满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 I have ...


I have several1.teacher who have greatly changed my life. One is Ms. Jones because she was my first English teacher in the United States.

I2.move to the U.S.—in fact, a small town in Tennessee with very few immigrants(移民)- at the age of 11. I spoke no English3.I had a love for the language. My English teacher Ms. Jones recognized this. After two years in the country, I spoke and wrote quite4.fluent. It was Ms. Jones who helped me begin to master American English. Teaching a classroom of more than 30 5.noise13-and 14-year- old students, she still took the time6.help me with my English lessons. She bought me a book7. explains idioms(成语), a non-native speaker's nightmare(噩梦). She praised me8.my efforts with all things about English grammar. She really helped me a lot during my high school.

Ms. Jones probably didn’t know at the time that, finally, she excited my interest of high education. Fourteen years 9.late, I got a degree from a famous university. I’m a 10.direct who manage public relation and communication activities for over 150 house hold brands(品牌) worldwide.


1.teachers 2.moved 3.but 4.fluently 5.noisy 6.to help 7.that/which 8.for 9.later 10.director 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了有几个老师,他们极大地改变了她的生活,其中一个是在美国的第一位英语老师琼斯女士。琼斯女士对她高中的学习帮助很大。 1.考查名词的复数。句意:我有几个老师,他们极大地改变了我的生活。根据several“几个的”可知此处要用名词的复数形式,teacher是可数名词,复数形式是teachers。故填teachers。 2.考查时态。句意:在我11岁的时候,我搬到了美国,事实上,是在田纳西州的一个小镇。根据at the age of 11可知时态是一般过去时,主语是I,因此此处要用动词的过去式。故填moved。 3.考查连词。句意:我不会说英语,但我热爱这门语言。前后两句是转折关系,要用表示转折的连词but。故填but。 4.考查副词。句意:在这个国家呆了两年之后,我的口语和写作相当流利。根据quite可知此处要用副词,quite fluently修饰动词spoke and wrote。故填fluently。 5.考查形容词。句意:尽管要教30多个13、14岁吵闹的学生,她仍然抽时间来帮助我学习英语。此处要用形容词修饰名词students。故填noisy。 6.考查不定式作目的状语。句意:尽管要教30多个13、14岁吵闹的学生,她仍然抽时间来帮助我学习英语。此处要用不定式作目的状语,她抽出时间的目的是教我英语。take the time to do sth意为“花费时间去做某事”。故填to help。 7.考查定语从句的关系词。句意:她给我买了一本解释成语的书,成语是外地人的噩梦。此处是由that/which引导的定语从句,先行词是a book,指物,且that/which在从句中作主语。故填that/which。 8.考查介词。句意:她表扬了我在英语语法方面所做的一切努力。根据She praised me可知此处表示解释原因,要用介词for。故填for。 9.考查副词。句意:14年后,我从一所著名的大学获得了学位。fourteen years later意为“十四年之后”,later,副词,意为“后来,之后”。故填later。 10.考查名词。句意:我是一名主管,负责管理全球150多个家居品牌的公关和沟通活动。根据冠词a可知此处要用名词的单数形式。故填director。

    My husband and I once had a good friend. We would invite him for meals and we spent much time doing things _______. We considered him as our family member. It was such a _______ relationship that we even bought a _______ near his home. Our friendship was built on “fun times” and activities.

After some years, we moved away but stayed in touch. As time passed, _______, we heard less and less from our friend. Later, when we heard things _______ badly in his life, we were happy to be there for him and _______ him. He finally moved to where we lived. Though his life became worse, we supported him in every _______. However, he chose to live a meaningless life, which _______ us deeply, so we gave him lots of help.

Later he moved away and told another friend of mine he didn't_________ us for anything. We were ____________ by his words and we realized though we had____________ true friendship to him, it was only one-sided. We weren't interested in____________ the things he chose to do. He wanted us to follow him to walk on a____________ we would never enjoy. As we often see, friends always____________ in the end. Our friend and we had different hobbies and goals, so our friendship was ____________ finally.

To build a true friendship, we should show ____________, kindness and understanding to others. Being a true friend not only means being there when things are ____________, but also being there when everything is crumbling(崩溃). We didn't walk away when our friend’s   __________ got hard. Though we may never speak again in this lifetime and our friend is ____________ to us, we love him anyway. We do make him____________ that we are always true friends to him.

1.A.differently B.frequently C.completely D.together

2.A.strong B.strange C.simple D.normal

3.A.house B.car C.garden D.pool

4.A.therefor B.suddenly C.besides D.however

5.A.regretted B.fitted C.went D.ended

6.A.taught B.helped C.warned D.forced

7.A.choice B.city C.way D.step

8.A.worried B.calmed C.encouraged D.moved

9.A.blame B.send C.remind D.thank

10.A.inspired B.hurt C.educated D.hit

11.A.explained B.described C.shown D.introduced

12.A.hearing about B.joining in C.making up D.setting down

13.A.path B.hill C.beach D.street

14.A.unite B.agree C.separate D.succeed

15.A.valuable B.prevented C.sweet D.finished

16.A.hope B.love C.ability D.habit

17.A.difficult B.independent C.personal D.traditional

18.A.feeling B.situation C.deal D.job

19.A.polite B.kind C.dangerous D.cold-hearted

20.A.remember B.celebrate C.follow D.mind



    So what's high school really like? Is there more work or more pressure? Will it be difficult to go from one of the oldest middle school students to one of the youngest high school students? 1. Here are some tips for high school freshmen(新生).

2. There are hundreds of teens experiencing what you are experiencing at this very moment! Although you may feel a series of different things, just remember that there are plenty of high school students feeling the same way. Put those feelings aside and give yourself a big smile!

You can make new friends. At the start of high school, a lot of high school students will probably prefer staying around the friends they already know, 3. As a result, it is almost impossible to make new friends. They may be too shy. So don't be afraid to go out and introduce yourself to a new person.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't understand why, ask your teacher right ay! It's possible that your classmates also don't get it and want to ask the same question. 4.

Join a club you like. High school is the time to try new things. 5. There are so many clubs to choose from, like the environmental club, Spanish club ng club, and so or Many schools also offer many sports activities, Joining a club or sport team is also a great way to meet people.

A.You are not alone.

B.Go to be a volunteer.

C.Lots of freshmen have the same worries.

D.It seems like everyone already has a friend group.

E.You can turn to your teacher for help after class.

F.They'll be glad someone has asked the same question.

G.Luckily, high schools have many different kinds of clubs to offer.



    Driving is one of necessary skills that each person should have if they wish not to get trouble during their life. You had better start learning to drive when you are eighteen. Experience tells that the older you become, the harder it is to learn to drive.

Learning to drive may be the very last thing on your mind when you graduate from a university, but it is helpful to look for a job and pay off the money which is spent on your study.

So, the best way is to start out early to take driving lessons. Many teens in recent times are choosing not to drive. If so, you are really missing out on a huge part of growing up and losing lots of benefits on a whole. The top reason for not learning to drive is the high costs of driving lessons. But, we are here to tell you why you should ignore the costs and pay much attention to the many advantages.

At times you aren't or can't be depending on public transportation. Those are the times you are probably depending on a friend, or your parents for a ride. Knowing how to drive yourself will make you independent and you wouldn't have to fit your plans according to other people s plans.

In the recent job world, there may be plenty of jobs. However, you won’t be thought to be an eligible candidate(合格的候选人)because you don' t know how to drive.

1.When is the best time to learn to drive according to the text?

A.When you are in your free time. B.When you are eighteen.

C.After you have some driving experience. D.After you find a job.

2.Why do many teens give up learning to drive?

A.They are busy looking for jobs.

B.They find public transportation more convenient.

C.They are unwilling to pay high cost.

D.They show no interest in driving.

3.How will you be if you can drive according to paragraph 4?

A.Independent of parents.

B.Easy-going for your workmates.

C.Reliable for your boss.

D.Eligible for jobs.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Why Is Driving Comfortable? B.Why Should You Learn to Drive?

C.The Methods of Learning to Drive D.Learn to Drive to Find a Job



    After 13 years with the Royal Mail, you might think Peter Willis could happily spend his retirement(退休)without ever seeing another post box.

But the postman has decided to keep himself busy by photographing as many of Britain's 115, 000 post boxes as possible.

The 67-year-old man has covered thousands of miles taking pictures of 2,500 post boxes since he started this great activity five years ago.

Mr Willis, who worked as a Royal Mail manager before he retired, said, “It started out as a bit of a hobby but has developed into a bit of an obsession(痴迷). There is something wonderful about discovering a post box which is in a strange location or is particularly old but is still being used by people to communicate with each other. When I've taken a picture of a post box, I will remove it from the list. I'm not sure whether I can get round all 115,000. I’ve done around 2,500 boxes and I'm always looking out for the next one. ”

He takes his wife Dianne, 64, with him along the way. "She often stands guard if I’m in the middle of the road taking pictures as I get down on my hands and knees to record the bases, which have details of the producers on them. She is usually telling the passing public that I’m not actually mad. I suppose she gets a bit bored sometimes. Sometimes she’ll let me go off on my own. ” said Mr Willis.

Over the past years, Mr Willis has photographed post boxes in Inverness, Dublin and across England. His photos include unusual locations, such as several post boxes at the top of hills and even one inside a theatre.

When he finds a new post box, Mr Willis photographs the base to record the producer's name and gives a grid reference(坐标参考)on a map.

1.What's Peter Willis hobby?

A.Searching for special post boxes.

B.Photographing beautiful post boxes.

C.Collecting and sending letters for free.

D.Taking pictures of post boxes.

2.What has Peter Willis done in the past 5 years?

A.He has pictured 2, 500 post boxes in Dublin.

B.He has been to theaters to see movies about post boxes.

C.He has been abroad to produce post boxes.

D.He has taken photos of post boxes in different places.

3.Why does Peter Willis need his wife to go with him?

A.She may make certain that he is safe.

B.She helps to communicate with the post box producers.

C.She has a huge database of post boxes.

D.She helps to record the names of post box producers.



    I still remember a lovely girl, though I don't know her name.

We met in the Children’s Hospital, I was 11. I was born with a hole in my heart. So was the five- year-old girl in the bed beside me. We were both recovering from the same operation. Because I was older and wiser, I thought it was my job to look after her. “Do you want to hear a story? ” I asked her one afternoon. “Great! ” she said.

It was so easy to make her happy. She seemed always to be smiling or singing songs.

Life wasn't fair. She passed away. My recovery went well. “You’re really lucky nurse told me. ” But how come my operation was so easy and hers wasn’t?  "I asked. “Easy?” my dad said. “David, your operation wasn't easy at all. We thought we were going to lose you. For two weeks after your operation many things could go wrong. You’re really lucky When you were in the coma(昏迷),she used to come over to your bed and sing to you. She was watching over you. ” my dad said.

My surgery scars(疤痕)are hidden under my shirt along with the memory of that little girl. She will be at my side like a small angel(天使). I am old and wise enough now to know that I watching over me whenever life is fair or unfair.

1.Why did the writer look after the little girl?

A.He thought it was his duty B.Her parents were busy.

C.She wanted to hear stories. D.She was his best friend.

2.What was the girl's character like?

A.Shy. B.Kind

C.Careful. D.Humorous.

3.What can we learn about the writer?

A.He stayed in hospital for a short time.

B.It was easy for him to recover from illness.

C.A nurse in the hospital said he was unlucky.

D.He treasures the memory of that little girl.



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