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Mindy Scheier is on a mission to make fa...

    Mindy Scheier is on a mission to make fashionable clothing accessible to everyone. In 2014, she started the Runway of Dreams Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps bring adaptive clothing to disabled people.

Scheier explained the inspiration behind her efforts. ''My son, Oliver, was born with rigid spine muscular dystrophy, '' she said. ''His lack of strength created challenges with typical clothing. After spending years in the fashion industry, I decided that there was an opportunity to combine my fashion experience with my others. ''

Scheier began to create trendy clothing that her son could wear with ease. For example, she used magnets and elastics(松紧带) in place of buttons and zippers. Those adjustments have enabled Oliver to wear the same style as his friends do, even jeans.

Scheier's vision extends beyond just helping her own son. ''I soon realized that millions of disabled people were also struggling to access fashionable clothing that meets their needs, '' she said. That was why she started the Runway of Dreams Foundation.

On September 5, 2018, the foundation held its annual fashion show during New York Fashion Week. The event showcased the foundation's new adaptive clothing. The show featured several disabled models, including Cole Gottlieb and Maddie Hostetter. Cole, a 9-year-old boy born with cerebral palsy, loves to play baseball and soccer. He was excited to participate in the fashion show. ''It lets me be a role model to others, '' he said. Maddie, aged 8, was born with only one full arm. ''I heard about Runway of Dreams from my mom, '' explained Maddie. ''Even though I can button clothes with one arm, the magnets have made it much easier for me. ''

Scheier-whose TED Talk was released in January 2018-credits her passion with the progress Runway of Dreams has made in the last few years. ''Passion allows you to not take no for an answer, '' she encourages. ''It allows you to keep going when faced with challenges. ''

1.What motivated Scheier to start Runway of Dreams?

A.Her fashion experience. B.Her talent for designing clothing.

C.Her sympathy for the disabled. D.Her son's special needs in clothing.

2.What most features Runway of Dreams?

A.It is a non-profit organization.

B.It employs the disabled as models.

C.It produces trendy clothing for the disabled.

D.It decorates its clothing with buttons and zippers.

3.Why does the author mention Cole and Maddie in Paragraph 5?

A.To draw people's attention to disabled models.

B.To promote the foundation's new adaptive clothing.

C.To call on models to participate in the fashion show.

D.To stress the influence of the foundation on the disabled.

4.What can we infer from what Cole and Maddie said?

A.They accepted the fact of being disabled. B.They were hopeful for their future.

C.They were grateful to Runway of Dreams. D.They dreamed of being role models.

5.What's essential in the growth of the foundation according to Scheier?

A.Dreams. B.Passion. C.Progress. D.Challenges.


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Mindy Scheier,一位时尚设计师,在给自己身有残疾的儿子设计方便、时尚的服装时获得灵感,后来成立了一个专门为残疾人设计适应性服装的基金会,让残疾人在可以方便穿上衣服的同时也接触到时尚。 1.细节理解题。根据第三四段的For example, she used magnets and elastics(松紧带) in place of buttons and zippers. Those adjustments have enabled Oliver to wear the same style as his friends do, even jeans. Scheier's vision extends beyond just helping her own son. ''I soon realized that millions of disabled people were also struggling to access fashionable clothing that meets their needs, '' she said. That was why she started the Runway of Dreams Foundation.(例如,她用磁铁和松紧带代替了纽扣和拉链。这些调整让Oliver可以和朋友们穿一样风格的衣服,甚至是牛仔裤。Scheier的视野不仅仅是帮助自己的儿子。“我很快意识到,数以百万计的残疾人也在努力获得符合他们需求的时尚服装,”她说。这就是她创办Runway of Dreams Foundation.的原因)可知,Scheier创办Runway of Dreams Foundation.的灵感来自于她儿子对穿着的特殊需求。 D. Her son’s special needs in clothing.(她儿子在穿着方面的特殊需求)符合以上说法,故选D项。 2.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的The event showcased the foundation's new adaptive clothing. The show featured several disabled models, including Cole Gottlieb and Maddie Hostetter. (该活动展示了该基金会新的适应性服饰。这场秀中出现了几位残疾人模特,包括Cole Gottlieb and Maddie Hostetter.)可推测,Runway of Dreams的特点是为残疾人生产时髦的服饰。C. It produces trendy clothing for the disabled.(为残疾人生产时髦的服饰)符合以上说法,故选C项。 3.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的Cole, a 9-year-old boy born with cerebral palsy, loves to play baseball and soccer. He was excited to participate in the fashion show. ''It lets me be a role model to others, '' he said. Maddie, aged 8, was born with only one full arm. ''I heard about Runway of Dreams from my mom, '' explained Maddie. ''Even though I can button clothes with one arm, the magnets have made it much easier for me. '' (9岁的Cole是一个患有脑瘫的男孩,他喜欢打棒球和踢足球,他对参加时装表扬感到兴奋。“它让我成为了别人的榜样”他说。Maddie,8岁,出生时只有一个胳膊。“我从妈妈那儿听说了Runway of Dreams”她说“尽管我可以用一只手臂扣衣服,但磁铁让我更容易了。”)可知,这两个孩子都因为可以成为适应性服装的模特感到高兴和兴奋,因为他们不仅可以让自己穿衣更容易,也可以成为别人的榜样。故推测作者列举这两个残疾小孩模特是为了强调该基金会对残疾人的影响。D. To stress the influence of the foundation on the disabled.(为了强调该基金会对残疾人的影响)符合以上推测,故选D项。 4.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的''It lets me be a role model to others, '' he said. Maddie, aged 8, was born with only one full arm. ''I heard about Runway of Dreams from my mom, '' explained Maddie. ''Even though I can button clothes with one arm, the magnets have made it much easier for me. '' (“它让我成为了别人的榜样”他说。Maddie,8岁,出生时只有一个胳膊。“我从妈妈那儿听说了Runway of Dreams”她说“尽管我可以用一只手臂扣衣服,但磁铁让我更容易了。”)可知,他们因为让自己穿衣更容易,也可以成为别人的榜样而高兴。由此推测他们对Runway of Dreams 是非常感激的。C. They were grateful to Runway of Dreams.(他们对Runway of Dreams非常感激)符合以上说法,故选C项。 5.细节理解题。根据最后一段的Scheier-whose TED Talk was released in January 2018-credits her passion with the progress Runway of Dreams has made in the last few years 可知,在Scheier的TED演讲中她把Runway of Dreams在过去几年里取得的进步归功于她的热情,即基金会发展的根本是激情。故选B项。

    Olivia Ries was just seven years old when she and her eight-year-old brother Carter adopted a cheetah(猎豹) in South Africa.

''When my sister and I first learned back in 2009 that species like the cheetah may be extinct in the wild by the time we have kids, it scared us. We knew we had to do something to help them, '' says Carter. ''There are so many people (young and old alike) who just don’t know what is happening to so many species, just like we didn't. Olivia and I want to make sure we reach as many people around the world as possible and help them to understand how serious the situation really is. ''

To do that, the kids started One More Generation (OMG), an organization with the motto: ''Preserving endangered species for one more generation and beyond. ''

Now, ten years later, Olivia and Carter have traveled all over the world spreading their message. They've been interviewed on national television, participated in marches and fundraisers and won awards for their work. In 2015, they were invited to Vietnam by the United States Embassy to participate in a program to save rhinos. All that they've accomplished for animals and the environment is much too long to list!

''Our number one message to everyone we meet is 'Remember, anyone can make a difference... if we can, you can too, '' says Olivia. ''We want all people to understand that what Carter and I are doing is not necessarily something special; it is something that we all should be doing. You can start small by simply adopting an animal. Do some research on the species you are interested in, and find a good organization offering adoptions. My brother and I take our birthday money and allowance money and adopt animals all the time. ''

1.How did Olivia and Carter feel when learning cheetahs faced extinction?

A.Angry and guilty. B.Shocked and concerned.

C.Anxious and helpless. D.Hopeful and determined.

2.What does the underlined ''that'' refer to in Paragraph 3?

A.Helping endangered species survive.

B.Telling people the situation cheetahs face.

C.Making the situation of dying species known.

D.Calling on people to adopt endangered species.

3.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell about Olivia and Carter?

A.They organized activities to raise money. B.They took measures to save rhinos.

C.They made efforts to list extinct species. D.They contributed a lot to dying species.

4.What do Olivia's words suggest?

A.Anyone can help by starting small.

B.Anyone can do something special.

C.Anyone should do research on species.

D.Anyone should donate to adoption organizations.

5.If you're to offer Olivia a gift, which might she expect most?

A.''Adopting a panda in name of both her and me. ''

B.''Making her a furry dog with my own hands. ''

C.''Buying her a doll of the latest style. ''

D.''Mailing her a handmade postcard. ''




1.Which might be the feeling of those standing while working?

A.Being more sleepy. B.Being concentrated. C.Time going by faster.

2.What is the outcome of the study mentioned in the passage?

A.Standing while working improves working efficiency.

B.Sitting for over 6 hours a day is harmful to health.

C.Sitting comfortably does some good to health.

3.What do some professors suggest?

A.Doing as leaders and colleagues do.

B.Moving around instead of just standing.

C.Finding a natural way to stand while working.




1.Where did the woman find the job advertisement?

A.In the newspaper. B.On the Internet. C.From her hostess.

2.How many hours will the woman have to work a day?

A.2 hours. B.3 hours. C.4 hours.

3.What can be said about the job?

A.It offers75 a day. B.It needs no experience. C.It involves preparing lunch.

4.When will the woman take the interview?

A.At 2:00 this afternoon.

B.At 10:00 a.m. next Wednesday.

C.At 2:30 p.m. next Wednesday.




1.What does the woman intend to do?

A.Build her shape. B.Do homework in time. C.Change her eating habits.

2.What will the woman be offered?

A.A personal training plan. B.Personal equipment. C.A custom-made diet.

3.What’s the woman’s decision?

A.Having a try for a month.

B.Learning a new technique.

C.Trying another fitness center.




1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Problems in their study. B.News in the newspaper. C.A blood disease.

2.Why won’t Julia go into the city center at night?

A.She is too exhausted.

B.She is still scared of darkness.

C.The news of murder scares her.

3.What is TRUE about the local girl mentioned in the conversation?

A.She is seriously ill. B.Her family is rich. C.She is now in the US.



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