满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

For a herder (放牧人) in Africa, the hardes...

    For a herder (放牧人) in Africa, the hardest part of the job is searching for cattle lost in the bush. But for Andrew, a herder at a farm in Zimbabwe, it's not a problem. Once he spots Toro, he knows the rest of the herd is nearby. That’s because Toro isn’t an ordinary member of the herd. He's a giraffe. In hot weather, cattle rest in the shade under his belly. And because of his height, Toro can spot lions long before they come close to the herd.

Toro's unusual situation came about after his mother was killed by lions. Toro survived the attack, but he was left with no one to protect him or give him milk. About two days later, some herders spotted and rescued him. With the permission of the Department of Wildlife, the herders moved Toro to Andrew's farm. Since giraffes and cattle are both plant-eating animals that live in groups, their behaviors are much the same. Toro was accepted into the herd and wandered among the cattle as they ate grass.

Toro doesn't always behave like the other members of his new herd. Like many kinds of animals, cattle compete for dominance (支配). Standing more than 13 feet tall, Toro is more than three times taller than the biggest bull, But Toro never tries to be ''the boss. ''He is very used to their company, '' Andrew said. When the herd enters the kraal (家畜栏), the cows and bulls push each other. ''But thanks to his height, Toro does not need to join the mess, '' said Andrew.

When asked if Toro would ever be returned to the wild, Munetsi, an officer of the Department of Wildlife said no. ''In the wild, he would find it difficult to be accepted into another herd or defend himself from predators (猎食者),'' he added. ''He seems very much at home and is respected by the cattle.''

1.What was Toro like when the herders found him?

A.He was left alone. B.He was seriously ill.

C.He was lost in the bush. D.He was fighting with lions.

2.What do we know about Toro in the cattle herd?

A.He has fought to be the leader.

B.He gets along well with the herd.

C.He is pushed around by the bulls.

D.He stays away from the herd most of the time

3.What will happen to Toro according to Munetsi?

A.He will be sent back to the wild.

B.He will be put into another herd of giraffes.

C.He will continue to live together with Andrew.

D.He will be trained to fight with the big animals.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A.Giraffes under threat in the wild

B.A surprising new family for a giraffe

C.A new way of herding appearing in Africa

D.Moments showing friendship between animals


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一头长颈鹿和牛群一起生活在Andrew农场的故事。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段的Toro survived the attack, but he was left with no one to protect him or give him milk.可知,当放牧人发现Toro时,它是独自一个,没有人保护它或者给它食物。A. He was left alone.(它被独自留下了)符合以上说法,故选A项。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段的Since giraffes and cattle are both plant-eating animals that live in groups, their behaviors are much the same. Toro was accepted into the herd and wandered among the cattle as they ate grass. (因为长颈鹿和牛都是食草群居动物,它们的行为习惯很相似。Toro被牛群接受了,每天牛吃草时它就和它们一起)可知,Toro和牛群相处的很好。B. He gets along well with the herd.(它和牛群相处得好)符合以上说法,故选B项。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段的''In the wild, he would find it difficult to be accepted into another herd or defend himself from predators (猎食者), '' he added. ''He seems very much at home and is respected by the cattle. '' (在野外,它很难被其它长颈鹿群接受,或者不能抵御猎食者,它在这里感觉很舒服,而且牛群也尊敬它)可推测,Toro将会继续和Andrew一起生活。C. He will continue to live together with Andrew.(他将继续和Andrew生活)符合以上推测,故选C项。 4.主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是第二段的With the permission of the Department of Wildlife, the herders moved Toro to Andrew's farm. Since giraffes and cattle are both plant-eating animals that live in groups, their behaviors are much the same. Toro was accepted into the herd and wandered among the cattle as they ate grass. (在野生动物部门的同意下,这些放牧人把Toro带到了Andrew的家里。因为长颈鹿和牛都是食草群居动物,它们的行为习惯很相似。Toro被牛群接受了,每天牛吃草时它就和它们一起)可知,本文主要讲述了一头长颈鹿来到放牧人的家里,和牛群生活在一起的故事。B. A surprising new family for a giraffe (一头长颈鹿的意外的新家)可以作为本文标题,故选B项。

    A friend of mine is a musician. He _________ seems to be learning new tunes, new _________, and new ways of making music in cool ways. At the weekends, he _________ to go into Central Park in the center of Nagoya during the daytime where lots of bands _________. Some of these bands are really good, but some of them are quite _________. One of the reasons why my friend likes _________ all the bands is that they are _________! And as he says to me, ''_________ expensive things don't necessarily mean that they're good, free things don't necessarily mean they have no _________. You have to listen and look yourself and ____________ what is valuable for you. And ____________, as you listen and look, you may learn different things.''

So my friend goes to the ____________ every week when the weather is fine, and he says he learns ____________ from every single band! When he watches and listens to the really good bands, he learns new concertos (协奏曲) from the ____________ and cool rhythms from the drummers. I guess that it's not ____________ that you can learn a lot by watching ____________ performers. But what really ____________ me are my friend's words — ''You can learn by watching and listening to the bad performers, too. When I watch a bad performer, I think to myself-wow, that's another thing that I'm going to ____________.''

So my friend makes ____________ by learning from both good and bad performers. And he says he also finds ____________ and pleasure in learning and improving in ways that he never even imagined!

1.A.finally B.quickly C.seldom D.always

2.A.games B.systems C.instruments D.languages

3.A.loves B.wishes C.agrees D.affords

4.A.compete B.perform C.study D.succeed

5.A.poor B.shy C.unlucky D.fierce

6.A.forming B.watching C.inspiring D.training

7.A.right B.familiar C.famous D.free

8.A.Since B.For C.While D.Unless

9.A.price B.fault C.soul D.value

10.A.find out B.wait for C.bring out D.call for

11.A.in short B.of course C.at first D.as usual

12.A.park B.club C.studio D.cinema

13.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something

14.A.listeners B.learners C.players D.dancers

15.A.touching B.exciting C.surprising D.satisfying

16.A.excellent B.strange C.energetic D.amateur

17.A.embarrasses B.impresses C.comforts D.convinces

18.A.come up with B.get hold of C.look down on D.get rid of

19.A.time B.money C.progress D.way

20.A.duty B.fun C.pride D.respect
















In many places, it is common for parents to drive their children to and from school, which causes a heated debate in society.





There are always some people spreading negativity in the work place. For them, the temperature is never right, the boss is always a fool, the canteen food is awful, and they feel they are treated 1. (fair).

Career experts say such habitual complainers are highly contagious(会蔓延的),  2. attitudes can easily affect an entire team in a company. “While some complaints might be reasonable,  3. are taken from thin air (无中生有).” said Li Ming, HR manager at Wal-Mart.

It is especially hard to deal with complaints 4. work as you can’t just walk away or put your colleagues’ words out of mind. If you do, it will hurt your co-workers and you might be isolated(孤立). In a team-based company you belong to a group and need to behave properly. But don’t show too much sympathy(同情、支持). Listening passively to others’ complaints could damage your image and give others the impression  5. you agree with them. “Listen to the whiners (抱怨者) actively,” said HR Li. “Help them find a solution, or see  6. there are ways to improve the situation.”

Zhai Min, 24, a software engineer at Kingdee International Software Group in Shenzhen, found that three elderly workers liked to complain about everything, 7.extended working hours to cheap hotels on business trips. “I let them talk about their opinions,” she said, “They feel better when  8. (tell) someone how they want things to be.”

But listening actively is far from enough. Wang Dianxue, 27, is an Internet engineer at Beijing Push Marcom Group. His co-workers always complain that their computer systems are not working properly. “I ask about the specifics (细节) and work together with them  9. (handle) everything technically.” he said.

HR managers believe that when staffs complain, it is more a matter of recognition than an actual problem. “The real problem is that the whiners don’t feel they are being taken seriously,” said Xu Jun, HR manager at Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. “ 10. (give) them advice and the problem will usually disappear.”



    One of the areas of our body which conveys most about how we feel is how we move our hands and arms. 1. ,but most often they occur unconsciously and naturally.

2.. Open hands and arms, especially extended, and with hands up in front of the body at chest height, indicates that what you're saying is important, and, especially when people are speaking in public, a pointing finger or a hand waving above the shoulders stresses a personal point. However, research shows that people often find speakers who point their fingers a lot rather annoying.

Openness or honesty. 3., they will often hold one or both of their hands out to the other person. Footballers who have just committed a foul(犯规) often use this gesture to try to convince the referee that they didn't do it.

Nervousness. If a person puts his hand to his mouththis either indicates that he is hiding something, or that he is nervous. 4., and so does holding a bag or briefcase very tightly in front of the body.

Feeling defensive. Arms folded tightly over the chest is a classic gesture of defensiveness and indicates that you are protecting yourself. It is often seen among strangers in queues or in lifts or anywhere where people feel a bit insecure. People also sometimes use this gesture when they are listening to someone, to show that they disagree with what is being said. 5.!

A.Saying something important

B.When people want to be open or honest

C.Hand and arm gestures are sometimes intentional

D.But this gesture can simply mean that the person is cold

E.This gesture is typical of lawyersaccountants, and other professionals

F.Playing with your fingers, like tapping the table, also shows anxiety

G.When someone puts up his both hands, he probably gives in to his enemies



    “Regardless of social class, race and age, men say they hate to shop,” says Zukin, City University of New York sociology professor. “Yet when you ask them deeper questions, it turns out that they like to shop. Men generally like to shop for books, music and hardware. But if you ask them about the shopping they do for books or music, they'll say, ‘Well, that's not shopping. That's research.’”

In other words, what men and women call “buying things” and how they approach that task are different.

Women will wander through several 1,000­square­metre stores in search of the perfect party dress. Men will wander through 100 Internet sites in search of the perfect digital camcorder. Women see shopping as a social event. Men see it as a special task or a game to be won.

“Men are frequently shopping to win,” says Ann, a marketing professor at Loyola University of Chicago. “They want to get the best deal. They want to get the best and latest one and if they do that, it makes them happy. When women shop, they're doing it in a way that they want everybody to be very happy,” says Ann. “They're kind of shopping for love.”

“Teenage girls learn to shop from their mums and elder sisters, and they also learn to shop by examining articles in magazines like Seventeen,” Zukin says. “And although men's magazines such as GQ and Esquire have long had shopping articles, it's TV that has the eye of young male shoppers,” say Ann and Zukin.

“Television shows are used by young men in the same way Seventeen or Lucky is used by girls,” says Zukin, “to help make clothing and toiletry choices.”

“Of course, there are men who love to shop and are proud of it,” Ann says. And that is important no matter whether you buy a car or a frying pan. All men love to buy but don't want to get cheated. Ann adds, “There actually are men who are interested, for example, in cooking or shopping or chinaware or things around the home-they become kind of girl magnets. Women like it.”

1.From the first paragraph we can find that                  .

A.men like to shop in fact B.men are all dishonest

C.men hate to shop actually D.men are all book­lovers

2.Compared to women, men usually treat shopping                .

A.honestly B.frequently C.seriously D.foolishly

3.As is shown in this passage, teenage girls go shopping                .

A.only with their sisters B.often following magazines

C.only with their mums D.often following TV shows

4.The underlined word “magnets” in the last paragraph means “              “.

A.vegetables that make women beautiful B.magazines that attract young women

C.persons that have a powerful attraction D.tools that can help housewives much



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