满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Old Mrs. Lynn was working in the cottage...

    Old Mrs. Lynn was working in the cottage, hanging the washed clothes on the line. What she wasn’t aware was that some children were hiding in a nearby tree watching her every move. They were sure that she was a witch and wanted to find the evidence.

They watched nervously as she took a broomstick to sweep the dirt from her stone steps. But much to their disappointment, she didn’t get on the broomstick and fly off. The old lady only looked up when her hen began to make sounds loudly — signaling that she had laid an egg in the nest on the top of the haystack. (干草堆).

The old lady put aside her broomstick and walked to the haystack, followed by Michael, a black cat she had rescued from a fox trap. With only three legs, it was hard for Michael to keep up with his mistress. The cat was proof for the children that only a witch would own a black cat with three legs! Accidentally, she tripped and crashed to the ground. The children were in horror.

“Should we go and help her?” asked Mia.

“What if it’s a trick?” replied Patrick. “She probably knows we’re here. Witches know things like that!”

After thinking for a while, Julia said, “Anyway, we should go and check whether she is all right.”

Approaching prudently, they could see a wound on the old lady’s forehead. She had knocked her head on a stone and was unconscious.

“Go and get Dad,” Mia yelled to her brothers. “Tell him about the accident.”

Later, in the hospital, the old lady smiled her thanks. “I was so lucky that you lovely children happened to be passing when I fell. I must have yelled quite loudly.” The children exchanged guilty glances, but were very pleased that she was not a witch after all!

1.Mrs. Lynn stopped sweeping when ________.

A.her doorstep became very clean

B.she heard the hen making sounds loudly

C.she noticed the children in the tree

D.her cat Michael managed to get her attention

2.Why was Patrick not willing to help Mrs. Lynn when she fell?

A.He thought that she could be cheating them.

B.He was afraid of the three-legged black cat.

C.He did not think that she was hurt in the fall.

D.He knew he and the others shouldn’t have been in her tree.

3.Which of the definitions is closest in meaning to the underlined word “prudently” ?

A.Slowly. B.Hurriedly.

C.Carefully. D.Quietly.

4.What is the main idea of the story?

A.Constant dropping wears away a stone.

B.Never judge a book by its cover.

C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

D.A good medicine tastes bitter.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲到几个小孩以为林恩太太是一个女巫,想要找到她是女巫的证据。但林恩太在干活的时候不小心摔伤了头,孩子们赶紧上去帮助老太太,在孩子们和大人们的帮助下老太太获救了,孩子们非常的内疚,但也很高兴老太太并不是女巫。 1.细节理解题。第二段第一句、最后一句及第二段第一句提到“They watched nervously as she took a broomstick to sweep the dirt from her stone steps....The old lady only looked up when her hen began to make sounds loudly — signaling that she had laid an egg in the nest on the top of the haystack….The old lady put aside her broomstick”老太太在打扫台阶的时候,她的母鸡开始发出很大的声音时,老太太才抬起头来。母鸡在干草堆上生了一个蛋,然后她放下扫把向干草堆走去,即老太太是听到母鸡的声音就停下了打扫。故选B。 2.细节理解题。第五段提到““What if it’s a trick?” replied Patrick. “She probably knows we’re here. Witches know things like that!”Patrick问道要不要去帮助这位老太太的时候,回答到万一是个陷阱呢?可知,为什么琳恩夫人摔倒时帕特里克不愿意帮助她是因为帕特里克认为老太太是个女巫,他认为老太太的行为是在欺骗他们。故选A。 3.词句猜测题。前文提到孩子们认为这位老太太是一个女巫,而且认为老太太的行为就是在欺骗他们,且第六段第一句提到“After thinking for a while…”在思考了一会之后,孩子们才决定帮助这位老太太,由此说明孩子们非常的谨慎。故划线词的意思是“谨慎地”。A. Slowly.缓慢地;B. Hurriedly.急匆匆地;C. Carefully.谨慎地;D. Quietly.安静地。故选C。 4.主旨大意题。文章第一段提到有几个小孩认为林恩太太是女巫,并且想要找到证据。在她不小心受伤后,孩子们也是犹豫了一会才去帮助她。老太太在医院接受治疗后非常感激帮助过她的孩子们,孩子们这时候才内疚地意识到老太太真的不是女巫。故事告诉读者不要从一个人的外表去判断一个人的品质。故选B。


Townsville, Australia’s largest farming families, enjoyed the most exceptional pasture in Australia. The people at Townsville blend dairy goodness and clever ideas to bring you great tasting innovative products, which have been shipped to America, Canada and exported to Austria.

Like our lightest one — instant skim (脱脂的) milk powder that makes 10 litres of delicious skim milk. So you never run out of milk again.


• Add 1/4 cup(25g)of instant Townsville Skim Milk Powder to 1/2 cup of hot or cold water.

• Add more water to make up 1 cup.

• For best result always add powder to water.

• For richer taste and extra nutrition, use additional powder to suit your personal taste or preference.

• To improve the natural taste of this product, we recommend storing the liquid milk in the refrigerator overnight before consumption.


• Store powder in a cool, dry place.

• Keep refrigerated at or below 4 degrees centigrade no more than 3 days.

• Once opened, store in an airtight container.

1.In which country is Townsville — a world-famous dairy product brand made?

A.Australia. B.Austria.

C.Canada. D.America.

2.What should a user do if he/she wants the milk to taste a natural taste?

A.Add some sugar to the milk.

B.Remove the cream from the milk.

C.Put it in the fridge before using it.

D.Increase its amount in the liquid milk.

3.Where are you suggested putting the powder once it is opened?

A.In a plastic bowl. B.In a warm room.

C.In a watertight jar. D.In a closed container.




Ten-year-old Sami loved to visit his grandfather's house. The house was near the beautiful blue sea. At the seaside stood thick and tall palm trees with green coconuts hanging from them. When the coconuts fell down, Sami would break them open and drink the coconut water. Sami liked to play under the trees. It was always great fun to spend the holidays at Grandpa's place.

This winter vacation, Sami was surprised when he came to his grandfather's village. There were hardly any trees left. He saw houses built near the sea. People had cut down many palm trees and there was hardly any greenery left.

Grandpa's house was different. He never allowed his trees to be cut. He hugged each palm tree in his courtyard. He also named the two big trees near the front door--one was Petu, and the other Betu. He had planted them with his own hands and today they had become large, massive trees with thick trunks. They were tall and green and gave the sweetest, juiciest coconuts.

One night, Sami was awakened by a strange sound. He could not sleep. He tossed (辗转) and turned in bed. Suddenly, the ground shook as if the earth was splitting. He sat up straight and then ran to Grandpa. He clung (附着) to his grandpa tightly. Grandpa cried out, “It's an earthquake! It's an earthquake!" They ran outside the house. They thought that would be safe.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound; the earth was not splitting but the sea was roaring. People were shouting, screaming and crying, “The sea is rising! The sea is rising." The villagers started running away from the beach. Sami watched dumbstruck (呆若木鸡).

The waves were rising higher and higher. Sami thought, “How big the waves are!" He went into the house again and saw water coming in from all sides. He was scared.

Sami remembered his mother telling him long ago, “You must always get out of the house if the floods come too near." He ran outside the house with Grandpa. But the water came surging (汹涌) in.

Waves about twelve meters high came rushing in, drowning everything. Water was all around and everywhere.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

Grandpa held Sami's hand tightly but a huge wave separated them.


Paragraph 2:

“Sami, Sami!” Grandpa cried. “Don't be scared, little one, come to me, quickly.”





1. 表示感谢;

2. 简单介绍这件事情或技能及其意义。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





Person of the Year in the Category of Cultural Influence

Picture a young Chinese woman, 1. (dress) in traditional clothing, picking flowers in a field to create make-up for her cheeks, making a sofa from bamboo and cooking up all sorts of delicious Chinese food by herself. It may sound unreal, 2. such a person does exist in real life.

Li Ziqi, 30, has become one of China’s most popular 3. (celebrity) with 9 million followers on YouTube, 34 million on Douyin and 22 million on Weibo.

Li Ziqi’s videos 4. (feature) her cooking and creating DIY products greatly attract people living in big cities. To our 5. (amaze), she does it all without using any modern technology or electricity.

6. dominate her videos are scenes of picking seasonal ingredients (原料) from her own garden and sometimes in the mountains and turning them into tasty dishes on her wood-fired pot. Li stresses the seasons in her cooking, 7. China’s traditional 24 Solar Terms (节气) also do, and makes food suitable for the particular climate.

There came an intense debate about the image of China and its culture she presented. She 8. (accuse) of presenting 9. “outdated” image of the country by some critics. Nevertheless, state broadcaster CCTV and People’s Daily praised her for her initiative (首创) to help rural youth become rich.

Li ziqi, by telling an 10. (inspire) China story, is promoting traditional Chinese culture to an international audience.



    The Glover kids in Newburgh, New York, want to make a little extra money themselves before school opens. So, earlier this week, they set up a lemonade stand on the side of the road. _______ was good during the rush hour, at which point some police officers pulled up, and _______, Whitney Glover, mother of the young enterprisers, that some _______ person had called to make complaints about kids’ selling lemonade.

Now, in most stories, that’s when the police _______ the stand, telling kids to take a food handling course, and get a _______ from the related department…Then the children go home completely _______ for their enterprise is broken. But not in this _______. The police officers said the kids weren't doing anything wrong _______ creating a bit of a traffic jam, and their motivation should be _______. The kids also promised to make __________ to their schedule to avoid traffic problems. After __________ for a photo with the kids, they left. Whitney posted the picture on social media with explanatory words. The __________ story has created a great deal of local __________ and the lemonade business is now booming.

Dozens of customers have __________ for lemonade. “Every single time you buy a glass, children look amazed by the __________ of time and efforts to coins in their hands,” Whitney said.

1.A.Progress B.Business C.Budget D.Purpose

2.A.demanded B.proposed C.warned D.informed

3.A.bitter B.generous C.anxious D.responsible

4.A.take over B.leave out C.shut down D.drive away

5.A.course B.permit C.fund D.record

6.A.surprised B.frightened C.depressed D.confused

7.A.context B.case C.reason D.respect

8.A.other than B.instead of C.as for D.due to

9.A.managed B.prevented C.celebrated D.reflected

10.A.contributions B.differences C.objections D.adjustments

11.A.posing B.accounting C.preparing D.searching

12.A.refreshing B.moving C.amusing D.convincing

13.A.apology B.change C.support D.discussion

14.A.stood out B.stood by C.stopped out D.stopped by

15.A.transformation B.devotion C.attachment D.supplement



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