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National Park Association of Queensland ...

National Park Association of Queensland Activities Vegetation Management Group

Saturday 14th March 2020

Location: Jolly’ s Lookout carpark, D’Aguilar National Park

Leader: Angus McElnea (0429854446 or gus mcelnea@hotmail.com)

Get your hands dirty! Come and spend a couple of hours to help with lantana(a type of flowering plant) control and revegetation(植被再造) work in the Boombana and Jolly’s Lookout areas of D’Aguilar National Park, west of Brisbane.

Wynnum North Boardwalk

Sunday 15th March 2020

Location: Wynnum North Boardwalk Leader: Jocelyn Dixon (0733788486)

Fee: $5(members) $10(non-members)

Join with us to view the water and bush birds of this area. A track from Wynnum North Road leads to a secret place for viewing a diverse mix of birds walking around in water. From there we will take a short walk to the Mangrove Boardwalk.

May Long Weekend Camp

Saturday 2nd May to Monday 4th May 2020 Leader: Tony Parsons (0433224544)

Join us for a long weekend in Border Rangers National Park, camping at Sheep Station Creek campground. Spend the days exploring the national park, and evenings around the campfire. We will have the chance to view Mt Warning from the Pinnacle at sunrise and sunset. Bring your family and stay for the weekend or come down for a day. It will be enjoyable.

Central West Qld National Parks

Saturday 29th August to Sunday 6th September 2020 Leader: Wendy Bell(0733002473)

Exciting opportunity to visit and explore at least six national parks in the comfort of a big coach and be accommodated, rather than camping. Basic cost of the tour is $3, 400 per person. Total cost includes all transport, all meals, and activity fees.

1.Who will you call if you are interested in bird-watching?

A.Angus McElnea. B.Jocelyn Dixon. C.Tony Parsons. D.Wendy Bell.

2.In which of the activities will a fire be built?

A.May Long Weekend Camp. B.Wynnum North Boardwalk.

C.Vegetation Management Group. D.Central West Qld National Parks.

3.How is Central West Qld National Parks different from the other activities?

A.It is a weekend activity.

B.Lots of walking is involved.

C.The organizer provides the transport.

D.Visitors have to bring their own food.


1.B 2.A 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了昆士兰国家公园协会组织的四个活动项目。 1.细节理解题。根据文章Wynnum North Boardwalk部分内容“Join with us to view the water and bush birds of this area.( 加入我们来看看这个地区的水和灌木鸟。)” 可知如果要观鸟的话应该参加此活动。根据该部分提供信息“Leader: Jocelyn Dixon (0733788486)”可知,需要联系Jocelyn Dixon。故选B项。 2.细节理解题。根据文章May Long Weekend Camp部分内容“Spend the days exploring the national park, and evenings around the campfire.( 白天探索国家公园,晚上围着篝火。)”可知,参加该项目会有篝火活动。故选A项。 3.细节理解题。根据文章Central West Qld National Parks部分内容“Exciting opportunity to visit and explore at least six national parks in the comfort of a big coach and be accommodated, rather than camping.( 令人兴奋的机会,坐在舒适的大巴车里参观和探索至少六个国家公园以及提供住宿,而不是露营。)”可知,该项目不同于其他项目的地方在于提供交通工具。故选C项。


1. 展览的时间和地点;

2. 展览内容;

3. 参观时的注意事项。



参考词汇:艺术作品展览会 art exhibition








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last month, I took part in a volunteer activity in a village. We start off by bus at 9 o’clock. After three-hour bus ride, we saw the village surrounded by hills. It was very difficult to drive on the rocky road, but we got off the bus and walked there. The villagers standing by the road welcomed us warm. Cooked with those vegetables grow by the villagers, the lunch was tasted delicious. After lunch, we played game with the village children. Then they visited an old man living alone on the hillside. We sang a few songs, what made him really happy. I think when doing volunteer work, you help others and you gain happiness for return.




The fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral de Paris has raised questions about the condition of thousands of other cathedrals and historic 1. (structure) across Europe. It also raises questions about whether European government are doing enough 2. (keep) up and care for such buildings.

Tibor Navracsics, the European Union’s top cultural official, told The Associated Press that “we are so used to our outstanding cultural heritage in Europe that we tend to forget that it 3. (need) constant care and attention.” Some people say the fire was a wake-up call, not just for Europe,4. for the whole world.

Large fires have long robbed humanity 5. knowledge, art and treasures. In 2015, the German engineering company Siemens 6. (find) that Scotland had about ten damaging fires a year, while England lost at least a dozen listed buildings a year. In Germany, seventy historic buildings have been 7. (heavy) damaged since 2000.

Experts say that 8. is needed is continuous attention and maintenance. Some say world-famous monuments like Notre-Dame are the 9. (drive) force behind tourism and should get more respect. Sneska Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic, who heads the heritage group Europa Nostra, noted the 10. (important) of such respect. “Cultural heritage is a gold mine. You cannot exploit it and then just leave the mine and go to another one.” She said.



    Medi Bastoni, a 43-year-old father of four from Indonesia, is walking 800 km from his home on a volcano in East Java to Jakarta. He is doing it _________ in the hope of drawing attention to the archipelago’s (多岛屿的) quickly _________ forests.

He set out on his _________, backward journey in mid-July, with the _________ of reaching the capital by August 16, a day before the Southeast Asian nation’s independence day anniversary. He just took a short break when he was _________. “Of course I’m exhausted, but I’m ___________ to do this to fight for the next generation and I just make my _________ to do it,” Bastoni said. “My home is ___________ all of its trees so I have to do something. I can _________ the pain and tiredness.”

Bastoni says that when he arrives, he hopes to __________ President Joko Widodo and highlight the ____________ of deforestation (滥伐森林) across the archipelago, __________ at his home on Mt Wilis, a dead volcano. Indonesia __________ from one of the high rates of deforestation in the world, according to Greenpeace. Bastoni __________ 20 to 30 km backwards every day under the sun, with a rear-view mirror (后视镜) __________ to his backpack to avoid bumping into objects. Along the way, supporters cheer him on, __________ him meals or a place to stay overnight. But in order to stay ____________, Bastoni always leaves at dawn.

“Walking backwards is meant as a __________ to Indonesians to reflect on the __________ and remember how national heroes __________ for the good of the country,” he said.

1.A.outwards B.regularly C.naturally D.backwards

2.A.shrinking B.flooding C.expanding D.growing

3.A.wonderful B.fancy C.tough D.single

4.A.theme B.belief C.goal D.direction

5.A.sad B.tired C.hungry D.excited

6.A.likely B.afraid C.nervous D.willing

7.A.effect B.difference C.change D.effort

8.A.losing B.planting C.selling D.protecting

9.A.enjoy B.take C.reduce D.seek

10.A.talk about B.meet with C.say goodbye to D.get close to

11.A.problem B.cause C.method D.benefit

12.A.surrounding B.varying C.including D.reaching

13.A.suffers B.escapes C.benefits D.prevents

14.A.cycles B.walks C.drives D.runs

15.A.attached B.compared C.exposed D.applied

16.A.lend B.offer C.watch D.show

17.A.in order B.in time C.on purpose D.on schedule

18.A.chance B.story C.signal D.relief

19.A.scene B.reality C.past D.situation

20.A.prepared B.waited C.cared D.fought



Make Your Fitness Resolution Stick

Last year, the most common New Year’s resolution was fitness-related. A study showed that approximately 50 million Americans swore to increase activities and lose weight. 1., success was hard to achieve. Two months later, only 37 percent of people in their 20s and 16 percent over age 50 had kept to their new fitness habit.

2., the benefits of such a change are clear. There is no question that exercise plays a role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Weekly exercise routines have been shown to reduce rates of depression and anxiety, lessen risk of heart attacks and strokes, and reduce the high rates of diabetes.

3.. It’s suggested that 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise like swimming, or 75 minutes per week of intense exercise, like jogging, should be the minimum amount exercise needed to achieve maximum medical benefit if you stick to it.

Often, the best way to increase your exercise is to involve movement in your everyday life. On average, urban citizen who go to work by bike or public transportation are fitter than suburban citizens who drive to work. 4.. They are good ways to increase the amount of your movement every day.

Whether you determine to work out at your local gym three times a week, take 10,000 steps a day or give your dog an extra walk every day, what matters most is not your commitment to exercise but your sticking to it. 5..

A.While behavior change is tough

B.Although they had good intentions

C.However hard they try to make up their mind

D.There is always one type of exercise that you are fond of

E.Besides, taking the stairs instead of the elevator also helps

F.So commit to something you love and keep to your fitness habit

G.The best form of exercise is the type that someone will consistently perform



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