满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Dear Jack, I remember the moment— it tru...

Dear Jack,

I remember the moment— it truly hit me that your autism (自闭症) lasted forever. I had already mentally planned our trips up north with the boys. I was going to spend endless hours playing baseball with you— like Grandpa did with me.

When we said goodbye to kindergarten I knew it was real. I spent some time being sad. Now you are 8. You still have no words. We have never had one of those father-son moments I pictured when you were a baby. But I'm learning that's OK. I still have unbelievable things to offer as your dad, even if they weren't the things I originally expected.

You have taught me to be patient. You have taught me that it's OK to be different and to be sad when life doesn't go as planned. You have taught me that it is OK to talk about those feelings and fight for what is right. Stand up and say this is wrong, and encourage others to stand up for you and say the same.

My job on this earth is to create a world for you and other kids like you. Be the voice you don't have, and build the kind of community which I want to see you grow up in. I used to shy away from contacting people with disabilities or just not consider them. Before you were born, I was so caught up in my own world that I probably wouldn't have even noticed. Now, I see things differently. I notice. You did that for me. And hope my example will do that for others.

Your mom and I have spent 8 years trying to find your voice. And honestly, we don't know if we ever will. I promise you I will spend my life keeping you safe and making this world better for you.

1.To whom is the text written?

A.The author's son. B.The author's wife.

C.The author's father. D.The author's friend.

2.What can be learned about the author?

A.He's at a loss what to do to help Jack.

B.He's to blame for Jack s present condition.

C.He has changed his attitude to the disabled.

D.He hasn't accepted the reality up to now.

3.How does the author sound in the text?

A.Sympathetic. B.Caring.

C.Regretful. D.Indifferent.

4.In which section of a magazine may this text appear?

A.Science. B.Entertainment.

C.Sports. D.Relationship.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。本文是一篇父亲写给自闭症儿子的信,信中充满关爱;作者说从儿子那里学到了如何与残疾人相处、如何更好地与儿子相处,信最后,作者说虽不知道儿子是否能说话,但他会全力保护儿子。 1.细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“I still have unbelievable things to offer as your dad, even if they weren't the things I originally expected.”中的“as your dad”可知,作者是Jack的爸爸,Jack是作者的儿子,所以这封信是写给作者儿子的。故选A项。 2.推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的句子“I used to shy away from contacting people with disabilities or just not consider them.”和“Before you were born, I was so caught up in my own world that I probably wouldn't have even noticed. Now, I see things differently. I notice.”可知,作者在儿子出生之前常回避与残疾人接触,或者干脆不考虑他们,现在作者的看法不同了,他注意到了残疾人,所以作者改变了对残疾人的看法,C项切题;ABD三项无中生有,所以排除。故选C项。 3.推理判断题。由第三段的句子“You have taught me to be patient. You have taught me that it's OK to be different and to be sad when life doesn't go as planned.”和最后一段的句子“I promise you I will spend my life keeping you safe and making this world better for you.”可知,作者说儿子教会了他很多东西,作者承诺会保护儿子的安全,让这个世界为儿子变得更美好,说明作者是以一种关爱的口吻写这封信的,B项切题;A. 同情的,C. Regretful后悔的,D. 冷漠的,皆不合文意,排除三项。故选B项。 4.推理判断题。由第一段的“I remember the moment— it truly hit me that your autism (自闭症) lasted forever.”(你的孤独症一直持续到永远,真的让我深受打击),第四段的“My job on this earth is to create a world for you and other kids like you.”(我在这个世界上的工作是为你和其他像你这样的孩子创造一个世界),和最后一段的“I promise you I will spend my life keeping you safe and making this world better for you.”(我向你保证,我会用我的一生来保护你的安全,让这个世界为你变得更美好)可知,本文是父亲写给自闭症儿子的信,信中充满了关爱,所以写的是关于家庭成员间的情感故事,故会出现在杂志的Relationship(情感)专栏。故选D项。

Four Bookstores Worth Visiting Around the World

Word on the Water

London, England

This floating bookstore in the Regent's Canal is known as "The London Bookbarge". Formerly mobile, it has now found a permanent home where visitors can browse all year round, warm themselves up by a wood-burning fire in the winter and enjoy the performances of music and poetry on the rooftop stage in the summer.

+44 7976886982, https://www.atlasobscura.com

EL Ateneo Grand Splendid

Buenos Aires, Argentina

This theater-turned-cinema-turned-bookstore is an example of the connection between the performing arts and books. It preserves the traditional ceiling and special curtains of the former theater and books line the walls, including where the audience once sat in box seats.

+54 1148136052, https://www.atlasobscura.com

Kay Craddock Antiquarian Bookseller

Melbourne, Australia

This shop sells only antique and second-hand books. Visitors can search for the strange collection of owl figurines (猫头鹰雕像) scattered throughout or they can check out the shelves to find classicssuch as a collection by Jane Austen printed in 1833 selling for 15, 000.

+61 (0)396548506, https://www.kaycraddock.com

Zhongshuge Bookstore

Hangzhou, China

Each location of this Chinese bookstore chain is architecturally unique, but the location in Hangzhou stands out. Stairs and seats built into round bookshelves combined with mirrored ceilings give the optical illusion (视觉幻象) of countless books. Other optical illusions include a tunnel of books and what appears to be a long roller coaster of books in the children's book room.

+86 057188003279, https://weibo.com/67661899

1.To appreciate poetry shows, you'll dial___________.

A.+54 1148136052 B.+44 7976886982

C.+61 (0)396548506 D.+86 057188003279

2.Which of the following once had different functions?

A.Word on the Water. B.Zhongshuge Bookstore.

C.EL Ateneo Grand Splendid. D.Kay Craddock Antiquarian Bookseller.

3.What is the Chinese bookstore mentioned above famous for?

A.Its special designs. B.Its floating locations.

C.Its performing arts. D.Its second-hand classics.





1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jack,



Li Hua



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Working on the farm was quite a experience! Our teacher told us that how a city farm in our neighbourhood was looking for young people to helping with the animals. City farms were a great way for people to get amazed experiences of country life. We can learn more about animals and plant and even take part working on the farm. So I spoke to the manager, but a few days later I was looking after the horses on the farm. I was proud of myself when he helped a young boy to ride a horse for the first time. It real meant a lot to him and to me!




Acupuncture (针灸)is a traditional Chinese medical practice of treating 1.( variety) physical and mental conditions. It gained respect and interest in the United States after New York Times journalist James Reston 2.( visit) China with President Nixon and needed an operation. Chinese doctors used acupuncture on Reston after surgery 3.( reduce) his pain, and his recovery was swift. Curious about this, Reston was allowed to watch surgery on patients 4.received acupuncture for anesthesia (麻醉). Patients talked with their doctors during the operation and then walked back to their rooms 5.their own.

The effectiveness of acupuncture left Reston such a deep 6.(impress) that he wrote a front-page article in the New York Times about his operation upon returning to the United States. “A leading medical specialist 7.( send) by Premier Chou En-lai removed my appendix (阑尾).I was conscious in 8. whole process. ”

The National Institutes of Health ( NIH) began to sponsor some of their top 9.( physician) to visit China to investigate acupuncture and its possible functions in western medicine. With years going by, acupuncture has earned 10. (it) a great reputation across the world with magical effect.



Biking through my PhD

Overcoming my initial struggles in the Netherlands to start my PhD has been like riding a bike.

I ____in a hilly, seaside city in China without cycle paths, and biking was ____for me. Now, my Dutch neighbour was telling me I had to __

It took me around a month to feel __ cycling. After half a year, I was starting to enjoy it. For me, a helpful __ for dealing with Dutch traffic was to make a lot of noise as I ____: loud laughs, “look out”, “watch it” , and so on. These ____other cyclists into keeping away from me, and prevented the __ that had seemed unavoidable when I started.

This pattern, of a time of struggle ____by fun, was repeated with other ___ of my life in Utrecht. There were more “bikes” that I____ to learn how to ride. One of them was ____management. In Utrecht, I don't see people working ____time. As for working at the weekend, _____it. I initially assumed that nobody was working very hard, because of their shorter ___.

But after a few months, I ____that the other PhD students were all ___ focused on their work during that eight-hour working ____, whereas I was taking endless “ breaks” when I could have been focusing on my studies.

Cycling has become a __ of my growth, freedom and__ adjustment to PhD life in the Netherlands. And I have formed a good habit of working while I work and playing while I play.

1.A.went through B.worked out C.grew up D.got around

2.A.necessary B.dangerous C.convenient D.normal

3.A.travel B.decide C.advance D.learn

4.A.nervous B.anxious C.sensitive D.comfortable

5.A.trick B.plan C.tendency D.instruction

6.A.shouted B.jogged C.rode D.warned

7.A.cheated B.persuaded C.guided D.frightened

8.A.races B.ruins C.crashes D.competitions

9.A.followed B.presented C.supported D.appreciated

10.A.backgrounds B.occupations C.studies D.aspects

11.A.hesitated B.needed C.remembered D.failed

12.A.time B.finance C.business D.personnel

13.A.special B.regular C.extra D.valid

14.A.cancel B.forget C.select D.avoid

15.A.hours B.vacations C.weekdays D.distances

16.A.regretted B.supposed C.argued D.realized

17.A.completely B.considerately C.hurriedly D.repeatedly

18.A.practice B.section C.period D.evaluation

19.A.weakness B.symbol C.symptom D.remark

20.A.ambitious B.successful C.objective D.adventurous



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