满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 比赛的时间和地点;

2. 比赛的要求和细节;

3. 预祝取得胜利。



参考词汇: 书法比赛 calligraphy contest

Dear Joe,



Li Hua


Dear Joe, Here is good news for you! Our school will hold a calligraphy contest, so I can’t wait to invite you to join in it. The contest is to be held on 8th October in the Student Activities Center. There are some detailed requirements that you need to learn. First, whoever is interested in calligraphy can sign up for it. In addition, what the competitors write must be our school name and works of the winners will be on exhibition for a week. What’s more, all the competitors are required to write on the spot and the results will be announced immediately. It’s a good opportunity to show your years of calligraphy learning. I hope you can win. Looking forward to your instant reply. Yours. Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇应用文写作。 第1步:根据提示可知, 本篇为一封电子邮件;假定你是李华,你校将举办书法比赛,参赛学生同场竞技书写校名,优胜者的书法作品将被展览一周。请给你校热爱书法的英国交换生Joe写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加这一比赛。要点如下:1. 比赛的时间和地点;2. 比赛的要求和细节;3. 预祝取得胜利。 第2步:根据写作要求, 确定关键词(组), 如:calligraphy contest(书法比赛);can’t wait to(等不及);join in(参加);detailed requirements(详细的要求);sign up(报名参加);be on exhibition(展出)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句, 注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要应用一般现在时。 第4步:连句成文, 注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡, 书写一定要规范清晰, 保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。










1.His success inspired all the talented teenagers to s________ for their music dream.

2.If you are not certain about the results you find, consult other websites to _______(确认) it.

3.The professor will d______ a speech concerning environmental protection.

4.The city of Haikou is really a(n) ____________(给人深刻印象的) place to visitors.

5.We _______(遗憾) to inform you that your application has not been approved.

6.The shy girl was encouraged to o_______ her shyness.

7.To make your argument more c_________, you should provide more supporting evidence.

8.People raise their hands as a_________(手势) of greeting.

9.Then he had the idea that he could use different shapes to r______ different things.

10.It is necessary to find an _________(方法) to change the present situation.



    People become colder and colder toward what’s happening. So many people show non-caring attitudes towards the people in need nowadays. But I was pleasantly surprised to see a(n) _______ act right in front of me in a busy crossroads.

We were waiting in our car for the traffic light to turn green _______ I saw a young man’s bicycle tip(倾斜)and then _______ against the sidewalk. The _______ boxes and other things fell to the ground together with the _______. Though most of the full boxes were tied to the bicycle, he struggled to stand and pull the bicycle, clearly unable to _______ the whole weight on his own. Since it was a busy road he _______, hoping for some help.

I wanted someone to give him a(n) _______, but without much hope. I was _______ what would happen next when two men came out of their car which was first in line, waiting at the traffic lights and closest to the ________ of the accident.

A woman crossing the road was already there, trying to ________ the young man. ________, she was a kind-hearted woman. Seeing the two men ________, she moved aside. These two big strong men ________ the bicycle with its heavy load and put it up straight. By then, three more passers-by ________ and along with the woman, ________ the different things from the road and helped reload the bicycle again.

The traffic light had turned ________ but there was no honking(鸣笛)from any of the traffic waiting in the ________. The two helpful drivers ________ quickly to their car and the patiently waiting traffic moved forward at ease.

This ________ scene on a very busy road in our big city made me feel surprised and thankful for such helpful citizens.

1.A.kind B.unconcerned C.expected D.cruel

2.A.if B.after C.when D.though

3.A.rose B.fall C.float D.rise

4.A.light B.limited C.empty D.heavy

5.A.road B.bicycle C.car D.driver

6.A.gather B.lose C.support D.measure

7.A.looked around B.turned up C.went ahead D.came back

8.A.wish B.chance C.hand D.idea

9.A.celebrating B.remembering C.forgetting D.wondering

10.A.result B.scene C.cause D.course

11.A.greet B.blame C.help D.praise

12.A.Frequently B.Generally C.Unluckily D.Obviously

13.A.complaining B.chatting C.escaping D.coming

14.A.lifted B.used C.kicked D.sent

15.A.stopped B.cycled C.continued D.agreed

16.A.picked out B.picked up C.stared at D.took on

17.A.bright B.green C.dark D.red

18.A.city B.village C.crowd D.line

19.A.returned B.pointed C.replied D.added

20.A.regular B.normal C.uncommon D.impolite



Peer(同龄人)PressurePeer pressure is just part of the challenges in life.1.If you need further guidance, this article might help you. It provides three effective tips to deal with it: Be with friends who respect your beliefsYou can go out with people who accept and respect the things you believe in and those who you know you can share your interests with. It is all right to be choosy with friends because you just want what is best for them and you.2.You are just exhibiting what you know is right and good for both sides. Your friends will understand you for that. They can drag you away from discrimination and you can be confident that they will not leave you for your stand in life.3.When you are driven by so many peer pressures, you can always stay away from it. You can actually decide not to be one of them. When you have decided on it, learn to be firm with your decision.4.They should know that you cannot be forced to do certain things because you are strong and firm with what you believe in. Learn how to say noLearning to say no is one big factor to deal with some pressures from all of your friends. When you are convinced to do something you know that can only destroy you or ruin you, learn to say no.5.You cannot just say yes to anything. You have a functional mind and you know what is best for you. So learn to say no even if saying no means losing your friends.

A.Don’t blame others.

B.Have a firm decision.

C.You should know how to deal with it.

D.You can always deal with it positively.

E.Just be straightforward and say it without hesitation.

F.This does not mean you are being selfish or you are being self-centered.

G.This can make them believe that you cannot just be driven by any other thing.



    Not long ago I saw the following headline: “An anti-homework trend(趋势)goes global”. The reasoning: It stresses children out and it steals “precious family time”.

Hmm… I wonder. As a teacher, one of the problems I often come across is that students attach far too little importance to their studies, resulting in bad or incomplete work. I also wonder about the “precious family time”. If homework were abolished(废除), would the time freed up be used for reading poetry aloud at the dinner table or having heart-to-heart discussion about the social and political landscape(局面)? In the age of the Internet and games such as Candy Crush Saga, which have absorbed the time and interest of otherwise intelligent adults, I am doubtful.

When I was a kid, homework actually created precious family time. I still remember, after supper, clearing the table and replacing the dishes with my schoolbooks. And then, in swing shifts, my working-class parents would sit down with me and, to the best of their abilities, help me when and where they could.

I have often thought that the homework question could be dealt with if one thought of homework in terms of learning to play a musical instrument. For me, this was the clarinet(单簧管), which I began learning to play at age 9. Every week I took a 30-minute lesson from an old Polish man, Mr. Markiewicz. “Practice an hour a day, and you’ll be playing the clarinet before you know it.” Because my motivation was strong, I did practice an hour a day, and I did learn it in a reasonable amount of time.

Let’s get rid of homework, but only the word “homework”, and replace it with “practice”. As a teacher, it’s all I ask: that my students listen up in the class and then go home to practice, so that when they return to me to show how much they understand, I—and their parents—can be proud of them.

1.What might happen in the house with no homework according to the author?

A.Students will play games.

B.Students will develop new interest.

C.There will be more precious family time.

D.There will be more arguments among the family.

2.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 3?

A.Mourn his precious family time’s passing.

B.Show the powerful parental forces.

C.Prove the advantage of homework.

D.Describe his uneasy life as a student.

3.What does the author suggest students do about the homework?

A.Get rid of it. B.Don’t see it as a load(负担).

C.Take great pride in it. D.Improve their motivation(动机)for it.

4.Which is a suitable title for the text?

A.Why to value the family time.

B.An anti-homework trend begins.

C.How to solve the homework problem.

D.Developing hobbies can replace homework.



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