满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Why is the woman tal...


1.Why is the woman talking to the man?

A.She wants to choose a good sport.

B.She can’t find the way to a gym.

C.She wants to join a gym.

2.What does the man like best?

A.Weight-lifting. B.Swimming. C.Dancing.

3.How does the man pay?

A.In cash. B.By credit card. C.By cheque.

4.What does the man suggest the woman do in the end?

A.Meet him tomorrow. B.Bring her sports shoes. C.Go dancing three times a week.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 【解析】 【原文】 W:Hey, Diego. I’m looking for a gym. I heard you joined a gym. How is it? M:It’s really good. It has everything I really need. W:So what does it have? M:Well, it has a weight room and you can do weight-lifting there. It also has a pool and I like swimming best. W:Do they have any classes? M:Well, they have dancing classes, and I’ve taken dancing three or four times. W:And how much does it all cost? M:Well, I’m paying the monthly fee so it’s like forty dollars a month but I think you can get a discount if you pay with your credit card. W:Do they take cheques? M:I’m afraid not. But you can pay cash every month. That’s what I’m doing. W:Alright. When are you going next? M:I’m going actually, at 5 p.m. today. W:I’ll come with you. M:OK. Make sure you bring your sports shoes.


1.What time does the flight leave?

A.At 2:00 p.m. B.At 12:00 noon. C.At 10:00 a.m.

2.What is the woman going to do today?

A.Write a report. B.Visit a customer. C.Talk with Mr. Smith.

3.Where will the speakers meet?

A.At an exhibition center. B.At the home office. C.At a coffee shop.




1.Why is the man talking to the woman?

A.To ask for some advice. B.To apologize for his mistake. C.To say thanks to her.

2.Why were the man’s parents angry with him last week?

A.He rang them up at midnight.

B.He didn’t get home until midnight.

C.He got into a fight with his classmates.




1.What relation is the woman to the man?

A.His teacher. B.His classmate. C.His workmate.

2.Where is Queensland?

A.In Canada. B.In America. C.In Australia.



What are the speakers talking about?

A.Where to put the fridge. B.When to buy a cupboard. C.Whether to move the fridge.



Where will the speakers take Jerry for lunch?

A.To a restaurant. B.To a cafe. C.To a bar.



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