满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单句语法填空 1.He called the police because he...


1.He called the police because he was ___________ (concern) for Bill’s safety.

2.Now that my son is more ___________ (dependent), I have more time for myself.

3.No one was hurt, and we all breathed a sigh of __________ (宽慰).

4.The paperless office may one day become a __________ (现实).

5.Public places are becoming more accessible to people with __________ (disable).

6.There has still been no official __________ (confirm) of the report.

7.The government needs a more _________ (灵活的) approach to education.

8._________ () a recent photograph to your application form.

9.The company isn’t ___________ (有能力的) of handling so large an order.

10.Now, you are _________ (forgive) for what you did.


1.concerned 2.independent 3.relief 4.reality 5.disabilities 6.confirmation 7.flexible 8.Attach 9.capable 10.forgiven 【解析】 1.考查形容词。句意:他打电话给警察,因为他担心比尔的安全。根据句意和所给单词可知,此处用形容词concerned “关心的”,be concerned for“为……担心”,故填concerned。 2.考查形容词。句意:现在我儿子更独立了,我有更多的时间给自己。根据句意可知此处表示“独立的”用形容词independent,作is的表语,故填independent。 3.考查名词。句意:没有人受伤,我们都松了一口气。根据句意和所给汉语可知,此处表示“宽慰”是名词relief,of后接名词作宾语,故填relief。 4.考查名词。句意:无纸化办公或许有一天会成为现实。根据句意和所给汉语可知,此处表示“现实”用于不定冠词a后用名词reality,故填reality。 5.考查名词。句意:残疾人进入公共场所的机会越来越多。根据句意和所给单词可知,此处用名词disability,此处泛指残疾人用复数,故填disabilities。 6.考查名词。句意:目前还没有官方证实该报道。根据句意和所给单词可知,此处由形容词official修饰用名词,confirm的名词是confirmation,故填confirmation。 7.考查形容词。句意:政府需要更多灵活的教育方法。根据句意和所给汉语可知,此处表示“灵活的”是形容词flexible,修饰名词approach,故填flexible。 8.考查动词。句意:申请表上贴你最近的照片。根据句意和所给汉语可知,“贴”是动词attach,此处是祈使句用动词原形,故填Attach。 9.考查形容词。句意:公司没有能力处理这么大的订单。根据句意和所给汉语可知,此处“有能力的”用形容词capable,在句中作表语,故填capable。 10.考查被动语态。句意:现在,你的所作所为得到了原谅。根据句意和所给单词可知此处是被动语态,用过去分词。故填forgiven。

    Switzerland is the world’s most famous watchmaker,1.makes it little surprise that2.(it) people are the most punctual in the world. For them, being on time is not only a nice thing to do, but it’s a strict3.(believe) that they build almost every aspect of their lives on.

According to the BBC, everything in Switzerland, from trains and buses4.personal meetings, is on time. If someone says they are meeting you at 3 pm, they5.not be there at 2:55 or 3:05 - just 3 pm. It shows “a deep expression of respect for other people”, US writer Eric Weiner, who6.(recent) traveled to Switzerland, wrote for BBC News. “A punctual person is a 7.(consider) one. By showing up on time for everything, a Swiss person is expressing he values your time and, by extension, he values you.”

This valuable quality of Swiss people8.(report) to originate from the country’s mountain areas. Due to poor weather, people had to plant and harvest crops exactly on time,9.they would have nothing to eat.

However, being punctual also has its problems. Since everybody has their lunch at exactly 12 and takes their coffee break at 4 pm, elevators and coffee shops all tend10.(be) full at the same time.



    No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own _________

I learned this lesson from a(n) _________ many years ago. I took the head _________ job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

It was a tradition for the school’s old team to play against the _________ team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didn’t even practice to ___________ the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated. I couldn’t _________ I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to _________ that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were ___________ me. I had to change my _________ about their ability and potential.

I started doing anything I could to help them build a little ____________. Most important, I began to treat them like ____________. That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their ____________, we met every day and ______________ passing and kicking the football.

Six months after suffering our ______________ on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to ____________. Finally, we faced the number one team in the state. I felt that it would be a ____________ for us even if we lost the game. But that wasn’t what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest ____________ of my life!

From the experience I learnt a lot about how the attitude of the leader can ____________ the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and ______________ them. I helped them to see themselves ____________, and they built themselves into winners.

Winners are made, but born.

1.A.luck B.tests C.efforts D.nature

2.A.experiment B.experience C.visit D.show

3.A.operating B.editing C.consulting D.coaching

4.A.successful B.excellent C.strong D.new

5.A.cheer for B.prepare for C.help with D.finish with

6.A.believe B.agree C.describe D.regret

7.A.realize B.claim C.permit D.demand

8.A.reacting to B.looking for C.depending on D.caring about

9.A.decision B.attitude C.conclusion D.intention

10.A.pride B.culture C.fortune D.relationship

11.A.leaders B.partners C.winners D.learners

12.A.rewards B.vacations C.health D.honor

13.A.risked B.missed C.considered D.practiced

14.A.defeat B.decline C.accident D.mistake

15.A.relax B.improve C.expand D.defend

16.A.shame B.burden C.victory D.favor

17.A.chances B.thrills C.concerns D.offers

18.A.surprise B.serve C.interest D.affect

19.A.encouraged B.observed C.protected D.impressed

20.A.honestly B.individually C.calmly D.differently



Boosting(促进) your Brain Power

Who hasn’t wished that they were just a little smarter? Maybe you’re in school and just want to get a better grade on a test. 1. Here are some ways you can go about boosting your brainpower.

Sleep is one of the easiest things to do, yet one of the ones that most of us don’t do. We live in a busy age and often it seems that we don’t have enough time to get everything done. So many of us sacrifice our hours of sleep to accomplish our daily tasks. 2.

Read a book. Being smarter is not only about thinking but knowledge plays a big part in it, too. Reading helps your brain stay active.3. Think of it as exercise for the brain.

Try turning off that television set and going for a walk. A walk will stimulate your body and relax your mind. Just as watching too much TV can hurt your body, it also causes your brain to slow down as well.

4. There is a big difference between knowing something and being able to teach it to someone else. There is nothing like trying to break something down into simpler terms for others to help you understand it better than you did before.

Work on a puzzle. It can be anything from the newspaper crossword or the new Sudoku puzzle. Puzzles help you use your brain to figure out the answers.5. Your brain needs exercise just like your body does to be able to function in top form.

So go out there and boost your brainpower, your mind will thank you.

A. The more you read, the more you know, and the smarter you will be.

B. By writing about things you know, it helps you to understand them better.

C. Crossword puzzles also have the added benefit of increasing your vocabulary and knowledge.

D. Maybe you want to show your boss that you are good enough to get a promotion.

E. Giving your body the rest it needs every night can boost your ability to function at your best the next day.

F. Skipping meals can make it harder for you to think and perform at your best.

G. Learn something new and then teach someone else how to do it.



    Apple announced its new iPhones last week, but competitors’ mobile phones can do many of the same things for less money.

The new iPhone 8 and X have wireless charging, edge-to-edge glass screen and double cameras. But all of these features are already available in smart phones from China’s Huawei and Oppo, and Korea’s Samsung. While Apple asks buyers to pay $1,000 for its high-end model, some Asian phone makers can offer similar features for less.

At one time, Chinese manufacturers copied features and designs from others to produce low-cost phones. But they have now added high-end features to their phones and they control nearly half the global mobile phone market.

Media MarktSaturn is Europe’s biggest electronics seller. A spokesperson for the store told Reuters that,“Huawei is seen as a relevant competitor to Apple and Samsung by covering all major price points and placing big investments in marketing and sales. ’’ She also said that the Chinese companies Huawei, ZTE, Lenovo and TCL were among the top-10 best-selling smart phones in its stores.

Chinese manufacturers’ fast growth has been fueled by strong sales in China. But they now export 40 percent of their smart phones. That is almost double the number from just three years ago, according to the Hong Kong investment company CLSA.

Huawei is currently the world’s third largest phone maker behind Samsung and Apple. According to research company Canalys, the Chinese company is getting closer to second-place Apple and might overtake it later this year. Huawei plans to show its top-of-the-line Mate 10 phone on Oct. 16. The phone will have artificial intelligence features such as instant translation and image recognition and will cost less than $1,000.

Other Chinese companies are looking to enter the high-end smart phone market.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.Smart phone’s manufacturers. B.Apple smart phone’s features.

C.Asian phone makers’ fast growth. D.Competition among Asian phone makers.

2.Which is NOT among the top 3 phone makers in the world?

A.TCL. B.Samsung.

C.Apple. D.Huawei.

3.What do we know from the text?

A.Huewei will have overtaken Apple by later 2017.

B.Chinese makers’ phones with high-end features cost less.

C.The top-10 smart phones are to enter the high-end competition.

D.40 percent of Asian smart phones are exported now.

4.What is the writer’s attitude towards Asian phone makers?

A.Doubtful. B.Concerned.

C.Optimistic. D.Uncertain.



    This could be the perfect gift for the partner, who embarrasses you on the dance floor. Smart socks, which can teach to dance, may be the answer for anyone with two left feet.

The socks have been developed as a running tool to help runners improve their skills. Thanks to the socks, users can accurately record not only how far and fast they run but also how well. It means the user maximizes their performance, and reduces damage to body and prevents hurt. The hi-tech socks are made of special fibers that watch the movements of your feet. They look, feel and can be washed like normal clothes.

Sensors (传感器) record each movement and send it by an ankle transmitter (脚踝发射器) to a smart phone. Then a “virtual coach” application shows the information and can tell the user what they are doing wrong, and help to improve skill in any task with feet.

The socks should be useful to athletes and weekend joggers. “People think running is so easy and of course everybody can do it but not necessarily safely and well,” Dr. Davide Vigano said. A recent study showed that between 60 and 80 percent of runners got hurt per year. This is pretty much more than any other human activity. Researchers say the technology can also be developed to teach people how to dance, play sports such as golf, or even to help to teach women to walk better in high heels.

Mr. Vigano said, “People could all benefit from the idea. We have had interest from all sorts of sports, like skiing, football, cycling and golf. Anything where you have to use your feet can use it. It could even be put in high heels to help women walk in them safely.”

Socks are just the start, and the technology could be used in gloves, hats and boots. The socks, anklet and software package, are expected to be sold for around120, which will go on sale in March.

1.What does the underlined part “anyone with two left feet” refer to?

A.People who are disabled.

B.People who are interested in dancing.

C.People who are not good at dancing.

D.People who invented the socks.

2.What’s special about fibers that the socks are made of?

A.They feel much softer than normal clothes.

B.They can monitor the movement of feet.

C.They are expensive to produce.

D.They act as a smart phone for users.

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the socks?

A.They can improve the skill of running.

B.They can help women walk better in high heels.

C.They can teach people to dance well.

D.They can be worn for days without washing.

4.According to Dr. Vigano, ________.

A.everyone can make good use of the smart socks

B.users can run as fast as they like with the socks

C.60 to 80 percent of runners would like to buy the smart socks

D.no runners will get hurt, thanks to the socks



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