满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 124日(除夕)上午900 在汉中柳林机场接他;

2. 你们的春节活动(写春联、吃年夜饭、到人民公园看灯展等);

3. 征求Bill的意见。

注意:1. 词数100左右;邮件的开头结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇: Spring couplets 春联 family reunion dinner年夜饭 lantern show灯展



Dear Bill, I’m glad to hear that you have decided to spend the coming Spring Festival with me in Hanzhong. Now I’ll tell you some details of our schedules. I know your flight arrives in Mianyang at 9:00 am, Feb. 4th. It happens that it will be our Chinese New Year’s Eve. As scheduled, I will meet you at Nanjiao Airport. Firstly , in the afternoon , we will go to our neighborhood activity center, where we’ll learn to write spring couplets with the help of some calligraphers. Then , in the evening, we’ll enjoy our big family reunion dinner at home . It will be a good chance to learn about our Chinese table culture. After that, we’ll go to the People’s Park to enjoy beautiful lantern shows. How about the plan? Please tell me your opinions. I can’t wait to see you in Mianyang. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文, 要求写一封邮件, 告知活动安排。 第一步: 审题: 邮件 告知安排 人称:第一人称 时态:一般将来时 结构: 总分法,分三部分,第一部分欢迎Bill来和你一起过春节;第二部分说明具体安排,第三部分征求Bill的意见。 要点: 1. 表示欢迎Bill来和你一起过春节 2.具体的活动安排 ①1月24日(除夕)上午9:00 在汉中柳林机场接他; ②下午去活动中心,学写春联 ③傍晚吃年夜饭 晚上到人民公园看灯展 3.询问Bill对安排的看法 第二步:列提纲(重点词汇、短语 ) decide;spend;the coming Spring Festival;flight;arrive;meet;neighborhood activity center;write spring couplets;with the help of;enjoy family reunion dinner;learn about ;table culture;lantern show 第三步:连词成句 (1) You have decided to spend the coming Spring Festival with me in Hanzhong. (2) I’ll tell you some details of our schedules. (3) Your flight arrives in Mianyang at 9:00 am, Feb. 4th. (4) I will meet you at Nanjiao Airport. (5 ) We will go to our neighborhood activity center. (6) We’ll learn to write spring couplets with the help of calligraphers. (7) We’ll enjoy our big family reunion dinner. (8) It is a good chance to learn about our Chinese table culture. (9) We’ll go to the People’s Park to enjoy beautiful lantern shows. 根据提示和关键词进行遣词造句,适当地运用句型,注意时态和主谓一致问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 表示时间顺序: first of all; to begin/start with , in the beginning firstly.... secondly .... lastly / finally/in the end 表示并列或补充关系: what is more; besides, moreover, apart from; in addition, as well as;not only…but(also), meanwhile, in the meantime, some...some…others 表示转折对比关系:but, however, although, though, yet, while on one hand…on the other hand ..., 表示因果关系:because, as, therefore, as a result, as a consequence, consequently, thus 连句成文,运用恰当的衔接词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,使句与句之间逻辑性更强、 段与段之间结构清晰。


1.He looks handsome and gentle, but _________ (实际上)he is a thief.

2.According to the law, _________ (青少年)are not allowed to smoke or drink.

3.Many ________(地铁)have been built in Guangzhou. As a result, people can travel much faster than before.

4.Without _________ ()modern life would be very difficult.

5.________ (判断)from his appearance, the manger must be over fifty.

6.Dead and ________ (受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.

7.Pronunciation and grammar is quite important in English learning. And so is _______.(词汇量)

8.After 4 years’ university study, he ______ (继续)his study for a master’s degree.

9.She is not only beautiful, but also well _______(受过教育的).

10._______ (质量)is more important than quantity.



阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

ICQ is short for  “I  Seek  You”,  and  is  an  easy-to-use  Internet  program,  which  makes  1.(communicate)  online  easy. With  ICQ, you can chat, send 2.(message)and  files,  play games and surf the Net with your friends, and much more. With just a click of your mouse, you and your friends are 3.(immediate)connected.

Using ICQ  is simple.  4.you install ICQ, the  program asks you 5.(register). At the    time of registration, you receive a special ICQ number. You can also enter information about yourself, 6.(allow) other ICQ users to recognize you when you  log  on.  Once  you  have registered, you can make  7. list of  your  ICQ  friends. Then  ICQ  8.(use)  the  list  to   identify your friends. As soon as you log onto the Internet, ICQ automatically lets people know that you  are online. Whether you are in Asia 9.Europe,  in the  United States or China, in London or Beijing, your friends from anywhere can be 10.(access) to you at any time through ICQ.



    There is a wonderful old story about the best­known artistLeonardo da Vinci.When Leonardo was ______ The Last Supperit took him several years to complete it.He had ______ to use live models for Christ and ______ of the twelve Apostles(使徒). He chose the ______ for Christ first when he found a man who ______ both beauty and love on his face.As the years ______Leonardo completed all of the Apostles ______ Judas.Finallyhe found a man whose face seemed full of greed and evil.After he ______ painting the man as Judasthe man asked ______ Leonardo knew who he was.When Leonardo said nothe man ______ loudly“I am the same man you painted years ago as the model for Christ.”

Though this story is certainly not trueit does ______ a spiritual(精神的)truth.No matter how old or young we arethe ______ can often show the condition of our deep heart.I have seen wrinkled(有皱纹的) faces that still sparkled(闪耀)with the ______ of angels when they smiled. I have also seen young faces ______ eyes as cold as ice

The good news______is that it is never too ______ to change our face and our heartand ______ our heart with love and let it shine through our eyes and actions.

I only hope that my own faceno matter how old or wrinkled it ______is always the face of love. I hope it is a face of ______gentlenesshopefulness and joyfulness. May your eyes ______ shine with the light of joy. And may everyone who looks at you always see a face full of love.

1.A.designing B.creating C.painting D.improving

2.A.decided B.imagined C.ordered D.refused

3.A.both B.each C.neither D.none

4.A.model B.shape C.person D.character

5.A.appeared B.enjoyed C.showed D.expressed

6.A.ended up B.went on C.came up D.turned on

7.A.beside B.without C.including D.except

8.A.started B.stopped C.repeated D.enjoyed

9.A.how B.why C.if D.when

10.A.answered B.cried C.shouted D.laughed

11.A.discover B.learn C.report D.tell

12.A.power B.faith C.appearance D.attitude

13.A.beauty B.hope C.nature D.enjoyment

14.A.by B.in C.like D.with

15.A.however B.instead C.therefore D.besides

16.A.early B.late C.hard D.fast

17.A.fill B.equip C.cover D.mix

18.A.suffers B.develops C.becomes D.means

19.A.sadness B.carefulness C.rudeness D.kindness

20.A.never B.always C.seldom D.sometimes



    1.You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessary so, however.Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here's how:

Plan your time carefully. When you plan your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time.First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc., then decide a good, regular time for studying.2.A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.

Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

Make good use of your time in class.3. Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teachers say.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material.4.If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. It helps you remember your new knowledge. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't be over worried.

5.You will probably discover them after you have tried these.

A.There are other methods that might help you with your studying.

B.Don't forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.

C.Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teachers say.

D.No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E.Maybe you are an average student.

F.Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teachers say in class.

G.This will help you understand the next class.



    Recently, American President Trump announced his budget. One of the budgets would cut all money to The Institute of Museum and Library services and libraries across the United States. However, as far as I’m concerned, we need to save our libraries.

Libraries provide books and after-school programs for children. They help inspire a life-time love of learning and reading in children of all ages. The knowledge of the books in libraries is not available to the children at school. Without them where will kids with no Internet at home do their homework? Where will kids have a place to study or borrow books after school? Therefore, we need libraries for our kids. We need them so kids can grow up with a place, other than school, where learning and exploration is encouraged. Reading books can benefit children’s minds. Books allow them to imagine.

For adults, libraries serve as a place where they can use the Internet to apply for jobs, get job training, early voting centers as well as book clubs to help make new friends. It can also serve as a place to pick up a book and learn something new. Meanwhile, they can also rent a book and get away from it all.

Libraries save our information for the next generation. When we live in an age of alternative facts, where science is ignored in favor of personal feelings, we need libraries now more than ever. We need them to educate ourselves on the facts. We need them to have strong civic participation.

If you assent to me, you shouldn’t be silent on this issue. You can write or call directly to tell the president to save our libraries. You can also write to both your state Senators (参议员) and your district representative. Let them know this is good issue because all people use public libraries in their daily life.

1.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage

A.There is no need for children to learn in libraries.

B.Children can learn knowledge that can’t be taught at school in libraries.

C.Libraries can provide a quiet space for children to have a rest.

D.The reference book in the libraries can help children imagine a new world.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “assent to”?

A.Fight against. B.Agree with.

C.Think about. D.Drop by.

3.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.Learn in our libraries B.The function of libraries

C.Save our libraries D.Grow up with our libraries



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