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听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.What is the show about...


1.What is the show about?

A.Experiments done by audience.

B.Young enthusiastic experimenters.

C.Explanations for some mysteries.

2.What subject is the speaker most looking forward to?

A.How to live a good life.

B.How to meet the perfect partner.

C.How to eat chocolate without gaining weight.

3.What does the speaker think of the show?

A.It's boring. B. It's time-wasting. C. It's beneficial.

4.When will the show start this week?

A.At 9:30. B.At 9:00. C.At 8:30.


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】 【原文】 W: I’ve just discovered a fantastic new show called How Do They Do That?. The idea is simple. Take a topic — like travel, for example and then think of lots of little mysteries that could be explained. How do planes take off and land? That sort of thing. Then get two young, enthusiastic hosts in a lab to do lots of exciting experiments. Add some pictures to explain the process to the audience and that’s the show. Get the idea? Each edition looks at a different subject. As well as travel, topics that have already been covered include education, the body, things around the house and magic — my favorite so far. Still to come are personal finances, the natural world, sports, and life and how to live it. The one I’m personally looking forward to the most is how to meet the perfect partner. But some of my friends would like to know how to eat chocolate without putting on weight. What I like most about the show is that it’s fun and you learn something at the same time, so you don’t feel so guilty about spending 60 minutes in front of the TV each week. So if you aren’t already watching How Do They Do That?, I strongly recommend that you make the time. You’ll never think it boring. It’s on every Tuesday at 9 p.m. but this week’s edition won’t be shown until half an hour later because of the live international soccer game. Get watching and start learning!


1.Where does the man most probably work?

A.At an airport. B.At a hotel. C.At a travel agency.

2.Which airport is the best choice for the woman?

A.Reagan National. B.Dulles. C.Baltimore-Washington Airport.

3.Why is the woman going to Washington DC?

A.To stay in a friend's house.

B.To meet the man.

C.To visit the White House.




1.What is always nice according to the man?

A.He lives by the sea.

B.Animals can get more food.

C.Green can be seen all year round.

2.What does the man have near his house?

A.Trees. B.Vegetables. C.Grass.

3.What are the speakers discussing?

A.The man's house.

B.The effects of global warming.

C.The vegetables on the man's farm.




1.What is the woman?

A.A hostess. B.A producer. C.An environmentalist.

2.Why is the interview held?

A.To present a study.

B.To fill the thirty-minute opening.

C.To raise public awareness of environmental protection.

3.When does the conversation take place?

A.Before the interview.

B.During the interview.

C.After the interview.




1.What will the speakers have to do?

A.Send figures to Mr. Jones. B.Draw up the budget for next year.

C.Organize an advertising campaign on Thursday.

2.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.Wait for her in his office. B.Go to Mr. Jones’  workplace.

C.Make a phone call to Mr. Jones.



What are the speakers talking about?

A.An adventure. B.A book. C.A vacation plan.



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