满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Ironing has been my love since my mother...

    Ironing has been my love since my mother taught me how to use it. I was delighted at seeing the _________. Ironing was also a great thing to do while I was _________ my favorite TV programs. My mother had the ironing board _________ in our TV room. When I went to college, my mother ensured that I had an iron _________ for a college dormitory room. _________ I began to work, I could _________ spend time in ironing, for I was always busy. However, I found it relaxing, and still _________.

I’ve now retired and started to _________ other passions. My parents have passed away, and I’ve been _________ their home and things. Throughout the house, I’ve found closet after closet of __________ironed bed covers, table cloths, and clothes — all done by my mother.

After almost a lifetime of ironing, I now realize that my __________ is grounded in much more than delighting in neatness. Ironing was central to my mother’s __________: She was lovely, thoughtful, and careful. Her approach to caring for our family and home __________ those personalities. I even still __________ playing happily at my mother’s feet while she was doing the ironing. Until now I come to realize that my __________ in ironing was deeply __________ by my mother. For my mother, ironing was a good way to __________ her enormous gratitude for her life.

Recently, I have been ironing my mother’s __________ of old table cloths, clothes...

I think it is really a good way to show my __________ for her. It is also an important task to iron them. __________, it’s also become a good way for me to show my gratitude for life!

1.A.simplicity B.greatness C.elegance D.tidiness

2.A.searching B.viewing C.designing D.reviewing

3.A.set up B.set off C.set down D.set apart

4.A.famous B.suitable C.responsible D.enough

5.A.If B.Before C.After D.Though

6.A.frequently B.casually C.hardly D.merely

7.A.attractive B.typical C.routine D.unusual

8.A.occupy B.seek C.forget D.challenge

9.A.calling at B.passing by C.breaking into D.clearing out

10.A.formally B.roughly C.beautifully D.swiftly

11.A.talent B.enjoyment C.confidence D.determination

12.A.character B.identity C.ambition D.ability

13.A.shaped B.improved C.reflected D.ensured

14.A.avoid B.remember C.permit D.appreciate

15.A.faith B.pride C.trust D.interest

16.A.touched B.favored C.influenced D.sponsored

17.A.advertise B.express C.support D.distribute

18.A.decoration B.luggage C.artwork D.collection

19.A.love B.care C.preference D.dependence

20.A.Therefore B.However C.Anyway D.Somewhat


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲到作者在母亲的影响下把熨烫当作了自己的爱好,同时也因为母亲,通过熨烫表达了自己对于生活的热爱。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:自从我的母亲教我如何使用熨斗后,熨烫一直是我的心头爱。我很高兴看到东西整洁。A. simplicity简单;B. greatness伟大;C. elegance优雅;D. tidiness整洁。根据文章第一句可知,母亲教会作者使用熨斗后,熨烫就成了作者喜欢做的事情,熨烫可以使衣物等变得整洁。故选D。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:边看我喜欢的电视节目,边熨烫也是一件非 常棒的事情。A. searching搜索;B. viewing观看;C. designing设计;D. reviewing复习。根据文章内容可知,此处应是“观看”电视节目,故选B。 3.考查动词词组辨析。句意:我的妈妈就在我们的电视房里设置了一块熨衣板。A. set up设置;B. set off出发;动身;引起; C. set down记下;写下;放下;D. set apart分开;分离。前文提到作者喜欢边熨衣服的时候边看电视,因此作者的妈妈就在电视房内放置了一块熨衣板。故选A。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我上大学时,妈妈确保我有一个适合大学宿舍的熨斗。A. famous著名的;B. suitable合适的;C. responsible负责任的;D. enough足够的。分析文章可知,作者在大学时要进行集体生活,生活条件无法和家里的条件相比,因此需要一个能在宿舍内使用的熨斗。故选B。 5.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我开始工作后,我几乎都没有时间熨烫,因为我总是很忙。A. If如果;B. Before在……之前;C. After在……之后;D. Though尽管。分析文章内容可知,后文提到作者非常的忙,由此判断这是作者参加工作后的状态。故选C。 6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我开始工作后,我几乎都没有时间熨烫,因为我总是很忙。A. frequently经常地;B. casually随意地;偶然地;C. hardly几乎没有;几乎不;D. merely只是;仅仅。分析文章内容可知,后文提到“for I was always busy”因为“我”总是很忙,由此判断作者几乎都没有时间进行熨烫。故选C。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,我发现它很让人放松,对我仍然具有吸引力。A. attractive有吸引力的;B. typical 典型的;C. routine常规的;D. unusual不寻常的。分析文章内容可知,前文提到作者因为忙碌的工作没有时间熨烫,However在文章中具有转折的意味,作者虽然没有时间熨烫,但作者仍然觉得熨烫是一件很有吸引力的事。故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在我退休了,开始寻求其他的爱好。A. occupy占领;占据;B. seek寻找;C. forget忘记; D. challenge挑战。分析文章内容可知,作者已经退休了,因此想要在退休生活里做一些自己喜欢做的事情。B项符合文意,故选B。 9.考查动词词组辨析。句意:我的父母已经去世了,我一直在清理他们的家和家里的东西。A. calling at访问;拜访;B. passing by经过;路过;C. breaking into闯入;破门而入;D. clearing out清空;清理;腾空。根据文章内容可知,作者的父母已经去世了,因此需要对他们家进行打扫清理,D项符合文意,故选D。 10.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我发现在整个房子的壁橱里,有熨烫精美的床单、桌布和衣服——都是我的母亲完成的。A. formally正式地;B. roughly粗略地;C. beautifully精美地;美丽地;D. swiftly迅速地。分析文章内容可知,第一段第一、二句提到“…I was delighted at seeing the tidiness”,作者从母亲教会熨烫后,作者就很喜欢看到整洁的样子,由此可判断作者的母亲也很热爱整洁,因此作者母亲才会把家里的布制品都熨烫好。C项符合文意,故选C。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过近一生的熨烫后,我现在意识到,我的享受不仅仅是在整洁上获得愉悦。A. talent天赋;B. enjoyment愉悦;C. confidence自信;D. determination决心。分析文章内容可知,文章第一段第二句提到“I was delighted at seeing the tidiness.”作者看到整齐的东西就很开心,而在作者整理父母遗物时看到母亲留下来的熨烫精美的东西,作者意识到这一生,熨烫会让作者心情愉悦。B项符合文意,故选B。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:熨烫就是我母亲性格的核心:她可爱、体贴、细心。A. character性格;B. identity身份;C. ambition野心;D. ability能力。根据后文内容可知,lovely, thoughtful, 和careful都是形容人性格的形容词,A项符合文意,故选A。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她照顾我们和这个家的方式反映了这些个性。A. shaped塑造;使成为……形状;B. improved改进;C. reflected反映;D. ensured确保。分析文章内容可知,前文提到作者的母亲非常的细心、体贴,且第二段最后一句提到“Throughout the house, I’ve found closet after closet of …… table cloths, and clothes — all done by my mother.”作者在收拾父母遗物的时候发现,母亲把家里的东西全部熨烫好并整整齐齐的摆放好。由此可判断,正是因为母亲这样的性格,才会有这样的做事风格,反之亦然。C项符合文意,故选C。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我甚至还记得,在妈妈熨烫的时候,我开心地在她脚边玩耍时的场景。A. avoid避免;B. remember 记得;记住;C. permit允许;D. appreciate欣赏。分析文章内容可知,作者的父母已经过世了,作者只能通过回忆想起和妈妈之间的事。B项符合文意,故选B。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:直到现在,我才意识到我熨烫的兴趣受到了我母亲的深刻影响。A. faith信仰;B. pride骄傲; C. trust信任;D. interest兴趣。第二段第一句提到“…other passions”作者想要在退休时找到一些其他的爱好,且作者从小在妈妈的影响下就很喜欢熨烫,由此可知熨烫也是作者的兴趣爱好。故选D。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:直到现在,我才意识到我熨烫的兴趣受到了我母亲的深刻影响。A. touched触摸;抚摸;B. favored 青睐;宠爱;C. influenced影响;D. sponsored赞助。分析文章内容可知,母亲很喜欢熨烫,作者把熨烫当作自己的兴趣应该是受到了母亲的影响,且此处为固定词组“be influenced by”,意为“被……影响;受……影响”。故选C。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:对我母亲来说,熨烫是她表达她对生命巨大感激之情的好方法。A. advertise 宣传;B. express表达;C. support支持;D. distribute分发。根据文章内容可知,作者的母亲是一个可爱、体贴、细心的人,如果不热爱生活,也不会把家里收拾的特别好。所以熨烫是她表达她对生命巨大感激之情的好方法。且此处为固定词组“express…gratitude for”意为“对……表示感谢”,故选B。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最近,我一直在熨我母亲收藏的旧桌布,旧衣服……。A. decoration装饰;B. luggage行李;C. artwork艺术品;D. collection收藏。第二段最后一句提到“I’ve found closet after closet of ……ironed bed covers, table cloths, and clothes — all done by my mother.”作者在父母的家里发现了母亲留下来一柜子的布制品,由此可判断,这是母亲生前收藏的,D项符合文意,故选D。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我认为这确实是表达我对她爱的好方法。A. love爱;B. care关心;C. preference偏爱;D. dependence独立。根据文章可知,作者的母亲通过熨烫东西来表达她对生活的热爱,作者通过熨烫东西表达对母亲的思念和爱。A项符合文意,故选A。 20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:熨烫这些东西也是一项重要的任务。不管怎样,这也成为了我表达对生命感激之情的好方法。A. Therefore因此;B. However但是;C. Anyway不管怎样;D. Somewhat有点;有些。根据文章内容可知,作者在熨烫母亲的遗物,前后文之间无逻辑关系,此处表示另起话题,C项符合题意,故选C。

    In our fast world of phones, fax machines and computers, the old-fashioned art of letter writing is at risk of disappearing altogether. 1. There is the excitement of its arrival, the pleasure of seeing who it is from and, finally, the enjoyment of the contents.

Letter writing has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. It probably began with the little notes I would write to my mother. My mother, also, always insisted I write my own thank-you letters for Christmas and birthday presents. 2..

When I left home at 18 to train as a doctor in London, I would write once a week, and so would my mother. Occasionally my father would write and it was always a joy to receive his long, amusing letters. 3. Of course, we also made phone calls but it is the letters that I remember most.

There were also letters from my boyfriend. In our youth he had to work or study away at some time and we were only able to stay in touch by letter. 4. I found that I could often express myself more easily in writing than by talking.

I love the letters that come with birthday or Christmas cards. Notes are appreciated, but how much better to have a year’s supply of news! And it’s better still when it’s an airmail envelope with beautiful stamps.

5. Like my mother before me, I insist they write their own thank-you letters. My daughter writes to me little letters, just as I did to my mother. I strongly urge readers not to allow letter writing to become another “lost art”.

A.Poor handwriting can spoil (破坏) your enjoyment of a letter.

B.I am pleased that my children are carrying on the tradition.

C.We had been writing to each other for a long time but never met.

D.It didn’t matter how short or untidy they were as long as they were letters.

E.But instead of harming the relationship, letter writing seemed to improve them.

F.Yet, to me, receiving a letter cannot be matched by any form of communication.

G.The letters from him contained just everyday events concerning my parents and their friends.



    E-cigarettes lead to as many lung diseases as tobacco products, a new study has found. The report from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill compared saliva (唾液) samples from tobacco smokers, e-cigarette smokers and nonsmokers. Researchers found that e-cigarette smokers were likely to develop dangerous proteins associated with lung diseases. The study adds to a growing body of evidence proving that e-cigarettes might not be the perfect alternative smokers addicted to tobacco are looking for.

Last year a Surgeon General’s report claimed that the use of e-cigarettes among a certain group of people jumped 900 percent from 2011 to 2015 and more studies were carried out to research their side effects. That same year, the FDA put e-cigarettes in the tobacco products the administration monitors.

Previous research from UCLA has proven that e-cigarettes can cause lifelong damage to one’s heart, and that one puff (吸一口烟) of an e-cigarette is all it takes to increase one’s risk of having a heart attack. For the new study UNC researchers observed 15 e-cigarette users, 14 cigarette smokers and 15 nonsmokers. The study revealed that e-cigarette smokers have raised levels of NET-related proteins in their airways, the increased levels of which can lead to lung illnesses, making it difficult for patients to breathe.

Study author Dr Mehmet Keismer said, “There is confusion about whether e-cigarettes are ‘safer’ than cigarettes because the potential adverse effects of e-cigarettes are only beginning to be studied. Our results suggest that e-cigarettes might be just as bad as cigarettes.” Dr Keismer also stressed that e-cigarettes come with their own harmful risks along with those linked to tobacco, which challenges the concept that switching from cigarettes to e-cigarettes is a healthier alternative.

A citizen named Dyclna said, “The e-cigarettes probably make you cough less, but nobody gives a warning about your lungs. For producers, it’s just a money thing — it’s just about getting profits from it. The problem is that our government just stands there with its hands behind the back.”

1.Why did the FDA list e-cigarettes into monitored products?

A.It might realize the harm of them.

B.It wanted to improve their quality.

C.It aimed to reduce their illegal sales.

D.It might be warned by the government.

2.What harm does the increased level of NET do to people?

A.Leading to weight gain. B.Spoiling people’s appetite.

C.Making breathing hard. D.Speeding people’s heartbeat.

3.What does Dyclna mainly want to express?

A.E-cigarettes are safer than regular ones.

B.E-cigarettes can only benefit few people.

C.Producers make a high profit from e-cigarettes.

D.Governments are to blame for e-cigarettes’ consumption.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.E-cigarettes: A new way of smoking.

B.E-cigarettes: A better way than tobacco?

C.E-cigarettes: The harmful proteins it produces.

D.E-cigarettes: The urgent need of government control.



    UN Humanitarian Chief Mark Lowcock today released US$15 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to help fund global efforts to contain the COVID-19 virus.

The announcement came as the World Health Organization (WHO) upgraded the global risk of the coronavirus outbreak to “very high” – its top level of risk assessment. The WHO has said there is still a chance of containing the virus if its chain of transmission is broken.

The UN funding has been released to the WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). It will fund essential activities including being aware of the spread of the virus, investigating cases, and putting national laboratories into use.

The WHO has called for US$675 million to fund the fight against coronavirus. There is a window of opportunity to contain the spread of the virus if countries take strong measures to detect cases early, isolate and care for patients, and trace contacts.

Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Mark Lowcock said, “We do not yet see evidence that the virus is spreading freely. As long as that’s the case, we still have a chance of containing it, by strengthening surveillance, conducting thorough outbreak investigations to identify contacts and applying appropriate measures to prevent further spread.”

“This announcement from the UN’s Emergency Fund will help countries with fragile health systems improve their detection and response operations. It has the potential to save the lives of millions of vulnerable people.” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, said,“The potential spread of the virus to countries with weaker health systems is one of our biggest concerns. These funds will help support these countries get ready for detecting and isolating cases, protecting their health workers, and treating patients with dignity and appropriate care. This will help us save lives and push back the virus.”

“At this critical moment, every effort must be made to push back against the outbreak,” said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore. “These funds will support our global efforts to promote weaker health systems and inform children, pregnant women and families about how to protect themselves.”

1.We can learn from the passage that__________     .

A.WHO referred to the COVID-19 as the medium level of risk assessment

B.The virus is still hard to contain even if timely measures are taken

C.The fund will help people with weak health

D.The fund released by UN is much less than WHO originally demanded

2.According to the passage, the fund can be used in the following aspects except ________.

A.The examination of the people concerned

B.The monitor of the the spread of the virus

C.The operation of the national laboratories

D.The establishment of the mobile hospital

3.What is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’ attitude toward the fight against the virus?

A.Optimistic. B.Skeptical.

C.Cautious. D.Ambiguous.

4.In which part of newspaper can you most probably read the passage?

A.Travel. B.Health.

C.Business. D.Lifestyle.



    Old Mrs. Lynn was working in the cottage, hanging the washed clothes on the line. What she wasn’t aware was that some children were hiding in a nearby tree watching her every move. They were sure that she was a witch and wanted to find the evidence.

They watched nervously as she took a broomstick to sweep the dirt from her stone steps. But much to their disappointment, she didn’t get on the broomstick and fly off. The old lady only looked up when her hen began to make sounds loudly — signaling that she had laid an egg in the nest on the top of the haystack. (干草堆).

The old lady put aside her broomstick and walked to the haystack, followed by Michael, a black cat she had rescued from a fox trap. With only three legs, it was hard for Michael to keep up with his mistress. The cat was proof for the children that only a witch would own a black cat with three legs! Accidentally, she tripped and crashed to the ground. The children were in horror.

“Should we go and help her?” asked Mia.

“What if it’s a trick?” replied Patrick. “She probably knows we’re here. Witches know things like that!”

After thinking for a while, Julia said, “Anyway, we should go and check whether she is all right.”

Approaching prudently, they could see a wound on the old lady’s forehead. She had knocked her head on a stone and was unconscious.

“Go and get Dad,” Mia yelled to her brothers. “Tell him about the accident.”

Later, in the hospital, the old lady smiled her thanks. “I was so lucky that you lovely children happened to be passing when I fell. I must have yelled quite loudly.” The children exchanged guilty glances, but were very pleased that she was not a witch after all!

1.Mrs. Lynn stopped sweeping when ________.

A.her doorstep became very clean

B.she heard the hen making sounds loudly

C.she noticed the children in the tree

D.her cat Michael managed to get her attention

2.Why was Patrick not willing to help Mrs. Lynn when she fell?

A.He thought that she could be cheating them.

B.He was afraid of the three-legged black cat.

C.He did not think that she was hurt in the fall.

D.He knew he and the others shouldn’t have been in her tree.

3.Which of the definitions is closest in meaning to the underlined word “prudently” ?

A.Slowly. B.Hurriedly.

C.Carefully. D.Quietly.

4.What is the main idea of the story?

A.Constant dropping wears away a stone.

B.Never judge a book by its cover.

C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

D.A good medicine tastes bitter.




Townsville, Australia’s largest farming families, enjoyed the most exceptional pasture in Australia. The people at Townsville blend dairy goodness and clever ideas to bring you great tasting innovative products, which have been shipped to America, Canada and exported to Austria.

Like our lightest one — instant skim (脱脂的) milk powder that makes 10 litres of delicious skim milk. So you never run out of milk again.


• Add 1/4 cup(25g)of instant Townsville Skim Milk Powder to 1/2 cup of hot or cold water.

• Add more water to make up 1 cup.

• For best result always add powder to water.

• For richer taste and extra nutrition, use additional powder to suit your personal taste or preference.

• To improve the natural taste of this product, we recommend storing the liquid milk in the refrigerator overnight before consumption.


• Store powder in a cool, dry place.

• Keep refrigerated at or below 4 degrees centigrade no more than 3 days.

• Once opened, store in an airtight container.

1.In which country is Townsville — a world-famous dairy product brand made?

A.Australia. B.Austria.

C.Canada. D.America.

2.What should a user do if he/she wants the milk to taste a natural taste?

A.Add some sugar to the milk.

B.Remove the cream from the milk.

C.Put it in the fridge before using it.

D.Increase its amount in the liquid milk.

3.Where are you suggested putting the powder once it is opened?

A.In a plastic bowl. B.In a warm room.

C.In a watertight jar. D.In a closed container.



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