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Does it matter if a language dies out? T...

    Does it matter if a language dies out? The traditional answer is yes, because every language is a repository (智囊) of ideas and culture and represents a unique way of looking at the world. The planet only has about 7,000 languages; the extinction of even one decreases the sum total of human knowledge.

But in some cases, extinction can be seen in a more positive light. Take Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign LanguageABSLfor example, restricted to about 1,000 users in a small Israeli village with a high level of born deafness, the language seems to be bound to die by the spread of Israeli sign language.

The natural reaction to the loss of ABSL is regret. It is a fascinating language that has kept linguists busy since it came to their attention around 15 years ago. But for the deaf villagers, Israeli sign language is an upgrade: it allows them to speak to tens of thousands of people rather than a few hundred, and enables them to work and marry outside the village. It is hard to see that as anything other than progress. Similarly, other endangered languages die out because people abandon them in favor of ones that serve their needs better.

Technology also softens the blow, as endangered languages can now be captured in detail — which also means they could eventually be brought back from the dead, much as the Hebrew language was in the 19th century. It is now the first language of 9 million people.

Linguists naturally condemn the loss of language much as conservationists (环保主义者) once mourned the loss of every single species. But they are moving towards acceptance that not all species can be saved, that invasive species are not always bad and that human-engineered ecosystems are not necessarily inferior to natural ones. Perhaps our attitudes to language extinction are due for a similar change.

1.What can we infer about ABSL?

A.Another language replaced it. B.It is an endangered language.

C.Deaf villagers prefer to use it. D.It has been studied for over 15 years.

2.What does the underlined word “upgrade” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Recovery. B.Opportunity.

C.Improvement. D.Update.

3.How does technology affect languages?

A.Technology can remove people’s regret.

B.Languages may be rescued from the extinction.

C.Technology increases the number of endangered languages.

D.Endangered languages might be abandoned because of technology.

4.What’s the main idea of the text?

A.More and more languages are dying out.

B.Technology creates some new languages.

C.People feel ashamed of language extinction.

D.Language extinction is not necessarily a bad thing.


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在语言濒临灭绝的时候,人们的本能反应是感到惋惜,毕竟每一门语言都是文化和思想的体现,是观察世界的一种独特方式,每消失一种语言就会使人类知识的总量减少一点儿。然而,在有些情况下可以用积极的态度看待语言的消亡。 1.推理判断题。由第二段中的“Take Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language (ABSL), restricted to about 1,000 users in a small Israeli village with a high level of born deafness. The language seems to be bound to die by the spread of Israeli sign language.”可知,ABSL手语只有大约 1000 人使用,并且由于Israeli手语的传播,它似乎注定会灭亡,所以判断出ABSL是濒危语言。故选B项。 2.词义猜测题。根据画线词后的内容“it allows them to speak to tens of thousands of people rather than a few hundred, and enables them to work and marry outside the village.”可知,Israeli 手语让耳聋的村民们可以与更多的人交流,并且能够让他们在村子外面找到工作,以及与外面的人联姻,即Israeli手语比ABSL手语更能满足人们的需求;再结合下一句“It is hard to see that as anything other than progress.”可知,很难把Israeli手语看作进步之外的东西,说明Israeli手语是一种提高、改善、进步。故选C项。 3.细节理解题。由第四段的第一句“Technology also softens the blow, as endangered languages can now be captured in detail — which also means they could eventually be brought back from the dead, much as the Hebrew language was in the 19th century.”可知,科技也缓和了这种打击,因为濒危语言现在可以被详细地捕捉到——这也意味着它们最终可以起死回生,就像19世纪的希伯来语一样。技术可以帮助复活濒危语言, B项切题;C项颠倒是非,该项表达与文中信息恰恰相反;A、D两项属于无中生有,文中没有提及科技可以消除人们的遗憾,也没提到因为科技的发展濒危语言就会被抛弃。故选B项。 4.主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了人们应从积极的一面去看待濒危语言的灭绝。一方面濒危语言被能更好地服务于人们的语言代替,这是一种进步;另一方面科技也可以让某些濒危语言复活。因此人们对待濒危语言灭绝的态度应该改变,因为它未必是件坏事,故D项切题;A项只是表述了一个事实,不是文章的中心;B项无中生有,文中没有提到科技能创造新语言;C项只是陈述对于濒危语言人们惯常的反应, 与文章要表达的中心正好相反。故选D项。

    For decades, television networks have produced no shortage of entertaining shows featuring food. The success of these shows is a clear indication of the strong appeal of the cookery experience to people. Whether it’s recipe instructions, review of a restaurant or coverage (专访) of a chef, people are hungry to find out more about the food they eat.

One of the latest entries among the food programs is the Emmy-nominated Award Netflix series, Chef’s Table, which features more than just ways to prepare fine food. Viewers tune in to each episode (一集) to hear a personal story from a distinguished chef. Each chef’s tale is heart-touching with their own unique life experience. Take American chef Grant Achatz for example. The journey to operating one of the highest ranked restaurants in North America took a very personal turn. In 2007, Achatz was diagnosed with mouth cancer and lost his sense of taste. Amazingly, he regained it, and has gone on to pioneer a new “progressive American” style of cooking.

Each chef has his own fascinating story, and the series highlights an important common thread among them: culture. Because food is so connected with the culture it comes from, each chef represents whatever traditions and cooking techniques they’ve come out of. They combine their culture’s traditional cooking with new tastes. In fact, many chefs work tirelessly at redefining an entire culture’s expectation for eating.

Despite having a number of unconventional elements associated with their cooking, one thing is clear: Cooking is an incredibly meaningful experience for each chef. One guest described his time at one chef’s restaurant by saying “Eating there is like looking at someone who has put his soul into the food”.

1.What does the success of the food programs show?

A.More and more chefs are in demand.

B.These programs are a new fashion trend.

C.People are hungry to find out what they eat.

D.People are interested in the cookery experience.

2.What do we know about Chef’s Table?

A.It is the latest entry among the food programs.

B.It is an award-winning TV series featuring unique chefs.

C.People watch it just to hear the heart-touching stories.

D.Grant Achatz is the most famous chef in the program.

3.What does the author intend to tell readers in Paragraph 3?

A.Culture counts a lot in cooking and eating.

B.The chefs are trying to change the eating culture.

C.A good chef should highlight traditional cooking.

D.Each chef has his own attractive story about culture.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Chef’s Story B.Food and Culture

C.A Popular Entertaining Program D.Chef’s Table: Food with a Story



    Here are four fantastic experiences for you to enjoy wonderful countryside spots, breath-taking scenery and clean, fresh air. Pack your bags and get outside!


Here’s a novel way of chasing the Northern Lights — on horseback, which is a back-to-nature experience hunting for the aurora borealis. You’ll saddle up (给马备鞍) at dusk and head deeper into the wilds near the Pallas Yllas National Park.

GO: Three-night full-board guided trip, including two nights in a cottage and one night glamping, from £965 per person. See aurora zone. com.


You can choose from guided downhill or cross-country mountain biking to road cycling and families can enjoy peaceful, slower paths and farm trails.

Extra activities include hiking, water park.

GO: Five-night B&B packages including transfers and guided biking, from £374 per person. Bike hire from around £15 a day. See wizzair. com.


Get back to basics on a campsite with none of that fancy glamping. The pitches are large so you can light your own campfire at night. Walkers are in heaven here, hiking among the limestone hills filled with traditional stone walls.

Also a great destination for fishing, sailing and windsurfing on nearby Lake Semerwater.

GO: Non-electric grass tent pitches from £20 a night. Tipi already pitched from £70 a night. See pitchup. com.


Scotland’s west coast, one of Europe’s best places to catch sight of whales, has launched a new whale trail. It features 30 top places offering opportunities to see the wildlife and showcases whale heritage sites.

GO: Accommodation along the trail is reasonable including B&B in a double room at Torran in Ullapool from £70 a night. See bandbullapool. co. uk.

1.How much might you pay for two days’ bike-hiring in Mountain-biking?

A.£15. B.£20.

C.£30. D.£374.

2.What will you do in Camping?

A.Hunt for animals. B.Enjoy challenging camping.

C.Visit traditional stone walls. D.Climb an across-country mountain.

3.Where can you find coastal B&Bs?

A.At bandbullapool. co. uk. B.At aurora zone. com.

C.At pitchup. com. D.At wizzair. com.












Last summer, I participated in the Secondary School Program in Harvard. I spent half of the day in my class and homework, and then I'd be free to do I wanted. Since my course was a 8-credit one, it was a lot faster than other summer school course. I had to learn how to keep up with it the pace of my class and study efficient. For me, taking notes were of great help. I also come to know many professors who were available for extra help whenever I needed it. The resources and opportunities combined with the environment here made me want to attending Harvard even more.




Technological changes brought dramatic new options to Americans 1.(live) in the 1990s. During this decade new forms of entertainment, commerce, research, and communication 2.(become) commonplace in the U. S. The driving force behind much of this change was an innovation popularly known as the Internet.

The Internet was developed during the 1970s by the Department of Defense. In the case of an attack, military advisers suggested 3. advantage of being able to operate one computer from another terminal. In the early days, the Internet was used mainly by scientists to communicate with other scientists.

One early problem faced by Internet users was speed. Phone 4.(line) could only transmit information at a limited rate. The development of fiber-optic(光纤) cables allowed billions of bits of information 5.(receive) every minute. Companies like Intel developed faster microprocessors, so personal computers could process the incoming signals more 6.(rapid).

In the early 1990s, the World Wide Web was developed, in large part, 7. commercial purposes. Corporations created home pages 8. they could place text and graphics to sell products. Soon airline tickets, hotel reservations and even cars could be purchased online. Universities posted research data on the Internet, so students could find 9.(value) information without leaving their dormitories. Companies soon discovered that work could be done at home and submitted online, so a whole new class of telecommuters began to earn a living from home offices unshaven and 10.(wear) pajamas(睡衣).



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