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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 China i...


China is considered the home of tea. Chinese tea had begun to be exported to Japan and Korea before the Tang Dynasty (618-907). In the early period of the 17th century, Chinese tea 1. (export) to Europe. The tea from China is in great abundance and variety. 2. (tell) if a pot of tea is nice, you can mainly rely 3. the color, smell, taste and form.

One of China's six famous tea types is white tea, 4. gets its name from its silver-white color. It is mainly grown and produced in Fujian and Taiwan provinces with a long history,5. (date) back to Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) in ancient China. Compared with other major types of tea, it 6.(distinguish) itself by its refreshingly sweet taste and beautiful silver needle-lie shape, thus enjoying great 7. (popular) among tea drinkers. In addition, the longer it is preserved, the better health-building effects it has. Amazingly, it has been proved that if 8. (drink) regularly, white tea will greatly benefit people's physical and mental health. This is 9. it can not only protect people from being struck by some common diseases, but also can 10. (effective) relieve symptoms.


1.was exported 2.To tell 3.on 4.which 5.dating 6.distinguishes 7.popularity 8.drunk 9.because 10.effectively 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了中国六大名茶之一的白茶。 1.考查时态和语态。句意:17世纪初,中国茶叶出口到欧洲。export与句子主语Chinese tea是动宾关系,根据前面的时间状语In the early period of the 17th century可知,此句应用一般过去时的被动语态,而且主语Chinese tea是第三人称单数,因此be动词要用was。故填was exported。 2.考查不定式作状语。句意:要判断一壶茶是否好喝,主要看它的色、香、味、形。此处要用不定式作目的状语。故填To tell。 3.考查固定短语。句意:要辨别一壶茶是否好,你可以主要依靠颜色、气味、味道和形状。rely on“依赖、依靠”是固定短语。故填on。 4.考查非限制性定语从句的关系词。句意:中国六大名茶之一的白茶,因其银白色而得名。此处是由which引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词white tea,指物,且在从句部分作主语,所以应用关系代词which引导该从句。故填which。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:它主要生长在福建和台湾地区,历史悠久,可以追溯到中国古代北宋(960-1127)。分析句子成分可知,谓语动词是is mainly grown and produced,此处要用非谓语动词,且date back to无被动语态,因此要用现在分词形式。故填dating。 6.考查时态。句意:与其他主要品种的茶叶相比,它的特点是清甜可口,银质针叶状,深受饮茶者的喜爱。缺少谓语动词,时态是一般现在时,且主语是it,因此此处动词要用第三人称单数形式。故填distinguishes。 7.考查名词。句意:与其他主要品种的茶叶相比,它的特点是清甜可口,银质针叶状,深受饮茶者的喜爱。根据形容词great修饰名词可知,此处要用名词,且popularity是不可数名词。故填popularity。 8.考查非谓语动词。句意:令人惊讶的是,事实证明,经常喝白茶对人的身心健康大有裨益。由if可知,此处是条件状语从句的省略句,主语是white tea,与drink是被动关系,因此要用过去分词形式。故填drunk。 9.考查表语从句。句意:这是因为它不仅可以保护人们免受一些常见疾病的侵袭,还可以有效缓解症状。This is because…“这是因为,原因在于”,根据it can not only protect people…可知这里表示原因。故填because。 10.考查副词。句意:这是因为它不仅可以保护人们免受一些常见疾病的侵袭,还可以有效缓解症状。此处要用副词修饰动词relieve。故填effectively。

    In June 2019, Curtis Whitson and his family decided to go backpacking along central California's Arroyo Seco River. Things went _______ for the first two days. On June 16, Whitson, who was _______ with the area, led the trip to a waterfall in the Arroyo Seco narrows (峡谷).

Whitson had _______ to rappel (绕绳而下) down the side of a waterfall along the river. _______,when they reached the waterfall, Whitson realized that _______ his previous trip through the area, the water currents (水流) were too strong to pass. “My heart _______ when I realized that.” Whitson told CNN. To make matters worse, the rope was missing. Since going back the way they had arrived was _______ as well, they tried to _______other routes to get around it. But their _______ proved fruitless. With food running low and no cellphone reception to ________ help, he decided to carve a “GET HELP” message on the side of his water bottle and threw it across the waterfall in the ________ that someone would find it. Then they went back up the river to a small beach to ________ out for the night.

Sometime after midnight, the three adventurers were ________ by a welcome sound — a helicopter flying overhead. Since it was too dark to conduct a(n) ________, the officials asked them to stay warm for the night, and promised to ________ a team the following day.

Shortly after being ________, Whitson discovered that two hikers had tripped upon their water bottle and, upon seeing the urgent ________, reported the issue to the officials. Whitson says, “They didn’t ________ their name or phone number. They just did what was right in their heart, and most importantly they took it ________. The Whitsons hope the two good hikers will reveal their ________ so that they can express their gratitude in person.”

1.A.unexpectedly B.fortunately C.smoothly D.surprisingly

2.A.familiar B.satisfied C.busy D.patient

3.A.pretended B.planned C.asked D.refused

4.A.Meanwhile B.Besides C.Therefore D.However

5.A.as B.like C.unlike D.opposite

6.A.ached B.sank C.beat D.broke

7.A.uncomfortable B.unique C.available D.dangerous

8.A.seek B.create C.expand D.avoid

9.A.efforts B.thoughts C.directions D.situations

10.A.carry out B.give away C.pass on D.call for

11.A.challenge B.role C.hope D.course

12.A.camp B.come C.look D.run

13.A.recognized B.disturbed C.annoyed D.awakened

14.A.research B.inquiry C.rescue D.experiment

15.A.choose B.send C.develop D.train

16.A.kept out B.picked up C.turned down D.left alone

17.A.comment B.accident C.message D.story

18.A.notice B.leave C.remember D.bear

19.A.directly B.normally C.honestly D.seriously

20.A.identity B.motivation C.route D.secret



How to Choose a College Major

When it’s time to starting making solid decisions about enrolling in college, many people have questions about how to choose a college major.1., but also what you’ll need to be happy in the future. While it would be nice to have an interest in one of the highest paying college majors, it’s also important to choose a college major that will ultimately lead to a career you want in a place you want to live.


The best advice we’ve found for how to choose a college major is just to ask questions. Talk to your high school guidance counselor, or if you’re already in college, consult your academic advisor or a career center counselor. Ask friends and family members about how they chose a college major or career. Finally, engage in some serious self-reflection and ask yourself questions about your past, present, and future.

Some factors to consider when selecting a college major include:

What did you learn about what you like and dislike from your past work experience?

What are your interests?

Which subjects did you enjoy studying the most in high school?

What type of skills do you have?

Do you have any hobbies that you would like to pursue as a career?

Think About Careers

3. For example, if you held part time positions in retail while in high school and you absolutely hated the work, you can immediately scratch retail management off your list. However, if you enjoyed the part of the job that involved setting up product displays, you might seriously want to consider a major in visual merchandising (视觉营销). 4.

Don’t Panic

5. It is not uncommon for college students to change majors one or more times after they enroll in college. Do your research, keep an open mind, and be honest with yourself, and you can choose a college major that will steer you down the path to success.

A.Ask Questions

B.Engage in self-reflection

C.You have to not only look at your interests, abilities and goals

D.What you are supposed to do is to clarify your interests, abilities and goals.

E.The answers to these questions can help guide your selection of a college major.

F.Selecting a college major is an important decision, and it is not one that should be made lightly.

G.The college major that you select impacts the types of jobs you will be qualified for upon graduation.



    For years, life went something like this: We'd grow up in one place, head off to college, and then find a city to live in for a few years at time to pursue a job or higher education. The end goal was to find somewhere to settle down, buy a house, start a family, and begin the whole cycle all over again.

But a new model for living is emerging: More and more people are moving from city to city throughout their entire lives, sometimes as frequently as every month. Just ask Alex Chatzielefteriou, who has had a front-row seat watching this evolution unfold.

Six years ago, he launched a startup called Blueground that rents out beautifully designed, fully furnished apartments for a month at a time, at rates that are cheaper than hotels. Today, the company has 3,000 properties in six U.S. cities, along with Dubai, Istanbul, London, Paris, and Chatzielefteriou's native Athens, and a staff of 400. The company just invested $78 million to continue its rapid expansion and make each one feel unique and cosy, rather than standardized, like what you might find in a traditional hotel.

Chatzielefteriou first came up with the idea for Blueground while he was working as a management consultant for McKinsey. “The accommodation of choice for consultants is the hotel,” he says. “I had to spend five years in a hotel room, living in 12 different cities. I loved seeing the world, but I didn't love feeling like I didn't have a home.” As he spoke to his friends and coworkers, he realized that many people were frustrated with this restless lifestyle. And what's more, hotels aren't a particularly cost-effective solution for companies either. In Chatzielefteriou's case, McKinsey sometimes paid S10,000 or more for him to stay in a major city for a month, which was far more expensive than local rents.

1.What's the main purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To tell the end goal of our life.

B.To introduce the topic of the text.

C.To stress the importance of buying a house.

D.To explain the reason for people's flooding into cities.

2.What motivated Chatzielefteriou to set up a company?

A.His urge to have a home.

B.His desire to make money.

C.His friends' encouragement.

D.His experience in living in hotel.

3.Why is Blueground a success?

A.It has obvious price superiority.

B.It has good geographical location.

C.It has beautifully designed apartments.

D.It has unique and comfortable environment.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.The fall of traditional hotels.

B.The rise of a new living model.

C.The advantages of Blueground.

D.The disadvantages of traditional hotels.



    Surprise! High School Student Discovers New Planet Three Days Into NASA.

When 17-year-old Wolf Cukier accepted an internship (实习) at NASA, he expected to be challenged and gain insights into pursuing a career in astrophysics (天体物理学) . Instead, he attained worldwide fame for an achievement finding a new planet!

The teenager came across the distant world while examining images of the variations in star brightness captured by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and uploaded to Planet Hunters TESS by amateur citizen astronomers. “I was looking through the data for everything the volunteers had marked,” Cukier said. “About three days into my internship, I saw a signal from a system called TOI 1338. At first, I thought it was a stellar eclipse (日食) but the timing was wrong. It turned out to be a planet.” Further research revealed that TOI 1338 b, as it is now called, is a rare circumbinary planet (环双星行星) — a world orbiting two stars. Even more exciting, TOI 1338 b is the first circumbinary world discovered by the TESS mission.

The researchers believe that TOI 1338 b is about 6.9 times larger than Earth. The experts claim that TOI 1338 b's two stars vary in size. It is also the only planet in the TOI 1338 system, which lies 1,300 light-years away from Earth.

Not surprisingly, the High School senior is looking to pursue a career in physics and astrophysics. When asked of his plans to seek out a job at NASA, the youngster said, “I've no idea about NASA's hiring practices but it can't hurt!” He added, “A career in space research is appealing.”

1.What kind of writing does the text belong to?

A.A biography. B.A novel.

C.A diary. D.A news report.

2.What can we know about TOI 1338 b?

A.It is a rare planet with only one star.

B.It is about 6.9 times smaller than Earth.

C.It lies 1,300 light-years away from Earth.

D.It is the first cirumbinary planet discovered by human.

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Cukier is very proud of himself.

B.NASA is very strict on hiring practices.

C.Cukier has great interest in working at NASA.

D.Cukier knows nothing about NASA'S hiring practices.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.A New Planet. B.NASA's Tess Mission.

C.A World-famous Teenager. D.The Discovery of a New Planet.



    Contrary to popular belief, cultivating honey for human consumption isn’t just a matter of letting bees “do what they do” and reaping the benefits. Although the creation of honey is a natural process, humans extract far more honey from bees than they would otherwise create naturally. As a result, bees can suffer during all stages of industrialized honey production.

Honey is created when bees suck the nectar out of a flower, regurgitate it, and process it with other bees back at the hive. In their natural states, they use this honey as a food source during winter. But on honey farms, beekeepers take that honey and replace it with a cheap sugar substitute — one that’s insufficient to meet honeybees’ nutritional needs. As a result, honeybees die of over-exhaustion attempting to reproduce the honey that they require; others die of starvation or malnutrition, while others develop weakened immune systems and contract diseases.

Moreover, the negative consequences of industrial honey production extend far beyond the bees themselves. The honey industry also intensifies an existing problem, a rather catastrophic one that has the potential to wreak havoc not only on bees, but on humanity itself. As environmentalists often note, worldwide bee populations are in decline. Because of the crucial ecological role that bees play in food production, this decline is nothing short of an existential threat to human beings’ long-term food supply. It would be natural to assume that honey farming en masse, by cultivating and maintaining constant populations of honeybees, is part of the solution. But it’s not. In fact, it’s part of the problem. So, it's really time for us to see the world anew!

1.How many causes are mentioned about the death of honeybees?

A.2. B.3.

C.4. D.5.

2.What does the underlined word “intensifies” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Causes. B.Solves.

C.Worsens. D.Avoids.

3.What is the author's attitude towards industrial honey production?

A.Disapproving. B.Uncaring.

C.Positive. D.Doubtful.

4.Why did the author write the article?

A.To introduce a popular belief.

B.To explain the creation process of honey.

C.To raise people's awareness of protecting honeybees.

D.To show the conflicts between beekeepers and honeybees.



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