满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Why is the man talki...


1.Why is the man talking to the woman?

A.To ask for some advice. B.To apologize for his mistake. C.To say thanks to her.

2.Why were the man’s parents angry with him last week?

A.He rang them up at midnight.

B.He didn’t get home until midnight.

C.He got into a fight with his classmates.


1.A 2.B 【解析】 【原文】 W:Hello, Will. M:Hi Sally. Can I ask your advice about something? W:Sure. What is it? M:My parents won’t let me stay out after nine o’clock in the evening. W:Why won’t they let you stay out? M:Well, one day last week I got home very late because I missed the last bus. It was midnight, and they were very angry because I didn’t ring them or answer the mobile. W:Did you apologize? M:They didn’t give me a chance. We just got into a big argument. W:If I were you, I’d say sorry for being late last week, and tell them I’ll make sure I’m always back before 9:00.


1.What relation is the woman to the man?

A.His teacher. B.His classmate. C.His workmate.

2.Where is Queensland?

A.In Canada. B.In America. C.In Australia.



What are the speakers talking about?

A.Where to put the fridge. B.When to buy a cupboard. C.Whether to move the fridge.



Where will the speakers take Jerry for lunch?

A.To a restaurant. B.To a cafe. C.To a bar.



What did the man think of the festival?

A.Most of it was great.

B.Everything about it was excellent.

C.The dance music was better than last year.



When will the boy go to bed?

A.At 9:40. B.At 9:50. C.At 10:10.



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