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Though China has increasingly adopted We...

    Though China has increasingly adopted Western influences, the traditional family structure is still highly valued and holds a vital position in Chinese culture.1.These have been a part of daily life for many centuries.

2. He is responsible for maintaining, providing for and protecting his family. At the same time, he is given all the decision-making power when it comes to his wife, family and other family members. He is also responsible for taking care of and paying for his children. In modem families, the family members consult elders about important decisions, but the father no longer has the final say in regards to his adult children's lives.

Traditional Chinese mothers usually stay at home to take care of the home, the children, and the rest of the family. 3. However, they still rely on their husbands or fathers for financial support at some point in their lives.

As in many Asian cultures, the elders of the family are respected for their wisdom. In both traditional and modem families, elders are taken care of and looked up to by the rest of the family. In traditional families, including those living in a rural environment, many households include five generations living together. 4.

The Chinese culture has undergone many dramatic changes in recent years. 5. Families are still cherished, honored and respected, whether you live in the traditional, rural environment, or the modern, urban city.

A.Many modem Chinese women have careers.

B.In the traditional Chinese family, the man is very important.

C.Women in modem times are actually completely independent.

D.However, the family structure and the importance of family values remain a focus.

E.Even in modem households, many grandparents live with their children and their kids.

F.Therefore, the family structure has also changed greatly, influencing many modem families.

G.Both traditional and modem Chinese families have similar values and morals to one another.


1.G 2.B 3.A 4.E 5.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,讲述了中国传统和现代家庭的特点,包括男人和女人的地位,家里的老人以及家庭在中国传统文化中的重要性。 1.根据空格后These have been a part of daily life for many centuries. (这些都已经成为中国人生活的一部分,并持续了好几个世纪),可知空格处指出是什么持续好几个世纪,故G选项“中国传统家庭和现代家庭都有相似的价值观和道德观”符合上下文语境,故选G。 2.根据空格后He is responsible for maintaining, providing for and protecting his family(他负责维持、供养和保护他的家庭),可知本句应说明上文He指的是谁,故B选项“在传统的中国家庭里,男人非常重要”符合上下文语境,故选B。 3.根据空格后However, they still rely on their husbands or fathers for financial support at some point in their lives.(然而,在他们生活的某个阶段,他们仍然依赖丈夫或父亲的经济支持),可知空格处为转折前的内容,即说明现代中国妇女有自己的事业。故A选项“许多现代中国妇女都有自己的事业”符合上下文语境,故选A。 4.根据空格前In traditional families, including those living in a rural environment, many households include five generations living together(在传统家庭中,包括那些生活在农村环境中的家庭,许多家庭都是五世同堂),可知空格处与家里老人有关,故E选项“即使在现代家庭中,许多祖父母和他们的孩子生活在一起”符合上下文语境,故选E。 5.根据空格前The Chinese culture has undergone many dramatic changes in recent years(近年来,中国文化发生了许多翻天覆地的变化)和空格后Families are still cherished, honored and respected, whether you live in the traditional, rural environment, or the modern, urban city(无论你生活在传统的农村环境中,还是现代的城市中,家庭仍然受到人们的珍视、尊敬和尊重),由此可知,本句应为强调中国的家庭结构和价值观仍是人们关注的焦点。故D选项“然而,家庭结构和家庭价值观的重要性仍然是人们关注的焦点”符合上下文语境,故选D。

    The team of researchers from the University of Lincoln, UK, is designing and building an app to help farmers in hot climates identify and record the spread of locusts(蝗虫) on their land.

By recognizing locusts through the smartphone’s camera, the app will be able to identify the stage of the insect's growth and record its location. This information can then be utilized so that the farmers can use pesticides(杀虫剂) more accurately in the early stages of their life time, greatly reducing the amount of crop damage.

This approach could also reduce remaining pesticide levels, leading to increased food safety while maintaining food security and protecting nearby water systems.

“Each year, approximately 18 million hectares of land are damaged by locusts, influencing hugely farmers and their productivity, explains Dr. Bashir Al-Diri from the School of Computer Science at the University of Lincoln.” Their monitoring techniques currently rely on field surveys by people through digging insect eggs, but this information only helps farmers to make mid and long-term forecasting decisions and can delay effective management measures. By digitally recording the exact number, age and location of locusts, we hope this new app will put more knowledge and more power into the hands of the farmers.

Dr. Al-Diri and his team of computer scientists work with the Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology at the University of Lincoln, aiming to support and improve productivity, efficiency and farming through research, education and new technology.

With advanced technology, the developers hope that the app will also be used for a wide range in the future to capture and document information about the natural world. For example, it could easily be adapted to help individuals identify plant diseases or to digitally capture the number and type of birds and wildlife in specific locations as part of national and international surveys.

1.What do we know about the app mentioned in the passage?

A.It has helped farmers record the spread of locusts.

B.It will be of great use for farmers in hot climates.

C.It may cost the farmers more than they expect.

D.It will remind farmers of what the locusts look like.

2.Which can replace the underlined word "utilized” in the passage?

A.Accessed. B.Controlled.

C.Arranged. D.Progressed.

3.What can we know according to Dr. Bashir Al-Diri?

A.Farmers don't know how to deal with locusts.

B.Their techniques can be used to dig insect eggs.

C.Farmers suffer greatly because of locusts.

D.Some steps must be taken before using the app.

4.What is the purpose of Al-Diri and his team?

A.To check if the app is useful in killing locusts.

B.To educate farmers on how to protect themselves.

C.To assist in raising agricultural production level.

D.To direct farmers to change their farming methods.



    Older adults with a better sense of smell may live longer than those who have a poor sense of smell, a new study suggests. The study was a project of researchers in the United States that was ongoing for over 13 years. They asked nearly 2,300 men and women to identify 12 common smells. All the subjects were from 71 to 82 years of age. The researchers gave the adults scores, from 0 to as high as 12, based on how many smells they identified correctly.

During the years of follow-up investigation, over 1,200 of the subjects died. When the study was launched, none of the adults were weak. They could walk a little under half a kilometer, climb 10 steps and independently complete daily activities. In the latest findings, the researchers noted that those with a weak nose were 30 percent more likely to die than people with a good sense of smell. The findings were reported last month in the scientific publication Annals of Internal Medicine.

Honglei Chen, a doctor with Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, was the lead writer of a report on the study. He said the connection between a poor sense of smell and an increased risk of dying was limited to adults who first reported good-to-excellent health. This suggests that a poor sense of smell is an early and sensitive sign for worsening health before it is recognizable in medical tests. With a poor sense of smell, people are more likely to die of brain and heart diseases, but not of cancer or breathing disorders.

The results also suggest that a poor sense of smell may be an early warning for poor health in older age that goes beyond dementia or other neurodegenerative(神经变性的) diseases. These often signal the beginning of a weakening of the mind or body.

1.What do you know about the study mentioned?

A.The study involved researchers from the world.

B.All the participants were of different ages.

C.The study began to be performed about 13 years ago.

D.2 ,300 men and women were young and healthy.

2.What was the situation like at the beginning of the study?

A.More than 1,200 of the participants passed away.

B.Many of the subjects were found with health problems.

C.All the subjects were independent of others when walking.

D.One third of the participants had a poor smell sense.

3.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A.People with a poor sense of smell have heart disease.

B.You should be careful with your health if you smell poorly.

C.People with a poor sense of smell won't suffer from cancer.

D.Most of the elder people may have the dementia disease.

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Strong Sense of Smell May Be Linked to Longer Life

B.Old People Tend to Have a Poor Sense of Smell

C.A Number of Factors Result in Longer Life

D.Being Ill Means Losing the Sense of Smell



    I took a motor rickshaw to the train station in the city of Belapur. The driver didn't speak much English, but understood, "Belapur Railway Station. ” I had my tabla, a traditional drum from India, my suitcase with my clothes and other essentials. The feeling of flying by cars in this little machine is : as if you are inside a box with tiny wheels, dashing through disorderly traffic.

I arrived at the station safely, and took a heavy breath as I unloaded my baggage before the ticket office. It was the first time that I had taken a local train to Tilak Nagar, where I was going to learn traditional vocal music. Standing in line, I counted at least 20 people staring at me. I bought my ticket, which was only 55 cents for a 20-minute train ride. The prices still blow me away.

When the train came after 15 minutes or so, I got on with all speed, as the train only stops for a few seconds. The locals again stared at me. This was a train especially for local transport. After a while, a young man asked me if he could talk to me. He wanted to know if I was in a band. I stated no, but I love to play tabla. Through the conversation I knew he was a student of engineering with his exams being tomorrow, I wished him good luck for the exams sincerely, as I knew what it means to Indian students to get good marks on their exams. If students do not get good enough scores, job opportunities will be few in a highly-competitive environment.

The student I met helped me unload my luggage as the train reached Tilak Nagar Station. He shook my hand strongly and looked into my eyes with marks of genuine care and friendship, despite us meeting for only 20 minutes.

1.How did the author feel about the ride by a motor rickshaw?

A.Worthless. B.Courageous.

C.Common. D.Expensive.

2.What does the underlined part mean in the passage?

A.The train ticket cost him too much. B.It was quite cheap to take the train.

C.The train was so convenient for him. D.It was unusual to take a train here.

3.What do we know about the young man mentioned in the passage?

A.He wanted to learn to play tabla from the author.

B.He was a student on the way to a university.

C.He took his examinations seriously.

D.He wished to find a job in Tilak Nagar.

4.What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?

A.To tell readers he got to know an Indian young man.

B.To imply it was unsafe to travel alone in India.

C.To complain the messy and dirty Indian train.

D.To share his first time on a train in India.



    Day 1 Arrival/Harbin

Places to visit: Central Street, Zhaolin Park Ice Lantern Art Fair

Upon arriving in the ice city Harbin in the early afternoon, you will be met by local English-speaking guide at Harbin airport or railway station and then start your trip from the Central Street.

The Central Street was originally built in 1898 when there were abundant of Russian businessmen in Harbin. It's a good place to see architectural styles and taste different cuisine.

In the evening, you will visit the Ice Lantern Fair in Zhaolin Park. You can see pretty ice sculptures when the ice sculptures are lit, which looks like a magical world.

Day 2 Harbin

Places to visit: Siberian Tiger Park, Ice and Snow World

In the daytime you will make an adventure in the Siberian Tiger Park, the largest natural park for wild Siberian tigers of China, even in the world. There are over 500 Siberian tigers in this park. Here you can see wild tigers closely and take some fantastic photos.

In the evening you will go to visit the Ice and Snow World. It is full of awesome ice and snow sculptures created by artists from all around the world.

Day 3 Harbin/Departure

Places to visit: Winter Swimming Performance, Ice Activities

As the Ice City, Harbin is an ideal place to have winter swimming activities. The average temperature here is - 18 °C in winter and many local people had got used to taking winter swimming. You can see all kinds of people males, females, from youth to 70 years old men swim through the frozen surface of the Songhua River. Also there is Winter Swimming Competition held in Harbin every year.

In the afternoon you will take your own arranged train or flight back home.

1.Who is the passage intended for?

A.People in the local areas.

B.Visitors from abroad.

C.Artists interested in ice.

D.Children fond of magic.

2.What can you see on the second day in Harbin?

A.Wild Siberian tigers of China.

B.Special architectural styles.

C.The swimming competition.

D.Different delicious dishes.

3.What can we know about Harbin in winter according to the text?

A.The temperature there is about -18 °C on average in winter.

B.People living there get accustomed to swimming.

C.The Songhua River is the only frozen river there.

D.Winter Swimming Competition is held every month.



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