满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I have a neighbor who is a capable, fash...

    I have a neighbor who is a capable, fashionable, seventy-year-old, single woman. Her name is Grace. Grace was laid off from her job a little over two years ago and has been living off her savings ever since but not officially “retired”. Grace called me up one day about this time last year and asked if I had a ladder. She needed to clean out her gutters (水槽) on the roof and wanted me to hold the ladder.

She didn’t want me to climb up and clean the gutters. She just wanted me to hold the ladder. As it happened I did have a ladder. I said: “The leaves are going to fall off the trees in a month, why don’t we wait till they finish and do it then?” She agreed and naturally we didn’t talk about it again until spring. Spring in Tennessee is wild and we talked about it over the course of three weeks in which it rained nearly every day, then I got busy and Grace went into seclusion (隐居).

A couple of weeks ago, she told me she’d been spending too much money and decided to apply for a bar tending job at a local hotel. “Now I don’t know about you all but I’d never considered what it would be like to apply for and begin a new job at the age of seventy. I’m fifty-three and the older I get, the more I think about how great it’ll be if I can just get out of bed when I’m seventy.” Anyway, she got the job, serving the bar and tending banquets at the hotel.

The day when she left for her training at 6 am, I walked across the street with my ladder and cleaned out her gutters.

1.When did the author advise Grace to clean her gutters?

A.In early spring. B.In rainy season.

C.In time of leaves falling. D.In time of few leaves on trees.

2.What was the author’s neighbor doing when the author wrote the text?

A.Working at a hotel. B.Training for her job.

C.Cleaning out her house. D.Walking with the author.

3.What did the author think of her neighbor’s re-employment?

A.Valuable. B.Impossible.

C.Reasonable. D.Unbelievable.


1.D 2.A 3.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者的邻居是一位70岁的老太太,她两年前失去工作并靠着积蓄过活。但是有一天她突然告诉作者要找工作挣钱。虽然作者认为这是不可思议的,但是这位邻居确实得到了一份工作。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中的I said: “The leaves are going to fall off the trees in a month, why don’t we wait till they finish and do it then?”(我说:“再过一个月,树上的叶子就要掉下来了,我们为什么不等它们完成后再做呢?”)可知,作者建议Grace等树叶落完的时候再清理水槽。故选D。 2.推理判断题。根据第一段中的Grace called me up one day about this time last year and asked if I had a ladder.(去年的这个时候,格蕾丝打电话给我,问我是否有梯子)和第三段中的A couple of weeks ago, she told me she’d been spending too much money and decided to apply for a bar tending job at a local hotel.(几个星期前,她告诉我她花了太多的钱,并决定申请当地一家酒店的酒吧服务员工作)及Anyway, she got the job, serving the bar and tending banquets at the hotel.(不管怎样,她得到了那份工作,在酒吧当服务生,在酒店负责宴会服务)可知,今年Grace得到了一份服务员的工作。由此推知,作者写这篇文章的时候,Grace应该在酒店工作。故选A。 3.推理判断题。根据第三段Now I don’t know about you all but I’d never considered what it would be like to apply for and begin a new job at the age of seventy.( 现在我不了解你们所有人,但我从未想过在70岁时申请并开始一份新工作是什么样子)可知,作者对她邻居的再就业感到难以置信。故选D。


1. 表达谢意; 2. 个人感受; 3. 表达信心。




参考词汇:流行病epidemic 疫情 epidemic situation 新型冠状病毒 novel corona virus

Dear Medical workers


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错 ,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个的词的增加、删除或修改。






On August 21,I was working on my homework, a composition titling “My Hero/Heroine”. I stuck at the very beginning, trying to figure out what would be my hero/heroine.

Attracted by the cheers from the living room, I opened the door only to find my parents were watching the volleyball matches of women's final. Then I decided to take the break and joined in them. The sense of nervousness was overwhelming as the score was quite closely between China and its opponent.

To our delight, China won in the end. We couldn't help feel proud as Chinese! The volleyball players had trained so hard before and fight till the last minute. Without doubt, they were not only my heroines, and the heroines of China! I started to write my composition.




Many people take the idea of saving money very seriously. Back in 1924, in Italy, a group of people1. (think) the inability to resist spending a major social problem. They had the idea of starting a day to remind people to put away some money for a rainy day. This is how World Saving Day, held on Oct 31st  2.(annual) ,was started, and it's still going strong in 2019.

Not surprisingly, a movement 3. target the poor was started. People in the underdeveloped world are more open 4. calls to be careful with money. But 5. idea of being thrifty (节俭)has also become popular among the rich. Take Mark Zuckerberg for example. The Facebook founder, one of the world's 6. rich people, doesn't spend very much money on himself.

Other people don't spend money because they don't like the culture of 7. consume. This is connected to the view 8. we should make ourselves happy through the activities we take part in, rather than with what we buy.

But however we view money, moderate 9. spend is certainly a good idea when we are still too young to get a job. There is a British saying that offers some good advice in this situation: “ Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after 10.they."



The visitors said that they had never dreamed ______ such a beautiful scenery.

A.there to be B.of there to be C.of there being D.of being



People’s expectations about the future may have more influence on their sense of well-being than their ______ state does.

A.current B.initial C.modern D.primitive



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