满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 地点:中央公园第二广场(the second square of Central Park);

2. 活动时间:每周六上午8:30-11:00

3. 活动的意义。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



Dear Tom, Knowing that you are in my city as an exchange student, I am more than happy. So I am writing to invite you to participate in our English Corner. This activity aims to provide an opportunity for students to communicate with each other. What’s more, we hope to broaden our horizons and enrich our knowledge by organizing such kind of social events. And also, students can practice their oral English. If it is convenient for you, please do come and join in us on every Saturday in the second square of Central Park. We will meet you there. Looking forward to your coming. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一封邮件,邀请朋友参加“英语角”。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时和一般将来时。 结构:总分法    总分法指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。 要求:1.表明写信目的:邀请他参加“英语角” 2. 内容包括: 1)地点:中央公园第二广场(the second square of Central Park); 2)活动时间:每周六上午8:30-11:00; 3)活动的意义。 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) more than;participate in;aim to;provide an opportunity to;What’s more;broaden our horizons;enrich our knowledge 第三步:连词成句 1. Knowing that you are in my city as an exchange student, I am more than happy. 2. I am writing to invite you to participate in our English Corner. 3. This activity aims to provide an opportunity for students to communicate with each other. 4. We hope to broaden our horizons and enrich our knowledge by organizing such kind of social events. 5. Students can practice their oral English. 6. If it is convenient for you, please do come and join in us on every Saturday in the second square of Central Park. 7. We will meet you there.根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then, Finally, In the end, At last 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not only…but (also)…, including 3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n./doing, On the one hand…, On the other hand… Some…, while others…, as for, so…that… 4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰, 第五步:润色修改


1.The club provides all kinds of __________ (活动) including tennis, swimming and Yoga.

2.The river was so __________ (污染) that it actually caught fire and burned.

3.The introduction __________ (解释) the author’s purpose for writing this article.

4.When someone says something __________ (无聊的) I usually shut my eyes and pretend to go to sleep.

5.We are all proud of the __________ (传统) culture of our nation.

6.I wonder if you can give me a ____________ (描述) of the celebration.

7.Then they told the other ____________ (好奇的) travelers about their adventure in the desert in details!

8.The book obviously has a ____________ (负面的,消极的) impact on the readers, so don’t let the students read it.

9.Thank you for sharing this ____________ (鼓舞人心的) story with us, which has increased our confidence and passion.

10.In the old days, it usually took weeks for letters to be ____________ (递送).




Wilma Rudolph was a girl born in a poor family. When she was four years old, a deadly 1. (ill) made her left leg useless. She had to wear an iron leg brace (支架). Yet she was fortunate in having a mother 2. encouraged her to have courage.

At nine years of age, she removed 3. leg brace and took the step which was impossible according to the doctors. Then she got the dream that she would like to be the world’s greatest woman runner. At the age of 13, she entered a race. But she came in last in every race. Everyone advised her 4. (stop). However, one day, she came in next to last. And then one day, she got the first place in a race! From then on, Wilma Rudolph 5. (win) every race that she entered.

Years 6. (late), Wilma went to Tennessee State University, where she met a coach 7. (name) Ed Temple. He trained her so well 8. in 1960 she went to the Olympic Games in Room. There she beat a German girl Jutta Heine, the 9. (great) woman runner of the day. That day Wilma made history as she became the first woman who had won three gold 10. (medal) in the same Olympic Games.



    I was born in North Elmham, Norfolk and grew up in Belton, a Norfolk Village. My father was the headmaster of the primary school, ______ my mother stayed at home writing and ______ the children. We all went to my father’s primary school, and then, ______, we all got scholarships to go to the Friends’ School.

The Friends’ School was a large building on a hill, with the most wonderful, large playing ________ at the back. It was a school where there wasn’t any ______ to push you through, and as football took all my ______, and as I actually found the work rather ______, it meant that I didn’t think ______ about my schoolwork, and I was doing badly. My reports would be covered with red ______, although now and then there’d be the line of ______ from the sports master, which ______ me more pleasure than any dissatisfaction with the crosses.

I don’t have any ______ of my parents putting pressure on me about my work either. My parents suggested I ______ school at 15 and take up car repairing, which they ______ was the kind of thing I’d be good at, although now I ______ if perhaps that was because they were ______at my school reports.

But one summer a ______ arrived in the holidays saying that I was to be held back a year. I can still ______ myself standing on the stairs, ______ the letter, and being ______ with horror at the future.

1.A.while B.or C.with D.however

2.A.teaching B.looking after C.loving D.organizing

3.A.nervously B.luckily C.particularly D.sharply

4.A.tools B.moments C.fields D.topics

5.A.pressure B.impression C.stage D.gym

6.A.view B.money C.engine D.attention

7.A.interesting B.humorous C.active D.difficult

8.A.carefully B.nothing C.a lot D.deeply

9.A.crosses B.words C.space D.questions

10.A.message B.praise C.reply D.progress

11.A.brought B.made C.took away D.led

12.A.idea B.time C.report D.memory

13.A.start B.attend C.leave D.be after

14.A.doubted B.invented C.managed D.thought

15.A.wonder B.ask C.notice D.mention

16.A.glad B.disappointed C.eager D.calm

17.A.teacher B.stranger C.letter D.message

18.A.improve B.picture C.prepare D.serve

19.A.writing B.answering C.reading D.receiving

20.A.frightened B.pleased C.intelligent D.proud



    School life is a very important part of one’s life. It provides opportunity for study and discipline (纪律). It is also a preparatory period for entering public life.

School helps students understand discipline better. 1. They show good behavior in the classroom, playground, library and other places.

School is a meeting place for students and teachers. School life is generally a period of youth.2. They read together, play together and sit together. At this time, they have early dreams which will come true as they grow older.

3. Students take part in games and competitions. School also gives opportunity for the budding (崭露头角) poets, scientists, writers, doctors and painters. It is in school that the students enjoy the pleasure of achieving their goals.

4. In school, teachers try to lead students away from bad thoughts. And at the same time, they teach them good qualities.

In the library, in class and in competitions, students get chances to improve themselves. Above all, in examinations they try to show their best sides. Thus, they get the opportunity to take part in more activities. School has clearly a healthy influence on students. But some students are satisfied with bad friends and try to avoid the influence of their teachers. 5.

A.In school, all the students study together.

B.School is the right place to realize early dreams.

C.Those students will miss the joys of their school life.

D.Teachers are those who guide the students on the right path.

E.School life is of great importance to both students and parents.

F.Good quality of discipline is developed in pupils.

G.School provides chances for students to fill their brain with knowledge.



    Online, English has become a common language for users from around the world. In the process, the language itself is changing. There are now thought to be some 4.5 billion web pages worldwide. Some language experts predict that within 10 years English will occupy the internet — but in forms very different to what we accept and recognize as English today.

That’s because people who speak English as a second language already outnumber native speakers. And increasingly, they use it to communicate with other non-native speakers, particularly on the internet where less attention is paid to grammar and spelling and users don’t have to worry about their accent (口音).

Users of Facebook already socialize in a number of different “Englishes” including Indian English, Spanish English and Korean English. While these different styles have long existed within their cultures, they’re now expanding and coming online. Technology companies are introducing newly-developed English words with products aimed at enabling users to add words that are not already in the English dictionary. And most large companies have English websites, while smaller businesses are learning that they need a common language — English — to reach global customers.

The increasing popularity of the internet allows more languages to develop quickly.

“Most people actually speak several languages — it’s less common to only speak one,” says Mr. Munro. “English has taken its place as the world’s common language, but it’s not pushing out other languages.” Instead, other languages are pushing their way into English, and in the process creating something new.

1.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.English is a common language around the world.

B.There are now many different language styles.

C.English language is developing with the Internet.

D.Smaller businesses are learning a common language.

2.Which of the following is NOT true about online communication?

A.People need to spell exactly.

B.Grammar is not so important.

C.People do not care about their accent.

D.Most English-speakers are not native speakers.

3.What can we infer from the text?

A.We can only communicate online in English.

B.It’s impossible to find all the English words in the dictionary.

C.Some technology companies start to publish English dictionaries.

D.Smaller businesses are not allowed to have English websites.

4.What can we learn from what Mr. Munro said?

A.The other languages are enriching English.

B.One can’t live well without speaking several languages.

C.English will become the only language in the world.

D.Chinese used to be the world’s common language.



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