满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I still remember I was 11 years old when...

    I still remember I was 11 years old when I asked my mom for piano lessons in 2010. We were in the fallout of the recession (经济衰退). She said a polite “no”.

That didn’t stop me. I Googled the measurements for a keyboard, drew the keys on a piece of paper and stuck it on my desk. I would click notes on an online keyboard and “play” them back on my paper one - keeping the sound they made on the computer in my head. I spent six months playing without touching a real piano. Once my mom saw that I was serious, she borrowed money and bought me 10 lessons.

I still remember the first one. I was struck by how real the sound of the piano was. I sat my grade one after eight lessons. Once I started secondary school, we couldn’t afford lessons again. I passed grade three, then grade five, practicing only on my piece of paper.

One evening, when I was about 13, my mom said she had a surprise for me; it was an electronic keyboard, bought with more borrowed money. It was the first time I’d played for her. She was in shock.

My school didn’t offer music A-level. I found the Purcell School for young musicians. The tryouts were difficult. Some of the questions involved an estimation (评价) of the composer or when it was written. I felt overwhelmed. To my amazement I was offered a place.

At Purcell, I spent two years working as hard as I could. I performed to raise money and saved enough to buy my first piano.

When I left Purcell, I was awarded the senior piano prize and senior academic music prize. I am now at the Guildhall School in London. I feel proud: it’s been 10 years since I drew my paper piano, and I’m at one of the world’s leading music schools.

The irony is that I continue to do a lot of my practice away from the piano: what we call mental practice. The paper piano helped spark my curiosity about how music works, the building blocks that form the pieces.

1.Why did the author’s mom buy him lessons at last?

A.She suddenly made a fortune. B.She had no doubt of his talent for piano.

C.She realized he meant what he said. D.She was shocked by his first performance.

2.Which of the following can best describe the author?

A.honest and practical. B.determined and hardworking.

C.humorous and reliable. D.rebellious and pessimistic.

3.The word “irony” in the last paragraph shows that the author was _______.

A.surprised B.absurd

C.satisfied D.curious

4.What’s the author’s main purpose of writing this article?

A.To introduce the method of mental practice.

B.To share how he convinced his mom to buy a piano.

C.To encourage people to stick to their dreams.

D.To describe how costly it is to learn an instrument.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者从小时候开始酷爱钢琴,但是因为家庭经济原因,买不起、学不起钢琴,通过自己画钢琴格,自学成才,最后进入了理想音乐学府的故事。告诉人们,如果有梦想,一定要坚持下去。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中Once my mom saw that I was serious, she borrowed money and bought me 10 lessons.可知一旦我妈妈发现我是认真的,她就借钱给我买了10节课。由此可知,妈妈看到作者是真的想要学习,不只是玩玩而已,因此被打动了,所以给他买了10堂课。故选C。 2.推理判断题。结合文章大意可知,作者因为喜欢钢琴,在没有真正的钢琴、付不起钢琴课程的情况下,自己在纸键盘上练习,最后成功进入了世界顶级的音乐学校,因此,可以看出他是有决心的,努力的。故选B。 3.词义猜测题。根据后文I continue to do a lot of my practice away from the piano: what we call mental practice.可知作者的很多练习都是在钢琴之外的地方进行的:我们称之为心理练习,这是令人惊讶的。故划线单词意思为“令人惊讶的”。故选A。 4.推理判断题。结合文意可知,作者在家庭经济不佳的情况下,在纸钢琴上进行练习,最后成功进入了世界顶级音乐学校,是想要告诉大家,我们如果有梦想,一定要坚持下去,才会有成功的希望。由此可推知,作者写这篇文章的主要目的是鼓励人们坚持自己的梦想。故选C。

    Six years ago, Sam Shapiro’s family adopted a 15-year-old boy from Cite Soleil, Haiti. A few years later, in June 2015, Shapiro wanted to learn more about where his brother grew up, so he visited his brother’s hometown.

What Shapiro saw was a small city where 100 percent of the population lived in poverty. He saw homeless children with no access to education, activities or safe spaces to play. He also saw a run-down, abandoned basketball court.

Shapiro couldn’t fix everything. But he could do something.

“I thought athletics could be used to give kids opportunities for organized activities that could keep them off the streets,” said Shapiro.

A year after his first visit, Shapiro returned to Cite Soleil with his friend Jack Moe. The next month, Shapiro and Moe- then 16-year-old sophomores (大二学生) at the Blake School – formed a nonprofit, called “Sprint to Cite Soleil”, to benefit the city’s youth.

The core program of Sprint to Cite Soleil is basketball, but it also consists of nutrition and community-building to benefit children aged 5 to 18.

“Our mission originally was to provide a new basketball court,” said Moe. “But we soon realized that a lot of kids wanted to play basketball, and more than just a court was needed. We sent jerseys, basketballs, basketball pumps and shoes. Hundreds of kids showed up for a clinic.”

They soon hired 10 coaches and four cooks to prepare nutritious meals for the 160 boys and girls who train every Saturday and Sunday.

And they hired director Joseph Sadrack, a local native, whom Shapiro calls “trustworthy and right for the leadership position ...”

From the start, Shapiro, Moe and Sadrack agreed on how the program should develop.

“We are very much a partnership,” said Shapiro. “Personally, I’ve seen a lot of organizations trying to help in foreign countries. They have their own mindset and want to do things their way.”

“I’m not living there,” he continued. “I don’t know what they need. Before any decision is made, we ask Joseph, ‘What can we do?’ and, ‘What do they need?’”

Now sophomores in college - Shapiro at Wake Forest University in North Carolina and Moe at Stanford in California - they continue their work as co-presidents of the nonprofit.

Shapiro said it’s been a rewarding experience.

“I’m proud that, despite the somewhat of a language and cultural barrier, we’re able to communicate,” said Shapiro. “I’m proud that others believe in us and trust us. That’s what we’re most proud of. Being able to create it and maintain it.”

1.Why did Shapiro go to Haiti?

A.To visit his brother.

B.To do a part-time job.

C.To help his family adopt a kid.

D.To learn about his brother’s hometown.

2.What do we know about Sprint to Cite Soleil?

A.It is only run by two American boys.

B.It makes profits from the local government.

C.It stopped after Shapiro became a sophomore.

D.It provides resources for children and teens.

3.What does Shapiro learn from the program?

A.The language barrier is a big problem.

B.It will be great for his future career.

C.It is difficult but gives him a good feeling.

D.It is too expensive but he will continue.




1. 比赛的时间和地点;

2. 比赛的要求和细节;

3. 预祝取得胜利。



参考词汇: 书法比赛 calligraphy contest

Dear Joe,



Li Hua












1.His success inspired all the talented teenagers to s________ for their music dream.

2.If you are not certain about the results you find, consult other websites to _______(确认) it.

3.The professor will d______ a speech concerning environmental protection.

4.The city of Haikou is really a(n) ____________(给人深刻印象的) place to visitors.

5.We _______(遗憾) to inform you that your application has not been approved.

6.The shy girl was encouraged to o_______ her shyness.

7.To make your argument more c_________, you should provide more supporting evidence.

8.People raise their hands as a_________(手势) of greeting.

9.Then he had the idea that he could use different shapes to r______ different things.

10.It is necessary to find an _________(方法) to change the present situation.



    People become colder and colder toward what’s happening. So many people show non-caring attitudes towards the people in need nowadays. But I was pleasantly surprised to see a(n) _______ act right in front of me in a busy crossroads.

We were waiting in our car for the traffic light to turn green _______ I saw a young man’s bicycle tip(倾斜)and then _______ against the sidewalk. The _______ boxes and other things fell to the ground together with the _______. Though most of the full boxes were tied to the bicycle, he struggled to stand and pull the bicycle, clearly unable to _______ the whole weight on his own. Since it was a busy road he _______, hoping for some help.

I wanted someone to give him a(n) _______, but without much hope. I was _______ what would happen next when two men came out of their car which was first in line, waiting at the traffic lights and closest to the ________ of the accident.

A woman crossing the road was already there, trying to ________ the young man. ________, she was a kind-hearted woman. Seeing the two men ________, she moved aside. These two big strong men ________ the bicycle with its heavy load and put it up straight. By then, three more passers-by ________ and along with the woman, ________ the different things from the road and helped reload the bicycle again.

The traffic light had turned ________ but there was no honking(鸣笛)from any of the traffic waiting in the ________. The two helpful drivers ________ quickly to their car and the patiently waiting traffic moved forward at ease.

This ________ scene on a very busy road in our big city made me feel surprised and thankful for such helpful citizens.

1.A.kind B.unconcerned C.expected D.cruel

2.A.if B.after C.when D.though

3.A.rose B.fall C.float D.rise

4.A.light B.limited C.empty D.heavy

5.A.road B.bicycle C.car D.driver

6.A.gather B.lose C.support D.measure

7.A.looked around B.turned up C.went ahead D.came back

8.A.wish B.chance C.hand D.idea

9.A.celebrating B.remembering C.forgetting D.wondering

10.A.result B.scene C.cause D.course

11.A.greet B.blame C.help D.praise

12.A.Frequently B.Generally C.Unluckily D.Obviously

13.A.complaining B.chatting C.escaping D.coming

14.A.lifted B.used C.kicked D.sent

15.A.stopped B.cycled C.continued D.agreed

16.A.picked out B.picked up C.stared at D.took on

17.A.bright B.green C.dark D.red

18.A.city B.village C.crowd D.line

19.A.returned B.pointed C.replied D.added

20.A.regular B.normal C.uncommon D.impolite



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