满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My childhood was a fairy tale, until it ...

    My childhood was a fairy tale, until it wasn’t. At age 15, I almost died from a rare medical._______, a disease not fully diagnosed in time. Despite survival, I was left with severe nerve damage to my right leg. To this day, I live in pain every_______moment. I went from being perfectly healthy to_______being able to walk and with that came a(n)_______depression that threatened to swallow me whole — a depression I still_______to this day.

As if that wasn’t enough, a year later my family’s house fell down, we had to move into a caravan (大篷车). My following days consisted of going between hospital_______, trying to study for my A-levels and_______in a caravan.

In that caravan, I started writing to_______relief from my worries. It was my life line that_______me together as I studied. And from the________of writing then, I’ve just published my first novel. Now let me________my story.

Being a girl that was into science and reading________me from other kids. You probably already have a mental________: Yes, I was a real-life Hermione Granger,________to fit in with my peers, with a differing worldview. They still laughed at me. Regardless of the________that came my way, I never felt down for long. After ups and downs,________I found friends who, although amused by my obsession with books and science,________those qualities about me. They encouraged my________. My desire to write and explore science grew stronger.

Now, I________with cutting edge technology for an aerospace engineering company. Back home, I write. Last month I published my first________Undercover Thief.

1.A.condition B.research C.accident D.care

2.A.quiet B.right C.other D.single

3.A.typically B.completely C.barely D.exactly

4.A.destructive B.poisonous C.magic D.powerful

5.A.try B.fight C.surround D.attack

6.A.cases B.visits C.examinations D.treatments

7.A.hiding B.living C.reading D.moving

8.A.get B.give C.avoid D.accept

9.A.led B.put C.got D.held

10.A.care B.pain C.love D.fear

11.A.turn up B.put up C.take up D.bring up

12.A.split B.separated C.saved D.told

13.A.thought B.reflection C.shadow D.picture

14.A.struggling B.planning C.refusing D.promising

15.A.warning B.teasing C.greeting D.meeting

16.A.lately B.fortunately C.eventually D.obviously

17.A.valued B.envied C.ignored D.appreciated

18.A.ambitions B.views C.suggestions D.differences

19.A.trade B.work C.study D.write

20.A.report B.painting C.novel D.play


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者15岁至今因为患有一种罕见的疾病,每时每刻生活在痛苦中,而伴随疾病而来的抑郁也几乎将作者吞没。同时在学校中,作为一个喜欢科学和阅读的女孩,作者也总是和其他孩子格格不入。而作者从未长时间沮丧过,她在逆境中追逐梦想,最终梦想成真。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:15岁时,我几乎死于一种罕见的疾病,一种没有及时得到充分诊断的疾病。A. condition状况,条件;B. research研究;C. accident事故;D. care关怀。空后的“a disease not fully diagnosed in time”作a rare medical ________的同位语,condition 可以指医学上的健康状况,a rare medical condition可引申为“罕见疾病”。故选A。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:直到今天,我每时每刻都生活在痛苦中。A. quiet安静的;B. right正确的;C. other其他的;D. single单一的。根据上文的“Despite survival, I was left with severe nerve damage to my right leg.”可知,作者右腿神经严重损伤,直到今天作者都每时每刻生活在痛苦中。这里用single表示强调,用来突出病情的严重性。故选D。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我从一个完全健康的人变成一个几乎不能走路的人,随之而来的是一种毁灭性的抑郁,它几乎要把我整个吞下去——直到今天我还在与这种抑郁作斗争。A. typically代表性地;B. completely完全地;C. barely几乎不;D. exactly恰好地。根据上文可知作者曾经患了罕见疾病,随之而来的应该是身体健康状况变得越来越差。barely意思为“几乎不”,符合语境。故选C。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我从一个完全健康的人变成一个几乎不能走路的人,随之而来的是一种毁灭性的抑郁,它几乎要把我整个吞下去——直到今天我还在与这种抑郁作斗争。A. destructive毁灭性的,破坏的;B. poisonous有毒的;C. magic神奇的;D. powerful强大的。空后的“that threatened to swallow me whole”描述了作者所患抑郁症的严重性,这种抑郁症简直要把作者击垮。故A项“毁灭性的”切题。故选A。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从一个完全健康的人变成一个几乎不能走路的人,随之而来的是一种毁灭性的抑郁,它几乎要把我整个吞下去——直到今天我还在与这种抑郁作斗争。A. try尝试;B. fight斗争;C. surround包围;D. attack攻击。根据上文可知作者患了严重的抑郁症,自然而然地就需要与其抗争。故选B。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:接下来的几天,我要去医院接受治疗,为我的大学入学考试做准备,还要住在大篷车里。A. cases情况;B. visits拜访;C. examinations考试;D. treatments治疗。根据第一段得知作者每天都生活在疼痛中,所以应该不断地去医院治疗。故选D。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:接下来的几天,我要去医院接受治疗,为我的大学入学考试做准备,还要住在大篷车里。A. hiding隐藏;B. living居住,生活;C. reading阅读;D. moving移动。由“As if that wasn’t enough, a year later my family’s house fell down. We had to move into a caravan (大篷车).”可知,作者的住处倒塌了,不得不搬到了大篷车里去住。此处表示住在大篷车里。 故选B。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那辆大篷车里,我开始写作,以求获得减轻我的忧虑的轻松感。A. get获得,得到;B. give给予;C. avoid避免;D. accept接受。根据上文可知作者的境况十分艰难,又根据“relief from my worries”可推出,作者是通过writing去获得一份轻松感,摆脱现实生活给其带来的烦恼。故选A。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:写作是能让我在学习时全神贯注的生命线。A. led领导;B. put放置;C. got得到;D. held控制,支配。根据“my life line”可知,写作是作者的生命线,是能让其在学习时全神贯注的生命线。hold意思为“控制,支配”。故选D。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,出于对写作的热爱,我刚刚出版了我的第一部小说。A. care关怀;B. pain痛苦;C. love热爱;D. fear害怕。由“I’ve just published my first novel.”可知,作者现在已经出版了自己的第一部小说,今天的成功应该是起源于当初艰难的生活经历和作者对写作的热爱。故选C。 11.考查动词短语辨析。句意:现在让我继续我的故事。A. turn up出现;B. put up张贴;C. take up拿起,开始从事;D. bring up养育。上文提及目前作者已经出版了第一部小说,且下一段又回到了对过去的叙述。故此处take up my story意思为“接着讲述我的故事”,这是回到原来话题上的一个过渡句。故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个喜欢科学和阅读的女孩,我和其他孩子不合群,有隔阂。A. split劈开;B. separated分开;C. saved拯救;D. told告诉。根据下文“with a differing worldview”可知,作者与其他孩子不一样,这里用separate 指作者因为喜爱科学和读书与其他孩子不合群。故选B。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:你可能已经有了一个形象:是的,我是现实生活中的Hermione Granger,努力想要融入我的同龄人,他们有着不同的世界观。A. thought想法;B. reflection反射;C. shadow阴影;D. picture图画。根据下文“Yes, I was a real­life Hermione Granger” 可知,作者就是一个现实版的“Hermione Granger”。a mental picture的意思为“心目中的形象”。故选D。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你可能已经有了一个形象:是的,我是现实生活中的Hermione Granger,努力想要融入我的同龄人,他们有着不同的世界观。A. struggling努力,挣扎;B. planning计划;C. refusing拒绝;D. promising承诺。根据上文可知作者和其他孩子不一样,再由下文“They still laughed at me.”可知,作者应该是努力(struggling)和同龄人和谐相处,但依然遭受到这些同龄人的嘲笑。故选A。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管受到嘲笑,我从来没有长时间感到沮丧。A. warning警告;B. teasing取笑,戏弄;C. greeting打招呼;D. meeting遇到。由上文的“They still laughed at me.”可知,作者收到了其他孩子的嘲笑。故选B。 16.考查副词词义辨析。句意:在起起落落之后,我终于找到了一些朋友,他们虽然被我对书籍和科学的痴迷逗乐了,但也欣赏我身上的这些品质。A. lately最近;B. fortunately幸运地;C. eventually终于;D. obviously明显地。本段提到一开始作者与其他孩子很难和谐相处,但是作者“never felt down for long”,再结合“After ups and downs”可知,作者经历了很多的坎坷之后才“found friends”。故选C。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在起起落落之后,我终于找到了一些朋友,他们虽然被我对书籍和科学的痴迷逗乐了,但也欣赏我身上的这些品质。A. valued重视;B. envied羡慕;C. ignored忽视;D. appreciated欣赏。从上文“I found friends who, although amused by my obsession with books and science”可知,who 在这里代指朋友,朋友应该是欣赏作者的品质,尽管有时取笑。故选D。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们鼓励了我的雄心壮志。A. ambitions雄心壮志,野心;B. views见解;C. suggestions建议;D. differences差异。根据下文“My desire to write and explore science grew stronger.”可知,作者的朋友鼓励了她的雄心壮志。故选A。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在,我在一家航空航天工程公司的前沿技术部门工作。A. trade贸易;B. work工作;C. study学习;D. write写。结合上文可知过去的科学梦,现在已经成真,根据后面“an aerospace engineering company”可推断,作者应该在这里上班,从事着前沿技术工作。故选B。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:上个月我出版了我的第一部小说《卧底小偷》。A. report报告;B. painting绘画;C. novel小说;D. play戏剧。根据上文“I’ve just published my first novel.”可知,此处是出版了小说。故选C。

    Earlier this summer, after packing my rucksack for a wild-camping holiday, I gazed at my belongings, and made a final adjustment to the contents of my bag.1.

I quickly emailed my travel companion, a photographer friend called Jacob to make sure I could have some pictures of our trip afterwards, so I could pop a few up on Instagram when I returned. And then I set off, feeling — for the first time in a number of trips — that I was genuinely escaping the stresses and strains of my everyday life.2.Because the way stress locates us, these days, is via our phones.

3.However, I've realized that for a holiday really to function as a holiday, I need an escape from social status anxiety , from caring about “likes”, and from having to photograph every tiny detail of life to prove our existence. When we overshare a glossy version of our trip online, we miss out on talking about our trips when we return, which is part of the joy of travel. Posting in the moment denies us this opportunity to relive (回味) our experience, and prolong that holiday feeling.4.

During my three-day Insta-break, my stress levels decrease quickly within 24 hours.5.I made mental notes of funny moments, cultural observations, tips and when I returned, I had interesting, detailed chats with friends about my time away.

A.I also changed how I processed the trip itself.

B.So I am fully supportive of screen-free holidays.

C.I took out my iPhone, and threw it under my bed.

D.1 would lose track of my coworkers, my friends and my family.

E.None of them could touch me for the next three glorious days.

F.So this summer, as you plan your trip, ask if you can delete Instagram.

G.As a travel writer, abandoning my phone for my holiday felt like the extreme betrayal.



    I'm on the phone with a frustrated customer, and a note appears on my computer screen: You are speaking slower than usual. Speed up. I do, and the message disappears, only to be replaced with another: Continuous Speaking — Finish your thought.

This is Cogito, an artificial intelligence program designed to help customer service workers communicate more clearly, empathize (产生共鸣) with frustrated callers, and improve their overall performance. Cogito listens to the tone, pitch, word frequency and other factors in customer service conversations. When it detects something wrong-an irritated customer, a call center agent taking too long to respond — it displays a note on the agent's computer telling them how to improve.

For anyone who's spent hours of their lives stuck on the phone with an unhelpful or very rude customer service agent, Cogito may seem. like a godsend. And some customer service agents using the software generally say they find it helpful. One employee says that Cogito helped her cut her average call time nearly in half, while another says it helped her speaking slow down.

Cogito has been launched to more than sixty call centers across the U. S. over the past year. The company behind the software, Cogito Inc., has raised more than $ 70 million. “We were 45 people a year ago,” says Cogito CEO Josh Feast, whose. company now has 150 employees. At MetLife, managers say that the program improved customer satisfaction by 13%and helped agents (who take an average of 700 calls a week) to have more “human” conversations.

Such software as Cogito is unlikely to stop at the meeting room. But like other enterprise software, it could soon spread well beyond call centers and other offices and into our daily lives.

1.What's the purpose of Cogito program?

A.To speed up customer service workers' speaking.

B.To store the conversations between customers and agents.

C.To improve customer service agents' communication with callers.

D.To complain of frustrated callers.

2.What can we infer about Cogito in Paragraph 4?

A.Cogito bas been used by sixty call centers in the world.

B.The company behind the software benefits a lot from Cogito.

C.Josh Feast designed Cogito with the help of employees.

D.Customers weren't satisfied with MetLife's service without Cogito.

3.What's the future of Cogito according to the text?

A.It'll be part of our normal day-to-day life.

B.I'll spread into other offices.

C.I'll tell humans what to do.

D.I'll replace customer service agents.

4.Where is the text most likely from?

A.A novel. B.A brochure.

C.A guidebook. D.A magazine.



    Every year, the Palace of Fine. Arts Theatre in San Francisco fills up with dance lovers. They come to take in experimental works of art that all have one thing in common — hip hop. This weekend the San Francisco International Hip Hop DanceFest, the mission of which is to encourage the evolution of hip hop dance culture while preserving its legacy, celebrates 20 years of presenting exciting hip hop performances.

Each DanceFest has diversity of style and group size, and a balance of local and out-of-town companies. The festival has drawn impressive international talents. In fact, outstanding technical dance skills are only a basic standard that the festival organizers are looking for. They look for much more groups or solo artists that think outside the box. Artists that use hip hop in a theatrical way or use it to address social issues are sure to stand out. For instance, the 2010 performance “Tables and Chairs” served to highlight the negative effects of alcoholism on society, warning people against the addiction to alcohol.

It would be terribly irresponsible not to mention the founder, Micaya, in any introduction to DanceFest. A popular hip hop dance instructor, Micaya began producing high energy dance shows in the heart of San Francisco in 1993. Students love her classes so much that a San Francisco newspaper once called her “Best Dance Instructor”.

However, Micaya was concerned about the doubtful reputation of hip hop. She made it her goal to get hip hop the same recognition and respect as other dance forms. In 1999 she started DanceFest. It was the first festival of its kind to honor the creativity of hip hop dance in a non-competitive atmosphere. To Micaya, competitive formats leave little room for the magic that comes from true expression. One review said, Micaya's festival challenges us “to reconsider just how diverse ... and embracing hip hop can now be.” Indeed, Micaya brings out the best in dancers, and has given San Francisco one of its finest festivals.

1.Why is the San Francisco International Hip Hop DanceFest held?

A.To attract international talents.

B.To encourage people to play hip hop.

C.To show the diversity of hip hop style.

D.To promote the development of hip hop dance culture.

2.What does the underlined word “address” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Handle. B.Discuss.

C.Recognize. D.Record.

3.What can we infer about Micaya?

A.She was a popular hip hop composer in 1993.

B.She made hip hop dance less diverse in 1999.

C.She popularizes hip hop dance through the DanceFest.

D.She contributes to the increasing competition of hip hop dance.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.The Rise and Fall of Hip Hop B.A Unique Hip Hop DanceFest

C.A Famous Hip Hop Dancer D.The Development of Hip Hop DanceFest



    One spring morning many years ago, I had been prospecting for gold along Coho Creek in southeastern Alaska. Suddenly, no more than 20 paces away was a huge Alaskan timber wolf-caught in a trap.

From her appearance, I guessed she had been trapped for several days. She needed my help, I thought. But if I tried to release her, she would turn aggressive to me. The wolf was clearly suffering. The trap's steel jaws had imprisoned two toes. They were swollen and lacerated, but she wouldn't lose the paw (爪子) — if freed. Yet each time I moved closer, she would make a frightening growl. If I could only win her confidence, I thought. It was her only hope.

Over the next few days, I divided my time between prospecting and trying to win the wolf's trust. I talked gently with her, throwing her some meat. Gradually, I kept edging closer — though I was careful to remain beyond the length of her trap chain.

At dusk on the fifth day, I delivered her dinner. Suddenly, I saw a slight wagging of her tail. I moved within the length of her chain. She remained sill. As a towering man, my heart was in my mouth, though. Within her reach, I wrapped my blanket around myself and slowly settled onto the cold ground. It was long before I fell asleep.

The next morning, I slowly placed my hand on the wolf's injured leg. Unexpectedly; she made no threatening move. Then I applied pressure, the trap sprang open, and the wolf pulled free.

My experience told me the wolf would vanish into the woods quickly. But cautiously, she crept toward me and sniffed my hands and arms. This went against everything I'd ever heard about timber wolves. Yet, strangely, it all seemed so natural.

1.What happened to the timber wolf?

A.She was stuck in a trap. B.Her food ran out.

C.Her legs were swollen. D.She was caught in the author's trap.

2.What was the only hope for the wolf to be saved?

A.Some food. B.The author's care.

C.Her trust in the author. D.Winning the author's confidence.

3.Why was falling asleep difficult for the author?

A.He was too close to the wolf. B.The ground was too cold.

C.The wolf remained still. D.The wolf wagged her tail.

4.How did the author feel about the outcome of the event?

A.It was frightening and surprising. B.It was unexpected but natural.

C.It was humorous and natural. D.It was terrifying but encouraging.



    The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine offers awards for highly qualified candidates including recent doctoral recipients (接受者) and senior researchers. Applications are accepted during four annual review cycles (with deadlines of May 1, August 1, November 1, and February 1).

Awardees have the opportunity to:

●devote full-time effort to research and publication

●access the excellent and often unique facilities of the federal research enterprise

●cooperate with leading scientists and engineers at the sponsoring laboratories

Benefits of an NRC Research Associateship award include:

●1 year awards, renewable for up to 3 years

●allowances ranging from $ 45,000 to $ 80,000, higher for senior researchers

●Health insurance, moving benefits, and a professional travel allowance

Desired skills and experience:

Applicants should hold an earned doctorate in science or engineering. Degrees from universities abroad should be equal to a degree from a U. S. institution. Some awards are open to foreign nationals as well as to U. S. citizens and permanent residents.

About the employer:

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's Fellowships Office has managed the NRC Research Associateship Programs in cooperation with federal laboratories and other research organizations since 1954. Through national competitions, the Fellowships Office recommends and makes awards to outstanding postdoctoral and senior scientists and engineers for tenure (终身聘用) as guest researchers at participating laboratories. A limited number of opportunities are available for support of graduate students in select fields.

1.How long does a review cycle last?

A.Four years. B.Four months.

C.Three years. D.Three months.

2.What can the candidate do once awarded?

A.Renew the award for another three years.

B.Do medical research in federal laboratories.

C.Invent unique facilities for the federal lab.

D.Work with leading researchers at the sponsoring laboratories.

3.What is the purpose of the last part of the text?

A.To search for partners.

B.To encourage studies on science.

C.To attract highly qualified candidates.

D.To advertise a research institution.



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