满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

On a recent sunny, dry fall morning, I f...

    On a recent sunny, dry fall morning, I found the last outdoor table at my favorite café. Reading ______ I nibbled my breakfast, I was enjoying the feeling of the cool breeze and the warm sun when a table next to me ______. A woman who had been standing nearby, ______ waiting for a seat, stepped toward the table. But from the other ______, straight from the parking lot, came a man who got to the table first.

The woman, with a ______ on her face, explained that she’d been ______ that table for several minutes and had been on her way over. The man, also smiling but ______, told her she was out of ______; he had happened upon the table first. “You snooze(不注意), you lose!” he said cheerfully.

She stood off to the side, clearly disappointed, and ______ her friend with the frustrating news. I sat at my table, ______ the scene, when suddenly it occurred to me—I had a(n) ______ here to be kind.

I stood up and ______ her over to my table. Quietly, I told her I had seen what had happened, and I was happy to give her my table. I was only going to be there a few more minutes ______, so I was happy for her and her friend to have the ______.

“But where will you sit?” she asked. I was almost done eating, I said, and I would find a seat at the counter ______. She thanked me and beamed(堆满笑容) as she ______ for her friend to sit down.

Thinking about it as I finished up, I realized that whether or not the woman had fair ______ to the table was unimportant. The emotion of the situation—the look of hurt on her face—had ______ me, and I had the ability to do something about it.

That isn’t always the case with every feeling, situation, or injustice we ______ unexpectedly in our days. But as the early 20th century writer Orison Swett Marden once said, “Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. ______ common occasions and make them great.”

I just hope that woman’s morning at the café was great. I know mine was.

1.A.till B.after C.as D.before

2.A.closed up B.opened up C.looked up D.showed up

3.A.hesitantly B.clearly C.seemingly D.steadily

4.A.entrance B.angle C.gate D.direction

5.A.smile B.shock C.glare D.gaze

6.A.monitoring B.watching C.minding D.wandering

7.A.firm B.impatient C.elegant D.reluctant

8.A.order B.luck C.shape D.place

9.A.served B.compared C.loaded D.greeted

10.A.taking down B.taking up C.taking in D.taking over

11.A.scene B.opportunity C.access D.passion

12.A.followed B.guided C.signaled D.rushed

13.A.anyway B.someway C.somewhere D.anywhere

14.A.floor B.spot C.moment D.kindness

15.A.downstairs B.upstairs C.outside D.inside

16.A.gestured B.headed C.waited D.sent

17.A.passage B.claim C.approach D.admission

18.A.shamed B.surprised C.struck D.scared

19.A.repeat B.hate C.tolerate D.meet

20.A.Mark B.Hold C.Celebrate D.Seize


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了自己吃早餐的看到的情景,并主动为她人让出座位,悟出:勿以善小而不为。 1.考查连词。根据语境可知作者在边吃早餐边看书, A、till直到 ;B、 after“在…之后”;C、as“一边…一边…; D、before“在…以前”。故选C。 2.考查动词短语。句意:我边吃着早餐边看书,享受着凉爽的微风和温暖的阳光,这时我旁边的那张桌子打开了,可以使用了。A、closed up“关闭,闭合”;B、 opened up“打开,开放"; C、 looked up“查阅,抬头看”; D、 showed up“出现”,故选B。 3.考查副词。句意:一个一直站在附近的,很明显在等位子的女人,走向那张长桌子。A、 hesitantly“犹豫地”;B clearly“明显地,清晰地”;C、 seemingly“貌似,看似”;D、 steadily“稳定地”故选B。 4.考查名词。句意:但是从另一个方向,直接从停车场来了一个男人先到了桌子。A、 entrance“入口”;B、 angle“角度”;C、gate“大门”;D、 direction“方向”。故选D。 5.考查名词。句意:那女人面带微笑,解释道:她一直观察那张桌子,看了几分钟,然后就过来了。 A、smile“微笑";B、shock“震惊”;C、 glare“蹬眼,怒视"; D、gaze“凝视,注视”。选A。 6.考查动词。句意:那女人面带微笑,解释道:她一直观察那张桌子,看了几分钟,然后就过来了。A、 monitoring“监视,监督”;B、 watching“观察;C、 minding“介意;D、 wandering“游荡。漫步”。故选B。 7.考查形容词。句意:那个男人也笑了,但很坚定,他告诉她说她不走运。A、firm“坚定的”;B、 impatient“不耐烦的”;C、 elegant“优雅的";D、 reluctant“勉强的”。故选A。 8.考查名词。句意:那个男人也笑了,但很坚定,他告诉她说她不走运。A、 order“命令”;B、luck“运气”;C、 shape“形状”;D、 place“地方”。 out of luck固定短语,“运气不好,不走运”,故选B。 9.考查动词。根据语境可知这位女士出来迎接自己的朋友,并把这个令人沮丧的消息告诉了朋友。A、 served“服努”;B、compared“比较”:C、 loaded“承担"; D、 greeted“迎接,问候”。故选D。 10.考查动词短语。根据后文Quietly, I told her I had seen what had happened, and I was happy to give her my table.可知作者正巧旁观了发生的一切,于是想到了让座。A、 taking down写下"; B、 taking up“占据,从事"; C、 taking in“旁观;理解,欺骗”; D、 taking over“接管”。故选C。 11.考查名词。根据语境可知,作者突然想到自己正好有机会可以帮助他们,向他们展示友好。A、 scene“场景,场面";B、 opportunity“机会";C、 access“获得,进入”;D、 passion"激情,热情”。故选B。 12.考查动词。句意:我站起来示意她到我的桌旁。A、 followed“跟随”;B、 guided“指导”;C、 signaled“发信号,示意”:D、 rushed“冲”。故选C。 13.考查副词。句意:反正我也只是要在那里待几分钟,所以我很乐意把这块地方让给她和她的朋友。A、 anyway“不管怎样,无论如何;反正”;B、 someway“以某种方法,以某种方式”;C、 somewhere“某地”;D、 anywhere“任何地方”。anyway符合此处语境,故选A。 14.考查名词。句意: 反正我也只是要在那里待几分钟,所以我很乐意把这块地方让给她和她的朋友。A、floor“地面";B、spot“场地;地方”;C、 moment“时刻”; D、 kindness“善良,好意”。故选B。 15.考查副词。句意:我说:我快吃完了,我要在里面的柜台旁找一个座位。A、 downstairs“楼下”:B、 upstairs“楼上”; C、 outside“外边"; D、 inside“里边”。故选D。 16.考查动词。句意:她谢了我,微笑着示意她的朋友坐下。A、 gestured“示意,打手势";B、 headed“走向”;C、waited“等待”;D、sent“送,派送”。故选A。 17.考查名词。句意:当我吃完饭的时候,想到这件事,我意识到这个女人是不是有权利要求使用这张桌子并不重要。A. passage“通道,段落”;B. claim“权利;要求权”;C. approach“方法”;D. admission“承认,许可”。故选B。 18.考查动词。句意:是当时情景下她的情绪—她脸上受伤的表情—打动了我,并且我有能力做点什么。A. shamed“使蒙羞”;B. surprised“使惊讶”;C. struck“打动”;D. scared“使害怕”。故选C。 19.考查动词。句意:现在,我们并不总是会意外地遇到这种感觉、情况或不公正。A、 repeat“重复"”;B、hate“憎恨”;C、 tolerate“容忍”;D、meet“遇见”。故选D。 20.考查动词。句意:不要等待不同寻常的时刻,把握常见的场合,使它们变得美好。由上文Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities.可推断,作者建议要把握常见的场合。A、Mark“做标记”;B、Hold“坚持”;C、 Celebrate“庆祝”D、 Seize“把握”。故选D。

I can’t get my car _____ on cold mornings, so I have to try ______ the radiator with some hot water.

A.run; to fill B.running; filling

C.running; to fill D.ran; filling



Alipay, which currently has over 520 million users, is a powerful ____ of payment tools, financial services and marketing platforms.

A.indication B.representation C.observation D.combination



____ the doctor was murdered?

It was in the art gallery _____ famous paintings were on display.

A.Where it was that; that B.Where it was that; where

C.Where was it that; where D.Where was it that; that



The number of road accidents and the deaths _____ those accidents _____ over the past years.

A.resulting in; has increased B.resulting in; have increased

C.resulting from; has increased D.resulting from; have increased



That preserved historic village connected to downtown by a highway is ________ many office workers spend their weekends.

A.what B.how

C.where D.why



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