满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加...








The British are supposed to be famous in laughing at themselves, but even their sense of humor has a limit. When Ratner took over his father’s shops in 1984, he introduced a very clearly company policy, which was great success. By 1991, Ratner’s company had owned 2,400 shops. And later that year, Gerald Ratner made a big mistake. At a big business meeting, he explained the secret of his success — people asked, “How can you sell your goods at such a low price?” He said, “Because of they are absolute rubbish.” His audience burst out laugh. But the British newspapers and the British public were not so amusing. People felt angry and stayed away from Ratner’s shops. Six months after his speech, sales fall sharply. The following year, things got bad and Gerald Ratner was forced to resign. By the end of 1992, he had lost his company and 25,000 of his employee had lost their jobs.


in → for clearly → clear 在was和great之间加a And → But 去掉Because后面的of laugh → laughing amusing → amused fall → fell bad → worse employee → employees 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了,英国人虽以自嘲闻名,但他们的幽默感也有限度,Ratner就因为幽默的言语不当而导致事业失败。 1.考查介词。be famous for是固定搭配,意为“因……闻名”符合句意。故将in改为for。 2.考查形容词。分析句子可知,company policy是名词短语,需要形容词来修饰,应用clear。故将clearly改为clear。 3.考查不定冠词。分析句子可知,此处的success意为“一件成功的事”,是不可数名词的具体化,此处的success相当于一个可数名词,所以是a success。故在was和great之间加a。 4.考查连词。由前句By 1991, Ratner’s company had owned 2,400 shops.(到1991年,拉特纳的公司拥有2400家商店。)和后句Gerald Ratner made a big mistake.(Ratner犯了大错)可知,前后两句表转折关系,应用But。故将And改为But。 5.考查连词。because +从句,because of +名词/代词/动名词,分析句子可知,they are absolute rubbish是个句子,应用because。故去掉Because后面的of。 6.考查固定搭配。burst out doing固定短语,意为“突然……”,应用laughing。故将laugh改为laughing。 7.考查形容词。表示感情类的形容词,人做主语用常用ed结尾形容词,物作主语常用ing结尾形容词。amused感到有趣的,amusing令人感到有趣的。分析句子可知,主语the British newspapers and the British public(英国报社人群和英国大众)指人,应用amused。故将amusing改为amused。 8.考查时态。分析语境可知,文章发生在过去,全文以一般过去时为主,应用fell。故将fall改为fell。 9.考查比较级。分析语境,可知第二年情况变得更糟糕,应用比较级worse。故将bad改为worse。 10.考查名词的复数。分析句子可知,他员工(employee)中的25000人失去了工作,所以员工应用复数形式employees。故将employee改为employees。  


1.No official ______ (许可) has been given for the event to take place.

2.It was the first time that she had lived ______ (独立).

3.Read the ______(说明)on the bottle carefully before you take the medicine.

4.To our delight, Zhang Jiajie and his brother were both ______(录取)to Tsinghua University.

5.When there is a fire, the first thing you do is to cut off ______ ().

6.Some students are so ______ (上瘾) to online games that they even abandon their idea of learning.

7.Some experts have drawn a ______ (结论)that the full and active measures taken by the government are effective.

8.It is reported that the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China are ______(减少).

9.Almost every student knows selling drugs is against the law. However, some students don’t know taking is also ______(非法的).

10.This smart keyboard can ______ (识别) different participants based on how they typed.




Many people agree that going to museums 1. (be) a good way of learning about ancient treasures. However, others may find it boring to spend hours there. Therefore, how to make museums and their lifeless collections more appealing is a tough question worth 2. (attach) importance to. Luckily, National Treasure, a TV program 3. began to air on Dec. 3, 2017, throws light on ways to inspire interest in museums and their collections.

Aiming to make ancient relics (遗迹) to come alive, the program presents treasures 4. different artistic methods including lots of dramatic 5. (perform) and storytelling, which explain the history behind each cultural relic 6. (complete), so that audiences can not only understand how to appreciate the beauty of cultural relics, 7. also know the civilization and the spirit of Chinese culture. In fact, such programs that promote traditional ancient relics 8. (become) popular in recent years. For example, a 2016 documentary featuring the Forbidden City’s cultural relics and their restorers, urged lots of college students 9. (apply) to work as volunteers there. It is universally accepted that National Treasure has been 10. (success) in encouraging more people to visit museums by touching their hearts.



    Last year, Sam’s family made a decision to move to their new house. The jeep was fully packed and they was prepared for a(n) _______ day. All piled into the car, _______ six-year-old Sam. Sam’s father, Alex, _______ the engine, and the family _______ toward their new home. Alex drove for miles before they needed more supplies. Then they _______ at the nearest supermarket Walmart.

Upon driving into the parking lot, they began to _______ for a parking space. The lot was unusually _______, with many cars, shopping carts (购物车), flashing lights and busy people. Sam felt surrounded by _______. Eventually, after _______ the lot many times, Alex found a(n)________ parking space for their car, and still large enough.

Alex was about to pull in when a strange car ________ pulled into the empty spot. To the family’s ________, the driver who had been driving got out of his car and rushed towards Walmart. Alex ________ jumped out of his car and ran after him, calling, “Hey, hey! Wait!” When Alex caught the man, he asked, “Don’t you think that we can both ________ it?” The man was surprised and said, “Um, yes, I suppose we could.” They returned to the parking space and ________ their cars so that they could both park there.

That ________ Sam very much. He’d thought that his father would be angry, or even beat the stranger up. However, the whole incident ended ________ and they went into the supermarket and bought what they needed.

Alex’s reaction was pleasantly unexpected. Sam was moved by his ________ father, realizing that the correct thing to do wasn’t what he had ________ to happen. It made a strong impression on him. ________ is more important than self- righteousness (自以为是的正义).

1.A.obvious B.anxious C.enthusiastic D.tiring

2.A.following B.including C.calling D.helping

3.A.started B.repaired C.possessed D.changed

4.A.broke off B.set off C.put back D.set up

5.A.played B.lived C.dropped D.stopped

6.A.apply B.stand C.hunt D.pay

7.A.abnormal B.crowded C.quiet D.clean

8.A.advertisements B.noise C.music D.warmth

9.A.appreciating B.describing C.searching D.visiting

10.A.empty B.small C.dark D.cheap

11.A.suddenly B.pleasantly C.easily D.eventually

12.A.anger B.excitement C.satisfaction D.amazement

13.A.optimistically B.happily C.quickly D.carefully

14.A.quit B.buy C.share D.leave

15.A.adjusted B.approached C.examined D.sold

16.A.informed B.requested C.impressed D.congratulated

17.A.naturally B.peacefully C.sadly D.violently

18.A.energetic B.mean C.generous D.aggressive

19.A.allowed B.expected C.planned D.encouraged

20.A.Kindness B.Curiosity C.Justice D.Judgment



    There is a huge power in knowing how to make adjustments in life. In fact, it’s possible to turn failure into success by making the right adjustments. 1.

Whatever your station in life, everyone will face what I call the 3Cs: changes, challenges and choices. The following are some simple but powerful tips to help you make effective life adjustments.


Most people see with their eyes but very few people know how to observe. The difference between seeing and observing is like the difference between reading and studying. One factor in helping you to listen better is to hear not only what people say but also what they don’t say. Reading body language and voice inflection (音调变化) can help you listen between the lines. All these play an effective role in helping you to think with your eyes and ears.

Learn to go with the flow.

The people who learn to make the best life adjustments can develop the habit of going with the flow. 3. Notice people who can go with the flow and you will find a person with sharp instincts they depend on.


If you can keep an attitude of preparation for 3Cs, you’ll have the best chance of making effective life adjustments.

As the saying goes, if you stay ready, you do not have to get ready. 5.

A.Listen to what people don’t say.

B.So, what’s one of the key factors for people who fail to make life adjustments?

C.Learn to think with your eyes and ears.

D.The best way to do that is to trust your instincts.

E.Be prepared for changes, challenges and choices.

F.The key is in knowing where they are needed and how much.

G.That’s the best advice for anyone who wants to make the best life adjustments and win!



    In 1977, a University of Oxford statistician named Richard Peto pointed out a simple yet puzzling biological fact: we humans should have a lot more cancer than mice, but we don’t.

Dr. Peto’s argument was simple. Every time a cell divides, there’s a small chance it will gain a mutation(突变) that speeds up its growth. Cells that accumulate (聚集) several of these mutations may become cancerous. The bigger an animal is, the more cells it has, and the longer an animal lives, the more times its cells divide. We humans undergo (经历) about 10,000 times as many cell divisions as mice—and thus should be far more likely to get cancer.

A number of scientists have assumed that large, long-lived animals must have evolved extra cancer-fighting weapons. Otherwise, these species would die out.

Dr. Joshua D. Schiffman, an oncologist (肿瘤学家)at the Huntsman Cancer Institute, reviewed zoo records on the deaths of 644 elephants and found that less than 5 percent died of cancer. By contrast, 11 percent to 25 percent of humans die of cancer.

To understand the elephants’ defenses, the scientists investigated a gene that is vital to preventing cancer called p53. The protein encoded by the gene monitors cells for damage to the DNA they contain. Dr. Schiffman and his colleagues found that elephants have evolved new copies of the p53 gene. While humans have only one pair of p53 genes, the scientists identified 20 pairs in elephants.

To see whether these extra copies of p53 made a difference in fighting cancer, they ran experiments on elephant cells. They treated elephant cells with damaging radiation, chemicals and UV light.

“In all cases, instead of trying to repair the damage, the elephant cells simply committed suicide” said Dr. Schiffman. He said he thought the way the elephant cells responded was a very effective way to block cancer.

Patricia Muller, an oncologist at the MRC Toxicology Unit at the University of Leicester, who was not involved in the studies, said the results, though convincing, didn’t firmly establish exactly how elephants use p53 to fight cancer. One possibility is that the extra copies don’t actually cause cells to commit suicide. Instead, they may act as decoys (诱饵) for enzymes () that destroy p53 proteins.

Dr. Muller said it was especially important to understand precisely how elephants fight cancer before trying to copy their strategies with drugs for humans.

1.What does the 2nd paragraph want to tell us?

A.Human should be more likely to develop cancer than mice.

B.Cell division can increase the speed of growth of mutations.

C.The bigger an animal is, the smaller chance of getting cancer it has.

D.Dr. Peto’s argument was not simple.

2.According to the passage, p53 is ______.

A.a protein to prevent cancer B.a gene to defend against cancer

C.a protein to destroy damaged cells D.a gene to change cells

3.What does Dr. Schiffman say about the extra copies of p53 fighting cancer?

A.They cause the cells to repair the genes.

B.They stop cells from dividing further.

C.They act as decoys for enzymes that destroy p53 proteins.

D.They cause the cells to commit suicide.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Dr. Schiffman pointed out that we humans don’t have more cancer than mice.

B.The cancer death rate of humans is five percent higher than that of elephants.

C.The scientists found there are 20 pairs of p53 genes in elephants.

D.Dr. Muller also took part in the studies.



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