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It was really an unforgettable experienc...

    It was really an unforgettable experience. The other day on my way home, for some reason all the traffic _______ were out. It was 5 pm, _______ it was rush hour and pure chaos.

I approached a 4way stop, and found myself _______ in a mess. On all 3 sides of me, people all were looking for the right time to _______ the road.

On one side was an elderly woman who was _______ forward as if she would get through the crossroad. _______ across from me was a business man talking on his cell phone. On the other side was a _______ dancing to his radio, not looking like he really cared whether he moved or not. _______ , I waited…and waited…and waited. For what felt like 5 minutes, everyone there was still looking. Then after I gave it a little _______ , I pulled out into the road, and I became the most __________ man on the road. The man __________ his cell phone and screamed. The teenager turned off his __________ and yelled. The elderly lady just __________ her head and then leaned back.

Did I __________ any traffic laws or universal laws of politeness? No.

Did I give everyone __________ time to do what we are all taught in driving school?


So how does this story __________ to you and your business?

Is it __________ when you make a move and break out of the pack? And all three of them were upset with me because I ignored that excuse and made my move.

We will __________ all these people in our lives, but it is important to remember that this is your life, and that you can't __________ for other people to decide if you can make an__________ . You and only you can make it happen.

1.A.rules B.accidents C.lights D.arrangements

2.A.but B.so C.or D.yet

3.A.introduced B.stuck C.lost D.interrupted

4.A.cross B.ignore C.overlook D.observe

5.A.putting B.dragging C.admiring D.leaning

6.A.Roughly B.Obviously C.Gradually D.Directly

7.A.man B.boy C.woman D.girl

8.A.However B.Still C.Therefore D.Moreover

9.A.challenge B.belief C.thought D.concept

10.A.encouraging B.inspiring C.terrifying D.annoying

11.A.turned up B.handed up C.hung up D.called up

12.A.radio B.phone C.computer D.camera

13.A.shook B.raised C.lowered D.nodded

14.A.follow B.obey C.improve D.break

15.A.spare B.ample C.convenient D.significant

16.A.apply B.refer C.stick D.lead

17.A.energetic B.intelligent C.brave D.silly

18.A.question B.face C.envy D.beat

19.A.call B.allow C.wait D.care

20.A.move B.preparation C.deal D.adjustment


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己穿过没有红绿灯指示的马路的经历告诉我们:人生是我们自己的,我们应该为自己的人生做出决定。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那天在我回家的路上,由于某种原因所有的红绿灯都灭了。A. rules规则;B. accidents事故;C. lights灯;D. arrangements安排。根据下文it was rush hour and pure chaos可知,交通灯因故不亮。故选C。 2.考查连词词义辨析。句意:当时是下午5点,交通高峰期,一片混乱。A. but但是;B. so 所以;C. or 或者;D. yet但是。根据上文It was 5 p. m和下文it was rush hour and pure chaos.可知,前后为因果关系。故选B。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我接近一个四向停车点,发现自己陷入了一片混乱。A. introduced介绍;B. stuck被困住的;C. lost 迷路;D. interrupted打断。根据in a mess可知,作者要过十字路口,四面都有人,因此陷入(be/get stuck in)了混乱中。故选B。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我的三面,人们都在寻找合适的时间过马路。A. cross 穿过;B. ignore 忽视;C. overlook忽视,俯视;D. observe观察,看,庆祝。根据looking for the right time可知,作者发现十字路口的人都在寻找时机过马路。故选A。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一边是一位上了年纪的妇女,她身体前倾,好像要通过十字路口。A. putting放置;B. dragging拖拉,拖曳;C. admiring 钦佩;D. leaning倾斜。根据as if she would get through the crossroad可知老太太身子前倾(lean forward),随时准备过马路。故选D。 6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:就在我对面,一个商人正在用手机打电话。A. Roughly粗略地,粗糙地;B. Obviously清晰地,清楚地;C. Gradually逐步地;D. Directly正好的,直接地。根据上文On one side和下文On the other side可知此处表示在对面的方向。故选D。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:另一边是一个男孩跟着他的收音机跳舞,看起来他并不真的在乎他是否移动。A. man男人;B. boy男孩;C. woman妇女;D. girl女孩。根据下文teenager以及 not looking like he really cared whether he moved or not可知此处表示他是一个男孩。故选B。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:因此,我等待着……等待着……等待着。A. However然而;B. Still 仍然;C. Therefore因此;D. Moreover而且。根据I waited…and waited…and waited.可知各位都似乎蓄势过马路,因此作者等待,等待他们先过,此处表示因果关系。故选C。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想了一下,把车开到路上,我成了路上最讨厌的人。A. challenge挑战;B. belief相信;C. thought思想;D. concept观念,概念。根据a little可知作者等他们过,但他们都没有行动,于是作者想了想,准备先过马路。故选C。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想了一下,把车开到路上,我成了路上最讨厌的人。A. encouraging鼓励的,支持的;B. inspiring令人鼓舞的;C. terrifying害怕的,恐怖的;D. annoying烦人的,讨厌的。根据上文作者先过马路的举动和下文..were upset with me…可知,作者先过马路的举动得到了其它人的厌恶。故选D。 11.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:那个男人挂了电话,尖叫起来。A. turned up调高;出现,露面;B. handed up举起;C. hung up挂断电话;D. called up给…打电话,使回忆起。根据上文..a business man talking on his cellphone 和下文…turned off his可知他现在挂掉了电话。故选C。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那个少年关掉收音机,大喊大叫。A. radio收音机;B. phone电话;C. computer电脑;D. camera相机。根据上文dancing to his radio可知他现在关掉了收音机。故选A。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:老太太只是摇了摇头,然后向后靠了靠。A. shook one's head摇头(不赞同);B. raised one's head抬头;C. lowered one's head低头;D. nodded one's head点头(赞同)。根据and then leaned back可知,我先过马路的举动得到了其它人的厌恶,老太太的反应是摇头,然后退后了。故选A。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我违反了任何交通规则或普遍的礼貌规则吗?A. follow跟随;B. obey遵守;C. improve提升;D. break违背。作者先开动了车,而其他人都没动,所以作者再问自己违反了任何交通规则或普遍的礼貌规则吗?故选D。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我有没有给每个人足够的时间去做我们在驾校里学过的事情?A. spare空闲的;B. ample丰富的,足够的;C. convenient方便的;D. significant重大的。根据上文 The man 11 his cell phone and screamed. The teenager turned off his 12 and yelled. The elderly lady just 13 her head and then leaned back.可知此处表示作者给了每个人足够的时间去做他们在驾校里学过的事情。故选B。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那么,我的故事是否也适用于你和你的企业呢?A. apply to运用,适用于;B. refer to提及,参阅,指的是;C. stick to坚持;D. lead to导致,通向。作者的故事是否也适用于你和你的企业呢?很显然,每个人都遇到最遇到这样的事情,所以故事适用于每个人。故选A。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当你采取行动并打破常规时,是不是很愚蠢?A. energetic精力充沛的;B. intelligent聪明的;C. brave勇敢的;D. silly愚蠢的。根据And all three of them were upset with me because I ignored that excuse and made my move可知此处表示大家过马路迟疑是因为有顾虑的借口:我离群而已,是不是很愚蠢?故选D。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们将在生活中面对所有这些人,但重要的是要记住,这是你的生活,你不能等待别人来决定你是否可以采取行动。A. question质问某人;B. face面临,面对;C. envy嫉妒;D. beat击败,打败。根据all these people in our lives可知此处表示我们生活中经常面对这样的人。 故选B。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们将在生活中面对所有这些人,但重要的是要记住,这是你的生活,你不能等待别人来决定你是否可以采取行动。A. call for需要;B. allow 允许;C. wait for等待;D. care for喜欢,照顾。根据上文的故事以及other people to decide可知此处表示生活是自己的,不能等待他人为你做出决定。故选C。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们将在生活中面对所有这些人,但重要的是要记住,这是你的生活,你不能等待别人来决定你是否可以采取行动。A.move行动;B. preparation准备;C. deal买卖;D. adjustment判断。根据下文You and only you can make it happen.可知,生活是自己的,不能等待他人为你决定是否该行动。make a move“作出行动”。故选A。

    A science teacher's job is teaching science to his students. A person who decides to become a science teacher may have many career choices available to him. He may decide to work in a primary to teach a range of subjects, including science. 1. Some even choose to earn advanced degrees that allow them to work as college professors.

2. They may cover such basic science subjects as biology, chemistry, physics and earth science as well as a full range of other subjects. The subjects a science teacher covers may vary, depending on such factors as where he teaches and the age of the students he's instructing.

A person who wants to become a science teacher for primary-aged students may find it necessary to teach other subjects in addition to science. 3. In such classroom, one teacher may instruct students not only in science but also math, history, language and other subjects.

At the high school level, science teachers usually have the opportunity to focus on their chosen subject. Typically, teachers at this level are required to earn bachelor's degree in the subjects they want to teach in addition to teaching certifications. 4.

College science teachers usually need more advanced degrees to secure their positions. Typically, a full-time science professor needs a doctoral degree in order to do so. 5. That is because colleges typically need teachers in basic and highly-specialized courses.

A. Science teachers teach various science concepts.

B. Science teachers are good at answering mysterious questions.

C. Often, college science teachers have a wide range of subjects choices.

D. A deep knowledge in the field of science will help applicants stand out.

E. He may also choose to teach a particular science subject in high school.

F. For example, a high school chemistry teacher usually needs a chemistry degree.

G. Many primary schools hire teachers to teach all the basic subjects in one classroom.



    Stories are shared in many ways. They are described in books and magazines. They are read around the campfire at night. They are randomly distributed from stand-alone booths. But what else?

To revive (复兴)literature in the era of fast news and smartphone addiction, Short Edition, a French publisher of short-form literature, has set up more than 30 story dispensers (分发机)in the USA in the past years to deliver fiction at the push of a button at restaurants, universities and government offices.

Francis Ford Coppola, the film director and winemaker, liked the idea so much that he invested in the company and placed a dispenser at his Cafe Zoetrope in San Francisco. Last month public libraries in some other cities announced they would be setting them up, too. There is one on the campus at Penn State. A few can be found in downtown West Palm Beach, Fla. And Short Edition plans to announce more, including at the Los Angeles International Airport.

“Everything old is new again," said Andrew Nurkin, the director of the Free Library of Philadelphia, which is one of the libraries that set up the dispensers. “We want people to be easily exposed to literature. We want to advance literacy among children and inspire their creativity.

Here's how a dispenser works It has three buttons on top indicating choices for stories that can be read in one minute, three minutes or five minutes. When a button is pushed, a short story is printed. The stories are free. They are chosen from a computer category of more than 100,000 original submissions by writers whose works have been evaluated by Short Edition's judges, and transmitted over a mobile network. Offerings can be tailored to specific interests, like children's fiction or romance. Short Edition gets stories for its category by holding writing contests.

Short Edition set up its first booth in 2016 and has 150 machines worldwide. “The idea is to make people happy," said Kristan Leroy, director of Short Edition, “There is too much unhappiness today. ”

1.What do we know about the stories sent by dispensers?

A.They are expensive.

B.They are short in form.

C.They can be read on smartphones.

D.They are mainly taken from magazine literature.

2.Where can you find the popularity of story dispensers in America?

A.In paragraph 3.

B.In paragraph 4.

C.In paragraph 5.

D.In paragraph 6.

3.Which is the main purpose of setting up the dispensers according to Andrew Nurkin?

A.To get rid of people's smartphone addiction.

B.To reduce the financial stress of libraries.

C.To make people have access to literature.

D.To advertise the network literature.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Online Reading: a Virtual Tour

B.Short Edition, a French Publisher

C.Everything Old Will Be Popular Again

D.Taste of Literature, at the Push of a Button



    Many Chinese institutions of higher education have been attempting to become more globalized by making their websites available in different languages to better communicate with potential foreign students and promote their academic achievements.

In late June, 20 universities gathering at Shanghai International Studies University for a meeting regarding overseas communication said that their websites are available in foreign languages.

For example, the SISU website now is available in 28 languages. The website's multilingual contents include over 7, 000 articles about topics such as Chinese culture,

Chinese society as well as information about Shanghai. Some articles are from foreign media, foreign embassies and official websites of foreign government agencies.

During the meet, the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology said that 43, 000 visits to its new English website launched in January were made from overseas, accounting for nearly twothirds of the total visits. Jiang Feng, Party Chief of SISU, said that overseas communication is now a key focus for schools to interact with the world and improve their influence.

Tsinghua University in Beijing was among the first universities on the Chinese mainland to open accounts on international social media platforms in 2015. Around 2,000 updates, including pictures, videos and live broadcasts, are made each year on such platforms. The topics are usually related to the institution's major events or student and alumni(校友)activities.

"Updates regarding our master's programs taught in English and those about the school's performance in the latest world university rankings usually enjoy the highest popularity, " says Lin Yuan, deputy director of the global communication office at Tsinghua University.

Xiang Debao, a professor from SISU's School of Journalism and Communication, says that a recent research conducted by his team showed that a university's influence in cyberspace(通讯) has positive relationship with its visibility in the real world.

1.Why did the 20 universities gather at Shanghai International Studies University?

A.To deal with some academic issues.

B.To explore the way for universities to go global.

C.To exchange students in some international courses.

D.To discuss articles from foreign media and official websites.

2.Which of the following appeals to foreign visits most?

A.Accounts about the development of Shanghai.

B.The institution's major events and student activities.

C.The history of Shanghai International Studies University.

D.The latest information of a master's course taught in English.

3.What does Xiang Debao think of a university's influence in cyberspace?





4.What can be concluded from the text?

A.Tsinghua University was the first to open international social media platforms.

B.Multilanguage website earned more foreign visits than national ones in the SISU.

C.Only 20 universities in China approved of websites available in different languages.

D.The ranking of a university in the world plays a main role in its international influence.



    Stan Lee, who revolutionized the comic book and helped make billions for Hollywood by introducing human superheroes such as SpiderMan, the Fantastic Four and the Incredible Hulk, died in November, 2018. He was 95.

As the top writer at Marvel Comics, Lee was widely considered the architect of the contemporary comic book. He renewed the industry in the 1960s by offering the costumes and action while insisting on complicated plots, collegelevel dialogue, science fiction, even philosophy. Millions responded to the unlikely mix of realistic fantasy, and many of his characters, including SpiderMan, the Hulk and XMen went on to become stars of blockbuster films.

Lee considered the comicbook medium an art form. He came up with a new comic book every day for 10 years. He hit his peak in the 1960s when he brought the Fantastic Four, the Hulk, SpiderMan, Iron Man and numerous others to life.

Lee knew his work was different, proudly noting that stories were drawn out over several issues to better develop characters, situations and themes. The characters were normal people changed into superheroes through no fault of their own. "The beauty of Stan Lee's characters is that they were characters first and superheroes next, " Jeff Kline, executive producer of the "Men in Hack" animated television series, told The Blade of Toledo. Some of Lee's creations became symbols of social change SpiderMan represented 60s'America, for example.

Lee scripted most of Marvel's superhero comics, including the Avengers and the XMen. In 1972, he became Marvels publisher and editorial director. Four years later, 72 million copies of SpiderMan were sold. CBS turned the Hulk into a successful TV series. A SpiderMan series ran briefly in 1978. Both characters were featured in animated TV series. The first bigbudget movie based on Lee's characters, "XMen", was a hit in 2000, earning more than 130 million at North American theaters. "SpiderMan" did even better, taking in more than 400 million in 2002.

1.Where does Lee's characters' beauty lie according to Jeff Kline?

A.They are symbols of social change.

B.They are characters in both series and films.

C.They are ordinary but can save others in emergency.

D.They are unique people from all walks of life.

2.What can we learn from the text?

A.Lee was a productive writer.

B.Lee prefers simple plots and science fiction.

C.Lee reached his best in the 1970s.

D.SpiderMan was Lee's first bigbudget movie.

3.Which work of Lee's made more profits?

A.The Hulk.



D.Iron Man

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.The loss of a master.

B.A pioneer in comic books.

C.Master works of Stan Lee.

D.Stan Lee's contributions to the USA.



Student Scholarships

5 Strong Scholarship

Application Deadline August 20th

Scholarship Description The 5 Strong Scholarship Foundation is a team of experienced educators that have over 30 years of experience in helping minority nationality students get into college. We have teamed up to form a foundation that's going to be devoted to building groups of 5 college ready scholars and placing them on the campuses of Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Contact Andrew H. Ragland 770-873-6621

$ 1,000 College JumpStart Scholarship

Application Deadline October 8th

Scholarship Description The $ 1,000 College JumpStart Scholarship is a virtue-based competition that is open to 7th—12th graders and college students and non — traditional students. Applicants must be juniors or seniors or adult students.

Contact Adrian Monk 650-319-8441

ACF Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship

Application Deadline July 9th

Scholarship Description One or more scholarships are awarded each year to New Mexico graduating high school seniors and continuing college students. Students must go after a degree or certificate from a non-profit public or technical professional institution including community college.

Contact Daniel White 505-883-6240

“Species On The Edge 2. 0” Social Scholarship

Application Deadline September 19th

Scholarship Description Conserve Wildlife Foundation invites high school student from across the state to submit an original social media campaign showing why wildlife is important to protect. The fun and educational contest provides students with the opportunity to show their talent, creativity and love for nature. The students may get scholarships if they perform well.

Contact Stephanie Dalessio 609-984-6021

1.What's the $ 1,000 College JumpStart Scholarship mainly based on?

A.Certificate. B.Virtue.

C.Protecting wildlife. D.Helping black students.

2.Who can minority nationality students call for help if they want to get a scholarship?

A.Stephanie Dalessio. B.Adrian Monk.

C.Daniel White. D.Andrew H. Ragland.

3.Which of the following is intended for New Mexican students?

A.5 Strong Scholarship.

B.$ 1,000 College JumpStart Scholarship.

C.ACF Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship.

D.“Species On The Edge 2. 0" Social Scholarship.



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