满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

High school students have a lot more pow...

    High school students have a lot more power than they may realize.

Belscher _________ a dollar on the floor when having his English class. When the school day _________, Belscher walked back to the classroom. He could easily have _________ it, for the wrinkled (皱巴巴的) bill was still there. _________, he brought the old bill to his English teacher, —Mattison.

Mattison was a little _________ he’d turned; in the dollar, knowing a lot of people would have just kept it. She _________ that Belscher tape(d)it to the whiteboard, where she always puts _________ things.

A day or two later, the school shut down for Easter _________. Neither the teacher nor her student thought twice about the dollar. After school, a boy named Tom spotted the dollar on the whiteboard. “There was a _________ to it.” Tom says. He asked Mattison why it was there. She replied, “I don’t know.” Then Tom __________ a second dollar.

The __________ of the two dollar bills side by side triggered (触发) something in Mattison’s students. They started asking about the __________ of the money, to which Mattison always gave the __________ answer: She didn’t know.

However, the students, among themselves, decided and understood Mattison had some good __________ final plan and goal. So, they wanted to be part of whatever this was. They __________ their savings and the amount continue to grow. As for the __________ dollar, the person who lost it never came looking.

That left Mattison to make the best decision. She thought of her brother-in-law, Jack Hains, who had died of ALS, a __________ and deadly disease. His sister died of the same __________. Mattison asked the teens whether they __________ if they donated (捐赠) the money. Their answer was that they definitely didn’t. Then, they __________ peeled (剥开) the cash off the board and made the donation to the ALS Institute established to find a cure for the disease.

1.A.hid B.lost C.noticed D.dropped

2.A.started B.ended C.arrived D.passed

3.A.discovered B.ignored C.pocketed D.accepted

4.A.Therefore B.Besides C.Instead D.Meanwhile

5.A.excited B.surprised C.frightened D.interested

6.A.realized B.commanded C.recognized D.suggested

7.A.lost B.required C.selected D.damaged

8.A.break B.dinner C.meeting D.activity

9.A.signal B.response C.key D.mystery

10.A.earned B.taped C.missed D.recovered

11.A.sight B.discussion C.idea D.story

12.A.owner B.total C.power D.purpose

13.A.same B.brief C.secure D.different

14.A.unknown B.unchanged C.unspoken D.unexplored

15.A.added to B.broke up C.watched over D.dug into

16.A.former B.important C.valuable D.old

17.A.born B.rare C.common D.mild

18.A.operation B.treatment C.accident D.condition

19.A.wondered B.minded C.agreed D.regretted

20.A.sadly B.calmly C.carefully D.skillfully


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.B 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是学生Belscher在教室里捡到一美元钱,他没有放到自己的口袋里而是交给老师,老师把它贴到白板上让人认领,以及由此引起的一系列事情。这个故事告诉我们高中生拥有的权力比他们意识到的要多得多。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Belscher在上英语课时注意到地上有一美元。A. hid躲藏;B. lost丢失;C. noticed注意;D. dropped下降,减少。根据第1空后的a dollar on the floor when having his English class可知,此处应该指“注意到”。故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:放学后,Belscher走回教室。A. started开始;B. ended结束;C. arrived到达;D. passed经过。根据第2空后的Belscher walked back to the classroom.可知,此处指“放学后”回到教室捡钱。故选B。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他可以很容易地把它装进口袋,因为那张皱巴巴的钞票还在那里。A. discovered发现;B. ignored忽视;C. pocketed把……放进衣袋;D. accepted接受。根据第4空后的he brought the old bill to his English teacher, —Mattison.可知,他能把钱“放进口袋”。故选C。 4.考查词词义辨析。句意:相反,他把旧的账单带给了他的英语老师——马蒂森。A. Therefore因此;B. Besides另外,此外;C. Instead相反,反而;D. Meanwhile与此同时。根据第4空后的he brought the old bill to his English teacher, — Mattison.他本来能把钱放进自己的口袋,而是交给了老师。前后是一种转折关系。故选C。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:马蒂森对自己的转变感到有点惊讶。A. excited感到兴奋的;B. surprised感到惊讶的;C. frightened感到害怕的;D. interested感兴趣的。根据第4空后的he brought the old bill to his English teacher, — Mattison.和第5空后的in the dollar, knowing a lot of people would have just kept it.可知,把钱交给老师,让老师“感到惊讶”。故选B。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她建议贝尔舍把它贴在白板上,她总是把丢失的东西放在白板上。A. realized意识到;B. commanded命令;C. recognized认出,辨认出;D. suggested建议。根据第6空后的Belscher tape(d)it to the whiteboard可知,“建议”贴在白板上。故选D。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她建议贝尔舍把它贴在白板上,她总是把丢失的东西放在白板上。A. lost丢失;B. required要求,需要;C. selected选择;D. damaged损害。根据第7空前的where she always puts可知,“丢失”的东西总是贴在白板上。故选A。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一两天后,学校因复活节放假而停课。A. break简短,休息;B. dinner晚餐;C. meeting会议;D. activity活动。根据第8空前的the school shut down 可知,此处指“停课”。故选A。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个谜。A. signal信号;B. response回应;C. key关键,重点;D. mystery秘密,神秘。根据第9空后的He asked Mattison why it was there. She replied, “I don’t know.”可知,一美元在地板上是一个“谜”。故选D。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后汤姆又粘了一块钱。A. earned挣得;B. taped录音,用袋子困扎;C. missed错过,想念;D. recovered恢复。根据第10空后的a second dollar可知,在白板上又“粘”了一美元。故选B。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:看到两美元的钞票,在Mattison的学生身上引发了一些东西。A. sight看见;B. discussion讨论;C. idea主意,想法;D. story故事。根据第11空后的the two dollar bills side by side triggered (触发) something in Mattison’s students可知,“看到”粘的两美元所想到的。故选A。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们开始问钱的目的,Mattison总是给出同样的答案:她不知道。A. owner拥有者;B. total总数;C. power力量;D. purpose目的。根据第12空前后的They started asking about和of the money可知,问钱的“目的”。故选D。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们开始问钱的目的,Mattison总是给出同样的答案:她不知道。A. same相同的;B. brief简短的;C. secure安全的;D. different不相同的。根据第13空后的answer: She didn’t know.可知,答案是“相同的”。故选A。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,学生们互相决定并理解Mattison有一些良好的无言的最终计划和目标。A. unknown未知的;B. unchanged为改变的;C. unspoken无言的;D. unexplored未开发的。根据语境可知,此处指Mattison“无言的”计划和目标。故选C。 15.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们拿出了他们的积蓄,数量也在继续增长。A. added to增加;B. broke up分手,结束;C. watched over观看;D. dug into挖进去,钻研。此处指“拿出”他们的积蓄。故选D。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:至于以前的一美元,失去的人从来没有来过。A. former从前的;B. important 重要的;C. valuable有价值的;D. old旧的。根据第16空后的the person who lost it never came looking.可知,此处指“以前”的美元。故选A。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她想到了她的妹夫杰克·海林,他死于ALS,这是一种罕见而致命的疾病。A. born出生的;B. rare稀有的;C. common共同的;D. mild温和的。根据第17空后的deadly disease可知,这种疾病是“罕见的”。故选B。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的妹妹死于同样的情况。A. operation手术;B. treatment治疗;C. accident事故;D. condition情况,条件。根据第18空前的His sister died of the same可知,此处指妹妹的“情况”是一样的,也是死于这种疾病。故选D。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Mattison问青少年他们是否愿意捐赠这笔钱。A. wondered想知道;B. minded介意;C. agreed同意;D. regretted后悔。根据第19空后的if they donated (捐赠) the money.可知,如果他们捐钱,是否“介意”。故选B。 20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后,他们仔细地把现金从白板上取下来,并向ALS研究所捐赠,以找到治疗这种疾病的方法。A. sadly伤心地;B. calmly冷静地;C. carefully细心地;D. skillfully巧妙地。根据第20空后的peeled (剥开) the cash off the board可知,此处指“细心地”把钱从白板上取下来。故选C。

    Holiday season is drawing near. Choosing presents for your friends or loved ones is a hard nut to crack. 1.

Don’t try to price-match.

The first thing you should do when planning your gift list is to create a budget (预算) of how much you’re willing to spend — and stick to it, even if you receive a more expensive gift from someone else. “A void matching spending, because that’s when gift-giving is driven more by pressure than by thoughtfulness,” says Sharon Schweitzer, an international etiquette (礼节) expert and founder of Protocol Etiquette Worldwide. After all, loved ones dropping a lot of money on expensive gifts could probably afford expensive items on their own and aren’t looking for you to return the favor. 2.

Don’t give just because you did in the past.

When you’re figuring out whom to give to keep in mind your list might not have all the same people as last year’s. “You have to review it every year because you have relationships with different people, so you have to look at how those relationships have grown and developed,” says Schweitzer. 3. Even if you’ve exchanged gifts in the past, don’t feel you should give presents to friends who you haven’t kept in touch with much this year. Send a holiday card instead to show you’re thinking of them.

Be honest if you don’t have a gift.

If someone surprises you with a present you weren’t expecting, be honest that you don’t have one to give in return. 4. “Say you’re touched and delighted and a little embarrassed you don’t have anything for them.” says Schweitzer. Don’t try to think up a gift on the spot by taking something out of your closet suddenly, because the other person will likely know exactly what you’re doing.


With the exception of family members or best friends, never ask people what they want for a present. “That makes people very uncomfortable, and they feel they ought to get you something in return,” says Schweitzer. Gift requests leave little creativity to the giver, so come up with your own ideas for a more thoughtful present.

A.Never ask for a wish list.

B.People come in and out of your life.

C.Have creative ideas when you choose gifts.

D.The best way to deal with that is to be honest and sincere.

E.Here are pieces of gift-giving etiquette you need this holiday season.

F.Expensive gifts are sometimes thoughtful items your friends selected.

G.Find a thoughtful gift instead, like a frame with an old favorite photo.



    Clothing rental (租赁) is a hot new industry and businessmen are trying their best to attract shoppers. This past summer alone, Urban Outfitters, Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, and American Eagle have all announced rental subscription services — a sure sign of changing times.

But is renting fashion actually more environmentally-friendly than buying it, and if so, how much more? Journalist and author Elizabeth Cline researched this question in an article for Elle, and she concluded that it’s not as green as it seems.

Take shipping, for example, which has to go two ways if an item is rented — receiving and returning. Cline writes that consumer transportation has the second largest footprint of our fashion habit after producing.

She writes, “An item ordered online and then returned can send out 20 kilograms of carbon each way, and increases to 50 kilograms for rush shipping. However, the carbon effect of a pair of jeans bought in a store and washed and worn at home is 33.4 kilograms, according to a 2015 study.”

Then there’s the burden of washing, which has to happen for every item when it’s returned, regardless of whether or not it was worn. For most rental services, this usually means dry-cleaning is a high-effect and polluting process, which can produce dangerous waste and air pollution if not dealt with correctly.

Lastly, Cline fears that rental services will increase our, desire for fast fashion, simply because it’s so easy to get. There’s something called ‘share-washing’ that leads to more wasteful behaviors mainly because a product or service is shared and thus is regarded as more eco-friendly. Uber is one example of this, advertised as “a way to share rides and limit car ownership,” and yet “it has been proven to discourage walking, bicycling, and public transportation use.”

Renting clothes is still preferable to buying them cheap and throwing them in the waste after a few wears, but we shouldn’t let the convenience of these services make us satisfied. There’s an even better step—and that’s wearing what is already in the closet (衣柜).

1.How much carbon will be produced when an item is normally ordered online and then returned?

A.10 kilograms. B.20 kilograms.

C.40 kilograms. D.50 kilograms.

2.What does Elizabeth Cline think of clothing rental?

A.It is considered fashioned.

B.It is popular to young people.

C.It can reduce transport burden.

D.It can leave large carbon footprint.

3.The example of Uber is used to show the rental services ________.

A.cause more wasteful behaviors

B.satisfy our desire for fashion

C.help protect the environment

D.replace the public transport

4.What does the author actually want to express in the last paragraph?

A.The request for throwing cheap clothes.

B.The advice on wearing what we own.

C.The disadvantage of clothing rental.

D.The call for renting clothes.



    What were you like as a teenager? I was a nightmare. I was rude to my parents, always stayed out late, never did my homework, hung out with the wrong people and made lots of bad decisions. Obviously, this is the age when teenagers are out of control and behave badly. Maybe, if you’re a teenager now, you think this is unfair judgment or it’s not your fault. Well, you might be right!

Experts have found that it’s a teenager’s brain that is to blame. Between the ages of about 13 to 19 — a period known as adolescence, the brain is still developing in areas that control behavior. This has an influence on learning and multitasking, stress and memory, sleep, and decision-making. For parents, these results often make them notice lots of behaviors that they may have earlier blamed on hormones (荷尔蒙) or just moodiness.

So our brains are still developing much later than it was thought before. Is this the perfect excuse for teenagers to walk around aimlessly and not get their homework done on time? Of course not! According to Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, who made the new discovery, it’s to do with our prefrontal cortex that’s the part of our brain right at the front, just behind the forehead. She says “It takes part in a whole area of very high-level cognitive (认知的) tasks such as decision making and planning — we know that this area is going through very large amounts of development during the adolescent years”. This is the part of the brain which plays an important role in planning, and, for a teenager, this hasn’t developed yet. So getting organised to do their homework, for example, can come as a bit of challenge.

I wish I’d known about this because instead of telling my teacher I’d left my homework on the bus or that the dog had eaten it. Now I could say, “Sorry sir, my brain isn’t developed enough for the cognitive task of planning my homework.”

1.Which of the following is common in teenagers?

A.Doing some bad deeds.

B.Being blamed for their age.

C.Stopping their brain development.

D.Making excuses for their bad behaviors.

2.What do we know about the new discovery?

A.The brain develops in the first few years of life.

B.The forehead stops developing during adolescence.

C.Hormones take responsibility for teenagers’ behaviors.

D.The prefrontal cortex affects us performing cognitive tasks.

3.What is the best title for the text?

A.Behind the adolescence

B.Inside a Teenager’s Brain

C.For the Naughty Teenagers

D.About the brain Development



    A Uber driver stopped her work day so she could help a new mother with a sick child.

Nicole Ihus’s son John Henry was born last month with a rare disease called congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Nicole and her husband, who live in Kansas City, got m touch with doctors from Minnesota and Missouri in hopes of finding a doctor who could treat John Henry for the condition — but to no avail.

Luckily, Nicole managed to get in contact with the “best doctor in the world for this condition” at Johns Hopkins All Children in St. Petersburg, Florida — so she traveled all the way to the Sunshine State to give her newborn son a fighting chance.

After John Henry was bon into the hands of the NICU, Nicole felt sad and alone in the new state, although she knew that she had to leave her son’s side in order to buy him some new clothes.

After ordering an Uber ride to the nearby Rhea Lana children’s clothing store, she was picked up by a woman named Belinda. Shortly after Nicole got into Belinda’s car, the new mother couldn’t help but told her heartbreaking story.

“She told me her story,” Belinda said in the interview below. “She was in tears a couple of times and I was really concerned about her.”

Rather than simply dropping Nicole off at the store, however, Belinda parked the car and was firmly determined to accompany her passenger into the store.

“She was like, ‘I’m going to help you buy some clothes for your son.’ I asked her, ‘Are you serious?’ I can’t even imagine,” said Nicole. “For this stranger to go completely out of her way — stop what she was doing and stop making money — to come to be with me for a couple of hours while we shopped together, that was just unbelievable.”

1.What does the writer mean by saying “to no avail” in Para.2?

A.Henry’s condition became worse.

B.The couple lost hope of finding a doctor.

C.The doctor didn’t want to treat John Henry.

D.The couple didn’t find the doctor they wanted.

2.How did Belinda help Nicole after hearing her story?

A.By offering her a free ride.

B.By going shopping with her.

C.By buying new clothes for her.

D.By chatting with her for hours.

3.What is the writer’s purpose of writing the passage?

A.To advise readers to help the baby.

B.To tell a story of a helpless mother.

C.To speak highly of the driver’s kindness.

D.To call on people to learn from the driver.



阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

We were three thousand miles away from home on a Random Acts of Kindness and Volunteerism Road Trip. We were short of money, so we had two goals today:

1. Try out our new “Smile!” signs and see how much kindness and joy we could spread in Pike Place Market.

2. Raise at least $80 by doing street performances. Singing, drawing or storytelling. This would be enough for gas to Portland and a small hotel room.

We weren’t sure how people would react to our signs. It’s so easy to walk past a busy crowd, lost in your own world, refusing to make eye-contact with strangers, and feeling alone despite being surrounded by hundreds of people just like you. Finally, I gathered courage to raise our signs and shouted, “Hi here!” to a young couple. They looked over, confused for a moment,read my sign and broke into smiles. Then we saw more smiling faces in the crowd.

Before long, our signs were wildly popular. Tourists wanted photos with us. Strangers stopped to ask us about our signs. We told them the story of our acts of kindness road trip and listened to their stories,too.

Sometimes I’d see unfriendly faces and feel particularly nervous to show them my bright sign. But I was always rewarded with a big smile whenever I did so. Suddenly they were no longer faces of strangers but those of neighbors and friends. This world is full of good people we just don’t know yet. We got so wrapped up in our wonderful “Smile! ” project that we forgot the other goal. Before we knew it,the sun was setting,and we had no money for our trip to Portland.

Paragraph 1: We sat down to watch a musician play the guitar while we thought about our second goal. _________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2: Our little band of five attracted a large audience.__________________________________________________________________



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