满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— How was your evening? — We went to a P...

— How was your evening?

— We went to a Pizza Hut and had ______. We really enjoyed ourselves.

A.a white elephant B.a square meal C.a sacred cow D.the salt of the earth


B 【解析】 考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:——你晚上过得怎么样?——我们去了必胜客,吃了一顿美餐。我们真的玩得很开心。A. a white elephant沉重的负担;B. a square meal美餐;C. a sacred cow神圣不可侵犯的思想、机构、制度;D. the salt of the earth非常正派(诚实)的人。分析语境可知,他们去了必胜客(吃东西),又很开心,说明吃了一顿美餐。故选B项。  

The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than          in the newspaper.

A.it B.those

C.one D.that



— I just can’t stop worrying about the result of the final exam.

— ______. There’s nothing you can do now but wait.

A.Go ahead B.Good luck C.Relax D.Go for it



In the program aiming to help kids with heart disease, ______ is given to those who are the only child in their family.

A.preference B.prejudice C.recognition D.compromise



I am always delighted when receiving your invitation. ______ the party on July 11th after the national college entrance examination, I shall be pleased to attend.

A.On account of B.In respond to C.In view of D.With regard to



How to ______ social wealth reasonably has become a key issue when it comes to narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor in most societies.

A.distribute B.associate C.accommodate D.contribute



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