满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

About six years ago I started having pan...

    About six years ago I started having panic attacks (恐慌症). I began my journey to____ them with traditional tools, all of which were a great help. ______, a year later treatment was no longer needed.

Frustratingly, about a year after that, I started to develop_____and began to have panic at once again. I tried what I knew best and went back to my previous____, but I was still ___and far from feeling well again ___ I got some new advice.

I loved to sing when I was young. My childhood had been____with creativity, yet for most of my adult life it was ____ . A therapist told me that mental health issues are common among the____regain it, I decided to get back into ____. Then I joined a group called Sound, a pop choir. Much better. I found the____to audition (试音). I was amazed that I managed to ___ such a risky situation and not have a panic attack. The audition itself was a___for me, never mind how I did.

I have now been a ___of the choir for three years. I love the community and the performances. It ___me of who I was at school. My path back then was always “do what you love”. My entire____was filled with fond memories because of that, and I was starting to build that back into my ____life.

Now, I am feeling a lot better. When I am ______, distraction (分散注意力) is key and singing does ___. It sends me into a state in which my body works with pure passion and joy. More importantly, I will have exercised my creativity and ___my anxiety.

1.A.ignore B.solve C.interpret D.stress

2.A.Casually B.Ridiculously C.Controversially D.Thankfully

3.A.passion B.depression C.adaptation D.relation

4.A.tutors B.conditions C.values D.tools

5.A.doubting B.hesitating C.struggling D.improving

6.A.though B.until C.since D.after

7.A.charged B.burdened C.mixed D.filled

8.A.neglected B.maintained C.sharpened D.exploited

9.A.open B.absent C.creative D.narrow

10.A.painting B.acting C.reading D.singing

11.A.turn B.pressure C.courage D.privilege

12.A.set off B.get through C.shrink from D.figure out

13.A.win B.failure C.pain D.barrier

14.A.sponsor B.director C.trainer D.member

15.A.suspects B.reminds C.cures D.warns

16.A.education B.competition C.career D.existence

17.A.holiday B.school C.adult D.adolescent

18.A.absorbed B.thrilled C.ambitious D.anxious

19.A.last B.help C.exist D.fade

20.A.relieved B.shared C.felt D.cause


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了作者深受恐慌症和抑郁症的困扰,在医生的建议下,决定重新开始以前喜欢的唱歌事业,加入了唱诗班,最后焦虑情况得到了缓解。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始了用传统工具解决这些问题的旅程,这些工具对我帮助很大。A. ignore忽视;B. solve解决;C. interpret口译;D. stress压力。上文提到作者患有恐慌症,因此此处是指用传统的工具来解决(solve)这些问题。故选B。 2.考查副词词义辨析。句意:谢天谢地,一年后就不再需要治疗了。A. Casually随便地;B. Ridiculously可笑地;C. Controversially颇有争议地;D. Thankfully感谢地。根据后文a year later treatment was no longer needed.可知,谢天谢地,一年后作者就不再需要治疗了。故选D。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:令人沮丧的是,大约一年后,我开始患上抑郁症,并再次开始恐慌。A. passion激情;B. depression抑郁症,沮丧;C. adaptation适应;D. relation关系。根据后文and began to have panic at once again可知,作者再度患病,与后文恐慌症相对应的B选项“depression”最符合语境,故选B。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我试了我所知道的最好的方法,回到我以前的工具,但是我仍然在挣扎,直到我得到一些新的建议,我才感觉好起来。A. tutors导师;B. conditions条件;C. values价值;D. tools工具。此处对应到第一段中them with traditional tools,此处指用以前传统的工具来治病。故选D。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我试了我所知道的最好的方法,回到我以前的工具,但是我仍然在挣扎,直到我得到一些新的建议,我才感觉好起来。A. doubting怀疑;B. hesitating犹豫;C. struggling挣扎;D. improving改善。根据后文and far from feeling well可知,作者苦苦挣扎,感觉很不舒服。非常故选C。 6.考查连接词辨析。句意:我试了我所知道的最好的方法,回到我以前的工具,但是我仍然在挣扎,直到我得到一些新的建议,我才感觉好起来。A. though虽然;B. until直到;C. since自从;D. after在……之后。此处为时间状语从句,表示“直到……才”应用until。故选B。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的童年充满了创造力,但在我成年后的大部分时间里,它却被忽视了。A. charged填充;B. burdened把重担加于;C. mixed混合;D. filled装满。结合后文with creativity可知,作者的童年充满了创造力。短语be filled with“充满”。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的童年充满了创造力,但在我成年后的大部分时间里,它却被忽视了。A. neglected忽视;B. maintained维护;C. sharpened削尖;D. exploited利用,开发。yet表示转折,说明作者成年后就忽视(neglected)了自身的创造力。故选A。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一位心理医生告诉我,心理健康问题在有创造力的人中很常见,我决定重新开始唱歌。A. open公开的;B. absent缺席的;C. creative创造性的;D. narrow狭窄的。此处承接上文with creativity,此处说明作者是个有创造力的人。故选C。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一位心理医生告诉我,心理健康问题在有创造力的人中很常见,我决定重新开始唱歌。A. painting绘画;B. acting行动;C. reading阅读;D. singing唱歌。根据本段第一句I loved to sing when I was young.可知,作者决定重新开始唱歌。故选D。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我找到了试音的勇气。A. turn转弯;B. pressure压力;C. courage勇气;D. privilege特权。结合上文Then I joined a group called Sound, a pop choir. Much better.可知,作者感觉好多了,找到了试音的勇气。故选C。 12.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我很惊讶自己居然能安然度过这么危险的情况,而没有惊慌失措。A. set off出发;B. get through度过,熬过;C. shrink from退避;D. figure out解决。根据后文such a risky situation and not have a panic attack.可知,作者度过(get through)了试音这种容易引发恐慌的情况。故选B。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:试镜本身就是我的胜利,不管我表现如何。A. win胜利;B. failure失败;C. pain痛苦;D. barrier障碍。承接上文作者试音没有发生恐慌可知,这对作者来说是一次胜利。故选A。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我现在已经是唱诗班的成员三年了。A. sponsor赞助者;B. director主任;C. trainer教练;D. member成员。根据上文Then I joined a group called Sound, a pop choir.可知,作者是唱诗班的成员。故选D。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这让我想起了我在学校的时候。A. suspects怀疑;B. reminds提醒;C. cures治愈;D. warns警告。根据后文me of who I was at school.可知,唱诗班表演让作者想起了自己在学校的时候。短语remind sb. of sth.“使某人想起某事”。故选B。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,我所有的教育都充满了美好的回忆,我正开始把这些美好的回忆重新融入我的成年生活。A. education教育;B. competition比赛;C. career事业;D. existence存在。结合上文I was at school可知,作者想起了自己在学校的时候,因此可推知,此处指的是作者接受的教育都充满了美好的回忆。故选A。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,我所有的教育都充满了美好的回忆,我正开始把这些美好的回忆重新融入我的成年生活。A. holiday假日;B. school学校;C. adult成年人;D. adolescent青少年。作者现在已经成年,正开始把这些美好的回忆重新融入自己的成年生活。故选C。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我焦虑时,分散注意力是关键,唱歌确实有帮助。A. absorbed全神贯注的;B. thrilled兴奋的;C. ambitious野心勃勃的;D. anxious焦虑的。根据后文my anxiety可知,此处指当作者焦虑时,唱歌可以缓解。故选D。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我焦虑时,分散注意力是关键,唱歌确实有帮助。A. last持续;B. help帮助;C. exist存在;D. fade褪色。根据上文Now, I am feeling a lot better.可知,唱歌可以缓解作者的焦虑。故选B。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:更重要的是,我将锻炼我的创造力和缓解我的焦虑。A. relieved减轻;B. shared分享;C. felt感觉;D. cause引起。根据上文Now, I am feeling a lot better.可知,唱歌锻炼了作者的创造力,并且缓解了作者的焦虑,让作者感觉更好了。故选A。

— Thank you so much for your kind help, Lucy.


A.That’s right B.All right C.With pleasure D.My pleasure



Regular exercise along with proper diets____our health in the long term.

A.benefits B.has benefited C.benefit D.have benefited



If you____here half an hour ago, you would have known what we were talking about.

A.arrived B.had arrived C.should arrive D.would arrive



It’s really exciting to imagine my future when I____ a new life at university.

A.would experience B.have experienced

C.will be experiencing D.experienced



I will try my best to get lo the station ahead of time  ____ I have to walk all the way there.

A.so that B.as though C.even if D.in case



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