风吹的,因此没有管它,忽视了它。故选D。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:后来,当我打开门要出去时,我发现了一箱我知道是谁给的食物。A. vegetables蔬菜;B. groceries食物;C. snacks小吃;D. fruits水果。根据下文the small box of canned food可知箱子里是罐装食品,故是一箱子食物。下文return the groceries也给了提示,故选B。 15.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我翻着小盒子里的罐头食品,眼里噙满了泪水。A. held up举起;B. took over接管;C. looked through浏览;仔细查看;D. packed up。根据with tears in my eyes,可知,作者翻着小盒子里的罐头食品,眼里噙满了泪水。故选C。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我感到羞愧,想把这些吃的退回去。A. frustrated沮丧的;B. thrilled激动的;C. touched感人的;D. ashamed羞愧的。作者感动于Tom的好心而羞愧,并且想把这些食物还回去。故选D。 17.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我父亲不让我把箱子拿回去。A. out在外;B. away离去;C. back回来;D.apart分离。根据下文He said it would hurt Tom.可知作者的父亲不让我把盒子拿回去。take back拿回去,故选C。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每天吃饭的时候,父亲都会问我,今天我们从礼品盒里拿出的是什么配菜? A. ice冰;B. gift礼物;C. money钱;D. check支票。由上文可知,作者收到了Tom送的礼品盒,所以父亲会问作者“今天我们从礼品盒里拿出的是什么配菜”,故选B。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:吃下这些食物对我来说很难。A. hard努力的;艰难的;B. amazing吃惊的;C. pleasant高兴的;D. precious宝贵的。作者认为这些食物难以下咽,是因为欺骗而心存愧疚,故选A。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他尽了最大的努力,但我配不上这份礼物。A. get得到;B. refuse拒绝;C. deserve应得;D. appreciate感激。作者欺骗了Tom,因此感觉自己“不配”(did not deserve)得到这些食物,故选C。

— I’m afraid I can only make a small contribution this time.

—______. We really appreciate your assistance.

A.Every little helps

B.It’s better to give than to receive

C.The more, the better

D.The best things come in small packages



But for the rescue team’s efforts, more lives ________ in the wreck accident.

A.would be claimed B.should have claimed

C.would have claimed D.could have been claimed



Now, I doubt if there’s anybody here who is indifferent between the choices, indifferent _______the choice between these two lives.

A.in favor of B.in honor of

C.in place of D.in regard to



—What about your trip to Nantong Printed Blue Nankeen Museum?

—It displays traditional Chinese art and craft and we ____ a great time there.

A.had B.have C.would have D.had had



____ with global vision and the spirit of innovation is crucial to China's young generation.

A.Being equipped B.Equipping C.Equipped D.Having equipped



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