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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Zhong N...


Zhong Nanshan, an 83-year old doctor 1. became a household name 17 years ago for “daring to speak” in the fight 2. SARS, is the public face of China’s effort to control a new strain of coronavirus.

Despite his 3. (advance) age, Zhong was appointed to lead the 4. (investigate) into the new virus, which has rattled(使发狂)millions of Chinese who are traveling for the week-long Lunar New Year holiday. 5. (he) announcement on Monday that the virus could spread between humans ratcheted up(增加) 6. (worry) about the outbreak, 7. which Beijing has warned officials of public shame if they cover up any infections.

That marks a departure from 2003, 8. in an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, Zhong, a respiratory diseases specialist, gave media his candid(坦诚), pessimistic assessment of the severity of the SARS crisis.

Zhong was hailed for his integrity and 9. (remain) a public figure ever since, 10.(weight) in on public health issues such as air pollution and food safety.


1.who 2.against 3.advanced 4.investigation 5.His 6.worries 7.after 8.when 9.has remained 10.weighing 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一位83岁的医生——钟南山,17年前因为在抗击非典的战斗中“敢于发言”而家喻户晓,他是中国努力控制一种新型冠状病毒的公众代言人。 1.考查定语从句。句意:钟南山,一位83岁的医生,17年前因为敢于在抗击非典的战斗中发言而成为家喻户晓的人物,他是中国努力控制一种新型冠状病毒的公众代言人。这是个定语从句,先行词是doctor,指人,从句中缺少主语,用who引导。故填who。 2.考查介词。句意同上。结合句意可知,此处是指抵抗非典。fight against对抗,反对。故填against。 3.考查形容词。设空处所给词修饰名词age,用其形容词形式。advanced,形容词,“年老的”。故填advanced。 4.考查名词。lead为及物动词后接名词,因此,用investigate的名词形式。故填investigation。 5.考查代词。所给代词是修饰名词announcement,用形容词性物主代词,his,位于句首,首字母大写。故填His。 6.考查主谓一致和时态。句意:周一,他宣布该病毒可能在人类之间传播,这加剧了人们对此次疫情爆发的担忧。此前,中国政府曾警告官员,如果他们掩盖任何感染,将是公众的耻辱。本句中的that引导的是同位语从句,因此,主句的主语是announcement,根据句意可知,用一般现在时,因此,谓语用单三形式。故填worries。 7.考查介词。句意同上。这是个定语从句,which引导,which指代整个主句的内容。根据句意可知,需用介词after+which引导。故填after。 8.考查定语从句。句意:这与2003年的情况不同。当时,在恐惧和怀疑的氛围中,呼吸道疾病专家钟对媒体坦率、悲观地评估了非典危机的严重程度。这是个定语从句,先行词为2003,指时间,从句缺少状语,用when引导。故填when。 9.考查时态。句意:钟因其正直而受到赞扬,从那时起,他就一直是公众人物,在空气污染和食品安全等公共卫生问题上发挥着重要作用。根据时间状语ever since可知,用现在完成时,主语是Zhong,因此,用has done。故填has remained。 10.考查非谓语动词。分析句式可知,此处用非谓语动词短语作状语,逻辑主语为Zhong,与weight之间是主动关系,因此,用现在分词做状语,故填weighting。

    Mary and her husband Dimitri _______ in the small village of Perachora in southern Greece. One of Mary’s prize possessions was a little white _______ which her husband had given her. She kept it _______ to a tree in a field during the day and went to fetch it every _______. One evening, however, the lamb _______. The rope had been cut, so it was obvious that the lamb had been _______.

When Dimitri came in from the fields, his wife told him what had happened. Dimitri at once _______ to find the thief. He knew it would not be _______, in such a small village. After telling several of his friends about the _______, Dimitri found out that his neighbour, Aleko, had __________ acquired a new lamb. Dimitri immediately went to Aleko’s house and angrily __________ him of stealing the lamb. He told him he had better __________ it or he would call the police. Aleko didn’t __________ taking it and led Dimitri into his back yard. It was true that he had just bought a lamb, he __________, but his lamb was black.__________ of having acted so rudely, Dimitri __________ to Aleko for having accused him. While they were talking it began to rain and Dimitri stayed in Aleko’s house __________ the rain stopped. When he went outside half an hour later, he was __________ to find that the little black lamb was almost __________. Its wool, which had been dyed black, had been __________ clean by the rain!

1.A.traveled B.arrived C.lived D.worked

2.A.lamb B.dog C.cow D.horse

3.A.attached B.added C.tied D.applied

4.A.day B.hour C.week D.evening

5.A.was running B.was missing C.removed D.lost

6.A.killed B.sold C.stolen D.disappeared

7.A.put out B.came out C.made out D.set out

8.A.difficult B.formal C.true D.false

9.A.village B.people C.theft D.story

10.A.suddenly B.again C.already D.then

11.A.blamed B.argued C.accused D.charged

12.A.return B.refuse C.hand D.find

13.A.admit B.insist C.allow D.enjoy

14.A.told B.explained C.sighed D.talked

15.A.Convinced B.Informed C.Ashamed D.Robbed

16.A.acknowledged B.admired C.advocated D.apologized

17.A.before B.until C.after D.when

18.A.excited B.sad C.astonished D.disappointed

19.A.black B.colourful C.grey D.white

20.A.washed B.transformed C.turned D.dashed



    Talking to yourself may seem a little shameful. According to the well-known saying, talking to yourself is the first sign of madness, 1. Talking to ourselves, whether out loud or silently in our heads, is a valuable tool for thought.

Far from being mentally ill, self-talk allows us to plan what we are going to do, manage our activities, regulate our emotions and even create a description of our experience.2.

As children, according to the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, we use private speech to regulate our actions in the same way that we use public speech to control the behavior of others.3. Psychological experiments have shown that the private speech can improve our performance on tasks ranging from judging what other people are thinking to sorting images into categories. One recent study suggested that self-talk is most effective when we address ourselves in the second person, as “you” rather than “I”.

4. If you want proof, turn on the sports channel. You’re certain to see an athlete or two cheering themselves up with a bitter phrase or scolding themselves after a bad shot.

Conduct a dialogue with ourselves.5. The private speech seems to be a particularly good way of solving problems and working through ideas. The to-and-fro between different points of view means our thoughts can end up in expected places, just like a regular dialogue can, and might turn out to be one of the keys lo human creativity.

A.What is private speech?

B.Bui there is no need for embarrassment.

C.Psychologists refer to this as private speech.

D.Ask questions of the self and provide answers.

E.We do a lot of private speech when we are young.

F.As we grow older, we make the private speech become the way of blinking,

G.Although the private speech is effective, we never entirely put away the out-loud speech.



    This may sound like a joke about a lazy person's dream job. Earn big money by staying in bed and watching TV. But this is really happening, and it's a project of NASA and two European space agencies the Institute of Aerospace Medicine at the Cologne-based German Aerospace Center and the European Space Agency. It's called Artificial Gravity Bed Rest Study, aimed at studying how the body adapts to weightlessness in space.

Scientists are seeking 12 women to spend two full months in bed in the fall at a German lab, plus an additional month there for preparation and recovery. The first 12 test subjects, all men, already have started the study.

Participants spend two entire months in bed and remain lying down even to do everyday things like eating, drinking and exercising. They also answer nature's call and shower, but it's unclear from the NASA website how those tasks are accomplished in bed.

"Daily routine showering, getting dressed, eating, exercising takes much time when you cannot stand up to do them," says the website, adding that there is "continuous data collection", including blood pressure, heart rate, nutrient absorption and also the participants' feelings. Study subjects will spend the 60 days with their heads tilted(倾斜)down six degrees, which imitates(模仿)conditions in space.

Participants are encouraged to pass the time by watching TV, taking online courses, reading and any other activities they can perform while lying down alone in bed to relieve what could be boredom. Family and friends are allowed to visit.

The high $ 18,500 payment for two months of lazing about is probably a major motivation for people willing to go through something this extreme. However, if you're an American who really needs the money, you probably can't afford it. Candidates need to travel to Cologne four times at their own expense for the employment process between April and July. Plus, they need strong German-speaking skills. Also participants need to be nonsmokers between ages 24 and 55, in good health, with normal body weight.

1.What are participants expected to do during the study?

A.Report their feelings regularly. B.Complete their daily routines in bed.

C.Keep their bodies tilted down six degrees. D.Record their physical responses every day.

2.What data about the participants will the researchers collect?

A.The changes in their weight. B.Their behaviors to weightlessness.

C.The ways they do their daily things. D.Their physical and mental reactions

3.What will be a challenge for the participants?

A.The language skills they need. B.The difficulty meeting family.

C.The possibility that they feel dull. D.The slow discovery of their health.

4.The requirements for potential participants are        .

A.challenging for Americans B.tailored to thin persons

C.easy for the youth to satisfy D.suitable for most people



    Has the volume(音量)in a restaurant ever nude you finish your meal early? If so, you're not alone. Restaurants handle diners in various ways to influence food choices and consumption, from lighting to menu to server presentation. Unfortunately for those headache-prone restaurant goers, some places also choose to turn up the tunes and the background noise.

Chef Mario Batali is often blamed for the phenomenon of ultra-loud or noisy restaurants in the 1990s, when he decided to flood the dining room with the same loud tunes he was playing in his kitchen. And other chefs followed suit. Some restaurateurs felt a "livelier" atmosphere encouraged more customers, but a side "benefit" was quicker table turnover, thus increasing the number of people who could dine in a specific evening.

A 1985 study out of Fairfield University looked at how chewing speed varied according to the type of music being played. Although the volume level was kept the same for both musical situations, it's important to note that fast-tempo(节奏)music often gives the impression of being louder than slower music.

"A significant increase in the number of bites per minute was found, and the effect was largest for fast music," the researchers wrote in the study. So, the faster, louder music gets people to down their food more quickly, relieving the table for future customers.

There're opinions about whether or not this is a sound practice. "A restaurant that places profit above dining experience often plays loud music with a fast tempo that puts diners under pressure to eat more quickly, even if that means they're less able to enjoy their meal," writes Dr. Neel Burton in Psychology Today, adding that loud, fast music reduces appetite.

What's more, some would-be repeat diners will shy away for fear of another ultra-loud meal. The non-profit group Action on Hearing Loss found in a 2016 survey of nearly 1,500 people that 91% of those who view a restaurant as too noisy would choose not to return.

1.Why did some bosses of the restaurants favour loud music?

A.It might help attract more customers.

B.It was the favorite kind of music of them.

C.It made the restaurants softer and sweeter.

D.It could increase the popularity of their restaurants

2.What plays the most important role in the effect of music on diners?

A.Its content. B.Its length.

C.Its speed. D.Its quality.

3.What is Dr. Neel Burton's attitude towards flooding restaurants with noisy music?

A.Doubtful. B.Disapproving.

C.Positive. D.Uncaring

4.What could be a suitable title for the text?

A.What People Think of Loud Restaurants

B.Are Customers Made to Eat Quickly?

C.Why Loud Restaurants Are Popular Today

D.Does Loud Music Really Benefit Restaurants?



    I remember the day when I first learned to ride a bike. It was a frightening, yet fun experience. My granddad was the one who taught me and he helped me when I got hurt. The first time I got on a bike, I had no idea what I was doing, and just about everything went wrong. My granddad told me to just put my feet on the pedals and start pedaling (骑自行车). He also told me he would hold onto the back of the bike the whole time, yet he didn’t.

As soon as I started trying to balance myself, he let go. I happened to look back just then. I was scared, to death that I was going to fall and hurt myself. When I was scared, my mind went blank from pedaling, and I just wanted off. I forgot how to use the brakes (车闸) and fell right off the bike. My granddad kept encouraging me to get up and try again, and after about 15 minutes, 1 finally stopped crying, got up and tried again.

As soon as I started pedaling again, my pants got caught in the chain, and I fell flat on my face and hit my nose. Since that happened t my granddad decided to call it a day and try again the next morning. The next morning I woke up bright and early, and was very eager to try to ride my bike. My nose felt better, so I wasn’t that afraid of falling anymore.

Though I knew there were a lot of difficulties on the way to mastering the skills in riding a bike, I believed I could do well with my granddad’s help. After all, riding a bike was what I wanted to do eagerly.

1.How was the author when he was on the bike first?

A.He didn’t know where he would be going.

B.He thought balancing himself was easy.

C.He was nervous and didn’t know what to do next.

D.He put his feet on the pedals and started pedaling.

2.What does the underlined part in the passage mean?

A.Remember what happened this day.

B.Make the author feel happy.

C.Stop practicing bicycling.

D.Go on to ride a bike.

3.What is the author’s attitude towards his granddad?

A.Supportive. B.Grateful.

C.Indifferent. D.Negative.

4.Which of the following could be the title for the passage?

A.The Experience of My First Riding a Bike

B.The Difficulty I Met with My Granddad

C.The First Time I Got My Own Bike

D.The Great Moment When I Stayed with My Granddad



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