满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)统计,全球8...

据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)统计,全球81%的青少年缺乏锻炼。假如你是李华,请根据以下要点用英语准备一篇发言稿,在一次国际中学生交流活动中发言。







Dear fellow students,

According to the World Health Organization, 81% teenagers are lack of exercising.


That's all. Thank you!


Dear fellow students, According to the World Health Organization, 81% teenagers are lack of exercising. And it will lead to our health problem. In my opinion, we should exercise every day. As we all know, most of us think exercising is a waste of time for we are having much homework in high school. We prefer phones than sports. However, sports can strengthen our body and make us energetic, which is beneficial to our study. So, I want all of you to make a plan for daily exercise after hearing my speech. You can choose a sport you like and make a reasonable time for doing it. Make sure you can insist otherwise you cannot gain the effect. Anyhow, I hope all of you can change your mind and spend some time exercising. That’s all. Thank you! 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一篇发言稿。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一篇发言稿:据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)统计,全球81%的青少年缺乏锻炼。假如你是李华,请根据以下要点用英语准备一篇发言稿,在一次国际中学生交流活动中发言。1.缺乏运动的原因;2.运动的好处;3.如何制定运动计划。第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:the World Health Organization(世界卫生组织);lack of exercising(缺乏锻炼);As we all know(众所周知);beneficial to our study(对我们的学习有好处);等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。



删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。


注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Dear Sir/Madam,

I heartedly want to be a volunteer of yours. Here is something about you. I am a student who will graduate senior high school. I always regard my class as our family or sacrifice my personally interests whenever necessary. Besides take an active part in class activities, I work responsibly to build up a good reputation for the team, I respected all the people around me and I'm always willing to give a hand to those in need. I'm strict in myself, making every effort to achieve an all-round development. In time of difficult, I always keep strong minded.

In addition, I am good at English both in speaking and in writing. I was in an American host family for 20 days in the summer camp and know how to get along well with foreigners. Looking forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua



阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy (书法) contains more than 200 art pieces including Arabic, Chinese,1.(Europe), Indian, Japanese and Slavic calligraphic works.

“One of the most interesting2.(item) in the museum is a book of calligraphic work on the 36 military tactics (战术) applied during wars in ancient China," Alexey Shaburov, founder and keeper of the museum,3.(tell) a group of reporters from China on November 24.

The giant book is exhibited in a large glass case. Shaburov took it out to show some of4.(it) content. Each tactic,5.is usually expressed in four Chinese characters, is  written on one page and accompanied by a Russian translation on another page. The tactics represent the6.(wise) of Chinese people. They are not only useful on the battlefield7.also for business and personal life.

He said he became crazy about calligraphy, so he decided8.(establish) a calligraphic museum in Moscow. The museum has played9.important role in promoting calligraphy in Russia.“Calligraphy wasn't seen as an art form in Russia. But this year, some of the artworks from our museum were made a part of the non-public section of the Russian museum collection,” Shaburov said,10.(add) that this means that calligraphic works' are acknowledged as cultural heritage and will be protected in Russia.



    Ice and snow knocked at the window of the office where I was working. As the wind howled (呼啸) ,I______. how I would get home. The 12-mile______took me up and down______hills and around dangerous turns. I whispered a prayer for______.

Luckily, my______green car was doing______over the ice-covered roadway, However, as I drove onto one of the steepest and scariest hills, I noticed the tires were______, and my trusty SUV was having difficulty climbing the hill.

I decided it was time to______to four-wheel drive. I pulled the lever (操纵杆) back, just like my husband had______me. Slowly the tires grasped the road, and the top of the hill came within  ____.

Unfortunately, at the top, the______just stopped. I pushed and pulled the lever- nothing happened. I was______, with snow and ice flying.

Now what? Even though I had______no one on this lonely stretch of road, I______prayed that someone might come to help. After a few minutes, I______an old, rattling (咯咯作响) pickup truck. A smiling young man I'd never seen before in our small rural community rolled down his,   ____and asked if I needed help. I answered him that I did. He stepped into my car under the_____  condition and showed me how to______the four-wheel-drive shifting gear, locking it into place.

In no time, I had the old car______toward home. When I thanked the______and asked if he lived around the area, he just said, “Oh, over there.” Do I believe in miracles? Of course!

1.A.mentioned B.wondered C.discovered D.explained

2.A.roadway B.highway C.sidewalk D.railway

3.A.beautiful B.real C.interesting D.steep

4.A.wealth B.health C.safety D.satisfaction

5.A.new B.old C.lovely D.expensive

6.A.much B.badly C.again D.well

7.A.slipping B.disappearing C.growing D.changing

8.A.belong B.compare C.switch D.reply'

9.A.wished B.threatened C.awarded D.taught

10.A.heart B.mind C.sight D.hearing

11.A.vehicle B.snow C.wind D.road

12.A.stuck B.moved C.protected D.inspired

13.A.brought B.called C.met D.hurt

14.A.excitedly B.silently C.confidently D.proudly

15.A.created B.called C.repaired D.spotted

16.A.door B.lever C.window D.wheel

17.A.distant B.different C.gentle D.wintery

18.A.control B.destroy C.remove D.introduce

19.A.pointing B.moving C.marching D.dropping

20.A.relative B.friend C.enemy D.stranger



    Among the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP), the World Health Organization (WHO) has offered basic protective measures to the public against the virus.

1. Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty.1.

2.2.If you sneeze or cough into your hands, you may contaminate (污染;传染) objects or people that you touch. Throw tissue immediately into a closed bin and clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

3. Keep at least one- meter distance between yourself and other people, particularly those who are coughing, sneezing and have a fever, because coughs or sneezes of people who are infected with a respiratory (呼吸系统) disease project (喷射) small drops containing the virus.3.

4. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth because hands touch many surfaces, which can be contaminated with: the virus. If you touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your contaminated hands, you can transfer the virus from the surface to yourself.

5. Tell your health care provider if you have traveled in an area where the epidemic (流行病). has been reported, or if you have been in close contact with someone who has respiratory symptoms.

6. Practice general hygiene(卫生) measures when visiting live animal markets, wet markets or animal product markets.4.. Avoid contact with potentially contaminated animal waste or fluids on the soil Or structures of shops and market facilities.

7.5.. Handle raw meat, milk, or animal organs carefully to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked food.

A.Avoid eating animal products

B.If you are too close, you can breathe in the virus

C.This helps knowing the virus if it's on your hands

D.Avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products

E.This helps removing the virus if it's on your hands

F.Strictly avoid any contact with other animals in the market

G.Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when coughing and sneezing



    In a study of young people in the UK aged 12-20, half of them said they had been bullied (欺凌) . People who are bullied are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. They might lose interest in the activities they enjoy, avoid spending time with other people and not go to classes or school, which has a negative effect on their learning.

Bullying is not just physical, like hitting or kicking someone, or taking their things without permission. Bullying can also be With words- -saying or writing things that are not nice. Another type of bullying is social- choosing not to include someone, embarrassing someone or telling other people not to be friends with them. Bullying can happen at school, on public transport, when you're walking home, online .... In fact, it can happen anywhere.

Bullying usually involves more people than you think. There are the people who bully and those who are bullied. Sometimes other people help the bully or join in. Then there are the kids that support- -they don't bully anyone directly, but they support the bullying by being audience. They laugh or encourage the children who are bullying in other ways. This is why it's important for everyone to work together against bullying. Some children see what is happening and want to help, although they don't know how. Others may comfort and defend the person being bullied. To stop bullying we need everyone to be brave and take a stand.

Does your school do anything to prevent bullying? Why don't you create a student anti-bullying group? This group can do many things. Let the head teacher know how well the school is doing with fighting bullying and give them advice. Choose an anti-bullying slogan for your school, make posters and displays or take over the school's social media for a week to send out anti-bullying messages.

Bullying is a social problem and it needs a solution from society- in other words, everyone. Next time you see someone being cruel to someone else, take a stand! Don't laugh or ignore what's happening- -tell an adult as soon as possible and help everyone to realize that bullying is not OK.

1.What happens to the students when they were school bullied?

A.They have interest in the activities. B.They are likely to talk with people.

C.They have to finish their learning. D.They become upset and anxious.

2.What is the writer's attitude to being audience to bullying?

A.Supportive. B.Indifferent.

C.Critical. D.Optimistic.

3.What can we do to stop school bullying?

A.Watch and laugh at it. B.Realize and fight against it.

C.Comfort the victims. D.Stand by to be audience.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.School bullying and ways out. B.An introduction to school bullying.

C.An anti-bullying slogan. D.A student anti-bullying group.



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