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Money can buy happiness. 1.What would br...

    Money can buy happiness. 1.What would bring you greater, longer-lasting happiness: purchasing an expensive item you've been eyeing or booking the vacation you've been dreaming about?

2.New things are exciting to us at first, but then we adapt to them. Over time, the satisfaction with material objects decreased. Even though new cars may make us happy in the short-term, the freshness quickly wears off.

Spending money on experiences-travel, outdoor activities, concerts, classes, movies-brings us more joy than buying material things. One reason is that our experiences are a bigger part of our identity than our possessions. You can really like your material stuff. You can even think that part of your identity is connected to those things.  3.

In contrast, your experiences really are part of you. We are the sum total of our experiences.

Another reason we value experiences even after they're over is that even negative experiences can become positive over time. 4.Why? Because even unpleasant experiences can later become funny stories or be looked at as character-building opportunities.

Shared experiences are also looked upon more favorably because they connect us to others more than shared consumption does. We feel more connected to people who have also backpacked through Europe than people who happen to have purchased the same iPhone. 5.

A.But how you spend it matters.

B.Yet they remain separate from you.

C.You could use the material item every day.

D.One of the enemies of happiness is adaptation.

E.Just talking about them made their evaluation improve.

F.Spending money on experiential purchases makes people more generous.

G.If weighing your options, buying experience promises promotion of well-being.


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.E 5.G 【解析】 本文为议论文。讨论了金钱可以买来快乐,正确方式是把钱消费在增加人生经历上而不是购买物质财富上。 1.根据后文What would bring you greater, longer-lasting happiness: purchasing an expensive item you've been eyeing or booking the vacation you've been dreaming about?可知什么会给你带来更大、更持久的快乐:买一件你一直关注的昂贵物品,还是预订你一直梦想的假期?由此可知,后文问了两种不同的花钱方式,所以本句说明怎样花钱很重要。故A选项“但你如何消费很重要”符合上下文语境。故选A。 2.根据后文New things are exciting to us at first, but then we adapt to them. Over time, the satisfaction with material objects decreased. Even though new cars may make us happy in the short-term, the freshness quickly wears off.可知新事物一开始让我们兴奋,但随后我们会适应它们。随着时间的推移,对实物的满意度下降。尽管新车可能会让我们在短期内感到快乐,但新鲜感很快就会消失。由此可知,本段是在说明人们对新事物的适应,后文中adapt可对应到D选项中adaptation。故D选项“幸福的敌人之一是适应”符合上下文语境。故选D。 3.根据上文One reason is that our experiences are a bigger part of our identity than our possessions. You can really like your material stuff. You can even think that part of your identity is connected to those things.可知一个原因是我们的经历比我们的财产更重要。你可以真正喜欢你的物质生活。你甚至可以认为你身份的一部分与那些事情有关。由此可知,本段说明经历给人们带来的快乐更大的第一个原因。通过对比购买物质和购买经历,可以看出经历可以成为人本身的一部分,而物质与人本身是分离的。故B选项“他们却与你隔绝”符合上下文语境。故选B。 4.本段说明购买经历更重要的第二个原因。即使当时的负面经历,多年后会变为积极的。即使只是谈论负面经历也会让它们的价值得以提升,因为谈论它们就像讲有趣的故事,或者变为陶怡情操的机会。故E选项“仅仅是谈论他们就使他们的评估得到了改善”符合上下文语境。故选E。 5.根据上文We feel more connected to people who have also backpacked through Europe than people who happen to have purchased the same iPhone.可知我们觉得,与那些碰巧买了同一款iPhone的人相比,那些也曾背包旅行过欧洲的人更有联系。由此可知,本段说明购买经历的另一个好处。购买经历比物质消费更能让我们与别人交往。两者相比较购买经历更有助于提升幸福指数。故G选项“如果权衡你的选择,购买体验可以促进幸福感”符合上下文语境。故选G。

    Have you ever experienced such an annoying thing as it took so long to open a web page? You're watching stops every few minutes, which ruined your internet experience. But it could be a thing of the past. On June 3, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced that China would issue licenses for the com- serialization of 5G. It means major telecom carriers will start to provide 5G services.

The “G” in “5G” refers to the generations of mobile network technologies. 1G let us talk to each other,2G let us send messages, 3G gave us mobile data and the internet, and 4G made all of these things faster.

Now 5G promises much faster data download and upload speeds, and more stable connections. This means that you will be able to download an entire HD movie in seconds and only experience a short delay between sending and receiving data. For example, when you have a video chat with your friend, there is generally a 100 to 200 milliseconds(毫秒) delay with 4G,but 5G will reduce the delay to 1 millisecond or less, which is almost real time.

With a 5G network, the short delay in information exchange will allow driverless cars to run more safely, as they will be able to communicate in real time and avoid potential dangers. Meanwhile, 5G-enabled wearable devices will keep doctors constantly updated on the health status of their patients and warn them immediately if there's something wrong. Besides, VR games will become more popular with 5G. The short delay of 5G will make the games feel even more real.

Though 5G will make our lives more convenient, it will not be perfect. For one thing, 5G will not “travel” far. On 4G networks, you can be 10 kilometers away from the nearest transmission(传输)base and barely lose signal. But 5G will only cover about 300 meters, meaning we will need more transmitters so that we can get signals. And in order to use 5G, we will have to buy new products specially designed for 5G that are currently expensive.

1.What is the function of the first paragraph?

A.To provide a background of the topic. B.To offer basic knowledge of the topic.

C.To use an example to support the topic. D.To draw readers' attention to the topic.

2.According to the passage, what is likely to happen to our life with 5G?

A.Doctors can treat more patients.

B.No drivers are needed in the near future.

C.Many advanced technologies will be further improved.

D.Children will hate playing VR games in the real world.

3.What can be found when 5G is compared with 4G?

A.4G covers smaller areas. B.4G needs more transmitters.

C.5G signals can travel farther. D.5G costs higher in early stage.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The development of 5G.

B.Challenges that 5G will face.

C.Benefits that people will get from 5G.

D.The difference that 5G will make to our lives.



    The Wall Street Journal recently published an excellent article penned by Wendy Bounds on a hot topic here at MNN: the air-purifying qualities of the common houseplant. Given that the air inside your home can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside of it, making it clean with plants like peace lily(百合花)and asparagus fern(芦笋蕨)is an economical, artistically pleasing alternative to air purifiers. So, it's been acknowledged that a bunch of pretty potted houseplants can help you maintain a healthier home, but a smarter home?

That's the question in light of a recent study published by the Journal of Environmental Psychology showing that the presence of plants in a room, particularly in an office environment, can shrink attention span(范围). Struggling directive attention (the kind of attention that takes effort) can be refreshed through exposure to naturalistic environments. Basically, taking a walk through the park can clear one's head. But can a head be refreshed simply by being surrounded by houseplants?

To test their theory, the study's authors rounded up a bunch of participants, put some of them in a room with no plants and put others in a room with four plants placed around a desk, and put them all to the same series of tests. First was a Reading Span Test, which involves reading a series of sentences aloud and remembering the last word in each sentence. This task requires that you fluently switch between attention demanding tasks: from reading and memorizing at one moment, to writing and recalling at the next. Next came a proof-reading task followed by another Reading Span Test.

The results? Participants working in the room with the plants improved their performance from the first Reading Span Test to the second while those working in the room lacking in greenery did not. Consequently, the benefits of working among plants is indeed evident.

1.What do we know from the first paragraph?

A.Staying indoors can help avoid the poorer air outdoors.

B.Houseplants can function as beautiful cheap air purifiers.

C.Planting potted flowers as decorations is very interesting.

D.Air purifiers are the most effective to create a healthy home.

2.What does the underlined part in paragraph 2 probably refer to?

A.Focus one's attention. B.Disturb one's attention.

C.Weaken one's attention. D.Turn one's attention away.

3.What does the test prove?

A.Working in nature helps increase productivity.

B.Houseplants will be in great demand in our life.

C.Greenery creates healthier naturalistic atmosphere indoors.

D.Working among houseplants improves mental functioning.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Flowers: Grand Feast to Eyes B.Greenery: Effective Air-purifier

C.Houseplants: Visual Brain Food D.Potted Plants: Great House-beautifier



    As a volunteer teacher, I moved into an apartment with eagerness. Sorting all the necessary paperwork out, I got ready to start my work. Great, or so I thought. At 4 a.m. And at several intervals after that, I was rudely awoken by the cock that lives opposite me. Fantastic! I now have 5 extra alarms every morning.

In the following weeks, I also started to notice a trend. Things in my flat started to break at the rate of one object per day, like the hot water line, bowls, cups, shower, doors or glass shelves. Yes, I am clumsy but things just fell apart.

If it wasn't broken, it would either be dirty or missing. Using my washing basket for the first time was pretty disgusting. When I took out my clothes, they were swiftly followed by a hundred or so bugs that were living in the bottom.

As for the general lack of equipment in the house, there was no oven, tin opener, or sharp knives. It turns out making a vegetarian burger from scratch wasn't the best idea. I had a small microwave and a grill. I thought the general understanding was never to put metal in a microwave but I went on. Smoke soon started to appear. I'm not quite sure if it was the burger or the grill but as soon as I opened the door, the electricity cut out. I spent the following 10 minutes in a dark, smoky room hunting for the power switch using the light from my mobile phone, which broke the week after and left me without a connection to the outer world.

Luckily, I'm now borrowing a phone and my luck has returned. No more things have broken (probably because there is nothing left to break). I am learning how to adapt to life with limited, broken utensils(用具)

1.How did the author feel about her new life upon her arrival?

A.She was nervous to kick off the new job.

B.She was annoyed with the rude students.

C.She was full of enthusiasm about her new life.

D.She was satisfied with five alarm clocks in her room.

2.What was the trend in the following weeks?

A.Her flat became dirtier. B.She developed disability.

C.Things began to go wrong. D.More clothes needed mending.

3.What happened when the author was making a burger?

A.She suffered a big fire. B.She made a terrible mistake.

C.She was seriously injured. D.She broke her phone accidentally.

4.What can be inferred about the author from the end of the passage?

A.She will go on living here. B.She will resign from her job.

C.She will move into a new flat. D.She will buy new daily necessities.



    Good education is expensive. Some countries today have proven that belief to be wrong, though. If you're dreaming of having your university education in a country outside your motherland, do not be afraid to apply to study in the below-listed countries as everything about your education can be achieved with little or nothing.



All the public universities in Germany do not ask for any education fees except administration fees which are quite affordable, no matter what your status. The English language is common in Germany and most of these universities teach with English so it will be easier to get along as an international student.



Want to achieve your post-graduate degrees? Even if you aim to achieve an undergraduate, Norway is a good option because you will not have to send a penny to anyone. This is possible because of the government's financing of the education from tax income. The only problem is that most of the top universities in the country teach with their mother tongue and as a foreigner, you have to familiarize with the language enough to pass a required test.



Public universities, called 'Devlet Universiteleri' in Turkish, are totally free of tuition costs. After payment of an affordable basic fee, the rest is free absolutely. Some of these institutions teach in English while some in French and German.



Italy offers almost free education to international students. When you have to pay as little as&850 per year for quality education, then it is quite cheap. Besides, Italy has so much cultural heritage and history that students can learn about.

1.Which website can you visit if you tend to apply for a country free of charge?

A.Kenznow.com B.Wikipedia.org C.Gooverseas.com D.Turkeydiscoverthepotential.com

2.Which country could be suitable for a Chinese student skilled in French?

A.Germany. B.Norway. C.Turkey. D.Italy.

3.Whom is the passage intended for?

A.International students on tight budget. B.Teachers encouraged to study abroad.

C.Parents with adequate education funds. D.Native students with good performances.




1.Who will conduct the activity”Dogs might fly”?

A.Professor Black. B.Patrick Bell. C.Dr. Smith.

2.What is the video show about?

A.How plants and animals live together.

B.How plants communicate with each other.

C.How plants get used to their natural environment.

3.Where is the speaker now?

A.In Room 27. B.In the lecture room. C.In the main hall.

4.What will the listeners do in the final activity?

A.Join in the group discussion. B.Explore the school garden. C.Take a walk in the local park.



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