满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The Wall Street Journal recently publish...

    The Wall Street Journal recently published an excellent article penned by Wendy Bounds on a hot topic here at MNN: the air-purifying qualities of the common houseplant. Given that the air inside your home can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside of it, making it clean with plants like peace lily(百合花)and asparagus fern(芦笋蕨)is an economical, artistically pleasing alternative to air purifiers. So, it's been acknowledged that a bunch of pretty potted houseplants can help you maintain a healthier home, but a smarter home?

That's the question in light of a recent study published by the Journal of Environmental Psychology showing that the presence of plants in a room, particularly in an office environment, can shrink attention span(范围). Struggling directive attention (the kind of attention that takes effort) can be refreshed through exposure to naturalistic environments. Basically, taking a walk through the park can clear one's head. But can a head be refreshed simply by being surrounded by houseplants?

To test their theory, the study's authors rounded up a bunch of participants, put some of them in a room with no plants and put others in a room with four plants placed around a desk, and put them all to the same series of tests. First was a Reading Span Test, which involves reading a series of sentences aloud and remembering the last word in each sentence. This task requires that you fluently switch between attention demanding tasks: from reading and memorizing at one moment, to writing and recalling at the next. Next came a proof-reading task followed by another Reading Span Test.

The results? Participants working in the room with the plants improved their performance from the first Reading Span Test to the second while those working in the room lacking in greenery did not. Consequently, the benefits of working among plants is indeed evident.

1.What do we know from the first paragraph?

A.Staying indoors can help avoid the poorer air outdoors.

B.Houseplants can function as beautiful cheap air purifiers.

C.Planting potted flowers as decorations is very interesting.

D.Air purifiers are the most effective to create a healthy home.

2.What does the underlined part in paragraph 2 probably refer to?

A.Focus one's attention. B.Disturb one's attention.

C.Weaken one's attention. D.Turn one's attention away.

3.What does the test prove?

A.Working in nature helps increase productivity.

B.Houseplants will be in great demand in our life.

C.Greenery creates healthier naturalistic atmosphere indoors.

D.Working among houseplants improves mental functioning.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Flowers: Grand Feast to Eyes B.Greenery: Effective Air-purifier

C.Houseplants: Visual Brain Food D.Potted Plants: Great House-beautifier


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。有文章指出室内植物可以作为漂亮便宜的空气净化器,帮助你保持一个更健康的家。同时通过实验证明了室内植物还可以很好地提高人们的注意力,对大脑的工作效果起到积极作用。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中Given that the air inside your home can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside of it, making it clean with plants like peace lily(百合花)and asparagus fern(芦笋蕨)is a economical, artistically pleasing alternative to air purifiers.可知,鉴于室内空气污染比室外空气污染严重2到5倍,用百合花、芦笋蕨这些植物来取代空气净化器净化室内空气即经济实惠又美观。由此可知,室内植物可以作为漂亮便宜的空气净化器。故选B。 2.词义猜测题。根据后文Struggling directive attention (the kind of attention that takes effort) can be refreshed through exposure to naturalistic environments.可知挣扎的注意力(需要努力的注意力)可以通过置身于自然环境中来恢复。据此可推知,划线短语即指注意力得到恢复,变得更专注。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据第四段中Participants working in the room with the plants improved their performance from the first Reading Span Test to the second while those working in the room lacking in greenery did not. Consequently, the benefits of working among plants is indeed evident.可知在有植物的房间里工作的参与者,从第一次阅读测试到第二次阅读测试,他们的表现有所提高,而在没有植物的房间里工作的参与者则没有提高。因此,在植物间工作的好处是显而易见的。由此可知,测试证明了在室内植物间工作可以改善精神功能。故选D。 4.主旨大意题。根据第四段中Participants working in the room with the plants improved their performance from the first Reading Span Test to the second while those working in the room lacking in greenery did not. Consequently, the benefits of working among plants is indeed evident.可知在有植物的房间里工作的参与者,从第一次阅读测试到第二次阅读测试,他们的表现有所提高,而在没有植物的房间里工作的参与者则没有提高。结合全文内容可知本文介绍室内植物可以很好地提高人们的注意力,对大脑的工作效果起到积极作用。故C选项“室内植物:视觉脑食物”符合文章标题。故选C。

    As a volunteer teacher, I moved into an apartment with eagerness. Sorting all the necessary paperwork out, I got ready to start my work. Great, or so I thought. At 4 a.m. And at several intervals after that, I was rudely awoken by the cock that lives opposite me. Fantastic! I now have 5 extra alarms every morning.

In the following weeks, I also started to notice a trend. Things in my flat started to break at the rate of one object per day, like the hot water line, bowls, cups, shower, doors or glass shelves. Yes, I am clumsy but things just fell apart.

If it wasn't broken, it would either be dirty or missing. Using my washing basket for the first time was pretty disgusting. When I took out my clothes, they were swiftly followed by a hundred or so bugs that were living in the bottom.

As for the general lack of equipment in the house, there was no oven, tin opener, or sharp knives. It turns out making a vegetarian burger from scratch wasn't the best idea. I had a small microwave and a grill. I thought the general understanding was never to put metal in a microwave but I went on. Smoke soon started to appear. I'm not quite sure if it was the burger or the grill but as soon as I opened the door, the electricity cut out. I spent the following 10 minutes in a dark, smoky room hunting for the power switch using the light from my mobile phone, which broke the week after and left me without a connection to the outer world.

Luckily, I'm now borrowing a phone and my luck has returned. No more things have broken (probably because there is nothing left to break). I am learning how to adapt to life with limited, broken utensils(用具)

1.How did the author feel about her new life upon her arrival?

A.She was nervous to kick off the new job.

B.She was annoyed with the rude students.

C.She was full of enthusiasm about her new life.

D.She was satisfied with five alarm clocks in her room.

2.What was the trend in the following weeks?

A.Her flat became dirtier. B.She developed disability.

C.Things began to go wrong. D.More clothes needed mending.

3.What happened when the author was making a burger?

A.She suffered a big fire. B.She made a terrible mistake.

C.She was seriously injured. D.She broke her phone accidentally.

4.What can be inferred about the author from the end of the passage?

A.She will go on living here. B.She will resign from her job.

C.She will move into a new flat. D.She will buy new daily necessities.



    Good education is expensive. Some countries today have proven that belief to be wrong, though. If you're dreaming of having your university education in a country outside your motherland, do not be afraid to apply to study in the below-listed countries as everything about your education can be achieved with little or nothing.



All the public universities in Germany do not ask for any education fees except administration fees which are quite affordable, no matter what your status. The English language is common in Germany and most of these universities teach with English so it will be easier to get along as an international student.



Want to achieve your post-graduate degrees? Even if you aim to achieve an undergraduate, Norway is a good option because you will not have to send a penny to anyone. This is possible because of the government's financing of the education from tax income. The only problem is that most of the top universities in the country teach with their mother tongue and as a foreigner, you have to familiarize with the language enough to pass a required test.



Public universities, called 'Devlet Universiteleri' in Turkish, are totally free of tuition costs. After payment of an affordable basic fee, the rest is free absolutely. Some of these institutions teach in English while some in French and German.



Italy offers almost free education to international students. When you have to pay as little as&850 per year for quality education, then it is quite cheap. Besides, Italy has so much cultural heritage and history that students can learn about.

1.Which website can you visit if you tend to apply for a country free of charge?

A.Kenznow.com B.Wikipedia.org C.Gooverseas.com D.Turkeydiscoverthepotential.com

2.Which country could be suitable for a Chinese student skilled in French?

A.Germany. B.Norway. C.Turkey. D.Italy.

3.Whom is the passage intended for?

A.International students on tight budget. B.Teachers encouraged to study abroad.

C.Parents with adequate education funds. D.Native students with good performances.




1.Who will conduct the activity”Dogs might fly”?

A.Professor Black. B.Patrick Bell. C.Dr. Smith.

2.What is the video show about?

A.How plants and animals live together.

B.How plants communicate with each other.

C.How plants get used to their natural environment.

3.Where is the speaker now?

A.In Room 27. B.In the lecture room. C.In the main hall.

4.What will the listeners do in the final activity?

A.Join in the group discussion. B.Explore the school garden. C.Take a walk in the local park.




1.Why does the man want to rent a car?

A.To go to a concert. B.To attend a party. C.To see his girlfriend.

2.What does the word”Porsche”probably refer to?

A.A rental agency. B.A car brand. C.The name of a factory.

3.Where did the man once go for renting a car?

A.The Benz company. B.The bus station. C.The airport.

4.In which aspect is the man satisfied with the car?

A.Its condition. B.Its colour. C.Its speed.




1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.What to do for a project.

B.When to draw a picture.

C.How to be a good artist.

2.How does the man feel about the woman's first suggestion?

A.Surprised. B.Hesitant. C.Uninterested.

3.What would the man do according to the woman's second suggestion?

A.Do much preparation beforehand.

B.Work with talented students.

C.Draw in front of the class.



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