满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假定你是学生会主席李华,负责安排举办校篮球队和来访的美国学生代表团的篮球友谊赛,请你给美方带队老师Mr. Brown 写封邮件,内容包括:

1. 写信目的;

2. 比赛安排;

3. 注意事项。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节.以使行文连贯。



Dear Mr. Brown, I’m Li Hua, President of the Student Union. I,m writing to inform you of the arrangements for the basketball match to promote our friendship. The match will be held at 9:30 a. m. on September 8th, when it is Sunday and no one has classes. It is going to be played on the basketball court in the school playground, where we have reliable equipment for exciting games. Comfortable sneakers are necessary and it is recommended that you wear sport shirts so you can play better. By the way, you are expected to arrive half an hour earlier since there will be a brief welcome ceremony. Looking forward to seeing you! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇提纲类写作。 第1步:根据提示可知,假定你是学生会主席李华,负责安排举办校篮球队和来访的美国学生代表团的篮球友谊赛,请你给美方带队老师Mr. Brown 写封邮件,内容包括:1. 写信目的;2. 比赛安排;3. 注意事项。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):the Student Union (学生会);inform sb. of(通知某人);promote (促进);basketball court (篮球场);playground (操场)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要应用一般现在时和一般将来时。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。

When the earthquake was happened in 2008 my aunt was still a little girl in small county in Sichuan. Today, she can well remember doctors and nurses in white overalls which were busy day and night save the injured in our hometown. It was then when she made up her mind to be someone like them. Her dream came truly after she graduated from a local medical school. On January 2020, when bad news came that Hubei was badly in need of doctors and nurses to fight COVID-19, she applied to be there to help out but her application was approved. Before she leaves, she told us she was grateful for what people did for us after the earthquake and that she had decided to pay them forward.




Supermarkets in Vietnam and Thailand are leading the fight 1. single-use plastics by 2. (replace) plastic bags with banana leaves.

As we all know, it is of great importance to the planet 3. we stop using so much bloody plastic. Firstly, it is poisoning the seas. Whales are washed up 4. (die). It is the huge amounts of plastic inside their 5. (stomach) that kill them. Secondly, if it is poisoning the seas, it’s 6. (probable) poisoning us, too, for we eat a load of things that come out of the sea.

Lately, a new and encouraging 7. (develop) started with a Facebook post showing banana leaves being used in the Rimping supermarket in Chiang Mai. Thailand. After seeing how much good publicity the post 8. (get) in the past few months, supermarkets in Vietnam have all followed suit.

According to a spokesperson for Lotte Market in Ho Chizminh City, they’re only doing this as 9. test, but they plan to expand the action nationwide and hope to be able to use the leaves for meat as well as vegetables before too long. Besides, another Vietnamese supermarket, has already started using biodegradable (可生物降解的) bags 10. (make) from corn.

This is a step in the right direction and we do need it.



    If you’ve ever been to a Disney Park, you’ve obviously seen little children running around dressed as their favorite characters. In fact, it’s ________ by the park, and you can even purchase a Disney makeover for your kids in the park ________ with authentic costumes (戏服), hairstyles, and makeup by the professionals. But as the kids get ________, they are less likely to be dressed up, and ________ they hit the age of 14, you won’t ________ a single one of them in costume.

It isn’t because they’re “too cool for school”; it’s ________ against the rules. According to the Disney Park rule-book, any guest aged 14 or older may be ________ admittance if they are ________ costumes or masks.

The ________ of this rule is two-fold. One, your face can’t be ________ and you can’t be carrying anything resembling a real gun. This is obviously a ________ issue, so choose your cosplay wisely. The second intention is to ________ that any interactions park guests have with cast members remain genuine (真实的) and on brand. If there were 20 ________ running around dressed like Cinderella, some of the guests in costume may get one confused with Disney’s official princess, ruining the fantasy for children. He may convey false messages or break one of the 15 Disney etiquette (礼仪) rules all Disney employees must ________.

________, that doesn’t mean that you can’t truly get into the ________ of your favorite Disney character the next time you head to one of the parks. ________ Disney fan Leslie Kay began a trend that is called Disney Bounding. In ________, Disney Bounding is dressing up in a non-costume outfit ________ by your favorite character. So maybe you can’t dress up in Princess Belle’s iconic (标志性的) yellow dress, but you could wear a yellow dress with teacup-themed jewelry. Try to be creative with your ________ the next time you head to one of the parks.

1.A.discussed B.encouraged C.confirmed D.ignored

2.A.delighted B.combined C.complete D.complex

3.A.older B.stronger C.taller D.cleverer

4.A.because B.in case C.once D.even if

5.A.recognize B.understand C.remember D.spot

6.A.actually B.properly C.generally D.specially

7.A.given B.promised C.refused D.left

8.A.buying B.making C.changing D.wearing

9.A.origin B.purpose C.effect D.weakness

10.A.covered B.injured C.identified D.acknowledged

11.A.attitude B.finance C.dignity D.safety

12.A.discover B.admit C.ensure D.prove

13.A.adults B.workers C.performers D.guards

14.A.make B.follow C.learn D.support

15.A.However B.Therefore C.Moreover D.Anyhow

16.A.nature B.spirit C.quality D.fight

17.A.Rude B.Devoted C.Annoyed D.Disappointed

18.A.brief B.addition C.fact D.part

19.A.created B.designed C.copied D.inspired

20.A.security B.manners C.intention D.look



    Ketchup (番茄酱) is a magical little dressing. It has a sweet and salty bite and makes just about any food more appetizing. 1. So how did ketchup become best friends with French fries? Let’s start at the beginning.

2.In fact, the first ketchup recipe did not include tomatoes! Instead the Chinese made it from salted fish. Doesn’t sound as appetizing as today’s dip, does it?3. In the 1900s it started making its way to everyone s dinner tables and refrigerators when the Heinz family bottled and sold it. Ketchup underwent another makeover in the 1970s with the rise of high-fructose corn syrup (高果糖玉米糖浆).

America’s favorite way to eat vegetables originated not in France as the name suggests, but in Belgium. When French fries made their way onto the scene in Europe in the early 1800s, ketchup, as we now know it, had not been invented yet. Americans accepted the side dish in the 1930s and enjoyed them fried in beef fat. 4. There are reports of early adopters dipping their fries in ketchup from as early as the late 1800s, but the trend didn’t take off in America until the 1940s. As the popularity of fast food restaurants grew, so did the desire to dip our fries in that tasty red sauce. Fast food restaurants started serving French fries with ketchup. 5.

A.You can even clean with it!

B.We have been hooked since.

C.They didn’t find ketchup delicious at all.

D.Then French fries were invented to go with ketchup.

E.In their birthplace, fries are served with salad dressing.

F.Red, tomato-based ketchup didn’t appear until much later.

G.Ketchup has been around for centuries but in a completely different form.



    Back in November 1988, Robert Tappan Morris was a 20-something graduate student at Cornell who wanted to know how big the Internet was- that is, how many computers were connected to it. So he wrote a program that would travel from computer to computer and ask each machine to send a signal back to a control server, which would keep count. That was how the world’s first cyber (网络) attack set the stage for modern cyber security challenges.

The program worked well. Morris had known that if it traveled too fast there might be problems, but the limits he built in weren’t enough to keep the program from blocking up large sections of the Internet, both copying itself to new machines and sending those pings (电子脉冲) back, When he realized what was happening, even his messages warning system administrators about the problem couldn’t get through. Large numbers of Internet-connected computers are told to send lots of traffic to one particular address, overloading it with so much activity that either the system shuts down or its network connections are completely blocked. Morris’s program is now known as the “Morris worm”.

Worms and viruses are similar, but different in one key way: A virus needs a command, from a user or a hacker (黑客), to run its program. A worm, by contrast, hits the ground running all on its own. For example. even if you never open your email program, a worm that gets onto your computer might email a copy of itself to everyone in your address book.

In a time when few people were concerned about harmful software and nobody had protective software in his computer, the Morris worm spread quickly. It took 72 hours for researchers at Purdue and Berkeley to stop the worm. It affected tens of thousands of systems, Cleaning up the infection cost hundreds or thousands of dollars for each affected machine.

Morris wasn’t trying to destroy the Internet, but he was sentenced t0 three years of probation (缓刑) and a roughly US $ 10.000 fine. In the late 1990s, though. he became a dot-com millionaire- and is now a professor at MIT.

1.What is Morris’s intention 1o write the program known now as the “Morris worm”?

A.To test the effect of protective software.

B.To start a harmful attack on the Internet.

C.To see how well a program can work on the Internet.

D.To get the number of the computers connected to the Internet.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.What loss the problem caused.

B.How the problem was dealt with.

C.How the unexpected problem came about.

D.What Morris did to prevent the problem from expanding.

3.What does the underlined part “hits the ground” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Copies itself. B.Gets on the Internet.

C.Gets the user’s command. D.Copies your email address book.

4.What happened to Morris after the attack?

A.He was punished for it. B.He invented a protective software.

C.He got help from a millionaire. D.He was asked to clear up the Internet.



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