满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Why does the woman t...


1.Why does the woman think the other driver is angry?

A.He shook his fist at them. B.He shouted at them. C.He broke their window.

2.What does the woman tell Jerry to do?

A.Continue telling his story. B.Go a little faster. C.Focus on driving.


1.B 2.C 【解析】 【原文】 W:Be careful,Jerry.I think you’re making that guy behind you angry. M:What? I’m just telling a funny story. W:Yeah,but did you see the other cars on the road? The driver behind you thinks you’re shaking your fist at him.He already rolled down his window and shouted something. M:Wow.I didn’t know.I’ll be more careful. W:You should.I’ve read stories about violence happening on the road.It often happens on highways when people are stressed out or in a hurry. M:I’m going to just drive normally now and finish my story later. W:Good idea.You should really pay attention to your driving when you’re on the road.

What does the woman mean?

A.Their kids will be a great help.

B.They will work harder than now.

C.She hardly has time to clean the house.



What are the two speakers going to do first?

A.Go shopping. B.Buy a new fridge. C.Pick up their kid.



Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At an airport. B.In a post office. C.In a shopping center.



How much will the man pay?

A.$57. B.$35. C.$60.



What is the man complaining about?

A.The heavy traffic. B.The woman's lateness. C.The time goes slowly.



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